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Wake up, girl!

Page 14

by Niharika Jindal

  ‘Naina. What the hell was that? I gave you one job,’ he said quietly.

  ‘I’m sorry, sir. I’m not so good…’

  ‘That’s right. You’re absolutely not good at all. I don’t know how you got accepted at Citibank in the first place,’ Jack spat out.

  Okay…I get that I deserved a scolding, but this was a bit extreme.

  ‘Don’t think I don’t know what your father does for a living,’ he said.

  My head shot up in surprise. What did Dad have to do with this?

  ‘Rich father back in India….This job is just a way for you to pass time, isn’t it? It’s not like your future depends on Citibank. You’re here only perhaps because you wanted to prove to your parents that you can live independently in a place like London, far away from home. Not because you have any real talent.’

  I looked down towards the floor.

  It was best not to say anything right now. All I wanted to do was cry.

  This guy doesn’t deserve your tears, Naina. Ignore him.

  Thank you, inner voice. At least I have you.

  You always have me.

  Jack continued, ‘There’s no point in apologizing to me. I’m going to call a review board tomorrow that will decide whether we need you at Citibank or not. Now, you may leave.’

  No fucking way!

  Was I going to lose my job over a stupid presentation? Shit!

  I closed Jack’s office door on my way out and started collecting my stuff from my cubicle.

  ‘Naina! How did it go?’ Michael must have seen me coming.

  ‘Oh, Michael. It was terrible,’ my voice quivered and I broke down.

  ‘Naina, ssshh, it’s okay.’ Michael hugged me. ‘Want to talk about it?’

  ‘No, I don’t. I just want this nightmare to end.’

  ‘Okay. Then you’re going to do exactly as I say. We’re going out tonight. To the Mandarin hotel bar.’

  Just as I opened my mouth to protest, Michael held up his hand. ‘No ifs and buts, Naina. You need a distraction. Besides, I’ve asked John to come as well. Maybe we can finally figure out what he wants. It’ll take your mind off all this.’

  Michael was right.

  I nodded, ‘Okay. What time are you picking me up?’

  Chapter 26

  The Mandarin hotel bar was a swanky and cosmopolitan venue for cocktails and conversations. The glass tables and marble-topped bar lent it an extremely modern and chic ambience.

  Thank God, Michael had warned me to dress up for the occasion. My short shimmery golden dress, albeit not showing any cleavage, was perfect for this place. Anything less formal, and I’m pretty sure, I wouldn’t have been allowed entry.

  Michael let out a squeal of delight. A classy setting where everyone was dressed to impress, and lots of yummy cocktails – this bar was heaven for him.

  He waved to a guy sitting at a table in the corner. John had obviously arrived before us. He was Asian and, as Michael had said earlier, extremely hot.

  Wait a minute. Why was I only hanging out with gay men?

  Because you’d rather sit at home and watch fictional romances! No wonder, the only invitations you receive are from gay men!

  Fair point. Just knowing that I could get invitations from straight men if I made the effort, made me feel better.

  Or you could just continue living in denial…

  Bye, inner voice.

  ‘Hi, John!’ Michael exclaimed loudly.

  ‘Hey,’ John said.

  The two men hugged, and John’s hand stayed on Michael’s back just a tad bit longer.

  Michael and I exchanged knowing glances. Someone was definitely getting lucky tonight.

  I was feeling better already. Michael was right. I needed the distraction to forget about earlier.

  ‘Hi, Naina.’ John hugged me as well. ‘You look so pretty! I love that dress!’

  ‘Thanks, John,’ I smiled.

  From a gay or a not-gay guy, everyone likes to get a compliment.

  ‘Shall we order our drinks? I’ve already finished two cosmopolitans while waiting for you two to arrive,’ John informed.

  Pretty soon, the three of us were busy discussing Citibank employees’ gossip and downing cocktails.

  Michael was right about the Mandarin hotel bar. It served amazing drinks.

  ‘I swear to God, I would have Derek’s babies!’ I said. I had manoeuvered the conversation to the latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

  I was mildly tipsy and the fact that John was a fan of the TV show as well had got me really excited.

  ‘I completely agree with you, girl! If he was gay, I’d have his babies in a second, too,’ John said. He and I laughed hysterically.

