The Long Awaited Lord
Page 27
“We tried but half-heartedly, I’ll admit.” Leo took one of her hands and examined it. He flipped it over and studied her palm before allowing his thumb to stroke at its center.
Madison could feel herself sinking into a place of no return. It was like a warm pool that promised great pleasure. She struggled to stay above the water and listen, even as Leo’s actions make her toes curl.
“We would never have won a fight outright,” he whispered. He seemed intent on her hand, fascinated with the creases. “We tried to lay traps for him, but he was too good. Too suspicious.” He stroked his thumb up to her wrist and she gasped.
He looked up and Madison’s mouth fell open at the dark yearning she saw in his eyes. Her heart fluttered.
He stood and since he still held her hand, she was forced to rise as well. “Let’s go to our room. I’ll not be interrupted again.”
“But we were discussing…” She paused and tried to recall. Then it came to her. “Your father.”
He smiled. “He can wait. I can’t.”
* * *
Leo walked into his brother’s office to find Oliver and Belle in much the same position as Wess had found him and Madison just hours ago.
Belle, being only half her husband’s height, was up in his arms. Her fingers were locked in his hair as they consumed each other’s mouths.
He crossed his arms and leaned against the door, certain that one of them would realize he was there. There was a party happening with almost thirty guests in attendance. Surely, Oliver was aware that anyone could walk in on him.
But Leo supposed he could have knocked…
He was more than a little fascinated by this display of affection and need, especially when it always seemed like neither had needed anything before they’d finally wed. Belle had changed Oliver, but then he’d done the same for her.
It was hard for Leo to believe his brother had truly given himself to someone. He was always so controlled. Yet Belle had managed to call out his inner beast and take it by the horns.
Leo was used to watching people, but this being his brother, he had to stop it before it went too far.
Oliver growled against his wife’s lips. “I’m going to put a baby inside of you.”
Leo cleared his throat and began to choke.
Belle pulled away from her husband slowly. Oliver began to lower her, but she squeezed his shoulder and he stopped. Poised in her husband’s hold, she turned to Leo. There was neither shame nor embarrassment in her large brown eyes. “Yes, Leo? Did you need something?”
Leo grinned. Belle had never been a normal lady. With her comely looks and twinkling eyes, Leo had watched her stir sexual tension in more than one ballroom.
She was fierce, yet with a soft heart.
“I needed to speak to my brother,” Leo said. “Nick is on his way as well.” There were other matters to discuss that Leo had been putting aside. The morning hunt had reminded Leo of the reason his brother had banned him from the property.
“The people in the cave,” Oliver announced.
Leo nodded.
This time, when Oliver set his wife on his feet, she didn’t protest.
“Send someone for Cassius and Remy,” Oliver said. “They’ll need to know the plan as well.”
Belle remained and the leaders of Cassius’ organization gathered. There were a few missing. Some had to stay alert for a murderer. Others were on various missions elsewhere.
Leo remained by the door. Madison was with him. He wanted her to see this and understand what it was he did.
Her eyes were wide with apprehension but alive with great interest. This was the side of Society few knew anything about. People tended the think the pampered gentlemen in the House of Lords ran the country, but it was in the shadows where change was made.
Madison’s skin was slightly flushed. He wanted to kiss her parted mouth.
Leo turned his gaze from his wife before his thoughts could turn into actions and looked at the assembly.
Though Oliver was larger and owned the space they stood in, Cassius took charge. There was something about the man that demanded even the strongest man’s respect. He was powerful with or without his title.
Leo liked him for his character. He had few limits when it came to avenging the helpless and disadvantaged of Society. He was dangerous but merciful. He cared about the broken children of England and Leo, having been one of them, couldn’t think of a better man to follow.
Since he’d taken the title over a year ago, Cassius had freed many, but the fight for the lives of the vulnerable was not over.
The Duke of Van Dero’s golden hazel eyes raked over the room. “In a week’s time, London will wake to the news that the men and women my predecessor thought to have murdered were actually spared and hidden from sight.”
Gregory, the former Duke of Van Dero, had been a villain. He’d hired assassins to kill anyone who got in his way or displeased him. He’d built his wealth and empire with blood and without guilt. Cassius was nothing like him and worked tirelessly to right his distant cousin’s wrongs.
Cassius leaned against the front of the desk and crossed his arms. “Many of you know that Oliver was an assassin for Gregory before he came to work for me. Oliver hid people in the mountains north of here and on this very property. These ladies and gentlemen have waited a full year after Gregory’s death before returning to Society and we are going to help them do it.”
Leo tried to imagine that this would work out. Many of the hidden had lost their properties and wealth. They’d be reclaiming titles and positions. For the most part, Leo thought they’d be well received, but he knew there would be some tension when they arrived.
“What is the plan?” Remy asked. A former military general, the man would be leading whatever came next.
“Milly is planning a ball, a grand one at the start of the Season,” Cassius said.
“So, we’re not easing them in,” Oliver said.
