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Poppy Darke

Page 17

by Colin Wraight

  Slurpe grimaced. “Too much Jesse... You gave her too much!” He growled and kicked the ground where Jesse had faded away. He hadn’t heard anything but suddenly his senses sent alarm bells ringing around his body.

  A surge of Goyle adrenaline saw the spikes on his arms and wingtips grow and his sword unsheafed in the blink of an eye. She had saved his life when it had surely ended and Slurpe would not desert her now. Using his wings as a shield he turned to face the creature that was standing between him and his friend.

  A scarred, rag eared and flea bitten old Moggy met his gaze with fixed and dilated pupils. The unnaturally huge beast was a hideous abomination of a cat, with a bloodstained face from its last unfortunate meal.

  Slurpe no longer feared death for he had already visited its gloomy lair. “I salute those that have gone before me into battle...Protect the dead... Save the living!” The inner warrior awakened, he advanced on the creature with his sword high; the cat held its ground and refused to back away. Coiling the muscles in his primary weapon Slurpe whipped his tongue at the feline and caught her three lightning fast blows to the side of the head.

  The cat lunged forward swiftly and with a swipe of her great paws knocked Slurpe backwards tearing a hole in his wing. He responded to the searing pain by firing one of the spikes on his arm, it flew rapier like through the air and struck just as the creature pounced.

  The cat let out a sickening squeal as the dart smashed into her shoulder, tearing muscle and splintering bone. She slumped to the ground but got straight back up to face the Goyle and now she seemed even angrier.

  Slurpe fired another two spikes but the cat was wise to them by now and easily moved out of their way. She advanced without fear and soon Slurpe found himself with his back to a tree. He fired the last of his spikes and found little success when one grazed her face. All he had done was make the cat more angry and determined. He desperately lashed out with his sword only for it to be knocked out of his hands and clatter to the floor some way off.

  Unfurling his wings he launched himself skyward, the cat jumped almost at the same moment and took a swipe but only found thin air. The fight was over but he still had to prevent the cat from getting to Poppy.

  Slurpe buzzed and dived at the cat relentlessly as he tried to draw attention away from his friend. He dropped rocks and logs on the creature but she just wouldn’t go away, he hit her with his tongue again and again, only for it to be grazed by her sharp claws. He was running out of ideas fast and once the sun raised in the sky the battle would be lost.

  The far horizon was already turning orange and the desperate Goyle, exhausted from battle and badly injured, remembered his father’s warning and suddenly had an idea. Shooting up high in to the sky, he positioned himself directly above the cat, which was still jumping up to try and swat him.

  Just as the first of the sun’s rays spread across the land, bringing daylight to the world, Slurpe began his final dive.

  “YAaa HOooo..!” He screamed at the top of his voice. “Protect the living... Save Poppy Darke.”

  He took his first and last look at the yellow ball in the sky and instantly turned back to solid granite.

  Magic once made a cute, fluffy little kitten called twiddles into a monster, with the sole purpose of protecting an evil Witch. Unfortunately tiny little Twiddles wasn’t the smartest of the litter and as she matured it had been noted in some circles that she was infact completely stupid and shouldn’t be allowed out alone.

  Having said that- She had just about won this fight and now found herself gazing hungrily up at the sky. For there, dinner was being served from the heavens. As the black dot plunged toward the ground, growing ever larger, Twiddles positioned herself directly below and judged her pounce to PURRFECTION.

  Daylight warmed his soul as he basked in the feeble early morning sun. Dark clouds still loitered menacingly, but most were now spent and only a light drizzle fell on the trees. Jesse began fading back into existence, and, after some minutes of confusion his sense of exhaustion evaporated and he felt himself again. The first thing he saw when he opened his ghostly eyes was a huge and very ugly cat diving into the air to catch half a tonne of French granite. Which, to be fair to the stupid feline she managed spectacularly well.

