Zombie Slayer Box Set 1
Page 42
“That’s cool,” said Owen. “But you know I have to check him out.”
Charlie smiled. “Well, you can, but I think he likes girls, not boys.” She laughed.
“Funny. OK, but let me know. My truthsaying abilities will spot a dud from a mile away.” He opened the door of his car.
“Yeah, thanks,” she said, trying not to get annoyed. She could look after herself after all.
“Say, what are you going to tell him about your job?” Owen called out.
“Um, I’ll just say I do student tutoring.” She opened the door of her car and hopped in. She didn’t hear Owen chuckling after that.
Want more zombie slaying? Grab Conzpiracy along with the next three stories in the second box set! Available now!
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About the Author
Born and raised outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gayle discovered her passion for zombies when her husband introduced her to video games in 2009.
Gayle writes about the undead because they scare the bejesus out of her and she likes it! She’s also an advocate for always facing your fears as she’s an author of self-help, nonfiction books too.
If you enjoyed reading the first three books in the series, go ahead and snap up the second box set today!
If you’d like to find out about Gayle’s new releases, exclusive promotions, and snag your FREE copy of her three zombie short stories, hop over to her website to sign up.
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