Cassius shook his head. “No. If they come in with force, there will be less resistance. Put the elite on the spot, and they’ll have no choice but to accept their fellow peers.”
It was a good plan.
“Who’s going to the mountains?” Remy asked.
“Husher was already sent with a team a few months ago,” Oliver said. “I can’t imagine winter has made their journey easy, especially when they’ll be traveling with the elderly and children. They’ll be arriving here by the end of the week, hopefully.”
∫ ∫ ∫
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* * *
Madison stood mute as she listened to everyone discuss how the hidden men and women would be broken into groups, who would be in charge of their security, and where the funds for their livelihood would come from.
She looked at Leo and found he was watching her.
“What?” he asked. He must have noticed the question in her eyes.
She swallowed. “I don’t understand why you all are doing this for complete strangers. Why does Cassius feel responsible for them?”
Leo shrugged. “Well, he’s a wealthy man and much of his wealth came from those who were hurt years ago but also he simply cares and rarely sees a problem he deems shouldn’t be fixed.”
“You care as well,” she said. “It’s why you do it.”
He turned to her and kept his shoulder against the wall. “Someone has to stand up for those who have been wronged.”
Madison’s heart raced with deep love for her husband. “What else have you done?”
He shrugged. “I helped gather a few homeless boys off the streets before someone took advantage of them, freed a few people, found the lost.” He shrugged again. “I did anything that needed doing.”
“Did you work for Gregory as well?” She glanced at Oliver. She found it hard to believe that someone as kind as him would have worked with a creature as disgusting as Gregory.
“Oliver only worked for Gregory to set Belle free. He sold his own freedom for her. She’d been in debt
bondage when they’d met five years ago. Her own father, an earl, had sold her when she was young.”
Madison’s mouth fell open and her heart stopped. She looked at Belle and saw the woman standing very close to her husband. From her relaxed disposition, Madison would never have known the trials she’d faced.
She turned back to Leo. “I think I like your brother very much.”
Leo grinned. “I like him as well. I hope I can be half the man he is one day.”
She smiled. “You’re more than half. Don’t you see what you were willing to sacrifice in order to free me from Matthew? Your reputation at Oxford and in Society. If I’d been lying, if I’d actually been Matthew’s wife, you could have been imprisoned for taking me or worse.”
Kidnapping a countess was no light offense.
“You’d have lost everything,” she whispered.
“And it would have been worth it to see you and Edmond happy.” There wasn’t even a flicker of tension in his eyes. “I’d do it all again. I have no regrets.”
Her pulse sped. She grew aroused by her husband’s convictions.
His gaze heated, and he lowered his head to where it almost touched hers. His voice was quiet. “I know where your mind has gone.”
Her cheeks burned, and her belly quivered. Her chest felt tight as she fought to breathe normally. “I just had you,” she replied quietly. “There must be something wrong with me.” She often thought there was. Surely, other wives didn’t need coupling as much as she did.
She couldn’t even blame Edmond. She’d been this way before he’d come into the world.
Leo’s eyes softened. “There is nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect. Perfect for me.”
She smiled and bit her lip.
His gaze lowered to her mouth. His breath brushed her mouth when his breathing became hard. “I want to do so many things to you right now. Shall I tell you everything I want to do?” The hand close to the wall landed on her hip and pulled her closer.
Madison shook violently with need. She placed a hand on his chest and could feel the thumping of his heart. His desire vibrated through her fingers.
His mouth went to her ear. “Remember when I told you that I used to watch people? Envy those perfect little families?” He squeezed her hip. “I’ve seen things. There are things I’d like to try with you, do to you.”
She had to suppress a whimper. He shouldn’t be talking to her this way in public. She wouldn’t become aroused by the very action.
“Would you like that?” he asked.
She pulled back and met his eyes. She wanted him to see her answer before she gave it. She wanted him to feel just how deeply her emotions went. “Yes,” she breathed close to his mouth.
Leo growled.
A throat cleared. Then Belle said, “Madison, we need you to help us discuss the ball.”
Leo’s hold tightened on her hip. He glared down at Belle. “Actually, Madison and I were just about to go somewhere private.”
Madison’s face stung at Leo’s audacity. He could have just told the woman exactly what they planned to do and the sun hadn’t even fallen yet.
Belle giggled. “Sorry, but that will have to wait.” Then her voice dipped and she said, “It’s terrible being interrupted, isn’t it?” Her gaze narrowed some.
Leo’s narrowed greatly.
Madison looked between them and could guess the story behind Belle’s comment, yet before she could say anything, Belle pulled her away.
Leo grabbed her hand and stopped her. Then close to her ear, he hissed, “You are mine.”
Madison had to straighten her legs to keep from convulsing right there in the middle of the room.
“Later.” He brushed his mouth against her cheek and then let her go.
The simple touch spread down her throat and shimmied down her spine. Her legs were like pudding as Belle led her away.
“I’m glad Leo found you,” Belle said when Madison managed to pull her thoughts from the embers of desire. “I worried about him. He was always disappearing and never staying long enough to make connections. Now, he has a reason to stay.”
