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The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil

Page 75

by Melissa Collins

  “I believe she was bit. Possibly stung,” Callum frowned. “I did not see it with my own eyes. Uttae called it an agarul. It attacked her shortly after we washed up on the shore. I was unconscious from the fight with the divastru and she was trying to find help. We had no way of knowing where we were at the time. She was exhausted and frozen half to death from the water. When the creature came after her, it injected her with some kind of poison that left her unconscious. Enokih was too proud to admit she wasn’t skilled enough to handle the procedure necessary to cleanse a Vor’shai body of the venom.”

  “And you were not well enough to assist?”

  “I barely had the strength when I regained consciousness to help prevent Aiva’s energy from fighting Enokih’s attempts to clear her system. To be honest, I have little memory of what happened that night beyond applying the sutures to the wounds Enokih cut to draw out the poison. Had I not sewn them closed, Enokih would have left them untended. It was foolish of me to believe that the poison had actually been cleansed. Perhaps I was being too generous in giving the Tuniron practices so much credit.”

  “Traces of it may have been left behind, too miniscule for this Enokih to sense. In small doses the body does not always show signs of a toxic presence and would essentially go dormant.” Thade pressed his fingers firmly against the lacerations on Aiva’s right arm. She grimaced, a pained gasp escaping her at the sensation. An uncomfortable warmth gathered around his fingers, the energy in his hand centralized where their skin touched. “You tended the only serious wounds she suffered at the time. When the new wounds were inflicted, the infection would settle in her system and create an adverse reaction with the dormant poison which must have sparked it back into circulation.”

  Aiva’s veins burned. Not since she awoke on Enokih’s table had she felt anything so excruciating. Thade’s energy pushed through her system with significant strength in comparison to that of the Tuniron rituals. A heat like fire coursed over her from head-to-toe, drawn to Thade’s fingers where they remained pressed against the open wound at her arm. In her weakened condition she possessed no tolerance for the discomfort. Screams cut through the air, reverberated off the walls in their shrillness. Outside the door someone rattled the handle in attempts to get inside. Thade ignored them, his focus on nothing but the location of the wound.

  At her cries, Callum reached for her, reflexive in his actions, fingers clasped around hers. She squeezed his hand tightly. “I’m here, Aiva,” he whispered, tenderly brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “It will be alright. You’re doing great.”

  All at once the pain ceased. Thade removed his fingers from Aiva’s arm to wipe the handkerchief across the skin, staring down at something he saw there. Callum watched him, anxious to hear the result of the procedure. “Well, she certainly did have something in her system, that is for sure,” Thade mumbled. He was far away in his head, forehead creased in thoughtful concentration of his findings. “It is not a poison I am familiar with. We will want to keep a close eye on her over the next day or so to make sure it has been properly expelled. Infection is easier to treat without something like this adding to its potency.”

  “You are incredibly skilled at flushing poison, Your Majesty.”

  “It is not the first time I have had need to do so, nor will it be the last, I’m sure,” Thade chuckled distractedly. “Honestly, this was a rather mild treatment. The poison itself was strong to have lingered so long and with enough potency to affect her body in such a way.”

  “How long will we have to monitor her improvement before we continue to North Pointe? Or…” Callum straightened his shoulders, “am I not to accompany the rest of the unit?”

  Thade let his eyes remain on Callum for a long while. Silent. Taking in what was being asked. Aiva knew he was aware of Callum’s implications. Enough had been made obvious between his arguments with Cadell for Thade to realize Callum was no stranger to the charges against him. Calmly, he moved around the bed to stand in front of Callum, perfectly composed. “My son reached this country only on account of your bravery. I have feared my daughter to have perished in the waters of the Vai’ld Sea and you have brought her back to me. When the time comes, I will address the issues which must be put to trial, but do not think your actions haven’t been noted. Even in these brief moments since your return I have witnessed the care you take in my daughter’s comfort and safety. Whether or not you continue on with the rest of us is in your hands now. I am eager to hear your defense, however, this is not the time. Scouts were sent ahead to North Pointe at sunrise. We expect to have at least two days in Targas before they return with information that will allow us to plan a method of attack. All will be settled in that time.”

