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Moonlight and Margaritas

Page 3

by Stark, Cindy

  "I'd like that." She fingered the diamond teardrop resting between her breasts, and he had a hard time keeping his gaze on her face.

  He ached to reach out and touch her. He'd thought he was the seducer in this game they played, but damn if she didn't have him chasing after her like a lemon after a strong shot of tequila. He'd have to slow things down, or they'd be going at it right there in the sand. That wasn't his style. He'd reached the point in life where he liked to take his time and enjoy a woman. Something he'd missed as a younger man, and that included a thorough seduction, even for a one-nighter.

  What better place to start than a moonlit beach? If he played his cards right, he'd have the upper hand again in no time flat.

  He loved the ocean at night. The peacefulness, the solitude, the rush of the water as it splashed onto the shore. It stirred his soul.

  He reached over and took her hand.

  She smiled up at him, seeming okay with the slower pace of things, and then she turned her attention back to the ocean. "It's so different, so beautiful out here without the sun shining. The shadows make it seem more mysterious, more exotic."

  "Uh-huh." He ran a thumb across the back of her hand, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. A few tendrils escaped Elena's updo, and he watched them curl in the breeze.

  Waves lapped against the sand, creating a steady, soothing rhythm. He and Elena walked in silence, the noise of the crowd fading behind them. It was nice to enjoy the company of a beautiful woman. She was just what he'd been looking for.

  Elena stopped and turned to him. "Thanks for convincing me to stay. You're amazing on the dance floor." She wiggled her hips, doing a quick salsa move, which he appreciated immensely.

  If she stuck around a little longer, he'd show her an even better time. He smiled. "You're welcome." He watched as she leaned over to slip off her shoes. Her sexy white dress danced over her curves, the halter-top giving him a peek-a-boo glimpse of her breasts. A heavy dose of lust rammed full force into him.

  Damn. This could be one hell of a ride. He swallowed, hard, as he mentally caressed her soft curves. If the fabric would move over just another inch…

  "I love the ocean." She grinned as she straightened, her sexy-as-hell strappy shoes dangling from her fingers. She turned and walked into the surf, soft waves tumbling over her feet. She was a vision, standing in the water, her white dress billowing around her. "Come on."

  Oh, yeah. This was going to be good. "Hang on a sec." He took off his shoes and followed her lead. Water slipped between his toes, cooling his feet. "This reminds me of growing up."

  "Oh? Were you born here?" The breeze let loose another strand of her hair, and he watched as it tickled the top of her shoulder.

  "No, in California, along the Pacific Coast." A bigger wave came, splashing water up his legs. "Near Santa Cruz. I lived in L.A. until a year ago when we relocated the family business back to Santa Cruz. Better rent and all that. Plus, the air's a little cleaner there. How about you?"

  "I'm from California, too, just a little farther south." She turned away and continued walking.

  He followed her. "So, where exactly is that?"

  She flashed a grin at him. "Does it matter?"

  That surprised him. "No. I guess it doesn't."

  She reached down in the calf-length water and splashed some at him.

  The droplets landed on his shirt. "Hey." He smiled and scooped a handful of water in her direction. It hit her squarely in her retreating butt, making the fabric cling to her ass.

  "Hey." She turned to him and laughed.

  He took a couple of big, lunging steps and grabbed her before she could get away again. "If you don't watch out, you're going to find yourself soaking wet."

  She widened her eyes, but a hint of a smile still lingered on her lips. "You wouldn't dare."

  "I might." He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

  She slipped from his grip and headed toward the beach. "You'll have to catch me first."

  He watched her go, her white dress glowing in the moonlight, the sound of her laughter carrying across the waves. It was beautiful. Crazy as that sounded, he couldn't think of a better way to describe his feelings.

  And he sure as hell didn't know why he'd had that thought to begin with.

  "Hey, Elena." He took a step toward her and then was knocked from behind when a large wave overtook him, soaking his shorts and knocking him off balance. He righted himself as he glanced at the retreating ocean, a curse teetering on his lips.

