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A Family Reunion

Page 35

by Jackson, Brenda

  Michael lifted a brow. “Should you be in trouble about anything, Kennedy?”

  Kennedy gazed at her father with uncertain eyes. “Not unless the school contacted you,” she said softly.

  Michael leaned back against the door. “No one at the school has contacted me.”

  Kennedy shrugged. “Well then,” she said calmly, as if dismissing the discussion.

  “Why would the school be calling me, Kennedy?” Michael asked. He had no intention of dismissing it.

  Sebrina suddenly appeared at Kennedy’s side. “It wasn’t her fault, Uncle Michael. Cherry Burgess started it all.”

  Michael looked at Taye, who hunched her shoulders to let him know she had no idea what the two girls were talking about. “And just what did Cherry Burgess start?”

  “She said a lot of bad things about Kennedy,” Monica said.

  Taye lifted her brow as she looked at her younger daughter. “Monica, how do you know about any of this? You don’t attend their school.”

  “But they told me all about it and said it was supposed to be a secret and not to tell.”

  Taye tried not to smile, wondering if Monica realized that she was indeed telling. “Thanks for your contribution, Monica, but we prefer hearing the entire story from Sebrina and Kennedy.” Taye then turned her attention to the two older girls. “OK, ladies, let’s hear it.”

  Kennedy met Taye’s gaze. “Cherry Burgess said something mean about me in class, so I sort of pinched her.”

  Michael lifted a brow. “You sort of pinched her?”

  Kennedy nodded. “Yeah, sort of.”

  Michael ran his hand over his face. “Kennedy,” he said slowly, trying to maintain his cool. “How can you sort of pinch someone?”

  “Do you want me to show you, Daddy?”

  Michael glared at her, wondering if she was serious or was just being a smart-mouth. “No. What happened after you sort of pinched Cherry Burgess?”

  Kennedy shrugged. “She sort of hollered.”

  Michael shook his head and inhaled a deep breath. “What happened next?”

  Kennedy swallowed as she looked up at her father, trying to decipher his mood. “I sort of got sent to the office.”

  Michael took another inhaling breath. “And?”

  Kennedy clasped her hands tightly together as she studied her father through apprehensive eyes. “And you have to take me to school on Monday to talk to Mrs. Jones, the dean of girls.”

  Michael stared at his daughter for a second. He then glanced down at her nails, freshly polished, nicely manicured, and long. Her could just imagine the abuse Kennedy had given this Cherry Burgess. “Kennedy, why on earth would you pinch that girl?”

  “Monica already told you why, Daddy. Cherry said some bad things about me. She’s been mean to me ever since I started that school. She doesn’t like me because I wear nice clothes and my hair looks good every day. And she said that I was a—”

  “Kennedy, it doesn’t matter what she said,” Michael said, interrupting his daughter. “Is whatever she said true?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then why should it matter to you?”

  “It didn’t.”

  “It must have for you to have pinched her. Sort of.”


  “But nothing, young lady. I’ve told you time and time again not to care about what people say. You know what you are and who you are and that’s all that matters. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I would put you under punishment if I wasn’t feeling so happy right now.”

  Kennedy looked at her father under lowered lashes. “What are you happy about? Did you win the lotto?”

  Michael stepped farther into the room. “I wish. No, that’s not it. Will the three of you have a seat on the sofa?”

  The three girls studied him and Taye thoughtfully for a moment before walking over to the sofa and taking a seat. They continued to look at the adults expectantly.

  Michael began talking. “Kennedy, do you remember when I told you about being adopted into the Bennett family?”

  Kennedy nodded. “Yes. You said you didn’t find out until you were eighteen.”

  Michael nodded. “Yes, that’s true. And I also told you that adoption or no adoption, the Bennett family is the only family I know and as far as I’m concerned I am a Bennett.”

  Kennedy nodded, understanding that. “Yes, sir.”