  “Your Majesty, my father has already decided my guilt – ”

  “Your father is in a very uncomfortable position, Callum.” Thade brought his hand to rest on Callum’s shoulder. “He is confused and unfamiliar with expressing the emotions he has been forced to endure since our arrival to Luquarr and the news of your supposed death. There is a certain image he must uphold while in front of the troops. You know this well enough. Inside he has been torn apart at the thought of losing you. He is no doubt filled with relief to see you here now, though other circumstances prevent him from regarding you openly the way he would like. The charges against you are severe. With you being his son, he cannot give an impression that an investigation of the evidence and claims will be biased due to the close relation between you both. I fear he overcompensates in his attempts to appear… appropriately suspicious. Does this make sense?”

  Callum nodded in agreement. His expression softened, a glint of understanding visible in the glow of his eyes. “I suppose I did not consider that,” he sighed. “Thank you, Your Majesty. It… eases my mind more than you know.”

  Aiva smiled to see her father pull Callum to him in a warm embrace. Callum’s eyes opened wide in surprise at the gesture, hesitant at how to respond. Awkwardly, he brought his hands up, returning the pressure with a tentative pat on the back. “Callum, you have been like a son to me since you were born. Always underfoot with the rest of my children,” Thade chuckled. “Some things never change. They simply require more politics to muddle through. Keep your chin up. Confidence suits you better.”

  Stepping away from Callum, Thade moved toward the door, his fingers sliding the lock to allow Cadell and the others inside. Edric was the first to stumble through, pressed up against the surface of the door. Thade squinted at the sight of him there, a quizzical expression on his face. “Sorry, Father. I was… worried something was wrong.”

  “Does that translate into something about eavesdropping on a private conversation?” Thade questioned, stepping out of the way to grant entrance to the room. Edric cleared his throat, embarrassed at being called out by his father.

  “I suppose it might,” he stated, uneasy. “I heard nothing, however. Other than my sister screaming, but that does not count if it is overheard while not intentionally listening.”

  “What happened, Your Majesty?” Cadell asked. “We all heard the Princess scream. Is everything alright?”

  Thade smiled, the lines on his face dissipating. In that moment Aiva was reminded of how young he was. Not yet having reached his one-hundredth year. A remarkably young age for a Vor’shai King. He spoke with the grace and intelligence of a man more than twice his elder. It was easy for her to forget that he wasn’t much more than a child himself next to those who held the crown before him. “She will be fine,” he assured the others, closing the door behind them to secure the lock in place. “The Captain was able to help pinpoint a toxin within Aiva’s system. If we monitor her health closely, she should be back to her old self in a couple of days.”

  Relieved at the news Edric hurried over to Callum, taking up a position next to the bed. “Well, that is a good sign,” he smiled down at her happily. She returned the joyful expression, content in that moment to have Callum and Edric there at her side again. The three of
them were together. Ireni wouldn’t stand a chance against them. “We should enjoy the silence while we can,” Edric grinned, waving Gadiel to place the food and water on the table. “Once she is better, we may forget what it sounds like.”

  “At least we will know where she is,” Thade laughed. He returned to Aiva’s side, settling himself in a chair opposite the others.

  Knowing her family was together brought with it a sense of peace. She relaxed into the comfort of the bed, exhaustion setting in from the two days they spent on the road, deprived of sleep. Although the food smelled delicious she had no desire to eat. It required more energy than she was capable of. Edric and Callum helped to tuck her under the blankets. Her mind was beginning to drift before her head could even touch the pillow again, taking in a final image of the faces around her. For the first time in months she could close her eyes and know that everything would be alright when she woke in the morning. They were one step closer to finding the pirates and rescuing Shaelyn. Then they would be able to go home, and Tanispa would celebrate another victory over their enemies.

