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Reverse (The Infusion Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Steven Tandberg

  “You know I could kill you easily?” I yelled out to him.

  He whimpered in between rapid breaths. His heart raced, and I could hear him rustling his clothes, probably trying to apply pressure to his wound.

  “Hey! I’m talking to you!” I yelled. “I could also save you. You gotta know I’ve got the skills. Throw your guns toward me, and I can help you.”

  “How do I know you won’t just end me?”

  “Dude, you’re a big target, an easy target. I could have taken your head off if I’d wanted.”

  He didn’t respond. After a few moments, he tossed his rifle and his handgun in my direction.

  “Any others?”

  “No, I wouldn’t be that stupid.”

  “All right, I’m coming over with my gun aimed at your head. Don’t move.”

  I peeked over the rail. The SUV turned a corner and accelerated out of view. The man lay on the ground prostrate, legs splayed out and bleeding. He took shallow quick breaths. Even from my distance, I could see his eyes begin to glaze over. This guy was going to die on me.

  I rolled up on the rails and pushed myself up and into the air. My feet hit the ground, and I took two strides to make it to him. I landed on my knees next to him and ripped off his pants below his knees. A splintered bone stuck out of his left leg, and a through-and-through hole extended through his right calf. A steady stream of blood flowed from the left leg.

  “Ah man, I’m sorry dude,” I said as I retrieved the emergency medical manual from my mental reserves. “In cases of life-threatening exsanguination, a tourniquet may be applied to the limb.” The diagrams and pictures flashed through my mind outlining the process. I grabbed his belt from his pants and wrapped a portion of his ripped pant leg around it. I then wrapped it at the widest part of the thigh, securing it with the buckle. The bleeding slowed to a drip. I wrapped the remaining pant leg around the right leg wound.

  “Thank you,” the man whispered.

  I whipped out my phone and called Aedan.

  “Dude, what’s going on? Are you on your way?” Aedan picked up.

  “Did you find Jamie?”

  “Yeah dude, I, uh, found her.”

  “Well? Is she OK?”

  “Dude, you better get here fast.”

  16 Entrusted

  “The Doña has her locked in a room?” I nearly lost grip on the phone after Aedan dropped that bomb.

  “Yeah dude, she’s got her in a steel-wall locked room at the end of that hallway under your bed, and dude, she’s not letting her out. Not without you.”

  “Damn it! What does she want?” I screamed into the phone.

  “She’s not saying. I tried to get the door down, dude. I shot at it, used a freakin’ grenade on it. Some of the men helped me.”

  “You used a grenade on it? Dude, Jamie could have been hurt.”

  “Yeah,” he said slowly, “I didn’t really think that one through too well. It worked on the first door. Sorry, ‘bout that.”

  “It’s OK, I kinda suggested it with the other door. What are the other men doing?”

  “Running like chickens with their heads cut off. It is freakin’ chaos here. Stefan has some of them under control, but the rest don’t know what to think. Hurry man.”

  “I missed the freakin’ train dude. I don’t have a way back to the car.” I looked down at the mangled man and the blood on my hands. “I have two men; they’re bleeding and need my help.”

  “Jamie needs you, man. Just call 911 and get over here. However you can.”

  “We could use these guys, dude; they're Somatotech goons. They gotta have information.”

  “True, but a crazy grandmother has kidnaped your girlfriend. Priorities dude.”

  He had a point. I couldn’t carry these men, all bloody, out of here without raising a crap load of suspicion. Frankly, I was surprised no one had come already.

  “Aight, I will get there as quick as I can.” I looked around. The light rail station was at least ten miles away. If I had caught the train, I would have been there by now.

  “Hurry dude.”

  I closed the phone then opened it again and dialed 911.

  “911 What is your emergency?”

  “There are two men in need of medical attention. One man has been shot in the legs, and the other has a head wound from a rock. We are next to the Santa Fe train tracks near South Delaware Street. Please hurry they are bleeding.”

  Click. I hung up before she could respond.