  “But my not being a blood Bennett also means something else.”

  Kennedy frowned. “What?”

  “It means that in all actuality, Taye and I aren’t really related.”

  “Yes, you are,” Monica piped in. “Momma is your cousin.”

  “Yes, she’s my cousin, but she’s not my blood cousin. Do the three of you see what I’m getting at?”

  Three heads shook no at the same time.

  Taye walked over and stood next to Michael. “Michael and I have discovered something that’s simply wonderful,” she said, smiling as she tried to put on a brave front.

  “What?” Sebrina asked cautiously but curiously.

  Taye looked at Michael. Michael looked at Taye. They then looked at the girls. “We love each other,” Taye finally said softly.

  Monica chuckled. “Momma, you’re supposed to love each other. You’re cousins.”

  Taye smiled back at her younger daughter, but her gaze was steadfast on Kennedy and Sebrina. As they were three years older and somewhat wiser, they caught on to what she was getting at.

  “You mean that mushy man-love-woman sort of stuff?” Kennedy asked in utter amazement, looking from her father to Taye. “The kind that sort of leads to marriage and babies?”

  “Yes, that’s the kind we mean,” Michael answered.

  Sebrina smiled. “Hey, that’s off the chain!” she exclaimed loudly. “That means you might get to live here or that we might get to live with you. And that Kennedy, Monica, and I won’t have to hang out together just on the weekends?”

  Michael laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah, I guess it would mean all of that.” He looked at his daughter. “What do you think of it, Kennedy?”

  He saw the huge smile on his daughter’s face. He hadn’t really been concerned about her reaction. She had mentioned to him a number of times how much she liked Taye and wished that Taye were her mother instead of her aunt. “I think it’s great. But I didn’t know people in the same family could get married.”

  “Normally they can’t, Kennedy,” Michael explained. “But Taye and I have a rather unique situation since we aren’t actually blood-related.”

  “Oh.” Kennedy looked at Taye. “I would love having you for a mother. You’re so cool. And you’re so pretty. And you’re so smart. I can see why Daddy wants you for that mushy man-love-woman sort of stuff.”

  Taye shook her head, grinning. “Thank you.” She then opened her arms and Sebrina and Kennedy automatically went into them, giving her joyous hugs. It was only a second later that Taye noticed Monica had not moved from her spot on the sofa and had tears in her eyes.

  “Monica? What do you think about it?” Taye asked concernedly, although it was apparent Monica had been bothered by the news.

  Monica stood, looked at Michael and then at her mother. “I think it sucks; that’s what I think. I’m worse off now than before,” she said, her body shaking with suppressed sobs. “Sebrina has a daddy and Kennedy has a daddy, but I still won’t have one.” She then whirled and made a dash for the kitchen and was out the back door before anyone had time to react.

  Michael took in Taye’s stricken face before she moved to go after her daughter. “I have to go talk to her, Michael.”

  He placed his hand on her wrist to stop her. “No. Let me handle it. You stay here with the girls and explain the rest of it to them. The family matter.”

  Taye started to protest. The mother in her wanted to go after her child and comfort her.

  “She has to have a father’s assurance, Taye, and I’m the only one who
can do that,” Michael said softly. “Trust me.”

  Taye slowly nodded and stepped back. She then watched as Michael walked out of the living room and went into the kitchen, to go after Monica.

  When Michael stepped out on the back porch he saw Monica sitting on the grass under a huge oak tree with her head bowed. He knew she was still crying. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked over to where she sat.

  He gently lowered his body on the grass next to hers and reached out and gently brought her into his embrace. “Don’t you like me, Monica?” he asked softly.

  She slowly lifted her head and met his gaze. Her eyes, Michael saw, were still filled with tears. “Yes, I like you,” she said, still shaking from the onslaught of her emotions. “But that doesn’t mean anything. I still won’t have a father and it’s not fair.”