  “This may hurt a little. I should have taken these out a long time ago,” Callum mumbled, a short, sharpened knife clutched steadily in his hand. Edric sat at Aiva’s side, gently holding her head to reveal the sutures on her neck, the soft brush of Callum’s hand sending a nervous chill through her spine as he lifted her hair over the pillow and out of his way. “Try not to move. Or talk. Any tension in your neck could cause an accident while I cut the sutures.”

  “You are asking my sister not to talk? Do you realize how futile that request is?” Edric chuckled. Callum gave a crooked grin, a lighthearted glimmer in his eyes.

  “She is surprisingly good at not speaking when she wants,” he stated, leaned forward to get a better view of his work. “There are some matters I have been trying to get her to speak on which she adamantly refuses. Then again, I am – me. Perhaps you would have better luck in acquiring her confidence.”

  Aiva stared into the distance, unable to see their faces. Why did they have to talk as if she wasn’t lying in the room with them? Did they think her deaf? “It does little good for you to make such a request while I’m present. Now if my brother attempts to speak with me, I will know he does so at your request. Your plan is foiled before it has a chance to blossom.”

  “I believe I told you not to talk,” Callum frowned. A sharp, pinprick of pain at her neck sent her into an uncomfortable silence, inhaling through gritted teeth to refrain from crying out.

  The boys said nothing while Callum worked the knife along the sutures with expert care and precision. Edric appeared afraid to say or do anything which might distract Callum’s focus. Aiva couldn’t blame him for his hesitance. She would feel the same if their roles were reversed.

  She was weary of the constant attention. Since their arrival to Targas she experienced not a single moment of privacy. Even when sleep came to her, Edric and Callum remained at her side with Thade and Cadell not far off.

  An uncomfortable pain around her midsection was enough for Aiva to know that sutures had been placed over the wound caused by the raider’s blade. Her right hand was wrapped, the swelling already showing signs of recession. She was surprised to discover her father and the General nowhere around upon opening her eyes. It seemed strange that they would leave her in Callum’s care with no one other than Edric to supervise.

  Traces of blood were visible on the blade of Callum’s knife when he finally drew it away, discarding the remnants of the sutures on the bedside table. He exhaled to relieve the tension in his muscles from his concentrated efforts. “Well, that takes care of one,” he said, offering the knife to Edric across the bed. “I think it best you handle the ones near her shoulder. The area is not one which I believe I am allowed to touch currently.”

  “Callum, you know I’m not the best at medical procedures. I would do more harm than good,” Edric leaned away, his hand extended defensively to decline Callum’s offer. “If I’m here, our fathers won’t say anything. Just mind your hands.”

  Callum glanced down at Aiva, uneasy at the thought. “It’s a simple task, Edric. I could walk you through it.”

  “Please, don’t ask me to do this. If you want to teach me another time, that is fine, but I prefer the lesson not involve my sister as a test subject. You have more experience. It is what your military training was for.”

  “If my father sees me anywhere near her, he will remove my hands. That would be inconvenient for everyone,” Callum clenched his jaw. He knew Edric couldn’t be swayed. The only thing on Callum’s side was the fact that Edric no longer held authority to give Callum a direct order. As Aiva’s husband, Callum now sat as an equal to her brother. A Prince. Next in line as King. While he held no position of power over Edric, it left them at a stalemate.

  Aiva listened to the continued protests between the boys, her head aching from the lingering illness. Their loud voices were doing nothing to help. She lifted a trembling hand to Callum’s shoulder, praying her expression revealed the sternness she hoped to display. “Callum,” she stated firmly. Edric might not be able to tell him what to do, but she continued to hold the power. She was the future Queen. “Switch places with my brother and finish the task quickly. If our fathers return, I will explain to them that you are following my direct order. They cannot argue my authority over you.”

