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The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil

Page 37

by Melissa Collins

  With the brightening of the daytime sky, Aiva watched in fascination as Ashoec and Kehprit covered their eyes with a cleverly designed device, the lenses like those of spectacles, yet thicker, the blued-glass protecting their sensitive vision from the sun. She was reminded of the way the Feh Noq had appeared when they first saw them. How strange their bulging eyes had looked. It made sense now, in retrospect, thinking over the purpose of the item. The Feh Noq were known to be nocturnal. With the assistance of the colored glass, they found traversing during the day more tolerable to their night-adapted senses.

  Callum headed the group with Ashoec and Kehprit, their discussion quiet. Inaudible to those who followed. At Aiva’s side, Gadiel maneuvered his own aneakt with Kaemin at his back, allowing them to converse over the happenings since their abduction. She was happy to hear that little harm had come to the men. Once secured in the prison cells, the attention of the Feh Noq had been focused on her and Callum, leaving the others at peace until the time of their release.

  “It is unfortunate we couldn’t bring the wine with us,” Kaemin grinned, glancing at Aiva from where he was positioned behind Gadiel. “Your brother would have enjoyed it.”

  “Without doubt,” she nodded. A smile tugged at her lips to think of her brother. For weeks they had been on the road, their families left behind in the north. When they first set out, it had seemed simple. A mere discussion of countries and paths of travel did nothing to give perspective to the distance and time it would take to cover the land. In her naivety, she had never considered the strenuous truth. Walking from Tanispa through two countries before facing the watery expanse of the sea. Her thoughts were filled with images of her mother and father, wishing to see their smiling faces again and to have the counsel of Edric at her side.

  Gadiel’s words to her while in the Feh Noq city haunted her. Floating through her head at every glance she passed in Callum’s direction. She wanted to be closer to him now, but his duties occupied his attention. There would be time to speak with him when they reached the ship. Once there, she would tell him everything. Explain her desire to set discussion of the annulment aside until Shaelyn was safe. Under the current circumstances, they were in no frame of mind to make a decision of that nature.

  “You look far away, as usual,” Kaemin stated, eyeing Aiva curiously.

  “I’m just thinking about my brother,” she sighed. Gadiel’s silence only added to her discomfort. She wondered what was going through his head after their conversation. In the back of her mind, she feared he was angry with her. The last thing she wanted was to lose Gadiel’s friendship over her inability to take responsibility sooner for her foolishness. “What do you think of the aneakt, Gadiel?” she asked, attempting to draw him into the discussion. Anything to hear him speak. “Do you find it handles much different from the horses back home?”

  “It’s taking some getting used to,” he nodded, keeping his eyes focused straight ahead. “I’m not certain how comfortable I am with being on top of a creature that would be more than capable of killing me if it chose.”

  A sudden snarl erupted from one of the aneakts at the front, distracting Aiva from the idle chatter. Callum held firm to his reins, pulling them back to keep the creature under control, body tensed. Kehprit held out his arm, directing the group to shift southeast with a sharp command. “The beast men are close,” he stated firmly. “Stay your pace slow and steady. If they have reason to think us a threat, they will fire again.”

  The directive sent chills down Aiva’s spine. Beast men? They had traveled far into the western lands of the desert toward the docks. Although their intent was to avoid moving too close to the border, their path required them to maneuver within short proximity of the Ryseu River which flowed from Vaeduec into Palinon, guiding them toward the sea. Would the Syet really have ventured so far into Feh Noq territory? Or did Kehprit refer to some other wild creature? Side-stepping to follow the others, Aiva saw what looked to be an arrow embedded in the ground only a few inches from where Callum had been. Though he maintained his composure, she was familiar enough with him to recognize the signs of unease he displayed, somewhat shaken by the attack.

  “Do they always cross so far over the border? I was under the belief that they only fired upon those who enter Vaeduec uninvited,” Aiva asked, hesitant. She was uncomfortable knowing that Callum remained on the outside of the group, in plain view of whatever had fired upon them. If what Gadiel said about the Syet was true, it was likely they would take aim on Callum again.

