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The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius

Page 19

by Muga, D. M.

  “Oh… alright then. Are you sure you don’t have any other questions for us?” Sergeant Burke asks again.

  Steven looks over to her and nods, trying to give her a message of some sort.

  After a moment she thinks to herself. He did say to follow his lead…

  “Like the Sheriff said. I'm sure there’s a lot that we are forgetting to ask. It’s just a lot to take in, is all… but before we go, do you have any questions for us?” Eileen asks.

  The two of them exchange glances, which almost look confused. The Staff Sergeant discreetly shakes his head, and then Sergeant Burke turns back to them.

  “No, I don't believe we do, at this moment in time. We were ordered to simply provide aid support, and answer any of your questions to the best of our capabilities.” Sergeant Burke replies.

  “Fair enough. Well, it was very nice to meet you two, Sergeant Burke and Staff Sergeant Mahoney.” Steven says as he extends his hand out again.

  This time, Sergeant Burke takes his hand, but in a much gentler fashion. Afterward, she nudges Staff Sergeant Mahoney and he does the same.

  “Yes, it was very exciting to meet both of you. Thank you for being so informative. If you think of any questions by the next time we meet, ask us then and we’ll do the same.” Eileen says and extends her hand.

  Staff Sergeant Mahoney shakes her hand gently.

  “Will do, Deputy Rivera. I sure do hope that your hand is alright.” Sergeant Burke replies as she shakes her hand, much more gently this time.

  Eileen smiles at her. I may not trust you, but I can’t help but like you for some odd reason. You seem sincere and kind.

  “Thank you, Sergeant Burke. It’s already feeling better. And you can call me Eileen if you’d like.” Eileen replies.

  Sergeant Burke smiles. “My first name is Alicia, Eileen. I’ll try and think of some questions for you next. We are here for several days at least… until the Leviathan returns from the other settlements.”

  Eileen smiles and thinks she sees Staff Sergeant Mahoney shoot Sergeant Alicia Burke a look of anger, but it was hard to tell with his robotic features.

  He gave her a look for sure…

  “Alright, you all have a good one. I'm sure there are many more of our kind that have questions for you, since we broke the ice with you two.” Steven says and begins to walk away.

  Eileen turns to walk away, then turns back. “Earth One is a beautiful place, but don’t trust all of our kind. Some of us don't have the best of intentions. Stay safe out there, Alicia.”

  Before Sergeant Burke can respond, another group of people come within speaking distance of Staff Sergeant Mahoney and Sergeant Burke. Eileen does notice that Sergeant Burke’s gaze does stay with her for a moment before she greets the new group of people.

  Catching up to Steven, she looks at him, “Why are we in a hurry to leave? Those are people from another planet, Steven. That’s sort of a really big deal. Plus, they are being nice...”

  “Yes, they are. And they answered a lot of questions and gave us a lot to think about. It’s best not harassing them with a million questions, since they just got here. We found out what we wanted, and we’ll make another trip out here when Alexander returns.” Steven explains.

  While they are walking back to the Blazer, Eileen thinks about what he said.

  They didn’t really answer a lot of questions. In fact, Staff Sergeant Mahoney barely spoke. Sergeant Burke, or Alicia, did most of the talking. She did answer some questions, but not a lot. It seemed like they were holding back information, actually.

  “How did they answer a lot of questions?” Eileen asks Steven.

  “Again, it was more of how they said their answers and with key indicator words that answered my questions. Good catch on those weapons on their arms, though.” Steven replies.

  “Weapons? She said it was mostly for communication and to help with their jobs.” Eileen replies.

  “Yes, but she also let it slip that they had survival capabilities. One plus one equals two. Simply put, those can be used as weapons. And it’s important to point out that the stoic Staff Sergeant Mahoney’s job in their Federalist Legion is that of Intelligence and Reconnaissance… that sounds like military special ops to me.” Steven adds.

  They are getting closer to Steven’s Blazer.