  "Oh, no!" Elena watched him from the shoreline, her face animated with amusement. At least she had the decency to tuck her lips inward, pretending she didn't find the whole damn thing hilarious.

  "Not funny." He wanted to sound stern, but couldn't. A smile crept across his lips, and his reaction was the end of her control as well. They shared a laugh.

  "Didn't you see it coming? Why do you think I headed toward the beach?"

  "Don't tell me you saw it and didn't warn me." He placed a hand on his heart in mock pain. "I think you need to come out here and apologize."

  She widened her grin and shook her head. "No way. You'll get me all wet."

  "I promise I won't. I just want an apology." He touched his lips with a finger.

  Her smile changed from merriment to something more dark and sensual. She bit her lower lip and took a step into the water. "You promise?"

  "I promise." Desire slammed into his gut harder than that rogue wave had hit him. She kept her eyes locked with his, and each slow step she took upped the ante. He swallowed as she reached him.

  She stood so close that their bodies touched, but he didn't wrap an arm around her. He placed his finger on his bottom lip again, though he was pretty sure he didn't need to remind her of what he wanted. Their gazes remained connected while the waves lapped at their legs. Something in her eyes told him that he was about to get everything he wanted and more. Her lips were pink and moist, and he thought he might die from anticipation.

  She dropped her gaze to his mouth, and with each breath she took, her breasts pressed against him, taunting him. She lifted a hand to his cheek. Taking her time, she slid her fingers past his ear and into his hair. With a gentle pressure, she pulled his head toward her, keeping her eyes trained on his lips.

  Their mouths connected and desire exploded through him like lightning over a stormy sea. He couldn't hold back any longer. He locked her in his arms, white hot heat surging through him as she surrendered to his kiss.

  * * *

  Elena melted against Joe, diving headfirst into the intoxicating feeling he aroused in her. He tasted amazing. His lips were soft, yet powerful. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she'd kissed a man, since she'd been held in a heated embrace. She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, molding her body to his, wanting to feel every inch of him next to her.

  "Damn, you feel good," he whispered against her mouth when they broke for air.

  Pleasure rolled through her. "You, too." He made her feel sexy and desirable, and that was heady stuff to her. "Don't stop." She claimed his lips, helping herself to another taste of his delicious kisses.

  Warm tingles flowed through her as his hand slid down her back, cupping her bottom, pressing her against him. She was crushed to his body, could feel exactly how much he wanted her, but she still wasn't close enough.

  He responded by deepening their kiss, his tongue playful and demanding. She ran her hands up his neck, burying them in his soft hair, flexing her fingers through the strands. She'd ignored her sexual needs for so long they were like brittle driftwood tossed on a fire. The smallest spark caught, turning her insides into an intense blaze.

  He tugged her hair as well, pulling the pins until her locks tumbled down her back and danced with the breeze.

  "Oh, yeah," he groaned. He fisted handfuls and pulled, tipping her head back, exposing her neck.

  She gasped and sucked in the salty ocean air as he nibbled his way down her sensitive throat.
"Joe," she whispered, her voice breathless. She'd made up her mind, she realized, when he'd first held her on the dance floor. "Take me home."

  He pulled back, his lust-glazed eyes studying her face. "Am I leaving you there alone?" His husky voice sounded sexy as hell.

  She paused, savoring the moment. "No."

  He crushed his mouth against hers.

  Another rogue wave assaulted them, breaking their kiss. Elena gasped as the cool water reached her bottom. She clung to Joe so that she wouldn't lose her footing, and then the water was gone, riding back out to sea.

  Joe laughed. "This is so great." He gestured to their surroundings, a huge grin on his face. "I haven't felt this good in a long time."

  Elena smiled, drawn in by his exhilaration, despite her wet clothing. Her heart pounded with excitement, leaving her feeling alive and carefree like she hadn't since…had she ever felt this way? She laughed. "I'm soaked."

  He pulled her back into his arms, his eyes sparkling. "Me, too. Who cares?"