  “They watch the Ryseu closely. In the past they have caught our men traversing it into Vaeduec to acquire lumber from their forests. Since then, they have taken to monitoring the border with a watchful and unforgiving eye.” Ashoec peered into the distance, steering his aneakt to turn further east. “We are still too close. The beast men come. Increase your speed.”

  “Protect the Captain,” Gadiel called to the others, quickening his pace to ride along Callum’s exposed side. The others hastened to followed suit, taking up formation to create a barrier between the western terrain.

  Somewhere in the distance Aiva heard the rush of air whistling, crying out to see another small volley of arrows; only three or four in the wave, but enough to send the group into a chaotic frenzy. Signaling the aneakt to move faster, she let her gaze slide over her shoulder to look behind them, gasping in surprise to see the creatures coming their way. Three of them, though she couldn’t place if they were really men or beast. No clothing covered their hairy bodies, their torso like that of a man, while the structure of their legs reminded Aiva more of an animal. Barefoot, the length of their feet extended and bent at an awkward angle, toes digging into the sand to push forward at incredible speed while their heels remained upright, never touching the ground. Brown hair was all that covered the lower portions of their figure. In her haste, she found herself unable to take in much detail, frantically driving her heels into the sides of the aneakt as the creatures moved to reload their bows.

  Turning to look ahead, her eyes settled on the men in front of her, just in time to see an arrow connect savagely with Lorand’s back, a second skimming past to find its mark in the neck of Callum’s aneakt. “Callum!” she shouted, rushing forward to reach him. At their current pace, the beasts were falling behind. Maran struggled to gain control over the animal he rode while gripping Lorand’s arm to keep him from falling. Kehprit called out orders, none of which reached Aiva’s ears. She needed to get to Callum. That was all that mattered. She had to know he was okay.

  “Princess,” Ashoec’s voice cut through Aiva’s thoughts. Blinking, she looked to him, pushing her way through the group to get closer. Callum’s aneakt was beginning to slow, quickly becoming sluggish and unsteady. “Get your Prince,” Ashoec commanded. “The animal is dying.”

  Instinct took over. Despite the panic that welled up inside, her body seemed to know the actions required of her, positioning her own aneakt at Callum’s side, reaching out to him. It was difficult to maintain control at such high speeds. Desperate, she veered inward, grabbing onto Callum’s arm, fingers slipping over the sleeve of his doublet. He was favoring his right hand, fighting to get a hold of Aiva’s outstretched arm with his left to pull himself onto the animal behind her. With a final burst of strength he covered the distance, using his legs to push from his saddle, landing with a harsh grunt. “I cannot move my hand,” he breathed, the words barely registering to Aiva’s ear. “There must be something on the arrows.”

  There was no time to worry about the arrows. Behind them, the armed beasts had fallen back. The final volley fell short, no longer within range to do harm.

  Ashoec and Kehprit pushed onward for another few miles before slowing their pace, directing the others to do the same. Before the aneakt ceased to move, the Feh Noq dismounted, taking count of the men still with them.

  “Lorand is hit,” Maran groaned, losing his grip on Lorand’s arm as the body crashed to the ground.

  Sliding from the saddle, Ca
llum hurried to Lorand’s fallen form, rolling him over with only the use of his left hand. Aiva found herself more concerned for Callum’s safety than Lorand’s, swinging her leg over the aneakt to land with a soft thud in the sand. She didn’t want to see Lorand’s wound, but it was unavoidable if she wanted to get close enough to inspect Callum’s injury.

  Kehprit was at Callum’s side, pressing him away from the arrow lodged in Lorand’s back. “Don’t touch it,” he hissed. “The beast men lace their weapons with poison. I will tend to this one.” Staring hard at Callum, he narrowed his eyes. “See to your other men and make sure no one else has been struck. Wounds must be tended quickly or it will result in paralysis or death.”

