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A Heart Reborn

Page 34

by BK Harrell

  “You can’t run from me, Angela Collins. I know where you are, and I’m coming for payback.”

  Elisha dropped the phone as if it was on fire and collapsed to the ground.

  The End

  From the Author

  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for reading this book. This represents a lot of time, dedication and love. This story was a little different from the first two books. I have to say that it was my favorite book to write. Dr. Sarah Buckley has been on my mind to write since I created her character in The Infertile Heart. The real Sarah Buckley, while not a doctor, is a truly lovely person who is so full of life and love. Those that know her would all agree. The characters for this story were a joy to write. I certainly enjoyed creating Harrison Cooper and his baseball career. I hope that you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  I wanted to give you a little insight in to what’s coming up. The next Doctors of Atlanta release is entitled The Hidden Heart and is the story of Elisha Martin and Jeremiah Ashton. We have all grown to love these characters in the first two books and their love story will be intense, suspenseful and steamy. You will meet a new cast of characters along with the ones we have grown to love. These characters, the brothers and sister of Jeremiah will get their own series in late 2019 entitles Ashton’s Ferry. This will be my foray into the small-town romance and I hope you will all enjoy reading it.

  Also this year, you can look forward to two more installments of the Sapphire Falls Kindle World series with the Glenn clan and their search for love. Next up will be Drake Glenn and his search for salvation and love with the one that got away. Molly was an inspiration and hopefully you will be inspired with Going to Catch My Flight.

  Again, thank you for taking the time to read and enjoy these books.

  About the Author

  BK Harrell is former Navy physician who has had a long love of writing. He specializes in medical, military and sports romance writing. He began seriously writing while deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 and has never looked back. Whether he is teaching, serving his country, educating people about the fine art of cigars, practicing medicine or spending time with friends and family he uses his diverse background to shape the world around him through words. Currently he writes the Doctors of Atlanta Series, Sapphire Kindle World Novellas and launching in late 2018 Ashton’s Ferry a small-town romance series.

  He uses his unique experiences and love of all things Atlanta, University of Georgia and sports to weave intricately detailed stories focused on Atlanta and the surrounding areas. His goal is to bring the same joy and excitement he sees in his own city to the readers and to allow them to experience the city through his eyes.

  Dr. Harrell is married to his beautiful wife Erin, a proud graduate of Auburn University, which makes multiple appearances in his books, and their wonderful one son. Dr. Harrell is a native of Augusta, GA and a proud graduate of the University of Georgia, Emory University, and proud to have been a member of the first ever graduating class of Georgia Campus Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He currently resides in the Atlanta area where he practices medicine and raises his family.

  From the Beginning…

  If you haven’t read the Doctors of Atlanta from the beginning, that’s okay. Here is a little preview to get your juices flowing.

  The Infertile Heart


  August 15, 2009

  What a day. Two unexpected high risk deliveries and another midsummer thunderstorm. Even as the rain drops continued to beat against the windows of his office and the lightening flashed over the city Lincoln refused to let his mood be dampened by the foul weather, but he could not help but be in a good mood as he looked at the first good ultrasound pictures of his and Elizabeth’s first child. For twelve years they had tried to have a child and they were finally blessed to see those two blue lines on the pregnancy test. At 35, Lincoln had had more success than most people would in a hundred years. He had become one of the top Obstetricians in the country and an extremely wealthy man with his discovery of a treatment for the genetic mutation that causes Cystic Fibrosis. Lincoln was not just a lucky man because of his accomplishments but because of the life he shared with the most amazing and caring woman he had ever known. Elizabeth had been there with him through the difficult times of medical school and residency and the unending hours of research looking to find a cure for the disease that had claimed the life of his little brother Joshua. Lincoln’s thoughts were uncorrupted by the storm raging outside his 27th floor office window because Lincoln could not help but think back to the day on January 17th, 1995 that changed his life for the better.


  January 17th, 1995

  Lincoln had always thought of himself as cursed and never able to find happiness until he met Elizabeth. She was a God send to him and his lonely life. After the death of his brother, his parents had split up not able to handle the death of a child and it had left an emptiness in his heart and soul that he had been unable to fill. Then one day while finishing up his master’s thesis in the University of Georgia library, this amazing woman walked through the door and literally fell into his life.

  Elizabeth was hurried and trying to find her study group and not paying attention to where she was going when the toe of her high heel caught on the frayed carpet causing her to stumble and drop everything she was carrying into a strangers lap where she unceremoniously followed.

  Instinctively Lincoln reached out to grab this falling beauty to keep her from hurting herself or him. When she was finally settled on his lap, Lincoln found himself gazing into the most beautiful and piercing blue eyes he had ever seen. Never at a loss for words, Lincoln found himself momentarily dumb struck, but aside from her eyes, Lincoln was overcome by the pure heat that suffused his body and traveled from his hands straight to his heart. Lincoln noticed the slight hitch in her breath and the blush that crept up her face as he continued to gaze into her eyes. Lincoln wondered if she was feeling the same thing he was. Not wanting to make this awkward, Lincoln moved his hand and helped the beautiful woman stand up.