  The impact slammed her against the ground with a sickening thud and the thing that hit her bounced, hit the ground and rolled into some bushes. Jesse wasn’t quite sure what he had just seen, he wasn’t even sure if the thing was dead or not.

  Fading out, he reappeared kneeling beside Poppy. She was breathing stronger than she had been and now had more colour in her cheeks.

  He shook her hard by the shoulders. “Poppy it’s me... Wake up!”

  She stirred immediately as if waking in her own bed. “What..? Where..?” Half sitting up she propped herself on her elbows and looked at the monster lying just feet away. “What the hell is that?” She cried and then she looked at Jesse. Her eyes widened with fear and she began to pull herself away from him. “You... Look at you!” She cried.

  “What’s wrong Poppy..? What about me..?” Jesse cried and held his hands up. He realised instantly, the game was up.

  “The rain... Jesse; the rain is falling right through you... Like you’re a... A Ghost!” She screamed in terror and began dragging herself away. “Get away... Get away from me!” Climbing to her feet she tried to run but lacked energy, she stumbled and fell back down.

  The tears Jesse had never before managed to shed began to fall and suddenly he felt like that five year old boy again. “It’s me Poppy... Just me. I’m your friend please don’t be afraid...”

  “Get away...” Suddenly her eyes widened in even more terror as the mutant cat had risen unsteadily on its paws and now cast a shadow over the helpless children.

  Their eyes locked for a second and Poppy waited for the inevitable. But the cat seemed unsure, almost nervous and looked around with growing unease. Soon her eyes were transfixed on one area of the tree line almost as if she were mesmerized.

  Poppy saw them just as the cat had- Two eyes glowing red against the backdrop of the gloomy woods. “Midnight!” She cried with overwhelming relief and feinted yet again.

  Midnight entered the clearing, drooling at the thought of battle. He despised cats but he hated familiars even more, especially this one. Controlled fury raged within him, muscles on his shoulders and legs began to spasm as adrenaline coursed through their flesh and then he sent low throaty growls reverberating around the trees as a warning.

  For a big monstrous cat Twiddles was no stranger to fear. She feared the Witch and her strange powers and she feared this hound. Their paths had crossed many times over the years and the cat had come out second best every time.

  The drive to kill the girl was overwhelming, but the cat was a survivor if nothing else and besides the dog would bite her in half if she tried. She decided to retreat, lick her wounds and try again later. With one last leering look at the unconscious girl, the cat turned and ran up the side of an old oak tree, making her escape across the canopy.

  Jesse watched Midnight sniff at Poppys body and lick her face and then he gently picked her up in the soft folds of his mouth. After scenting the breeze for sign of feline the dog sprinted through the gap from which it had come and disappeared into the cover of the woods.

  Chapter 22

  “There’s a quilt on my bed and a TV in the corner..! But there are bars on the window and that makes this gaol.” Poppy said seriously and pulled her hands away from her Mums. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life rotting in this dump for something that I didn’t do!”

  “This is not a gaol Poppy... It’s a secure unit for adolescents and you will be out of here in no time at all.” She said and produced a plastic carrier bag from under her chair and slid it across the grey table. “I’ve brought you some sweets and crisps... Oh and there’s your favorite magazine in there!” Her resolve began to crumble, how could she leave her daughter here when she had only been released from hos
pital three hours before. “You very nearly died last night... What would I do without you?”

  “You’d probably be better off!”

  “Don’t speak like that!”

  “Why not? It’s true...Even when I’ve done nothing wrong I still get the blame! Why don’t you just go home and forget about me?”

  Anne chose to ignore her daughters’ comments and continued to rifle in the plastic bag as if she had lost something. “The police will want to speak to you tomorrow so I’ve arranged for a lawyer to be present. He’s one of us and he’ll do everything in his power to get you out.”

  Poppy frowned. “What do you mean ‘he’s one of us’?”

  Anne Darke rose to her feet and pulled a small leather purse from her pocket. “There’s a vending machine in the stair well so I’ll leave you some money... And try not to get into any fights.”