  Both boys paused in their argument, staring at her, disbelief filling their eyes. Edric laughed quietly to himself, an impish grin on his face. “Well, would you look at that,” he chortled. “I think our little Aiva just pulled rank on you.”

  Callum’s head tilted to one side, thoughtful. “You know, when we were younger and she bossed us around, we teased her and ignored the commands. I… do not think I am allowed to do that anymore.”

  “That doesn’t bode well for you,” Edric nodded, quickly maneuvering around the bed to take Callum’s place, motioning him to the other side. “Welcome to the life of the Levadis men. Try not to spoil her too much. It will go to her head.” His face contorted suddenly, the smile on his lips fading away. “I suppose, that is only my advice if you remain within the family. It’s perhaps foolish of me to assume you managed to work through your issues during the time you spent away.”

  “The topic of our marriage is – complicated – to say the least. We… under normal circumstances, an annulment is no longer considered an option for us. The decision ultimately lies in the hands of your father.” Callum shifted his weight, averting his gaze from Edric’s. Awkward at the sensitive topic, he took Edric’s direction in finding his way to Aiva’s other side, hesitant in his movements to remove the fabric which covered the skin of her shoulder.

  A heavy tension became almost visible between the three of them at Callum’s words. Aiva knew Edric was no fool. He would recognize Callum’s implications in regards to the annulment. There weren’t many possibilities when an annulment suddenly became a lost option. Brow furrowed, Edric pressed his lips together. His desire to speak was obvious though he seemed to lack the words.

  Content with the silence, Callum went to work at the sutures on Aiva’s chest. Conversation was best left alone during the procedure. Aiva flinched at the initial chill of the blade against her skin. She could see his hands more clearly, fascinated by the process he used to clip the sutures, his fingers gently tugging the pieces free. He worked faster at this wound than he had the last. Aiva couldn’t be sure if it was because of the location being less vital, or if his nerves forced him to hasten, anxious to complete the procedure before the return of their fathers, while also aware of Edric’s watchful eyes.

  Edric waited for Callum to set the knife aside before regaining his vocal cords. “Dare I ask why the annulment is no longer an option?”

  “Now is really not the best time for this…”

  “The request was already presented to my father. You assured me it was what you desired and that there were no – complications – which would be cause for argument.”

  “Things change, Edric. It wasn’t something expected. Please know that when the issue was discussed with you in Palinon, you weren’t misled. At the time our situation was quite different than it is now.”

  Edric’s face wrinkled into an expression of confusion. He looked mildly disgusted. Unsettled by the thought. “She is my sister, Callum.”

  “Trust me, I am aware,” Callum sighed. “However, she is also my wife. At least for the time. You cannot fault me. Nor can you fault her.”

  “It is… I am somewhat repulsed by the thought.”

  Aiva sat up on the bed, her eyes shifting between the two boys. It felt appropriate for her to come to Callum’s defense while at the same time she couldn’t bring herself to speak. There was no way for her to ease Edric’s discomfort. To say anything might make things worse. The last thing Edric needed was to hear further confirmation of their relationship from her lips.

  “You supported the marriage, did you not?” Callum asked quietly. “Did you not consider this to be inevitable? It is what a husband and wife do.”

  “It isn’t something a brother wants to picture their little sister doing. How would you feel if I implied having behaved in that fashion with Calie? I have to believe it would distress you.”

  “Edric, you are not implying this, are you?”

  “No…” Edric shook his head, vehement in his denial. “It is strictly hypothetical. If I was married to your sister, would you not prefer to remain blissfully unaware and under the assumption that such activities never occurred between the two of us?”

  Callum held Edric’s unflinching stare, locked in a silent challenge. After a few moments he released the air from his lungs with a reluctant shrug. “You’re right,” he nodded. “Such things are better left unknown. I say we agree to never have this discussion again.”

  “I won’t argue. However, I refuse to explain this to my father,” Edric shook his head, adamant in his decision. “In fact, I think it best for you to be the one who explains that his daughter has been violated.”


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