  “I am so so sorry.” She said “I just started student teaching today my professor said to dress professionally hence the heels which I never wear by the way, I was late to my study group and hurried then the carpet jumped up and grabbed me but you.. you saved me from total embarrassment and face planting in front of all of these people…and my you are a big one aren’t you all muscles and shoulders” She peered at the quizzical look on Lincoln’s face. “Oh my gosh” she said with the most refined and cutest little southern accent. Straightening up she extended her hand. “I’m Elizabeth and I usually don’t ramble on like this. I must be more embarrassed from falling into your lap than I thought.”

  Lincoln took her hand in his immediately recognizing the warmth taking over his body, “Lincoln” he said. “It is very nice to meet you Elizabeth. Glad I could break your fall and keep you from face planting.”

  “Well it was nice to meet you, but I am late for my study group. Maybe we will run into each other again sometime.”

  “Hopefully” Lincoln said releasing her hand. He helped her collect her things. “Bye Elizabeth. You…uhh.. watch out for those carpet gophers. They will get you every time.” Lincoln said with a soft chuckle.

  Elizabeth smiled again and Lincoln swore it lit up the library like never before.

  “Thanks again.” With a slight wave Elizabeth bounded away.

  Uncharacteristically distracted by his chance meeting, Lincoln returned to his work. He could not concentrate on genetic engineering and the mutations responsible for cystic fibrosis. This was a new feeling for him as he had always been driven academically with an end state in mind, and the last thing on my mind had been that chance meeting. Lincoln pushed his research aside and thought to himself, I know that I am not solely a bookworm but given the choices between my studies and dating I have never found anyone other than the casual date for a social function that piqu
ed my interest enough to devote more time to the cause. I did not think of myself as a bad looking guy at six feet four inches tall, broad shouldered, athletic build with blue eyes but what was the point of leading someone down a path that would only lead to heartbreak. But now, as Lincoln sat trying to put his mind back on course all he could think about was the gentle scents of jasmine and vanilla that arose from her, the striking heart piercing blue eyes that instantly pierced his soul, and the beautiful waves of auburn hair that cascaded down her shoulders. Lincoln knew at that moment that he had to find her and see her again.

  As Lincoln left the library that chilled winter night, he found himself deep in thought and wondering whether or not he would ever see her again. Of all the lousy times to meet the one who had the power to take his breath away this was not it, and he still had no idea where to possibly find her. Unbeknownst to him, Lincoln’s mind was wandering just a little too much thinking about Elizabeth when his foot stepped off the pavement and he ungracefully fell down the front steps onto the North Campus Quad and fell right in front of her. Speechless was not a word for what he was feeling, had fate intervened and brought them together or was this just another of life’s cruel tricks. Momentarily stunned, Lincoln arose to my feet and quickly apologized for my falling at your her feet.

  She blushed the most beautiful shade of red. “Lincoln, I am so sorry I didn’t catch you after all turnabout would have been fair play.” Elizabeth said with a smile. “I didn’t think a guy could fall for me so quickly after I fell for him. At least I am not the only one to embarrass myself tonight or maybe we are bad for each other’s health.” She said with a giggle.

  Lincoln took her hand in his as she helped him up immediately feeling the same warmth and calm he had felt earlier.

  Lincoln asked her about her study group wanting to hear the angelic voice she possessed.

  Elizabeth proceeded to ramble on about the group until she realized she was the only one talking. Slightly embarrassed again she apologized stopped talking.

  “Please don’t stop. I really like the sound of your voice.” Lincoln said causing Elizabeth to blush. After chatting for a while and trying to find every excuse he could to move on, Lincoln asked her if she would like to walk downtown and grab a late night snack. After accepting his invitation, they walked across campus and headed downtown towards The Grille continuing to talk while they bonded over milkshakes and fries. Lincoln never would have imagined that he could fall so fast for someone despite his inner voice yelling at him to put on the brakes. Never wanting to marry or have children based on his own families experiences he found himself opening up and telling her things he had never told another soul, even his therapist. She told Lincoln she was an English major from outside of Augusta and they had actually not grown up far from each other. Although Lincoln was 2 years ahead of her but they did not know each other because they went to rival high schools.

  The first night seemed to stretch on for an eternity but yet the time passed so quickly. Finally, they said good night as he walked her to her car. At the moment they were saying goodbye, Lincoln could not remember for the life of him why he did it but he felt such a strong urge to hold her and kiss her. Lincoln moved in close and his hands gently cupping her face and allowed their lips to touch. She had such soft lips that were firm in her kiss but ever so relenting to his pressure. Lincoln gently nipped at her bottom lip begging entrance and she parted her lips but allowed Lincoln to control the kiss. Lincoln could taste the chocolate, salt, and a unique taste that his mind could only describe as Elizabeth.