  I turned and started running on the tracks without acknowledging the man again. I figured I could maintain a pace of four-minute miles, meaning I could make it to the light rail station in Englewood in forty minutes. Then, the light rail would take about forty-five minutes to arrive in Sedalia. Finally, the run up to the compound would take another twenty minutes. One hour and forty-five minutes. If I had a car, I could make it in forty minutes or less. If I had a car. Dr. Strayer. Some of his last words to me were, “steal a car”. The justification was there, a crazy grandma had my girlfriend, and I needed to get there quick before something happened to her.

  I looked around to the neighboring blocks. A few cars were parked on the street, but all sat way too exposed to passersby. I ran off the tracks and toward the smaller streets. A few blocks passed by as I ran, but no older cars. After five blocks, I came upon a body shop. At least ten cars were parked in the side lot, adjacent to the shop. A gray Mercedes started in the shop and slowly pulled out of the garage close to me. A shop worker pulled it in front of the office and stepped out, leaving the car running. He probably left it running for the customer in the office. This was too easy.

  I walked casually toward the luxury vehicle and opened the door. Both the customer and shop worker’s backs faced away from me as they went over the bill. Way. Too. Easy. I sat down, put the car in gear and pulled away slowly. A wide grin stretched across my face with the rush. As I rounded the corner, I pressed hard on the pedal, and the fancy German sedan screeched forward.

  As I swerved through traffic at ridiculously high speeds, I remembered Bucky, my dilapidated but beloved car. Jamie and I had fallen in love in that car. This Mercedes had the power, handling, and sex appeal, but none of the charm. I made it within five miles of Sedalia when the car started to slow even though I pressed on the gas pedal.

  “This is Onstar. This vehicle was reported stolen. Pull over immediately and put the car in park or I will for you.”

  I almost spoke but thought better because I knew they recorded these “conversations”. There was no use. I stepped on the brake and pulled over. As I went for the door handle, I heard the lock click. Nice touch, trap the criminal in the car until the police come. Well, I wasn’t an ordinary criminal. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around my elbow. A hard blow with my elbow and the driver’s side window sprayed out into the road. After I wiped down the steering wheel and everywhere I thought I had touched, I crawled out and brushed myself off, putting my jacket back on, despite the slashes left from the glass. The cops would be there soon, so I sprinted off into the fields.

  The compound came into view in just under fifteen minutes. From a mile away, I could see that no one sat in the tower on the house. Tigre’s car sat unattended in the roundabout. I called Aedan.

  “Coming up on the compound now. Where are you?”

  “In that hallway below your room.”

  “All right, I’m coming down.”

  I slammed through the front door with my shoulder knocking it clear off the hinges. Two men in the hallway immediately dropped to their knees and crossed themselves as I entered.

  “Dios mio, por favor,” one of them said as I approached.

  “No voy a dañarles, amigos.” Translated, “I’m not going to harm you, friends.” I patted his back as I sprinted passed him. No one would dare confront me now. I had taken down the untouchable. The door to my room sat ajar, and I sprinted through then dived forward into the hatch on the floor. I landed with my hands on the floor below an
d rolled out. Stefan stood in the middle of the dimly lit underground hallway, blocking my path. He put out his hand to say stop.

  “Coyle, slow down. We have everything under control.”

  “What do you mean? Where’s Aedan?”

  “Come on in Coyle,” the Doña called from inside the room at the end of the hallway.

  Stefan turned and walked toward the Doña’s voice. I barreled past him into the room. The Doña lounged on a small sofa in the center of the small room. Emergency supplies lined the walls and a toilet, and small sink sat in the corner. A large desk covered with a sheet leaned against the close wall. Jamie and Aedan stood in the other corner, staring at me. The look on their faces was of relief but also trepidation. The Doña held control of this room.

  “What’s going on? Jamie, are you OK?”

  “I’m fine, Coyle,” her voice lacked confidence, but she did sound relieved.

  “Coyle, thank you for bringing down our local tyrant,” said Stefan.