  ‘And how would you have his babies, if I may ask?’ Michael looked cross that a fictional character was getting more attention from John than he was.

  ‘Uhh, Michael, you do know how babies are made, right?’ I asked him.

  John and I went into a fresh fit of giggles.

  ‘Very funny. But, on a more serious note, Naina, if you do want babies, you should be focusing more on…that.’ Michael motioned to the centre of the bar.

  ‘Who?’ I asked.

  ‘That insanely hot guy who keeps staring at you.’

  I looked across to where Michael was pointing and saw the hottest guy I’d ever had the good fortune of looking at.

  Tall, with an athletic build, and jet-black hair – this guy was dressed to impress in a black suit.

  He saw us checking him out and slowly smiled. There was a woman standing beside him, talking animatedly, but his eyes were on our table.

  Sorry. Not on our table – on me.

  ‘Oh, wow. Now, that is a fine piece of eye candy,’ John said, gazing admiringly at Hot Guy.

  ‘That piece of eye candy is also extremely straight, so don’t even waste your time fantasizing about him, John,’ Michael said quickly.

  ‘Hey, can’t I appreciate beauty?! Naina, you should totally go for that,’ John said.

  ‘What? Go for it? Dude, look at him and look at me.’ I motioned to myself.

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’ Michael asked. John and Michael checked me out from top to bottom.

  ‘He looks like a movie star, while I’m just a regular person. Get it?’ I tried to explain my thoughts to them.

  God, I really was tipsy.

  ‘Nah, don’t get it. You’re so pretty, Naina. Plus, you’re a nice person. I don’t know why you underrate yourself all the time,’ Michael said.

  ‘Hey! I don’t do anything of the sort!’ I exclaimed.

  John vehemently agreed with Michael.

  Seeing a window of opportunity open up, Michael sidled up to John and subtly rested his forearm next to his.

  ‘Naina, all these controls and restrictions you have imposed on yourself. Why? You’re in London, for God’s sake. Not back home. You can go crazy and do every mad thing that comes to your mind. No one’s going to judge you. If I were you, I would do every single thing that I couldn’t do back home,’ Michael lectured. ‘But, all you want to do is stay in your apartment and be a bore.’

  ‘Nuh-uh. I’m not a bore. I can be real fun. I’ll show you! Bartender! Bring us shots!’ I hollered to no one in particular.

  ‘That’s not the fun we were referring to. Come, I’ll show you an example of the fun you should be having,’ Michael said. He was suddenly feeling very courageous.

  ‘So, John, let’s quit playing games, and acknowledge this simmering heat between us. How about you and I take fun to another level tonight?’ Michael propositioned.

  ‘I’m down for that,’ John said with a straight face. ‘See how easy that was, Naina? You can be fun too!’

  ‘Hi, everyone. What have I missed till now?’ Hot Guy had arrived at our table.

  ‘Hi, Hot Guy!’ Michael and John said in unison.

  ‘I appreciate the compliment, guys. But, it’s Shiven,’ he smiled.

  Oh, he was Indian.

was a really nice name, my alcohol-muddled brain thought. His smile was even better.

  ‘So, what were we talking about?’ Shiven inquired.

  He was looking at me.

  ‘We were just telling our friend Naina that she should be more fun to be with,’ John said.

  I noticed that both guys were staring at Shiven with a dreamy expression on their faces.

  Shiven looked at me. ‘You aren’t fun, Naina?’

  ‘Yes, I am! And it’s none of your business whether I’m fun or not!’ I said incredulously.

  ‘Hey!’ Shiven threw up his hands. ‘I didn’t say anything. Don’t be mad at me. According to me, you look hot and fun. We’ve never met before, have we? ‘Cause I don’t think I would have forgotten a beautiful face like yours.’

  My mouth fell open. Wow. This guy was so blatantly confident!

  Shiven had made himself comfortable at our table by now.

  ‘I haven’t heard such a dismal pick-up line in a while,’ I finally managed to say.

  ‘Hold on. That was just the simple truth. I think you’re incredibly sexy. In fact, you’re so sexy that you made me forget my pick-up line,’ Shiven retorted.