  It was the most amazing kiss Lincoln had ever experienced. He could feel the heat down to depths of his soul and he could feel her melt into him with each passing second. The thoughts and feelings that he was having scared him to his core but yet there was a simple feeling of comfort and pleasure with her in his arms. Lincoln had never believed in the romance novel bullshit of love at first sight or the magical first kiss that his Delta Chi fraternity brothers’ girlfriends talked about, but this soul altering experience had him changing his mind. After the long kiss goodnight, they parted ways but only for the night. They quickly became inseparable and never again was there a question about his life being empty and lonely.

  By the spring, Lincoln was accepted to medical school and Elizabeth was graduating as well. It was a beautiful day and evening at the University of Georgia and he knew what needed to be done before it got too late. They were madly in love from the first time they met and kissed. She completed Lincoln physically, emotionally, and mentally. He had never met another person that could challenge him intellectually and push his sexual stamina to the test. But for some reason, God and fate had brought them together and tonight was the night he would put it all to the test. They went to dinner and decided to take a stroll back across north campus. She was holding his hand and snuggling into his shoulder as they came to the spot where Lincoln literally fell head over heels for her. As they approached the spot, Lincoln dropped down on one knee with God and everyone in attendance watching he slowly pulled out the ring. “Elizabeth, I never new happiness until I met you. You have been my sun, my wind, my earth. You have pushed me beyond the limits I thought I had and have brought me more feelings of love and devotion than I ever thought possible. Would you please grant me the greatest honor ever and marry me?”

  With tears in her eyes she said, “I could not think of a more perfect man to marry and with all of my heart and soul I love you and cannot wait to marry you.”

  Three months later in front of God, friends and family they were married. They spent the last two months prior to medical school spending time together and laughing and joking about the years to come. After spending a wonderful honeymoon in the Dominican Republic they came home to the life they desired.

  Elizabeth understood the demands Lincoln had placed on him with school and research. Many nights she was the only person who Lincoln felt understood what he was going through. In order to support them, Elizabeth took a job teaching English at her Alma Mater and even went to school at night to complete her master’s degree. Elizabeth’s love supported them both through the long days and weeks of studying as Lincoln worked for his dream. Lincoln knew that he would not have been as successful without her love and support.

  Even though their financial lives improved during his residency, the ruthless hours required at the hospital would keep them from seeing each other for days at a time and further hampered their ability to try and achieve Elizabeth’s dream of having children. Unfortunately, despite all of their efforts they had much difficulty conceiving a child even though all the specialist they visited told them there was nothing physiologically wrong with either one of them and that they should become pregnant in time.

  Finally three months ago, after 12 years of futility Elizabeth finally discovered that she was pregnant. Lincoln was so overjoyed that he could not contain himself. Finally, Lincoln was going to be a father and their love had produced a child that would be equal parts of both of them.

  These first ultrasound pictures were just the icing on the cake. It made everything seem more real than it had the past few weeks. Lincoln finally understood the joy and happiness that he was able to provide to other couples, but he could not help to think how scared he was that he was going to be prisoner to a beautiful baby that would had already captured his heart.

  The silence of his thoughts was interrupted by his secretary Marcie telling him there was someone here to see him. Lincoln figured it was his next appointment Mrs. Stonewall to discuss her pregnancy. When he opened the door Lincoln was instantly shaken to his very core as two police officers stood grim faced asking to speak to him. Lincoln knew something was wrong from the minute he saw them. Lincoln could not think straight and after he sat down, he scarcely heard another word after they said Elizabeth had been killed in a car accident…



  Chapter 1

  August 15, 2012

  Elizabeth Renee Montgomery
  March 3, 1975

  August 15, 2009

  Beloved Wife, Friend, Daughter and Mother

  The weather matched his mood as gray, overcast and dour. Lincoln thought, Three years and I always find myself sitting right back here talking to you Elizabeth. I brought you roses today just to brighten your day. I do not understand why I cannot move on from you. I know we always said till death do us part but I never expected you to go first or so soon. I wake up every day hoping beyond hope that the hurt and barrenness will diminish but my life feels so empty without you. I still cannot spend any time at our lake house. I had the top floor of the office remodeled and turned into a penthouse suite so that I can avoid the emptiness and pain every time I go there. No matter how hard I try, your presence is everywhere I turn there and it has not helped me with my closure. The therapists says that we all grieve in our own way and there is no defined length of time for the process, but all that I know is my heart still has not been able to repair the hole that was ripped in it the day you died. I fear that I have built a thick stone wall around my heart that will never be penetrated. I do not think I could ever handle loving and losing again.


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