  “Huh, really?” Eileen asks.

  Special ops are like the sniper guys of the military, right? Eileen questions herself.

  Before she can ask this question aloud, Steven’s phone rings and he pulls it out of his pocket.

  “It’s Alexander. They must be checking in with their current location and update.” Steven says.

  “Oh good, they're almost home.” She replies, forgetting about her last question.

  Steven answers the phone. “Hello, Alexander… everything alright down there? We got your text that you're on your way back up here.”

  Alexander replies, but she cannot hear the words on Steven’s phone.

  “Trouble? What sort of trouble? Did the Leviathan come down there too?” Steven asks.

  Oh no… not again. She thinks, as she worries about Ben.

  “Trouble!? Are they in trouble?!” Eileen asks as she only overhears Steven’s side of the conversation.

  Of course, Ben found trouble… again. I swear, that man is a magnet for trouble!

  She jumps into the passenger side of the Blazer and shuts the door, anxiously looking to Steven for answers about what’s going on with Ben, Alexander, and Joseph... down the mountain.

  After a few moments, Steven opens up his door and climbs into the Blazer, and she catches the tail end of his sentence.

  “... call us when you’re all back on the road, and we’ll explain what we know. Stay safe out there, Alexander.” Stevens says and hangs up the phone.

  “What the hell happened this time? Are they alright?!” Eileen asks, as Steven puts away his phone and turns to look at her, shaking his head.

  “This is one hell of a crazy world that we inherited, Eileen…” Steven starts to explain.

  “Seriously! What happened, Steven?!” Eileen asks again, interrupting him.


  Alexander Mathis

  Alexander looks down at the man lying on the ground... who is no longer yelling at him or moaning in pain. The man on the ground had tumbled over onto his side a few minutes after Ben and Joseph had gone up ahead. Within those few minutes, between listening to gunfire and the man yell at him, screaming that he should help him… the man had passed on.

  Alexander had not rushed over to see if they needed help after hearing the gunfire, because once the man on the ground had expired, Joseph and Ben had shown up back into view, trying to open up the back of the trailer.

  Now he was simply staring at the lifeless body below him, unsure what to actually think of the man.

  This was indeed an evil soul, but it was still a life and it passed right in front of me. Why does this feel different from the MS13 Battle? Is it because it was slower, or that he spoke to me before he expired? Whatever the reason may be, it feels different this time. Despite myself not being the one to take his life, I still feel like an accomplice. On the other hand, this was an evil individual. I know he deserved this, but that doesn’t make it any easier…

  Alexander stares off toward Ben and Joseph, who had just gotten the trailer door open. He watches as they carry a body out of the trailer and places her on the ground several feet away from the trailer.

  No time for wandering in my own thoughts. I should go help… he thinks to himself, with his mind now off the dead man on the ground next to him.

  He strides over to Ben and Joseph, as they go for another body in the trailer.

  “How can I help?” Alexander asks.

  “Oh hey, Alexander. What happened to the guy I shot in the legs?” Ben asks.

  “He expired a few moments ago.” Alexander replies.

  “Oh… I was hoping to ask him if there were more women and children somewhere el
se.” Ben responds.

  Alexander nods. “I did ask him that before he expired, but all I got out of him were obscenities and yelling at me to find help for him... But I did get the feeling that these were all of the women and children, and all of their abductors.”

  “I sure hope that you are right, Alexander… or at least that some of these people can give us a more concrete answer.” Ben answers.

  Alexander nods. “Okay, so what do you need me to do?”

  Ben and Joseph lift another body out of the crashed trailer, carrying her over to lay her next to the first woman.

  “This is pretty much a two-man job. But I'm guessing we are going to have trouble getting these people out of here and the help that they need. Can you call Sheriff Reilly, and see if he can’t send out a radio message to folks down here to come and lend a hand and search for their loved ones?” Joseph replies.