  I didn’t know what to say to that.

  ‘God, you’re really pretty. Are you single?’ Shiven asked.

  ‘Yes.’ John and Michael said together.

  Shiven laughed, ‘Sorry, guys. I was asking Naina.’

  ‘So, Naina, are you single?’

  ‘Again, that’s none of your business,’ I replied.

  ‘I’ll take that as a yes. Otherwise, you would be here with a lucky guy who got to go home with you tonight, and not these two adorable fools,’ Shiven grinned.

  ‘Aren’t you being a bit too intrusive?’ I asked him. He was unbelievable!

  How was this guy so confident? I have never understood how people could be so coolly self-assured.

  ‘Well, I can’t help it, Naina. You’ve caught my attention. I tried to talk to that girl next to me, but I just couldn’t take my eyes off you. That face of yours…’ Shiven shook his head.

  I wanted him to look someplace else. My face was turning a shade of bright red under his gaze.

  Shiven continued with a knowing look, ‘You obviously think I’m really hot as well, don’t you? I see the way you’re looking at me.’

  The way he said my name was so sexy.

  And was it so evident that I found him drop-dead gorgeous? Damn!

  ‘No, I don’t!’ I exclaimed.

  I quickly turned my face in another direction.

  ‘Yes, you do,’ Shiven contradicted.

  ‘Yes, she does,’ Michael said.

  ‘She totally does,’ John stated the obvious.

  ‘Well, I hope you do, Naina. I was feeling a bit off today – but you definitely turned me on,’ Shiven winked.

  Michael and John hooted with laughter, while I tried really hard to control mine.

  ‘Now, isn’t that a pick-up line?’ I asked him.

  ‘Okay, you got me on that one. But, let’s get to the point – I’m not one to beat around the bush. Make me the lucky guy that gets to go home with you tonight and, in turn, I’ll make sure you’re completely satisfied in every way possible, Naina.’

  I’m sorry, what did he say?

  ‘Excuse me?’ I sputtered.

  Even Michael and John’s jaws dropped open by his words.

  ‘You heard me. I’ll make sure that tonight will be the most amazing night of your life. Fulfill all your erotic fantasies. Stretch your horizons to a whole new level, and I won’t stop till you beg me to stop,’ Shiven stated matter-of-factly.

  An extremely attractive woman gazed admiringly at Shiven as she passed by. However, Shiven seemed oblivious to anything else around him.

  Whoa. He puts McDreamy to shame, doesn’t he?

  ‘Aren’t you extremely cocky, Shiven?’ I was in shock.

  ‘Just speaking from experience. No one’s complained till now,’ Shiven said easily. ‘It’s a win-win situation for both of us. What do you say, Naina? Would you like me to pleasure you like you’ve never been pleasured before?’

  John and Michael were staring at Shiven like a dog stares at a meaty bone.

  ‘So. Naina. Another drink before we leave?’ Shiven was looking at me expectantly.

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’ I was speechless.

  I’d never been propositioned in such a blatant manner ever before.

  I looked at John and Michael. They were equally speechless.

  ‘Martini, Bellini, Margarita, Mojito…or maybe wine?’ Shiven listed out a few options.

  Suddenly, my phone rang, and I jumped. It was Mom.

  ‘Hold on, guys. I need to get this.’ I said.

  Talking to Mom would clear my head of Shiven and his advances.

  ‘What? Naina! You can’t just leave! I mean, look at him!’ Michael exclaimed.

  ‘I’ll go home with you, Shiven,’ John winked at him.

  Michael glared at John. ‘Traitor.’

  ‘You said it yourself, Michael. Look at him!’

  Shiven was staring amusingly at the three of us.

  ‘I’ll be back in a minute, guys.’

  There was a drizzle outside. The slight chill in the air, along with the rain, made London look incredibly beautiful tonight.

  I picked up and said, ‘Mom?’

  I really hope I wouldn’t slur.

  ‘Nainaaa? Beta, what are you doing? The weather forecast for London shows heavy rainfall today. I hope you are staying indoors?’

  Her concern made me smile even in my tipsy state. ‘Mom, it’s London. It rains four days a week. I’m used to the rain by now. Don’t worry.’