  “What do you mean that he’s one of us?” Poppy angrily repeated herself.

  “I want you home by Christmas.” She said, once again ignoring the question and stroked Poppys hair. “I’ll be back first thing in the morning and I’ll fetch you a change of clothes.”

  Then she was gone and suddenly Poppy felt very much alone. Walking over to the window she looked for granddads old car down in the car park, but it wasn’t there. Then she noticed all the Christmas trees glistening and sparkling in the windows of houses far off down the road.

  Christmas Eve was only days away and Poppy remembered that she hadn’t even written a letter to Santa, she always wrote a letter to Santa. Tears began to well up, but she wouldn’t allow herself the luxury of sobbing, there was a baby out there in even more trouble than she was.

  She had promised her brother that she would save him no matter what and with a single mindedness that surprised even her she set about her task of escape.

  First, she inspected the barred windows and quickly realised that was not the way to go. Not only were the bars thick and made of steel but she was about four storeys up. She went to the door and was surprised to find it unlocked.

  “Some gaol!” She whispered to herself and opened the door just enough to see along the corridor. There was one kid wearing a baseball cap and a Hoody, with the hood up. She was leaning against the wall chewing gum, blowing big pink bubbles and reading a magazine. At the end of corridor a group of girls sat around on the marble floor playing cards. They were talking in hushed tones and giggling a lot- Poppy wondered where the guards were.

  No one had actually said that she wasn’t allowed out of her room. So she took a deep breath and opened the door enough to slip out. The heavy wooden door closed behind her with a loud click. The kid with the magazine immediately stopped reading and looked up. The girls stopped playing cards and ceased their whispering so they could all stare at the newcomer.

  Poppy stared right back like a rabbit caught in a cars headlight.

  Suddenly another girl appeared in the doorway across from Poppys room. She was taller than the others and looked older, nearly an adult, but not quite. She was thick set, bordering on the muscular and had short black hair set in dreadlocks.

  “What’s yer’ name mate? Where are you from?”

  “Poppy... My name is Poppy!” She answered nervously. “I’m from Burnham.”

  “Never heard of it...What you in for?”

  “Nothing... I haven’t done anything!”

  The tall girl folded her arms and looked Poppy up and down. “We’re all innocent in here! Aren’t we girls?”

  The others sitting on the floor all began to laugh and whoop as if they’d just heard the funniest thing in the world. Poppy guessed that they were all terrified of her and figured she would be a useful ally.

  “I’m so innocent that I get out of here tomorrow... Yeah, they’re letting me out they are..! Straight out of here and into an adult woman’s prison... I’m not scared though!” She looked Poppy up and down again. “Really... I’m not scared!”

  She was though; Poppy could hear a tinge of fear in her voice and feel the terror crashing through the girls’ nerves.

  “What?” Leila said sensing that the young girl had somehow seen beyond the bravado. “Did you just say something to me? Don’t ‘diss’ me girl!”

  Poppy panicked and shook her head. “No, I was just going to ask where the vending machines are.”

  “This is Middlewood secure children’s unit, you’re surrounded by thieves in here girl. It’s never a good idea to advertise the fact that you’ve got money.” She held out her hand as if demanding the money and then changed her mind and pointed to the end of the corridor. “I’d hurry up if I were you; it’s lights out at ten o’clock.”

  It wouldn’t hurt to try and befriend her and Poppy didn’t see any harm in a little bowing and curtsying if it meant surviving this hellhole in one piece. So she raced to the machines and bought two cans of fizzy pop, hiding them up her jumper she ran back, Leila was just coming out of the toilets when she arrived.

  “Here.” Poppy cried breathlessly. “I got this for you... You know, sort of as a peace offering!” She held out a can which Leila didn’t even look at.

  “What’s this for sister? I’m leaving tomorrow... I can’t look after you!” She said. “What? You think we’re gonna be ‘bezzi mates’ ‘cause I talked to you a little... This is a young offender’s institution girl, you need to toughen up or they’ll eat you alive in here!”

