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Stone, Rayna - Safe Haven (Mastering Holly Oaks 2) [Siren Publishing Classic]

Page 9

by Rayna Stone

  After all the details were ironed out, James stared at Troy. “How are things going with Kelly? She looks happy. I think you’re really good for her, man.”

  Troy heard the implied threat. “We are happy, James. I’m not going to hurt her or play on her emotions. You don’t have to worry about protecting her from me. She’s been through hell, but I think she’s ready to have a future. I plan on being there. Protecting her is my job now, understand?” He didn’t want to piss anyone off, but he would make it clear that she was his woman now.

  James relaxed back into his chair. “Good. Jesus, man. I knew some of the shit that happened to her, but I had no idea how bad it was. She never got into the severity of his physical abuse. I knew he tried to turn her into his slave, but when I saw those scars, I just never knew it was that bad.” Everyone was shaking their head.

  “He beat her occasionally, but the last attack was bad. She was in the hospital for a week. Her parents left her in the emergency room once they realized she’d named Flynn as her attacker. They had to knock her out just to stitch her up. I could kill him for putting her through that, but the way he took over her mind was worse. I think she still blames herself, thinks she should have been strong enough to notice what was happening and get out earlier. I don’t know if she’ll ever understand and accept that she was not to blame for any of it.”

  Mac had started to pace. “Not strong enough? Jesus, Serenity wouldn’t even be born yet if Kelly hadn’t taken charge. Shit, Jay was passed out, and I have never in my life been more useless. She threatened Kat and then pulled her through that delivery like she’d been doing it for years. It was incredible.” He stopped midpace. “Have you looked at that Flynn guy? Is there any chance that he’s the one behind all this?”

  Yeah, Troy had looked up the fucker. “He’s in Florida. He didn’t get too much time. He made a plea deal. It was a total shit deal, but Kelly’s attorney advised she accept it. He told her that given the situation and Flynn’s place in society, it would be a media circus. He was right, but it was still a shitty damn deal. Kelly must have been beside herself. She was totally alone. Just the thought of all the things people would accuse her of or say about her was probably terrifying. She took the deal and got the hell out of town. He spent five years in jail. Five years. It makes me sick.

  “As soon as I finished reading her police report, I got into the database to check him out. I wasn’t looking at him for any of this. I just wanted to make sure the fucker wasn’t anywhere near her. He’s been in Florida doing people’s taxes since his release. He checks in with his parole officer once a week and there haven’t been any complaints about him. He has two more years of parole and a lifetime restraining order from Kelly. I doubt his pansy ass will ever come around her again.

  “After the last victim turned up, I called down to Florida just to make sure he wasn’t city hopping. He checked in the day of the murder. I just don’t see that’s it’s possible for him to be the suspect. Even if he could physically get here and back so much, Kelly would have recognized him. I mean, to assume it’s him, he would have to be a traveling genius and a pro at disguise. I just don’t see it, but I’ll call his parole officer again to make sure he keeps an eye on him.”

  * * * *

  Troy needed to head back to the station and get with the technicians. The DNA specialist seemed extremely excited. She’d found sweat on one of her swabs that came from two donors. Right now, she could only determine that one donor was male and one was female, but odds were good that it would be the killer and the victim. Once the profiles were complete, they could run the unknown through state and national databases. It they got a hit it would be a miracle, but if not, at least they had something to nail the guy with when they found him. His DNA on her body would be really fucking hard to explain away. At least it was something.

  By the time he got back to Kelly’s, it was after midnight and he was exhausted. He was also furious. They had analyzed the dress found at the last crime scene. It was the same dress that Kelly had worn at the club their first night together. That fucker had paid some teenager to go to the same boutique Kelly shopped at the very next day and purchase the same dress in the same size. The clerk was too busy trying to calculate her commission to take much notice of the kid other than to say he was excited because some guy paid him fifty bucks to come in and get the dress. Of course, he also gave him the precise amount of cash to pay for the dress.