  “Coyle, do not be upset. I apologize for lying to you all this time, but it was necessary for our operation to continue. Manuel got out of hand, accepting jobs outside even our ethical boundaries, and he needed to be eliminated. Thanks to you, we found out he cremated some of our targets, and I knew it had to happen sooner rather than later. I sent him on a mission that I knew would tempt him to kill.”

  “And you let him do it?” I interrupted.

  “Yes, and I’ll have to live with that guilt, but more people would have died if I didn’t go along with your plan.”

  “My plan? How’d you know about my plan?”

  Stefan pulled the sheet off the table, revealing a large monitor with live streams of surveillance cameras strewn about the compound. How had I not seen them? I thought.

  The Doña, sensing my confusion, explained, “We had a very adept surveillance expert install them to remain undetected. I think you know him, Mr. Angelfire.”

  Wowza he was good! Even with searching each room in my mind, I couldn’t find a single camera.

  “So you heard everything, from the beginning?”

  “We did. Everything. We had to confirm your plans before we committed to supporting them. I was surprised you never approached me for help.”

  “I guess I’m not a good judge of who’s in control. You played your part well; I honestly thought you were powerless.”

  “My power over Manuel started to slip the moment you left here to rescue Jamie. He hoped you would return, as did I, but for entirely different reasons. He knew that if you did return, his suspicions would be confirmed.”

  “What suspicions?”

  “That you were frankly superhuman and an incredible asset to exploit. And exploit you he did, taking on jobs we wouldn’t take before because they were too dangerous or flat out wrong, but quite profitable.”

  Dr. Bartnev strolled into the room. I eyed him with disdain. The Doña saw my glare and placed her hand on mine, giving it a light squeeze.

  “Dr. Bartnev didn’t know, Coyle. The mortuary owns the cremator legally. The only reason Manuel and Tigre had access to the mortuary was to pick up and drop off money. Because Manuel kept the good doctor here, he never saw the despicable things they were doing.”

  Dr. Bartnev remained silent. Again, I sensed that the control in this room rested firmly with the Doña.

  “Why did you take Jamie down here?”

  “These men are loyal to Manuel and don’t know I’ve been in charge. I would have no sway with them if Jamie were caught out in the open. When I heard your plan, I knew I had to protect Jamie until the truth came out.”

  “You haven’t told them?”

  “Stefan has revealed enough to keep them at bay.”

  “Why not tell the men yourself?” I asked.

  “Again, to them I am just the Doña, who cooks and cleans, nothing else.” She motioned for Jamie and me to sit on the sofa with her. I was anxious to have Jamie close to me, so I jumped toward her and gave her a tight squeeze. This time she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me even closer. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a—“ she whispered.

  I interrupted, “No, Jamie. I’ve been the jerk. I made the mistakes. Things will get better now, I promise.”

  We pulled back and locked eyes. She still looked calm, but I sensed apprehension, her shoulders remained rigid.

  “Sit, Coyle,” said the Doña and she patted the couch cushion next to her.

  Jamie and I sat but not before I fist bumped Aedan, and he smirked. Jamie stayed close to the Doña, and I scooted forward to keep eye contact with the true leader. She brushed Jamie’s hair with her hand. “Well Coyle, that’s how it must remain, my power behind the shadows, unsuspecting. For you, Coyle, are now to become the men’s leader.”

  Jamie shot up from the Doña’s sofa. “What?” she let out before me.

  “What do you mean?” I asked and joined Jamie on the couch.

  “As I see it, you need a secure location. In return for the protection and seclusion here, you take the helm of Sanchez Protective Services. You only do the jobs you want to do, and we will assist you in your operations to take down Somatotech.”

  “I am no leader Doña,” I said, sitting down on the couch. “Besides, I freakin’ hate the work Manuel does. I’m tired of beating people up.”

  “Coyle, you’ve more potential as a leader than anyone I’ve ever met. Do the missions your way, you are much more intelligent than Manuel, you can find a non-violent means, I’m sure of it.”