  The heartbreaking pain he heard in her voice touched him deeply. He inwardly cursed the man who had fathered her but had never come to see his child, to be a part of her life. “When your mother and I get married, I will become your father, Monica. That is, if you want me.”

  Monica looked up at him. She swiped at the tears in her eyes. “Why would you do that? You already have a daughter.”

  Michael breathed deeply, wondering how he could say the words to let this precious child know how he felt. His voice was rough and unsteady when he said, “Yes, but after marrying your mom, I’ll have three daughters. They will be three daughters that I will love and cherish equally.”

  Several tense moments passed and then Monica spoke. “But why?”

  “Because I love your mother, so there’s no way I couldn’t love you or Sebrina and think of you as my daughters, too. And I hope the two of you will think of me as your father.”

  Monica frowned. “Sebrina already has a father and he sends for her every summer and he sends her stuff every Christmas. Lots of stuff.”

  Michael nodded, hearing the hurt in her voice. This beautiful little girl whose features reminded him so much of Taye’s when she was Monica’s age.

  “I didn’t have anyone,” Monica added, roping Michael’s thoughts back in.

  He tightened his arms around her. “Well, you got me. In fact, how would you like to be my best girl at the wedding?”

  Monica’s eyes widened. “You gonna have a wedding?”

  Michael smiled. He hadn’t talked to Taye about having one, but he wanted a wedding. When he had married Lynda, they had gotten married in a small chapel on the military base with only the two of them, the minister, and two witnesses from the administration office. He wanted the chance to watch Taye walk down the aisle to him, surrounded by friends and family. He sighed when the thought occurred to him that they might have more friends than family present. “Yes, we’ll have a wedding and you’ll be my best girl. I will have a best man and a best girl.”

  Monica smiled at the very thought of that.

  “So does that mean you will accept me as your father once I marry your mother?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” Monica said softly.

  “And does that also mean you’ve agreed to be my best girl in the wedding?”

  Her smile widened. “Yes.”

  Michael chuckled. “Good.”

  Monica then gazed at him apprehensively. “Does—does that mean I can start calling you Daddy after the wedding? I never called anyone Daddy before.”

  Michael didn’t think he could love this child any more than he did right now. She was asking the question like it would be an honor for her to call him Daddy. “Yes, just as long as I can introduce you to everyone as my daughter.”


  Michael slowly got to his feet. “It’s all settled then. You’re my best girl until the wedding. Then you’ll become my daughter. How does that sound?”

  Monica gazed up at him as he towered over her. “That sounds good.”

  Michael reached out his hand to her. “Come on. Let’s go tell your mother our plans.”

  Chapter 40

  They lay facing each other. Naked. Satiated. Contented.

  Quinn gazed at Alexia as he forced his breathing back to normal. The long, luxurious mass of hair on her head totally surrounded her face, and he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. No woman should look this breathtaking just minutes after making love. He didn’t think he would ever be able to erase from his mind the picture of her above him, taking control, setting the pace and gliding them higher and higher until they soared together.

  He felt his throat constrict when he thought about just how much he loved her and how much he wanted her in his life permanently. They had been seeing each other exclusively for the past three months. Three glorious months. Things had gotten off to a rocky start, but then they had grown comfortable with each other. She had begun trusting him, confiding in him, and making him a part of her life. They did things together and, more often than not, they shared the same bed each night, whether it was at his place or hers. Things were good between them, but he wanted them better.

  He wanted forever.

  He thought about what was inside his pants pocket. It was a box he had picked up from the jeweler that morning. An engagement ring. He had intended to pop the question as soon as he arrived, but when she had greeted him at the door wearing nothing but her panties and bra, his mind had immediately gone blank. They had barely made it into the bedroom. He’d barely had time to tell her the good news that Raisa Forbes had dropped her frivolous lawsuit before Alexia had begun removing his clothes.

  “Do you want to take a shower with me, Quinn?” Alexia asked softly.