  The bastard had gone beyond personal. This was a direct threat against Kelly, and Troy was going to hunt him down and kill him. Fuck his job, and fuck procedure. Troy didn’t even know Kelly’s size. He had to ask the sales clerk if it matched the dress Kelly had purchased. Thankfully she was a regular customer and the woman knew her well. He didn’t want to freak out Kelly by telling her any of this yet, but he couldn’t hide it for long. This guy was watching her and had been for longer than Troy thought. Had he been in the house? Jesus, just the thought that he could have been that close to Kelly made Troy’s blood run cold.

  He saw her sleeping all cuddled up on the couch. She had the phone cradled in her hand and there were club member profile sheets scattered all over the coffee table. She must have been on the phone for hours today. He gently picked her up and took her to bed. She didn’t even wake when he settled into bed with her and pulled her close. He could not lose this woman. He was falling in love with her. He fell asleep holding her tight.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Oh, shit. Seriously? Come on, Serenity. How is it possible to miss the spit-up rag every freaking time?” Kelly was rushing over to Kat to hand off the baby. She had to keep extra clothes at Mac’s now because every single time she held that child it ended up spewing something on her clothes.

  “How can something that little be so utterly disgusting? I’m not buying her one more dress until she can learn to respect clothing.” She might as well have been talking to herself. Kat and Lily were looking at Serenity like she had just invented gravity. She had to admit, she found herself staring at her in awe all the time. It was like she just couldn’t stand the thought of missing her smile. They’d all have to get over that soon. It wouldn’t help this kid succeed in life if she were praised for simply taking a shit. Lord, babies made people stupid.

  She stomped up to the guest room where she kept all her things. That was another thing that would have to change soon. It had been a month since they warned everyone about the serial killer. There hadn’t been another victim, thank God, but there also hadn’t been any more leads. He had fallen silent, and now they were all just waiting on pins and needles for his next move.

  The club had been a ghost town. Nobody trusted anyone else, and people were scared. Kelly couldn’t blame them for wanting to stay home, she was scared, too, but at this rate, they might have to shut down until people were ready to socialize again. Kelly choked on a laugh. She wouldn’t kid herself. Until they found this monster, people wouldn’t be going to the club. It was one thing for a person to know they were risking their safety by going to the clubs the victims had gone to. It was another thing to know the killer was socializing with them in plain sight. He wasn’t hiding behind a mask at Exchanges. He could be a person’s best fucking friend.

  Kelly slumped down onto the bed. That club was like a home to her. Whenever she wanted to see one of the guys, or have lunch with Kat, that was where they ended up. They had built a community there and now someone had betrayed that community and made its members afraid of one another. She didn’t know if it could ever be the same, which was a rather moot point since they had to catch the killer before the community could heal. And who knew when the fuck that would happen. They didn’t even know if he was still in town. Kelly just knew something had to change.

  Troy was stressed beyond belief. He was living with her and working close to sixteen hours a day. None of the women could go anywhere alone. She’d spent so much time at James and Ryan’s vet clinic she could probably write horror novels about all the nasty shit
she’d seen. And to top it all off, the guys were still going to the Denver clubs every weekend. They couldn’t keep this up, and she hated how much power the killer had over their lives.

  Kat came in and lay down next to her on the bed. “What’s up, Kel?”

  Kelly turned over and put her head in her hands. “What are we going to do, Kat? Troy says serial killers only stop when they’re caught or killed. He thinks this guy is just lurking around, waiting to make a move. How long can this go on? What if it’s years, Kat? I read that sometimes they go years before killing again. I can’t live like this for years, can you?”

  Kat stared at the ceiling and blew out a frustrated breath. “No. Mac’s been talking about relocating for a while. I keep telling him that I won’t go yet. This is my home now, but I also can’t imagine looking over my shoulder every time I go out. Been there and am so done with that. What about when Serenity starts to walk? How am I supposed to let her get even one foot away from me in our own backyard if I’m worried some sicko could snatch her up? I know he’s taking young women, but I don’t think I could ever not worry he’d take my baby.” Kelly could understand Kat’s fear. Jesus, would they really leave? She couldn’t imagine not having them all here in her life.

  “What if we bait him?” Kat asked. Kelly looked at her like she had a nut loose. “I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about this. He’s made contact with Troy, right? He taunted him with a note and your dress. It’s like he’s obsessed with Troy, and you’re Troy’s girl. What if you guys do something that’s impossible to ignore?” Kat sat up with determination. She was really serious about this.