  “Deputy Gomez, that’s a brilliant idea!… I’ll also bring the truck around, just in case we need to transport anyone in the bed of Ben’s truck.” Alexander adds.

  “Good thinking, Alexander… as always. The keys are still in the ignition. Also… Could you also relay to my Uncle and Eileen that we are safe and just helping out down here?” Ben asks.

  “Not a problem, Ben. I’m on it!” Alexander replies as he turns and runs back over to the truck.

  Once he reaches the truck, he climbs into the driver’s seat and turns over the ignition. The AC from the vents hits his face, giving him a cooled sensation. He picks up his cell phone and dials Steven Reilly. After a few rings, Steven picks up.

  “Hello, Alexander… everything alright down there? We got your text that you're on your way back up here.” Steven says as he answers the phone.

  “Hello, Steven. Yes and no. We were on our way back up, but we ran into trouble.” Alexander replies.

  “Trouble? What sort of trouble? Did the Leviathan come down there, too?” Steven asks.

  “Trouble!? Are they in trouble?!” Eileen asks in the background.

  “No, nothing like that. We are fine and we have all of the livestock. We stumbled upon an accident of sorts. Point is, we need you to send out a message for people down here to come help. We have survivors from the crash that are women and children that were kidnapped from these surrounding areas.” Alexander replies.

  “Good God, man! Women and children?! Right! I’ll go to the nearest station to use their radio. Where should I tell them that you are?” Steven replies.

  “Wait? You asked if the Leviathan had come here as well. Does that mean it made contact up there?” Alexander asks, thinking back to what Steven had said about the Leviathan.

  “Never mind that for now Alexander! What’s your location?!” Steven responds.

  “Right! We are at the edge of Perris, along the 215 North, at the 74 juncture.” Alexander replies quickly.

  “Alright. We’ll get the message out as soon as possible. How many survivors do you have, Alexander?” Steven responds.

  “We are not sure… there were close to twenty women and children in the trailer when it crashed. Benjamin and Joseph are pulling bodies out now.” Alexander answers.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus! Alright! We’re heading back to the Blazer to drive to the nearest station now. Hang tight and go help my nephew. Good luck Alexander!” Steven says.

  “Right. Thank you, Steven.” Alexander replies.

  “Oh, and Alexander…” Steven adds.

  “Yes, Steven?” Alexander responds.

  “If you see a spaceship coming out your way, steer clear of it. I don’t trust them. Something seems off about them.” Steven answers.

  “So, they did make contact? What happened? Who were they? What did they want?” The questions come pouring out of Alexander.

  “Never mind that for now… deal with those women and children. Call us when you’re all back on the road and we’ll explain what we know. Stay safe out there, Alexander.” Stevens says and before Alexander can respond, the call ends.

  The Leviathan landed up there? This is incredible news? But why doesn’t Steven trust them? Were my concerns accurate? Do they mean us harm?

  Alexander shakes his head to clear his thoughts.

  Steven said to worry about the women and children for now, which means it was not that pressing to know at this very moment. He thinks to himself.

  Alexander then proceeds to turn the truck around and stops about ten feet away from the rows of bodies that Ben and Joseph had begun to lay on the road.

  As he gets out of the truck he shouts over to Ben and Joseph. “Steven said he’ll get the message out!”

  “Good job, Alexander!” Ben shouts back.

  “What do you want me to do now?!” Alexander shouts back.

  Ben wipes his brow before he reaches down to pick up another body from the crashed trailer with Joseph.

  “Start checking to see who’s alive and who we can help?!” Ben shouts back.

  “Right!” Alexander exclaims and looks down at the row of bodies.

  How do I accomplish that? He thinks.

  “Hey! How do I do that?” Alexander asks.

  “I don’t know, Alexander! You’re the doctor! Check for their pulse and see if they’re breathing!” Ben shouts back.

  “Right! Sorry! I’m on it!” Alexander shouts back.

  He’s right… I may not be a medical doctor, but I should know how to check to see if people are alive. Geez, Alexander… stay focused.

