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Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3)

Page 14

by Rose, Jennifer

  “Make it quick, I have better things to do.”

  Briggs took one step forward and Landon took one step back, colliding with the heavy chest of one of Briggs’ guards. The scent of stale cigar and spices permeated Landon’s nostrils, the all too familiar scent made him want to heave.

  “My daughter’s wedding takes place on the nineteenth in Monaco, I want you with me as my guest and companion.”

  “No,” Landon said bluntly, no need to mince words, there was no way in hell he was going anywhere with Briggs.

  “I’ll pay you handsomely, more than you can imagine,” Briggs offered.

  “No, I don’t need your money.”

  Landon could probably buy and sell this asshole and still have change left over, he hadn’t a clue.

  “I’ll pay you what you make in a year in this dump.”

  “I’m sorry,” Landon said, with a furrowed brow. “Is there a particular part of no you don’t get?”

  Briggs placed his hands on Landon’s shoulders. “Come on Landon, I can make it so you never have to work again.”

  “I can make it so you never fucking walk again,” Landon snarled and batted Briggs hands away. “Why not stop wasting your time and mine and find someone else, I’m sure there’s some other guy out there that wouldn’t mind being threatened into performing sexual favors for you, I am not that guy.”

  “Oh my God,” Briggs feigned shock. “You actually took me serious?”

  “Very, I don’t fucking like being threatened.”

  “I thought it would turn you on,” Briggs shrugged. “You know, a little dominant play to help you get off, it was all in fun.”

  “Fun,” Landon stepped back, disgusted at Briggs idea of fun. “Are you fucked? What’s funny about threatening to harm my boss and friend Mikala? I took you very serious when you told me you’d see to it that she spent time behind bars, you’re one sick fucking son-of-a-bitch. Get the fuck out!” Landon hollered, shoving Briggs’ back against the door.

  Briggs’ men were on Landon, in a matter of seconds. They had him pinioned between them, one holding him by the throat, the other pinning his arms behind him. He had no chance of escaping without busting up the place.

  “Get your goons off me Briggs!” Landon yelled.

  Carl, Rex and a crowd of others came from the bar to see what the commotion was all about. Briggs gave a chin nod to his guards who quickly released Landon, smoothing wrinkles from his jacket and stepping back. Carl chested his way forward, shoving passed the goons and stood at Landon’s side.

  Briggs’ eyes travelled back and forth between them, a bitter death stare locked onto Landon as he spoke. “Your little friend here should keep his nose out of our business,”

  “Fuck you Briggs, we have no business here and you and your goons need to leave before I call the cops,” Landon said calmly, stepping slightly in front of Carl, acting as a shield.

  Briggs’ brows rose and he full belly laughed, the only one doing so, and snapped his fingers. His goons broke into action like well-trained monkeys, one opening the door, the other taking a stance between Briggs and the crowd. He turned his back to leave and then looked over his shoulder.

  “We’re not done,” he said and walked out.

  “We’re done!” Landon roared. “So fucking done!”

  Landon was shaking, his fists balled at his sides as Rex maneuvered everyone back into the bar, leaving Carl and Landon alone.


  Landon didn’t respond, his eyes were focused solely on the glass door.

  “Baby, let’s go upstairs,” Carl whispered, slipping his hand around Landon’s.

  “What did you say?” Landon asked, in an impassive tone.

  “Let’s go upstairs?” Carl said, nervously. Unsure if Landon would tear him apart, he was so full of anger.

  “No,” Landon stepped into him. “The first part.”

  Carl smirked, slipped his arms around Landon’s waist and whispered, “Baby.”

  Landon wrapped his arms around Carl with a cheesy grin on his face and they stood hugging. Hugging had never really appealed to Landon until this very moment, it didn’t seem like much when looking at it from the point of a spectator, but it was everything when cradled in the arms of someone you cared for deeply.

  Deeply, yeah that was the way he felt, it wasn’t love, not yet anyway, but it was more than he thought he’d ever feel for another person. He was addicted, but how could he be addicted to Carl already? He stopped himself before he over analyzed something as silly as a hug.