Madison stared at Belle and still couldn’t see the woman’s former pain.
Belle smiled. “He told you about me, didn’t he? I don’t mind. I tell anyone who wishes to inquire. My life wasn’t an easy one, but I learned how to be happy. I fought for my happiness.”
They settled at the end of a couch.
Madison sighed. “I want Leo to be happy, to understand that his family accepts him. I’m fighting for that now.”
“Good.” Belle squeezed her hand. “You, me, and Elisa will get those brothers back in one accord if it’s the last thing we do.”
“Nicholas and Oliver seem to get on well.”
Belle nodded. “But their father hangs over everything. Oliver is still haunted by it. I see it in his eyes sometimes, but not often. I want him free and I think Leo is the key.”
Madison thought so as well.
She turned toward Leo just as she reached Oliver’s side. Nick approached as well. The three looked good together.
Elisa joined them. She’d just wandered into the room. Her brown eyes seemed half awake and Madison wondered if the woman had just risen from a nap. “What did I miss?”
Belle told her everything that had happened in the meeting and then everything she and Madison had discussed.
Elisa blinked and came alive. “Yes, Nick needs the ghost of his father vanquished. Are you and Leo coming to London for the Season?”
Madison nodded. “I’ll try to persuade Leo to spend more time with Nick and Oliver.”
“Do what you must.” Belle’s eyes glittered mischievously. “A happy man rarely tells his wife no.”
Elisa fluttered her dark lashes. “I can hardly recall the word.”
They all laughed.
“I don’t know if I like what I see,” Leo said.
Madison turned to find the brothers standing over their wives. Their gazes were various mixtures of suspicion and amusement.
“Do you suppose they are plotting against us?” Leo lifted a brow at Madison.
Oliver grunted and crossed his arms. “Would they be our wives if they didn’t?” His eyes held less amusement than Leo.
Nick’s gaze was the mirror of happiness. “Elisa, are you all planning something?”
His wife’s voice was as soft as her expression. “Yes, but it’ll all be for your betterment.”
Madison felt herself blush at the woman’s honesty and peeked up at Leo.
His lips remained turned up even as she could feel him trying to search her face for answers.
“Don’t you men have somewhere to be?” Belle asked Oliver. “You’ve never been so fascinated with what I have to say before. Why don’t you go tend to your mountain? I’m sure there’s some rock that needs dusting.”
Elisa’s laughed loud enough to make eyes turn. She didn’t apologize for it either.
Madison pressed her lips together and covered her mouth as giggles spilled.
She hadn’t laughed this much in a long time. Even with everything else that was going on, there were so many reasons to smile. There was so much happiness here. She almost wished they could stay forever.
“You’ve had my wife long enough,” Leo said. “I’m taking her now.” He held his hand out.
took it readily and stood.
“But we were just getting to know each other,” Belle said. “I’ve never had sisters before. You’ll have to bring her around often, Leo.”
Leo sighed as though what Belle suggested was taxing. “I suppose I could visit on occasion.”
Madison’s heart fluttered.
“And bring the boys.” Oliver was still glaring at Belle. “The cousins should get to know each other.”
“Cousins?” Madison asked the marquess. “Do you have children?”
“Not yet,” he said, grinning at his wife.
Belle transformed instantly.
A blush Madison wouldn’t have thought impossible painted the woman’s face and neck. She even looked a little nervous.
Oliver grinned.
“I won’t be interrupting again.” Leo started away and Madison was forced to follow.
“You interrupted them before?” Madison asked.
He nodded. “In this very room. The door was unlocked, and they didn’t even notice when I entered. Do you see the power you women have over us?”
Madison smiled and allowed the naughty comment in her head to flow out of her mouth. “I prefer having you over me.”
Leo gaped. His nostrils flared and then he was running from the room.
And Madison was laughing again.
∫ ∫ ∫
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* * *
“I can’t imagine you becoming a professor and leaving all of this behind.”
Leo tightened his arms around Madison. Her fingers played over one side of his chest. Her head rested on his naked shoulder.
“Your job is… unusual,” she said. “But you’ve helped so many. I can’t imagine what will happen if you stop.”
His fingers stroked up and down her bare shoulder. “There will be others. So long as Cassius lives there will always be those he will recruit for this campaign against injustice.”
She turned over in the bed and sat up on her elbows. Her hair fell around her gentle face.
He thought about all the things he’d do for that face. The blood he’d be willing to spill. The fires he’d run through. The oceans he’d crossed.
He’d never let her go.
She was under his skin and deep inside.
He could feel her in his heartbeat. When he was near her, breathing only seemed essential so long as he could smell her lush scent. His every sense sought her out.
She spoke quietly. “From the moment I saw you, I knew you were… different.”
Leo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up and over his body, needing her skin on every part of his. “Different?”
“Dangerous.” She smiled. “You took what your father made and created something beautiful. You turned a simple fighter unto a warrior, a soldier on the side for good.” She spread her fingers over his chest. “How does it feel?”