  Poppy blushed with embarrassment at how much she wanted a friend and found herself staring at her laces, just like Jesse had in that field all those months ago. “Sorry!” She whispered.

  “I don’t want to know what you did on the outside! But don’t ever be sorry and never show any sign of fear or weakness. This place is full of bad, bad people so keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.”

  Poppy nodded dumbly and returned to her bed.

  A wry smile spread across Leila’s face, so that’s what the infamous Poppy Darke looked like in real life. In her nightmares the girl always seemed taller.

  Leila had waited her whole life for this one night; destiny had brought her here to this place for one purpose...

  For she was also a child of the Cauldron; stolen from her parents as she slept and cast into the simmering multitude of souls, for nothing more than a Witch’s vanity. Leila had stewed in that pot for years until being rescued and returned home, missing for a lifetime yet gone for less than a second.

  Tonight Leila would not sleep even for a second; the Witch could attack at any moment and Poppy needed watching over. Taking a chair from her room she placed it up against Poppys door and made herself comfortable, it was going to be a long night.

  “Throw it in..! Go on; just toss it in to the cauldron... Maybe that’ll stop it crying..!” Perched high up on a balcony overlooking the Cauldron, Skuttlebucket had been watching Lady Agyness De’athly since sundown. She’d been cooing over the brat since he handed it over to her.

  “Shut up you imbecile. I’ll decide when..! Perhaps you’d like to join him?” She snapped viciously then looked at the baby she was cradling and smiled.

  Skuttlebucket winced at the mere thought as he gazed down into the swirling sea of stolen souls. “Who would do your bidding then...? Your Ladyship... Who would find these children and who would steal them for you?”

  The Witch glared up at her impertinent slave. “My hold over you seems to be weakening Goyle! Perhaps it is time for a change.” She said and gently kissed the baby’s forehead. “I always wanted to be a mother; my maternal instincts have never left me..! I believe that I would make a good mother... Don’t you?”

  “Hold over me!” Skuttlebucket sneered. “Ladyship, your hold over me faded a hundred years ago. I could have left anytime I wanted.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “I could have killed you; like I should have the night we met. When I knew the magic was gone I crawled into your chamber...That’s right, I crawled into your chamber and I put my knife to your throat...”

  “But here I
am Goyle, very much alive. Perhaps my magic is not as weak as you think!”

  Skuttlebucket grinned. “You live because I allow it..! You live because alas I have nowhere else to go. You are the evil I cannot live with and the devil I cannot live without... I despise and love you in equal measure.” He cried and bowed deeply and then looked at the baby in her arms. “That is why you must cast that baby into the cauldron right now..! If they come you will not have the strength for a fight.”

  Agyness placed the baby back inside the cardboard box in which he slept. “Perhaps you are right! But I must wait for midnight on Christmas Eve. All that good will and Christmas cheer will make my magic a million times more powerful... And I shall remain young and beautiful for an eternity... Just one more day!”

  She glanced in the mirror for that was all she dare, but it was enough. ”Just look at my beautiful hair! Once as black as a ravens wing and now so grey...And I have...” She could barely bring herself to say the words. “...Split ends.”

  Skuttlebucket frowned; he didn’t know what she was jabbering on about. “Yeah right... Of course you have!”

  The bags under her eyes sagged dangerously low, she wondered if she might lose her eyesight. “Look at my lips.” She sobbed. “They are the lips of a haggard old Witch. Make up cannot help me now... Just my magic.”

  The glow from the cauldron was receding with every passing day; it was dying and she knew the only thing that could save it was the soul of a newborn, especially one born of magic. The cauldron was about the size of a very tall man and the same in width. Hewn out of a single piece of granite by the same French craftsmen who had made the Goyles, it was alive, a living breathing cauldron of dark magic.

  Agyness looked glumly upon her wrinkled talon like hands as she picked up the golden ladle from which she would sip her medicine. “Just a sip would help... A tiny sip to make me young again!”


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