  Ignoring his own pain, Callum nodded, rising to his feet in a fluid motion. Aiva tried to keep up with him as he made his rounds, checking the safety of the others. Aiva considered them lucky to have come out of the battle without more bloodshed. “The beast men,” she asked. “Are they Syet? Or something else?”

  “They are Syet,” Ashoec replied, paying little attention to where Aiva hurried to stand at Callum’s side, staring down at Lorand’s limp and bleeding form. “We are fortunate they were few. Had there been more of them, they would easily have taken us all. Phaezut must be made aware of this insult. They have crossed onto our land and initiated an unwarranted attack.”

  Looking to her right, Aiva was surprised to discover Callum had moved again. He was several feet away, staring into the distance, his right hand clasped tightly against his abdomen by the left. “What kind of poison was on those arrows?” she asked nervously. Kehprit’s words from before were only just beginning to sink in. Paralysis or death. Why did Callum not inform the others of his injury?

  “They utilize the venom found in the mouths of certain species of snakes in their lands, as well as ours. It is a strong neurotoxin. In small quantities we have salves to counteract it, but severe exposure can be devastating.” Ashoec gripped the arrow in Lorand’s back as he spoke, tugging on it with a grotesque sound of tearing flesh. Disgusted, Aiva turned away, covering her mouth to avoid the sight, a strong urge to vomit building in her throat the same as it had when she’d witnessed Phelan’s wounds.

  Hastening her steps, Aiva moved to where Callum had separated himself from the group, her hand resting gently on his shoulder. He stiffened at her touch, making no attempt to look in her direction.

  “Leave me alone.”

  She was shaken by the coolness of his tone. Assuming it to be caused by the pain he endured, Aiva stepped in front of him, trying to take his right hand in hers. He held firm, refusing to release his own hold on the arm. “Callum,” she frowned. “Did one of the arrows strike you? Why won’t you let me see?”

  “I said leave me alone,” he replied, brushing past her to move further from the group. The sudden tension she felt was awkward. Frightening. They had made so much progress while in Phaezut’s palace. What would cause him to push her away like he did?

  Her shoulders slumped forward. A nagging thought lingered at the back of her mind, remembering Lorand’s request for a private audience with Callum before leaving the city. Was it something he said? She avoided dwelling on the possibility at the time, though now she couldn’t help but feel the renewed fear of what Lorand overheard between her and Gadiel. It just didn’t make sense. If Lorand was aware that Aiva believed herself to be in love with Callum, there was no reason for him to be upset by the news. Unless he was angered by something else. Something completely unrelated. His injury? Perhaps he was frustrated by the possible loss of another soldier if Lorand was unable to pull through.

  “Callum, what’s wrong?” she pleaded, hurrying to block his path again. He heaved a sigh, averting his gaze irritably.

  “I don’t want your help,” he huffed. “Go see to the men. You’re good at that.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “Then we don’t have to talk.” In a final attempt, Aiva grabbed Callum’s hand, managing to pull it free of his grasp. A look of dismay was evident on his features as he tried to take it back, finding her grip solid and unmoving. “If you’re too proud to admit you’re injured, that’s fine, but don’t risk your death because of it.”

  On the back of his hand, near the thumb, was a clear, deep laceration, blood trickling to trail along his bronzed skin. She placed his hand between her palms, closing her eyes in concentration. The cut was less severe than she had feared. Any amount of poison transferred into his system could be easily retracted by careful manipulation of her internal energy with his. She’d seen it done many times while in Faustine’s care. A common practice in basic medicinal arts. Far safer than the technique she’d utilized on his hand in Carpaen.

  Regardless of his anger, Callum knew enough about the use of the magic to recognize the importance of staying still while Aiva worked. An unclean break in the connection between them might cause an unbalance in Aiva’s body, leaving her weakened, while placing himself at the same risk. Satisfied that she had him in her grasp, Aiva focused her energy, directing it into Callum’s hand to seek out the source of his pain. The muscles in his arm were unresponsive. Already under the effects of the toxins in his system.