  Kelly thought about it for a minute. He had made Troy his target within law enforcement. And he was at the club during their first night together and Kat’s party. Maybe Kat was right. Why else would he stage her dress at a crime scene if he didn’t want to threaten Troy? Maybe if they had a public scene at the club it would trigger something in him, and he’d make contact again. Of course, that would likely mean he would kill another girl. She could never live with herself if that happened. “Kat, if we did something and he killed an innocent girl, what then? I could handle making myself bait if it meant Troy had a chance of catching him. Troy would never go for it, but if that were the goal, I could figure out a way to do it. But what if he just wants to keep Troy on the hunt? I don’t think I could handle it if I thought I had anything to do with a girl dying.”

  Kat fell back down to the bed. “Yeah, I didn’t really think of that. Shit, this is crazy. He’s made it so personal I guess I just forget that he could take anyone. It feels like we’re the ones he’s targeting now, you know?” Yeah. Kelly definitely knew. She felt like he was watching every move she made. Just then they heard Serenity start crying and Lily’s soothing voice. Kat was smiling with a mischievous glint in her eye.

  “Hey, Kelly, what do you think about Lily? She’s really good with the baby. I think she’s fun. I never would have guessed she was such a sarcastic little thing! When she’s working, she’s so respectful to everyone. But now that we’re getting to know her, she has a devious little personality, right?” Kelly nodded her head in agreement. She really did like Lily now that she was becoming one of their own.

  Kat surprised Kelly by flipping over on the bed. “Oh, God, Kel, I love her! She’s like a tiny pocket elf, just flitting around and saying shit that leaves me peeing in my pants. Very observant, that one. What do you think sex between Kent and Lily would be like?” Kat was scrunching her face up in severe concentration. What the hell? Where did that come from? Kelly didn’t even answer, just stared at Kat.

  “What? I’m up at all hours of the night with a screaming baby! I know what sex is like with Mac and Jay. My mind wanders. Sue me. I tried to imagine sex between you and Troy, but quite frankly, I can’t seem to figure out who cuffs whom there. And I know you too well, it’s disturbing. So now I’m on to Kent and Lily. And honestly? I just can’t see it. I mean, he’s freaking huge. I’ve never seen his manly bits, but if they’re proportional, he’s got to be a friggin’ rock star. And she’s so itty bitty. I think he’d kill her.” Kat was completely serious. She had really been pondering everyone’s sex life. Kelly felt a little creeped out by that. Still, now that she brought it up, Kelly had to think about it. Damn it. It was like someone singing “Puff, the Magic Dragon.” She hated that fucking song, but every time someone hummed a bit, she had it in her head for a week. And now she was picturing the sexual possibilities between Kent and little Lily.

  “Well, I have seen his manly bits, and let me tell you…Here come the Titans. I mean, that man could make some serious green in the porn industry. But now that you mention it, she does seem a bit small. If they ever get their shit together and hook up, maybe we should invest in lube.” They were both reduced to giggles when Lily walked in with the baby.

  “What’s so funny?” Lily innocently asked.

  * * * *

  He couldn’t stand it much longer. Watching lovely Kelly lounging around with her friends and laughing like a schoolgirl. He had done so much for her, learned so much for her. Years of planning, just to become the perfect Master for her, and she had ruined everything. And now all her friends were trying to ruin his new plans.

  That fucking detective and his friends were everywhere. He couldn’t go to any clubs, couldn’t even get a goddamn drink at Exchanges, without everyone looking at him with suspicion in their eyes. That wouldn’t do. He had hoped to play with them a little longer, but it was becoming too risky. It was time to finish his business here and move on. Kelly had taken too much from him as it was. He knew there was a woman out there worthy of him. It was time to end this and begin the search for her. He would make sure Kelly and Detective Davis suffered a little more, then he would truly punish them. Kelly would die for choosing another. He would let Davis live. Let him feel the pain of knowing he could not have the one he loved.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kelly went to the club the next day to look over the books. She really wanted to find a way to keep Exchanges open, but if business didn’t pick up soon, she didn’t see that happening. Kent and Lily were behind the bar stocking glasses and sneaking covert glances at each other. Kelly smiled to herself wondering how long Kent would be able to hold out against her charm.