  A jolt zinged through her. Yes. This was what she wanted. This carefree, live-for-the-moment approach to life. It was liberating.

  Elena's bungalow was nearby, and it didn't take them long to cross the beach to her private entrance. Joe had held her hand the whole way, and she couldn't wait to have him lying naked next to her.

  They stepped up onto the patio where cute little wicker loungers waited for her. Large potted palms provided privacy and pots of plumeria perfumed the air. Having a room right on the beach had been her idea and a great one at that. She glanced at Mercedes's cottage next door—she never shared a room with Mercedes, because her friend tended to bring home bed partners on a regular basis. No lights were on inside. Mercedes was probably still sashaying up against her guy at the club.

  Joe stopped her at the door, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her thoroughly, leaving her breathless. "I…" He paused, giving her a hesitant look. "I just want to be clear that I'm not looking for anything permanent here."

  She blinked, amazed that a guy could be so honest, especially before they'd had sex. She stood on tiptoes, returning his searing kiss. "Good. You sound like the right guy for me."

  He grinned. "Okay, then."

  She opened her purse. In a few heartbeats, she'd be making passionate love. Excitement bubbled inside her. She was crazy. This was crazy…but it was totally right.

  Something was wrong. She dug through the few contents in her purse. "Oh, no." This couldn't be happening. She filtered through the items again.

  "What?" Joe rested his hand on the small of her back.

  She released a frustrated sigh. "My key is gone." Here she was—she had a sexy man ready to ravish her, to fulfill her dreams of a sultry island affair, and she didn't have her damn key.

  In her mind, she raced back through the evening, trying to recall the last time she'd had it. "I must have dropped it at the table. That was the last time I opened my purse." She shifted, looking up at him. "I can't very well go to the lobby like this." She gestured to her soaked dress, knowing full well that white became transparent when wet. Everyone would get a nice glimpse of her sexy new underwear.

  He rubbed his hand up and down her back in a soothing gesture. "I'll take care of it." He pulled a phone out of his pocket and dialed. She listened as he explained the situation and then hung up.

  "They're sending someone right now."

  "Thank you." It bothered her a little that she'd gotten so caught up in the evening that she'd lost track of her key. "I appreciate the rescue."

  "No problem." He caressed her arm. "You're chilled. I don't have a jacket to offer, but I'll give you my shirt."

  "I'm okay. Plus, then you'll be cold."

  "I'm tough, and the water only got the bottom of my shorts wet. They're half dry already." He released her and undid the buttons down the front of his white cotton shirt. Her gaze followed as each one popped open, a tanned, well-toned chest showing underneath. "Besides, I'll be out of it soon enough anyway." He curved his lips into a sexy grin.

  Her mouth watered at his suggestion. He slipped out of his shirt, and her breath caught. Lord, help her. She'd felt his muscles when they'd danced and kissed, but seeing them in the flesh was an entirely different story. She was so glad they hadn't lost their moment along with her key.

  "Thank you." She put in one arm while he held the shirt, and then she turned to slide in her other arm. From behind, he slipped his hands around her as he tugged the soft cotton closed under her breasts and held her in an embrace. Instant heat flicked through her.

  "Is that better?" He rested his chin on her shoulder.

  "Much." Everything about him assaulted her senses, from his shirt that surrounded her, to the power radiating from his body pressed against her, to the fresh scent of his nautical-smelling cologne. She inhaled, loving every bit of it.

  His lips found the soft spot beneath her ear. "You're very sexy," he whispered. "Do you know that?"

  "I don't know. Maybe." Here in his arms, she felt amazingly sexy. She ran a tongue across her lips, wishing he were in front of her so that she could taste him.

  "Very sexy," he said. He caressed the underside of her breast with his thumb, while he devoured her neck with his kisses.

  She sighed, pleasure radiating from every cell in her body. She leaned back into him, lifting a hand over her shoulder to touch his cheek, his hair.

  She inhaled when his thumb hit bare skin. He'd slipped beneath his shirt and traced the deep vee of her dress. His strokes were sensitive, tantalizing. Her heart thundered with each movement.