  Carefully she moved her hand away from the wound itself, allowing it to breathe. She took his limp fingers between her palms. In her mind she envisioned the poison. Picturing it there in his veins, eating away from the inside out. Imagery was important. From there, she would be able to draw the toxin to the surface, cleansing it from his veins.

  With steady breaths she continued the process, painfully slow in her efforts. Her eyes opened to watch the wound closely, aware of a strange substance beginning to leak from the laceration, rolling along the skin to drip onto the ground below. Gradually, she could sense the muscles reviving in Callum’s hand. Resuming their functions, relieved of the poison. She held Callum still until she was content that the toxin was fully flushed from his veins, releasing him with nothing more than a quick motion of her hands. If he was angry, she didn’t dare attempt to speak with him on the matters she desired. It would have to wait until his mood improved. Whenever that might be.

  She felt hurt by his harsh dismissal. Lowering her eyes to the ground, she decided against saying anything. Her legs moved to step around Callum, stopped by his now-healthy hand pressing gently against her chest, holding her in place. His mouth opened as if to speak, though no words came. He looked torn. Pain remained visible in his eyes which Aiva doubted to be caused by physical injury. It was too deep. Too intense.

  Unable to bear the sight of him, she pushed his hand away. He needed to make up his mind. He couldn’t tell her to leave and then force her to stay. He’d made it very clear that he wanted no part of her company. “Excuse me,” she whispered, moving quickly toward the others.

  The men were gathered around Lorand, watching Ashoec and Kehprit work diligently on the entry site where the arrow had been. It was removed, discarded to one side, a safe distance away. Pushing through the crowd, Aiva grimaced at what she saw. Lorand remained alive, though barely. The poison was strong. Contact with his skin wasn’t necessary to feel the energy inside him struggling to flow, impeded by the strength of the venom.

  Kehprit finished placing a makeshift bandage over Lorand’s back, requiring assistance from the other men to lift the body from the ground to lay it over one of the aneakt.

  “What is his condition?” Callum asked, the sound of his voice catching everyone off guard, unaware of his approach. Kehprit frowned, shaking his head solemnly.

  “Not good,” he stated. “While he lives, the poison is strong and the wound is severe. We cannot linger, however. The shore is not far, nor is our enemy. We are not equipped to fight the Syet. Our people will achieve retribution once you are safely at sea. Another inspection of this man’s wounds can be done upon reaching your destination.”

  “You can ride with me, if you like,” Aiva offered, re
alizing Callum’s lack of transportation at the death of his aneakt. She was the only one who didn’t already have a riding partner. Despite her anger at the way he had treated her, she couldn’t very well leave him to walk.

  He looked at her, the expression on his face indecipherable. “No, that will not work,” he stated calmly.

  “I could ride with you and the Princess could take my place with Gadiel,” Kaemin chimed in from where he stood amongst the crowd. Callum’s eyes seemed to flash at the suggestion, giving a sharp shake of his head.

  “That will not work either.”

  “The Prince and the Princess will ride together. There is no time to argue,” Ashoec announced loudly, already positioning himself atop his mount. “The longer we wait, the more chance we have of the beast men searching us out. They know we have wounded men. They will expect us to stop.”

  Gritting his teeth, Callum inhaled deeply, fists clenched. Something about the idea of being so close to Aiva bothered him. She just wished she knew what it was. “Come on,” she sighed, unable to hide the dejection in her tone at his behavior. Lifting herself into the saddle, she leaned forward to allow more room for Callum to ride, eyes focused straight ahead to avoid the awkward stares, not wanting to see the confused glances from the others. “It’s only a little further and then you can keep the entire length of the ship between us, if you so choose.”

  Callum pulled himself onto the saddle behind her, uncertain at first, his hands tentatively hovering in search of a way to hold himself in place. Frustrated, Aiva grabbed onto his hands, situating them at her waist with nothing more than a harsh exhale of breath. They didn’t have time for this. It was beginning to seem Callum was no less fickle than her when it came to his feelings. One minute he was warm, the next he was cold. It was impossible to know from one moment to the next what his opinion would be. She wanted to feel guilty for having treated him the same, but at this point, she considered them even.


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