  “Say it again?” Landon asked, holding Carl’s face in his hands.

  “Baby,” Carl whispered, so low Landon had to watch his lips to hear the sound.

  “Again,” he demanded.

  Carl put his lips against Landon’s and whispered, “Baby.”

  “Do you realize what you’ve started?” Landon asked.

  “What have I started?” Carl asked, mystified momentarily by the smoldering look in Landon’s eyes.

  “This,” Landon took Carl’s hand and place his palm against his heart. “It’s been sitting idle for so many years I didn’t think it would ever beat again, you just changed all that.”

  “Just because I called you Baby?”

  “Because you gave me a little part of you today.”

  Carl traced the seam of his lips with his tongue. “Let’s go upstairs…that is…if you want to?”

  Landon swallowed back a huge lump in his throat. Carl’s eyes followed the rise and fall of his Adam’s apple. Dark and brooding eyes looked into his as Landon’s hand slid into his and they turned to the stairs without a word.

  The door to Landon’s room had barely closed when Carl shoved Landon against it, their mouths colliding in a frenzied mix of tongues, lips and teeth. Each desperate for air, but neither wanting to pull apart, they moaned and groaned their pleasure into each other’s mouths. Carl entwined his fingers with Landon’s and raised his arms over his head, rubbing his arousal against Landon’s thigh.

  Peppering kisses across his cheek to his ear Carl whispered in a breath. “I want to taste you.”

  Landon turned his face so Carl’s cheek rested against his, “Only if you’re sure.”


  Carl let go of Landon’s hands and trailed his over Landon’s chest as he lowered himself to his knees and opened Landon’s belt with Landon’s help. He unzipped him and worked his jeans to his knees. Staring at Landon’s black briefs for a moment he slipped his fingers into the waistband, lowering them too. Landon’s cock pointed up to his belly, large, thick and heavily veined, the head purple with greed and want. He was ready and twitched, as a bead of glistening pre-cum seeped from the tip.

  Carl spit into his hand and wrapped it around Landon’s length and listened to him moan, he was hard as steel but his skin was satin soft as Carl stroked up to the head and thumbed the bead of pre-cum in circles.

  “Jesusfuckingchrist,” Landon groaned, throwing his head back so hard it thudded hard against the door.

  Licking his lips, making them good and wet, Carl licked his tongue along Landon’s heavy vein and locked eyes with Landon as he swirled his tongue around the head of his cock. He smiled at the glazed expression on Landon’s face covering his mouth over the head and humming as he slid up and down his length.

  Carl clamped his one hand around the back of Landon’s thigh and held his other in the air and winked. He was working Landon hard as Landon wove his fingers with Carl’s offered hand and his heart skipped a beat. Landon took his free hand and held it against the side of Carl’s face.

  Landon’s hips rocked to match the rhythm Carl had set as he moaned and groaned, enjoying the way Carl’s tongue flicked the frenulum, so highly sensitive, Landon flinched each time he touched it.

  “Oh fuck,” Landon gasped, with an anguished look on his face.

  As Carl’s warm hand smoothed over his thigh up his hip and over to cradle Landon balls, Landon started to shiver.

>   “I’m going to cum, so if you’re not ready to enjoy all of me, stop now,” Landon warned.

  He stopped for a moment, long enough to see the look of disappointment in Landon’s eyes and then sucked him deep into his throat, putting his gag reflex to the test. His eyes watered and he pulled back setting a new rhythm, a new purpose of getting Landon off. Come for me his eyes begged.

  Carl tried to pull his hand free from Landon’s but Landon held tighter. “Don’t let go,” he panted.

  “Don’t ever let go,” Landon begged and shot his seed down the back of Carl’s throat. He looked at Carl’s mouth when he pulled free and caught a drop of cum from the corner of his mouth, with his thumb and held it to Carl’s lips. He opened and sucked Landon’s thumb into his mouth.

