Book Read Free

Star Struck

Page 8

by Jamie Campbell

The water was surprisingly warm, considering it was horrible pond water. The boat completely overturned, sending us sprawling into the liquid.

  I spluttered as I came up for air, my feet unable to reach the bottom. I looked around, trying to work out my options as quickly as possible. We were dead center in the pond, any direction required some swimming.

  “Melrose, are you okay? Can you swim?” Cole asked frantically. He was treading water, one hand still on the overturned boat, the other reaching for me.

  “I’m fine, are you?”

  “Yeah. We’re going to have to swim. Are you cool with that?”

  I nodded and we exchanged one last glance before swimming back to shore. The ducks that had caused us to unbalance swam off without a care in the world. They didn’t even apologize.

  We eventually reached the pond edge and staggered out of the water. I was drenched, the water tickled as it ran down my stomach under my shirt – which was clinging to my skin in an embarrassing way. At least I still had my shoes.

  Cole whipped off his shirt, wringing it out with both hands. Oh my gosh, he was shirtless. Oh my gosh, he caught me staring. I averted my eyes, feeling my face flushing with embarrassment. As if I didn’t have enough to be embarrassed about with my see-through shirt and messed up hair.

  “We’re going to need clothes,” Cole said.

  “I didn’t bring a spare set.”

  “Come on, we’ll find something.” He held out his hand, I took it. Our fingers locked together, despite how slippery they were from our forced dip.

  We squelched with each step. My underwear was sticking to my butt in the worst possible way but I wasn’t going to get caught adjusting them. I just walked like the stupid ducks instead.

  Cole led me to the gift shop and stood at the door to get the attendant’s attention. “Um, would you have something for us to change into?”

  The lady took one look at us and hurried over. “What happened?”

  “We accidently took a swim in the pond,” Cole explained. It took all my focus not to stare at his naked chest. Look away, Melrose, look away.

  The lady’s name badge said Melody, she was doing a good job of avoiding Cole’s chest too. “Come in and I’ll find you something to wear.”

  We followed her in and waited as she flitted around the store, pulling out clothes in our sizes. She pushed the items into our hands and pushed us toward the change rooms.

  I squelched when I took off my clothes too. I didn’t want to put them on the floor and get the carpet wet so I hung them over the hook so they could drip instead.

  Melody didn’t have another bra for me so I had to keep my wet one on. I guessed it would dry eventually. Luckily, she did have panties for me – a pack of five. Along with everything else, they had the Wesham Wild Fun Park logo across them. It was a good thing Cole wasn’t going to be seeing them, that would be embarrassing. I wondered if he was changing into a matching set.

  I slipped on the panties, some black shorts, and a hot pink t-shirt. Taking a look in the mirror, I looked like the gift shop had thrown up on me. It was going to have to do.

  I stepped back into the store where Melody handed me a plastic bag for my wet clothes. “Make sure you come by and pick these up before you go,” she said.

  “I will,” I promised.

  The curtain on Cole’s change room opened and he stepped out. His shirt was neon green, his shorts dark blue. And he definitely looked like the gift shop had thrown up on him.

  I couldn’t help it, I burst into a fit of giggles. We looked like the worst tourists ever. Cole couldn’t contain his laughter either, cracking up on sight.

  “This is going to ruin my image if it ever gets out,” he joked, catching his breath.

  “My phone was in my pocket, it’s probably dead. I can’t take any photos. Although, I wish I could.”

  “You can’t talk, Miss Morgan.”

  I looked down at my outfit. “No, I guess I can’t.”

  He linked his arm through mine and led me toward the door. “Thank you, Melody. We shall return to collect our clothes. Right after we ride the biggest rollercoaster in this place.”

  My stomach turned with anticipation. We had been working our way up the ladder of scary rides. Apparently I had graduated to the mother of them all. At least if I threw up, I wouldn’t ruin my new clothes. They were so bright nobody would probably even notice.

  If someone had told me I would be riding the Monster Mash Coaster, I would tell them they were lying. Even when I was being strapped into the seat, I still didn’t know if I believed it or not.

  Yet within seconds, the ride started and it all became real very fast. I screamed my way around the rollercoaster. At least I think the screaming belonged to me, I couldn’t tell what my body was doing for sure.

  I was thrown about like a loose leaf in a storm and terrified for my life. I gripped the safety bar so hard my knuckles were white and I thought for sure I saw my life flash before my eyes.

  And then it was over. It felt like I was riding that thing for a year, but apparently it was only eighty-six seconds. All I knew was that when we stopped and I had to stand, my legs didn’t want to hold me up any longer.

  Cole’s arm slipped around my waist as he took my weight. I leant against him, deciding it was the better option than face planting on the ground.

  “Whoa, let’s get you to a seat,” he soothed, guiding me over to the waiting area. Thank goodness there wasn’t anyone besides Cole and the ride attendant to witness my downfall. He helped me to sit on the bench and took the seat beside me. His hand still burned as it gently rested on my waist.

  “The world needs to stop spinning,” I moaned, holding my head between both of my hands. “It’s going to stop soon, right?”

  He grinned. Obviously my pain brought him amusement. “Take a few deep breaths. In and then out, in and then out.”

  I gave it a try, gulping air into my throat. The oxygen filtered through my lungs into my bloodstream and wound its way to my brain. The world slowed down around me as things started to come back into focus. Apparently I wasn’t spinning around in circles after all.

  “That was awesome,” I exclaimed.

  “Do you want to go again?” Cole asked eagerly. Was it wrong that I actually did want to put myself through all that again? Probably. Was I going to do it anyway? Definitely.

  “Hell yes.”

  “That’s my girl.” He grinned and the ride attendant prepared us for another go. I don’t know what was more intoxicating, the rollercoaster or the fact Cole Newton just referred to me as his girl.

  We ended up riding the Monster Mash four times before deciding we’d had enough. The afternoon went by too quickly and, before I knew it, our date was coming to a close. Cole had a concert to get to and I had a parent to deal with.

  Cole walked me to the waiting limo, Mr. Driver already standing with the door open for me. I really didn’t want to leave, I’d never wanted to stay somewhere so badly before.

  “Thank you for today,” I started, unsure exactly how to thank someone for closing down an entire amusement park for me. “I had a lot of fun.”

  Cole took a step closer to me, he was standing so close there was no gap between us. I could feel his body pressed up against mine and I loved the way we fit together.

  His hand brushed a stray strand of hair off my face. I shivered but it had nothing to do with the weather. His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath caress my skin.

  “I had a lot of fun too,” he said, repeating my words. “I would really like to see you again. Can I call you sometime to arrange another date?”

  “I would like that.”

  “Good.” He was dangerously lingering in the kissing zone. I desperately wanted him to lean down so our lips could meet. It wouldn’t take much of an effort, just an inch or two. My butterflies were going off their heads.

  Our eyes locked together, our gaze holding for an interminable amount of time. It was going to happen, Col
e Newton was going to kiss me. I was going to die. Literally, drop dead right then and there.

  He gasped, taking a deep breath and stepping back suddenly. “Thank you, Miss Morgan. I shall call you.”

  “Yeah,” I muttered.

  Mr. Driver nodded toward the door. I took the hint and climbed in. Apparently the one and only Cole Newton wasn’t going to kiss me after all. He just stood there, watching me leave.



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