  I looked to Jamie and then Aedan. Both shook their heads to say no, fueled by their desire to leave this place that had caused them so much pain. But, I saw an opportunity. As I had planned, if the men answered my call and backed me, maybe we could take down Somatotech? The side missions could bankroll the whole takedown.

  “I will consider it on a few conditions. One, I bring my dad here. Two, we try and get Aedan and Jamie home with protection. Three, Dr. Bartnev takes out the neuro-devices from my dad and Jamie. And four, no one dies.”

  “Those are tall orders, Coyle. Bringing your dad here would be a great risk, given the company’s non-stop surveillance.”

  “Take ‘em or leave ‘em.” I had always wanted to say that phrase. Jamie saw my growing grin, and she couldn’t help but smirk back at me. I was taking control, and it felt so dang good.

  “We’ll take them. But we must convince the men you are the right leader.” She looked to Stefan. “Gather the men in the kitchen; tell them it is a matter of life and death.”

  17 Transfer of Power

  Stefan began gathering all of the men in the kitchen. A few were on missions, so we had to wait until they arrived. Jamie and I stayed down in the bomb shelter holding each other on the couch, savoring the gentle rise and fall of each other’s chest. It just felt comfortable. We were safe for now. Aedan sat next to me and gave both of us a quick hug. I didn’t shake him off.

  “Getting soft on me, Aedan?” I said as he sat back on the sofa.

  “Nah, that was more for Jamie than you. Just glad she’s OK.”

  “Right, dude,” I smirked at him.

  “Coyle, are you seriously taking over Manuel’s role?” Jamie asked.

  “I think it’s the only way. We need this place and its men.”

  “Well now, from scrawny skater to cancer survivor to kingpin. Nice progression, dude,” said Aedan.

  “Thanks, I guess.”

  “When can we call my parents?”

  “Right after this meeting. I’ll arrange it because you know, I’ll be in control of this whole place in a few minutes.” I smiled.

  Aedan jabbed my side. “Sounds like the power is already going to your head.” He smiled and ruffled my hair.

  “We’re ready for you, Coyle,” Stefan called down the underground hallway before I could retaliate on Aedan.

  “Ready?” I looked at my friends.

  We moved up together, Jamie and me helping Aedan on the ladder to my room, and then into the kitchen. The
men packed the back wall with the Doña, Dr. Bartnev and Stefan sitting at the island. Jamie and Aedan left me at the door. I walked in front of the massive stove and hood and then turned to the men.

  I spoke in Spanish, “I’m sorry today has been so crazy. A lot has changed since the day Manuel picked me up and brought me here. I appreciated the help you all gave me when Jamie, my girlfriend, was taken. When I came back, Jamie and my friend Aedan were essentially taken from me again. Not by an evil company but by someone I trusted, Manuel. I know many of you felt uncomfortable with his treatment of us. I also know many of you didn’t agree with the type of jobs Manuel started taking.” The men remained silent, so I continued. “But, my friends, Manuel is guilty of much worse.” I paused again. “Manuel and Tigre have killed many people in the last few weeks. They’ve become hit men, not protecting but eliminating.”

  “Mentira!” one of the men yelled out.

  I looked at the man but held back my anger. “I wish it was a lie. But, it gets worse. Manuel cremated his victims. Burned their bodies beyond recognition, preventing their loved ones from ever having closure. He lied to you. He killed people, and he let that power consume him.”

  “Manuel took care of us! How dare you accuse him!” the same man yelled out. “Where is he anyway?”

  “Manuel and Tigre have been arrested for murder. I turned them in.”

  “You son of a…” he screamed out and jumped at me. Stefan and another man held him back.

  “Hey!” I yelled and approached him. “You may not believe what I’m saying, but I saw it with my own eyes. I felt the heat of the machine that erased a person’s life. I will fight the power that corrupted Manuel and Tigre and, with your help, we can do more good than evil. So, to that end, and from this moment on, I’m taking over. Manuel did things a certain way, and now I will do them another way, a better, smarter way. You’ll be taken care of; I can assure you of that. But, I need to know you’ll be loyal to me as you were to Manuel." I switched to English, “Do I have your loyalty?"


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