  Alexander steps over to the first woman in the row of bodies, which is a young blonde woman with her eyes closed. He reaches down to check her neck for a pulse and tries to watch to see if her chest rises and falls with breaths.

  He has his fingers on her neck for a good minute, without feelings of a pulse. He puts his hand by her nose, to see if he can feel her breath, since he hasn’t seen her chest rise and fall yet in the last minute or so.

  Damn… I think she’s gone. He thinks as he shakes his head and steps over to the next body.

  The next woman looks to be a middle-aged woman, with brown hair and lightly tanned skin. After spending several minutes over her body, he concludes that she’s dead as well and moves to the next one.

  The next body is of a small girl, who looks strikingly similar to the woman next to her. Alexander reaches down to her neck, feeling for a pulse. After a few seconds he feels a pulse.

  “She’s alive!” He blurts out.

  He then watches eagerly to see her chest rise and fall, which her chest is doing.

  “Little one! Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice?!” Alexander shouts at the small girl.

  The girl moans in response. her eyes flickering.

  “Alright! Little one, we are here to help!” He explains to her.

  Alexander then looks the little girl over for any obvious injuries and decides that she doesn’t have any that he can see.

  She must be incredibly hot, having been stuck in the box trailer for lord knows how long.

  Alexander picks up the small girl and proceeds to carry her to Ben’s truck. With his fingertips, and the girl in his arms, he opens up one of the back-cab doors and gently lays her inside.

  “Here, little one. This should help cool you down. I’ll be back…” Alexander tries to explain to the unconscious girl.

  Her response is another moan and her eyes flickering.

  Alexander carefully closes the door to let the girl try to cool down in the AC of the truck. He then heads back over to the rows of bodies, which is now two rows of six bodies, and with one empty area where the little girl just was.

  Alexander checks the next three bodies in the first row, with no luck. None of them had pulses or appeared to be breathing, and one even still had her eyes wide open, a young teenage girl.

  Dammit! These girls didn't deserve this!

  With tears starting to form in his eyes, he wipes them away and moves to the next row of women and children. By this point Ben and Joseph have added a third row of six more bodies.

  Stay focused and logical, Alexander… these people need you. Alexander reminds himself.

  Alexander steps over the first woman in the second row.

  She looks familiar… Where have I seen her before? Alexander thinks as he reaches to check for a pulse.

  I’m not sure, but she seems to be alive. Thank goodness! But can I carry her to the truck, like the little girl? He thinks to himself.

  “Only one way to find out.” He says as he leans down to pick her.

  After some grunting and shifting, he’s able to get the petite woman over his right shoulder and begins walking her to Ben’s truck. He walks to the front passenger seat and opens the door with his free hand. He then tries to gently put her into the passenger seat.

  Leaning her back into the seat, he looks at the young blonde woman lying in the front of the truck. He notices that she has bruises up and down her arms. She’s wearing jeans, but Alexander guesses that there are similar bruises down there as well.

  Where have I seen you before? He asks himself.

  “Betsy! That’s right! I was rather hungover when we met… but I'm sure that it is you!” Alexander blurts out.

  Betsy’s eyes flicker and she mumbles something.

  Alexander had met Betsy Carter on the second day after the Blue Hole Radius, May 19th 3433. She had been a coworker of Ben’s and he had given her a ride to her home before Alexander and Ben had made a stop at Ben’s home and then began their journey up to Steven’s cabin.

  Alexander can recall how he had told Betsy the story of what was happening and how the world had changed over the course of sixty seconds on May 19th, 2023, turning into May 18th, 3433. He had also recalled how he had thought that Betsy didn't entirely believe his story.

  Nonetheless, she was kind and polite and listened to Alexander talk for the duration of the trip to her home from the Ontario International Airport. She was supposed to meet her boyfriend, whose name Alexander could not remember at the moment, and she insisted that she would be okay by herself.


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