  ‘So what if you’re used to it? You do know how fast you catch a cold, right? And then you’ll cry when you fall sick. You may think you can take care of yourself, Naina Bansal, but I know you better!’ Mom said triumphantly. ‘Also, when are you meeting Neesa?’

  This conversation was so typical.

  I sighed, ‘Neesa’s exams are on these days, so, maybe once she’s done with them. What else, Mom? Anything new happening on your social front?’

  Her gossip was always fun to hear.

  ‘Oh, nothing! Just everyone your age is getting engaged. We hear about an engagement every single week, Naina,’ Mom informed me.

  I waited a beat before replying, ‘So?’

  ‘Well, so, nothing. I am just telling you,’ Mom said.

  ‘Mom, cut the nonsense. That was a jibe at me. Admit it. You’re starting this topic again,’ I said angrily.

  The alcohol was making me angrier that usual.

  In a dejected tone, Mom replied, ‘No, beta. I just miss you, that’s all. All my friends and relatives keep asking me about you and your marriage plans. I don’t know what to tell them!’

  ‘Mom, who cares! Remember why I left in the first place? I don’t want to talk about this marriage nonsense!’

  ‘Okay, forget marriage! What about coming back home? Don’t you want to be around your family? Are we that bad?’ Mom cried out.

  Little did she know that her wish of having me back home might soon come true. It made me remember the awful incident at the office earlier in the day, and got me angry all over again.

  ‘Mom, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.’

  Fuck it.

  Fuck everything.

  This conversation was the last straw.

  Why couldn’t she just let me be? Why did everything come back to marriage?

  I felt someone come up behind me. ‘Naina? Is everything okay? You were gone for so long that I came to check if you had bailed on me.’

  I turned around. It was Shiven.

  I felt something snap inside me.

  For a second, I thought about what I was going to do.

  Fuck it, Naina. He’s hot, available and the perfect distraction.

  I pulled Shiven towards me and kissed him deeply on the lips.

  I saw his eyes go wide. />
  ‘Let’s go.’

  Chapter 27

  Shiven’s apartment on Baker Street was exactly what I’d thought it would be.

  It was modern with sleek furniture. I looked around and saw a wall-mounted electric fireplace and a guitar nearby.

  It was perfect.

  ‘So, this is where the magic happens,’ I commented. ‘Your place is really nice.’

  Shiven laughed, ‘I don’t know much about magic but, yes, it gets the job done. Thanks.’

  I took off my overcoat and dropped it on the floor. Shiven got a blanket and handed it over to me. ‘In case you need it. You’re shivering.’


  My phone pinged. It was Michael:

  Naina! Where are you?

  I quickly typed a reply:

  Took a cab back home. Wasn’t feeling too good. See u tomorrow.

  Since Shiven and I had left the bar without saying bye to Michael and John, they had no idea where I was. And I had no plans of telling them about this development. I wouldn’t hear the last of it, otherwise.

  ‘Drink?’ Shiven asked.

  ‘No.’ I shook my head. ‘I want shots!’

  Shiven raised his eyebrows. ‘Are you sure?’


  He took out a bottle of vodka from the bar in the corner of the room, and poured it into two shot glasses.

  ‘Your poison awaits you, madam,’ Shiven grinned at me.

  I nodded and walked towards him. Adrenaline was still surging through me.

  He handed me my tiny shot glass. ‘Cheers.’

  ‘Cheers,’ I repeated.

  Before Shiven could even raise his glass, I had downed my vodka shot in a single gulp.

  ‘Yuck!’ I tried to refrain from choking.

  Why was I doing this, again?

  Shiven tried to stifle his laugh. ‘One more?’

  ‘No, thanks! I need to sit. The vodka is making my head spin.’

  Shiven chuckled softly and started to lead me to his living room, but I held up a hand and stopped him.

  ‘Hold on, mister. Not so fast. Have your shot,’ I commanded.

  ‘You know I don’t need the shot, right? You’re enough of an aphrodisiac for me, Naina.’

  He really is smooth, isn’t he?

  I shook my head in bewilderment. ‘How do you come up with these lines? Do you have them written down somewhere? It’s quite a talent that you have going on here, I must say.’


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