  “Peppermint?” Carl asked, not quite sure, it was just a hint he detected.

  Landon shrugged. “I guess I read the same article you did…it said to take peppermint extract three to five times a day…obviously it works.”

  “You’re very lucky I like peppermint.”

  “I tried orange but apparently it’s too acidic and upsets my stomach.”

  “You did your research.” Carl laughed.

  “I have a small problem though, I find myself craving cloves lately,” Landon said. “Could you help me with my problem?”

  “I think I could.” Carl smiled, unzipping his pants.


  “So, this Briggs guy,” Carl said, handing Landon a beer. “What does he want with you?”

  “Do I detect jealousy in your tone, Babes?” Landon teased, hoping Carl would drop the questioning.

  “Hey, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine,” Carl said, taking a seat in a chair across the small room.

  Carl was pouting, it was cute the way he played it off by creating a distance between them. Landon was beginning to pick up Carl’s subtle behaviors, such as the moody tone he used when he was embarrassed, the way he took to cleaning when something was bothering him and the way he got all quiet when he was angry. Landon sat sipping his beer, staring at Carl trying to peel the label off his bottle in one piece.

  “He wants me.”

  “To do what?”

  “Him,” Landon said, raising an eyebrow, “he wants me.”

  “Well, he can’t have you,” Carl said, in an indignant tone.

  “No?” Landon asked, goading Carl on.

  He wanted Carl to go all primal, pull the jealous lover routine and pound his chest while telling the world to keep their hands off his man. He wanted Carl to want him that badly.

  “No,” Carl said. “We’re dating.”

  “So tell me then, if we’re dating, why your ass is all the way over there and not right here,” Landon patted the mattress beside him.

  Carl walked over and climbed onto the bed while Landon scooted up, resting against the headboard, and holding out his arm. Carl gladly snuggled into his side enjoying the warmth of Landon.

  “I need to ask you something,” Landon said.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Do you top or bottom?”

  “That’s not a fair question, Ace. You know I’ve never…I can’t give you an answer.” Carl played with the buttons on Landon’s shirt. “What about you, top or bottom?”

  “I’m what you’d call an oddity,” Landon answered honestly. “I like it both ways.”

  “Good to know,” Carl laughed.

  He tried to picture himself under Landon, it was easy enough to fantasize being on top, but having Landon’s cock shoved up his ass made him squirm. It also, strangely enough, sent tingles up his spine at the same time. The idea thrilled him, made it tougher to breathe as his heart raced excitedly.

  “If we ever do decide to take it to that level, I want you to know, I’d never hurt you,” Landon assured him. “I mean, I can’t lie it stings at first, but it’s a good hurt.”

  Carl sat up so he could see his face. “When we do,” he caressed Landon’s cheek. “I know you won’t.”

  Landon sat forward and locked his lips to Carl’s in a sweet gentle kiss.


  “I’m going to be gone most of the day,” Landon said. “When I get back we’ll have dinner together, okay?”

  “Dinner sounds great.”

  Landon leaned across the bar and puckered his lips, Carl drew back and laughed. “Kiss me Babes, don’t keep me waiting.”

  Carl grabbed his face in both hands and mushed their lips together, hard. “Happy?”

  “Ecstatic!” Landon grinned. “See you later.”

  Landon drove along the highway thinking of how to tell Carl about Briggs, he needed to get it off his chest because he was still living with the guilt. He had been so close to telling Mikala the truth, but she wasn’t the person he needed to tell. He had played it off as no big deal for long enough, it was a big deal and he didn’t want it becoming an obstacle for him and Carl.

  Once at Liberator, Landon went to his office, a very rare occurrence, and arranged to meet with his appointed staff. These were the people that he trusted to run the place in his absence, he liked working as the behind-the-scenes owner. He only came out of hiding when absolutely necessary.

  This was one of those times.

  Darren Orson, his appointed CEO sat to his left. Georgia James, the head of accounting sat to his right and Danielle Maple, his shipping and receiving manager sat directly in front of his large marble-top desk.