  Every thought, every breath was tied to his slow journey. He inched closer, running his thumb beneath the fabric of her dress until he finally crested her nipple. She gasped.

  Enough. She shifted in his arms, needing to touch him, needing to get her hands on his skin. She'd taken a step into this uninhibited world, and now she couldn't stop. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning heavy against him, claiming his lips with a greedy kiss. He took a step back, and then another until he bumped against her door. She pressed forward as he gathered her in his arms, never breaking their kiss.

  It was a passionate assault. Now that she'd made her decision to spend the night with him, it was as though he'd unleashed the beast inside her. His lips, his hands were everywhere on her, and she couldn't get enough of him. He lifted her thigh, pressing his rock hard desire against her. She ground against him, wanting to feel more.

  "Excuse me."

  Elena broke away from Joe with a gasp. She'd completely forgotten the hotel was sending a key. Embarrassment heated her face as she turned to find a middle-age Latino man dressed in a suit. She recognized him as the attractive concierge she'd met earlier that day during check-in.

  "Miss Porter." He nodded. His expression remained polite, and he acted as though he'd done nothing more than interrupt their breakfast, instead of the intense encounter they'd been engaged in.

  "Mr. Gelinas, thank you so much for coming." She tugged Joe's shirt closed, although she was still decent underneath. "I seemed to have misplaced my key."

  "Not a problem." The concierge's gaze shifted to Joe and then back to her. What must he think of them? "Let me unlock this for you, ma'am, and then I'll have a new key sent over immediately."

  Within seconds, Mr. Gelinas opened the door and flipped on the porch light. He stepped to the side to allow her entry.

  "Thank you again, so much." Elena hesitated, not wanting to walk in front of both men, knowing Joe's shirt didn't cover nearly enough of her wet backside.

  "Yes, thanks for coming, Mario." Joe clapped him on the back. "You're a life saver."

  "That's what I'm here for. Please call again if you require further assistance, Miss Porter."

  Still no one moved, and the cold fabric plastered to her skin grew more uncomfortable. She might as well get it over with, or they'd be there all night. She lifted her chin and walked past the men like she didn't have a care in the world. She wondered if Mr. Gelin
as would notice her barely-concealed rear end. Joe would, of course.

  The door closed behind her, and she turned to find Joe watching her with a mischievous grin, dimples creasing his cheeks. "Busted."

  She couldn't help but laugh. "I'd say. What were you thinking, getting me so hot and bothered when you knew he was on his way?"

  He shrugged. "I never got past hot and bothered to consider him. I was only thinking about touching you."

  She shivered. "Who would have guessed?" She laughed softly. She imagined her eyes mirrored his. They both wanted each other. That was a fact, and one she would enjoy.

  Only one problem. This night was something she wanted to savor. If they didn't slow down, it would be over in a heartbeat.

  She slid off his shirt, watching him watch her. He visibly swallowed. She dropped the soft cotton on the edge of the couch, a tremble coursing through her as his gaze devoured her bare skin. "I'm going to remove these wet things, if you don't mind."

  He shook his head, not speaking. It seemed showing a little skin had allowed her to reclaim the advantage in their game of seduction. Another point for her. She smiled. "I'll only be a moment."

  * * *

  Joe watched Elena saunter across the carpet toward her bedroom, her finely-curved ass showing through the thin layer of wet fabric. The glimpse of white lace thong revived the erection Mr. Gelinas had tempered, and Joe was beyond tempted to follow her. To take her and tousle her properly on the bed.

  But, no. He'd wait. It was obvious she had something in mind. He'd been watching people for too long, not to recognize the signs of seduction. God knows, he'd used them a time or two.

  She wanted to seduce him? Fine, he thought as he stretched out on the couch, but he wasn't going to be easy. No, he'd make her work for it and enjoy every minute of it.


  Alone in her bedroom, Elena shivered with excitement. She was about to have her first one-night stand. Her mother would be shocked. Her daughter would be shocked. Hell, she was a little shocked herself…but would she change a thing?


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