  “Hey, guys. Anybody come in last night?” Kelly asked hopefully.

  Kent looked at her in sympathy. “Not really. There are a few Doms that keep dropping by, but I think they’re just keeping an eye out. I think everyone’s a little too freaked out to relax around here right now.”

  “Well, can you blame them?” Kelly swiveled around to see Roger ambling up to the bar.

  “Mistress, it’s good to see you.” He started to kneel when Kelly hopped off her seat and pulled him up. “Roger, I’ve told you, I’m not your Mistress, honey. You don’t need to kneel for me anymore.” She tried to sound soothing. Roger was such a deeply submissive man that it was difficult for him to treat her as an equal even though it had been four years since she’d trained him.

  “Of course, Kelly. You know I just prefer to show you the proper deference.” Roger helped Kelly back into her seat and sat next to her. “It’s terrifying to know that such a dangerous man has been right here among us. He just waltzed right through all our security measures.” He was shaking his head in bewilderment. Kelly agreed with him. She had been racking her brain, trying to figure out how that happened, but the simple truth was, there wasn’t much more they could do to protect their members. Dangerous people would always find a way to integrate with society.

  Kent leaned over the bar in contemplation. “What I don’t get is why all his victims have been from Denver. I mean, I realize he could hide his identity in those clubs, but it’s not like all our members are from town. Wouldn’t it be easier to get a girl to agree to meet him after the club? He wouldn’t have to risk leaving with her. Nobody would probably even connect that they were planning to meet. I just think it seems a bit risky to walk around Denv
er in a freaking hood with a drugged-out woman.” Kelly noticed that Lily had stopped working to listen to Kent. She also noticed that Lily didn’t look too impressed with Kent’s observations. In fact, it kind of looked like she wanted to call him stupid.

  “Lily? You don’t agree with Kent?” Lily’s eyes widened and she took a step back. Ahh, little Lily was a very submissive one herself when it came to certain people. She didn’t want to contradict Kent. “It’s okay, honey. I really want to hear what you think,” Kelly encouraged.

  Lily bit her lip and then took a determined breath. “Well, it’s just that he’s too weak to try to take a sub from here.”

  Roger tipped his chair back in astonishment. “Too weak? Have you heard about what he does to those women?” he asked.

  Lily gave him a look of disdain. “Well, Roger, that’s kind of my point. A real Dom doesn’t have to beat the shit out of a woman to gain her submission or prove his dominance over her. This guy isn’t a real Dom, and he knows it.”

  Kent was all ears now and looking at Lily like he was seeing just how intelligent she was for the first time. “Explain, little one.”

  At the endearment, Lily practically softened into a little puddle. Jesus, she’d have to figure out a way to help these two along. “Well, I took a lot of criminal psychology courses in college. It’s like when rapists and murderers target really young or old women. It’s not because they’re necessarily attracted to those women, it’s because they’re intimidated by women in their own age group or social class. They feel inept around strong women. They probably don’t have any success in relationships, and they don’t have any control over the women that have been in their lives. So, in order to feel powerful, they target women that are either emotionally or physically weak.

  “This guy is a member here, right? He would know that the subs here receive training. They know the difference between a strong Dom and an abusive poser. He’s no match for them, and that’s intimidating to him. In Denver, he’s targeting the young girls that are extremely new to the scene. They’re already nervous, and they have no idea what a truly powerful man is like. He feels comfortable taking them. Just the fact that he’s probably drugging them shows how incompetent he really is. He’ll take every advantage to make sure they can’t fight him until he has them tied down and terrified. They have to be at a physical and emotional disadvantage for him to feel confident. Like I said, he’s weak.” With that, Lily shrugged her shoulders and spun away like she hadn’t just psychoanalyzed the shit out of a serial killer. Damn. She was right. It made total sense. It was every article she had ever read about abusive men. If only that kind of profile could help them out. Unfortunately, they still didn’t know how to figure out which member she had just described. Unless…


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