  “Let’s get started, I have a dinner engagement this evening,” Landon said, looking at the gloomy group.

  Danielle spoke first. “There are car parts showing up all over Boston, they have no serial numbers, therefore are untraceable.”

  Landon sat up and took notice because something seemed far too familiar about this quandary.

  “This affects Liberator how?”

  “Parts have been showing up at several of our dealerships, we are inspecting everything before shipping and so far we have recovered a few parts before they were used.” Danielle assured him.

  “That’s a few parts too many, have you been in touch with the police?”

  “Yes sir,” Georgia answered. “The parts are in the authorities hands.”

  “Call me Landon,” he smiled. “We need to make sure cheap parts are never used, do we have any idea where they are being shipped from?”

  “Yes,” Georgia said, thumbing through a folder. “A company named…Voronov Shipping on behalf of ACME Inc. Somehow these crates got past our inspector.”

  “Downgrade the inspector immediately to the mail room. I don’t want him fired, yet. I want constant surveillance on him while he’s in the building, make sure the pin pads are reset and his security clearance is revoked. Inform the police of his name etcetera.” Landon told Georgia.

  “Yes sir…Landon.” She laughed nervously.

  “ACME Inc,” Landon laughed, shaking his head. “Trust Briggs to use a name from a fucking cartoon,”

  “Sorry?” Danielle asked.

  “It’s okay, just thinking out loud.” Landon said. “Danielle, make sure nothing comes into the building without being inspected, not so much as a matchstick gets in here without careful inspection.”

  “What was the loss on the parts?”

  “That’s the crazy thing Landon, there was no loss,” Georgia informed him.

  Landon thought for a moment then looked to Darren.

  “Untraceable parts or are they?” Landon asked, thinking like a cop, steepling his fingers against his lips with his elbows on the desk’s edge.

  “I don’t understand,” Darren replied.

  “I wonder if these parts are somehow traceable…is it possible that the parts aren’t the problem…perhaps it’s the cars they’re after.”

  “Anything is possible,” Darren said, sitting forward.

  “We already have tracer units installed on the cars when we ship them, is there anything else we can do so they don’t start disappearing?” Landon asked.

  “To get near one of
our cars is virtually impossible,” Darren said, and started rhyming off the details one by one.

  “Each car has tracers as you said, they are individually crated and sealed, a guard never leaves the crate until it is delivered to the owner and inspected on sight, it’s shipped on our own ships with the highest security available and we have never delivered a car in over thirty five years, with so much as a scratch. You can’t get better facts than that.”

  “Up security twenty percent,” Landon demanded. “I won’t take any chances.”

  “You got it,” Darren said.

  “I want to talk to the investigating officer, get me his number,”

  “I have his card here,” Danielle said, handing him a card from a file folder.

  “Thanks Danielle,” Landon smiled. “Keep me informed I’ll be in touch.”

  Once he was alone, he picked up the phone, cleared his throat and dialed.

  “Detective Johnson please?” he waited. “Detective, the names Roberto Liberatore, I think we need to talk, I have some information that’s going to be of great interest to you in your investigation.”


  Nearly nine o’clock, Carl finished his drink, loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt. He walked over to the window and looked down into the back ally where Landon’s truck should be parked and shook his head.

  Going to bed, fuck you and your dinner. C

  Carl sent the text and dropped his phone onto the sofa before going to his room.

  He showered, brushed his teeth, slipped into a clean pair of briefs and climbed into bed without checking his phone.

  Pissed off didn’t begin to describe his anger, he’d never been stood up before and if this was the way it felt, he now knew what women complained to him about. As a bartender, he heard all kinds of stories about no-show dates and being stood up, they’d cry into their beer and tip him big. He wished he had a beer sitting in front of him right now. He turned out his bedside light and closed his eyes.


  “Fuck!” Landon roared into his phone. “It’s not like I’m in the fucking middle of the dessert you fucking piece of shit!”


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