  He heard her question, but for the moment he could only stare at her and soak up her beauty. Finally he spoke. “I don’t think I have the strength to move,” he said huskily. “Were you trying to kill me just now?”

  She smiled that smile that always made his heart do flips. “No. I wasn’t trying to kill you.” Then after a few moments she added in a still softer voice, “I don’t want anything to happen to you. You mean too much to me, Quinn.”

  Quinn took a sharp intake of breath. This was the first time she had admitted that to him. More than anything he wanted to believe her. “Tell me,” he said. His eyes and mouth issued a challenge to her. “Tell me what I mean to you.”

  Alexia blinked, clearly understanding what he was asking her to do. Was she ready to tell him how she felt about him? That she loved him? Was now a good time to tell him about the baby, since she’d gotten the official word after visiting her gynecologist earlier that day?

  Yes, she thought. She couldn’t put off telling him both things any longer. But first she had to take a shower. When she told him, she wanted to feel refreshed, and she hoped to God that he loved her as much as she loved him, and that he would be OK with the news about the baby. Their baby.

  So instead of answering him she avoided the question by saying, “I’m going to take a shower. You’re welcome to join me if you like.” Without waiting for his response, she quickly slid out of bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  Quinn remained where he was and sighed deeply. There was something different about Alexia today. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. For some reason her mood seemed a little subdued, although she’d almost killed him while making love. She was a passionate person, a real hellion in the bedroom, but he wouldn’t want her any other way.

  At that moment her phone rang. He decided that he was too tired to reach over and pick it up and would let her answering machine get it. It was probably Abbott Bodie calling about the tour being set up for her that would start in a couple of months.

  “Alexia, this is Rae’jean,” an urgent voice said. “Evidently you aren’t in, but I hope you play back this message before you leave for Jamaica tomorrow.”

  Quinn raised a brow as he remembered that Rae’jean was one of Alexia’s ace-boon-coon cousins, the one who was the heart doctor. She’d told him that the other cousin she was close to was Taye and that she lived in Atlanta. Al
exia would be flying out in the morning for Jamaica to attend one of her cousins’ wedding.

  “Girl, all hell has broken loose in the Bennett family,” Rae’jean continued. “Aunt Otha Mae and nosy Cuzin Sophie found out that Taye and Michael are having an affair. Now the family is split down the middle. Half want to give them their blessings and the other half want Reverend Overstreet to exorcise the demons from their bodies. They’re convinced Taye and Michael are possessed by the devil.”

  Quinn covered his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing out loud.

  “Trust me, Alexia. This is no laughing matter.”

  He stopped laughing immediately, felt contrite for doing so, and was grateful she hadn’t heard him.

  “Taye and Michael need our support, so be prepared when you see them this weekend. And I’ll tell you all about that business with my father when I see you. Bye. Wait! I forgot to ask how things are moving on your end. Have you gotten pregnant from that attorney yet?”

  Quinn raised a dark brow.

  “Alexia, you know I love you and I’ll support you in whatever you do, but please be careful. No man likes being used. I know how much you want a child, but there are other ways you can go about it without deliberately deceiving someone. Well…that’s my two cents. Think about it. I’ll see you in Jamaica.”

  Quinn sucked in a deep gulp of air, refusing to let his heart shatter into a million pieces. Evidently he’d heard wrong. He’d misunderstood what the caller had said. With the sound of Alexia’s shower going in the background he pulled himself up to sit on the side of the bed and pressed the replay button on the telephone.

  He listened to the message all over again.

  Quinn didn’t think he could get a full breath of air past the excruciating tightness in his throat. Moments later he slowly stood as he tried to get a grip on his emotions. The past three months had been nothing but an act on Alexia’s part to get pregnant? She’d been that desperate for a baby that she had set a plan into motion to use him for stud services? Nothing more than a breeding machine? She had actually led him to believe that she’d been on some sort of birth control.


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