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Tainted Deception

Page 8

by Aleya Michelle

  “Thank you, Jacque. Please allow me to introduce Ivy Maisen, my lunch date for today.”

  “Miss Maisen, what a beautiful lady you are, lovely to make your acquaintance,” Jacque tells me and collects my hand to kiss the back of it softly.

  “Nice to meet you, Jacque,” I reply to his kind words. He has a sweet, rounded face, balding hairline, and a large waistline, which I am sure is thanks to his culinary skills.

  “Violet here will be your waitress. I hope the food will be to your liking. Enjoy,” Jacque tells us before he walks back to his kitchen.

  Violet is a petite, strawberry blond girl, perhaps in her early twenties, dressed in black pants and buttoned shirt, minimal jewellery and makeup.

  “This way, Mr. Hudson and Miss Maisen,” she announces as we follow her to a table that is elegantly set up.

  I am suddenly thankful for the etiquette classes that my mother insisted that I attend. At least I know which knives and forks to use.

  Always makes me think of the movie Pretty Woman. “But that’s the fork I knew?” Julia Roberts is one of the best actresses.

  Violet expertly pours us both a sparkling water as we take our seats. Chase pushes my chair in as I sit making me feel like a princess.

  “Hors d'oeuvres will be coming out shortly, followed by the entrée and your main course,” she announces to us. “Would you like to see the wine list?”

  “Ivy, would you like a glass of red wine?” Chase asks me. We haven’t really discussed if I prefer white or red.

  “Yes, that sounds lovely,” I reply. I do have a wide repertoire when it comes to food and wines. Attending as many functions as I have, you learn to try most varieties.

  “Can we have two glasses of your finest red wine please? May I suggest a Damiani cabernet if you have it,” Chase tells Violet. I am a little in awe of his wealth of knowledge, even in the wine department.

  “Of course, sir,” Violet replies and goes to the bar to retrieve our wine.

  I take a sip of my water. The bubbles tickle my nose, but the water is refreshing and hydrating. I catch Chase watching me again. I can tell this man is going to break my ‘only casual’ rule, and it’s only been one freaking week.

  “I can’t wait for you to taste this wine, Ivy. It will do all sorts of things to your palette,” he tells me. What I really want is for him to do all sorts of things to all of the parts of my body. I bite my lip, suddenly feeling warm.

  I am grateful when Violet arrives with our two glasses, placing them on our table. I smile at her as she disappears into the kitchen. I’m pretty eager to try this top-notch wine that will “do things to my palette.” How good can it really be?

  I leisurely take my first sip, and holy hell, he was right. The texture is like silk, and it dances across my tongue, massaging my taste buds and erupting in an explosion of flavor. Sweet like raspberry, then tart with a hint of cherry. The flavor is delicate and lingers long after my first mouthful.

  “Wow, you were right about the taste. That was exquisite,” I declare as I smile at the insanely handsome man seated opposite me.

  “Exquisite is the perfect word to describe it,” he tells me after taking his first sip. “You are quite exquisite yourself, Miss Maisen. Do you know that?” he adds with a roguish smirk.

  “That’s a kind description, Mr. Hudson. However, I see nothing exquisite about my porcelain skin and red hair, but thank you for the compliment,” I reply and see him frown. Oh crap, I hope I haven’t been too rude.

  Chase pauses and looks at me again, and then he shakes his head.

  “Sweet Ivy, your complexion of alabaster is flawless and timeless like a Roman goddess, not to mention your emerald green eyes which shine brighter than a meadow on a warm summer’s day. Your crimson hair is elegant and esteemed and uniquely you, and that, my dear, is nothing less than exquisite,” he boldly states as he studies my face inch by inch in detail.

  I feel my eyes glass over. That is, by far, the sweetest way I have ever been described. If he is trying to win me over, then he has just said the perfect thing to do so.

  “Well, you just won yourself one hell of another date with those words, Mr. Hudson,” I announce to him smiling like a Cheshire cat. This man is going to do wonders for my confidence.

  “Thank you. That was the prize I was aiming for,” Chase replies with a wink.

  “Speaking of prizes and winning, can I take you somewhere on Friday night? It will be fun, I promise you,” I ask him. I have the perfect place where he can enjoy himself.

  “Well, actually, you are in luck, and I am totally free on Friday night. So, somewhere fun, huh? Do you think I can handle your kind of fun, Miss Maisen? I mean, I am three years older than you, so you will probably outdo me,” he tells me smiling and showing off his sexy dimples.

  “I will go easy on you, old fella,” I joke back, hoping I haven’t overstepped the mark. My humor can be a little dry sometimes with the wrong person.

  “Oh, please don’t go easy on me. I want all that you have to offer, Ivy,” Chase tells me while gazing deep into my eyes. I am mesmerized by his words, his baby blues, and the fact that I am connecting with this man on more than one level.

  “Hors d'oeuvres are served. Please enjoy,” Violet announces placing the tray of delicious looking delicacies on the table and interrupting another moment.

  Chase looks up at Violet and tells her, “Thank you.” He looks back at me, and I can feel my cheeks heating up. I need a distraction, so I choose a pastry to devour.

  “Bon appetite, Miss Maisen,” Chase announces as he bites into a scrumptious looking savoury puff. “Very good, as always,” he declares, and I nod in agreement as I choose another one to devour.

  What were you saying about the money and being happy with a sandwich for lunch, Ivy? When something tastes this damn good, should I be worrying about the price, but I can’t, it's just that good.


  Lunch was sensational. Hands down the best lunch I have had in years. After thanking Jacque and Chase insisting he had already paid, I argued and told him I would pay next time, to which he reluctantly agreed. Although, I am sure it was just to shut me up.

  “That food was extraordinary, Chase. Thank you for an amazing hour,” I say as we walk back to the museum. I glance at my watch; it’s twelve fifty-five, so the timing really was perfect. Is there anything this man can’t do right?

  I really doubt it.

  “I have to agree, the food was amazing. But your company was the best part, Ivy,” he tells me as we walk past the park near the museum.

  Chase catches me by surprise as he entwines his fingers through mine, and my fingers tingle from his touch. He guides me under a large oak tree. I gaze into his eyes when he pulls me in close, and before I know it, his lips are on mine. Sweet and gentle like last time, then as the passion sizzles, the kiss grows wild and hungry and he pulls me in hard to his body.

  My arms are around his waist, as he kisses me with his heavenly mouth. My core clenches and dampens in response to him. I moan deep in my throat, it’s too damn good not to. His tongue massages mine as we kiss and explore each other’s mouths, neither one of us wanting to pull away. Minutes pass and I feel cemented to this man, the sensation of kissing him is heaven on earth and I never want to leave.

  My mind betrays me again, and I think of the time. Shit, I have to go!

  I reluctantly pull back from this incredible man in my arms. “I have to go back to work,” I say to him as he smiles, telling me that he is satisfied with another amazing kiss.

  “I know; my time with you is always too short,” he states.

  “Friday, remember? I will contact you with the details,” I tell him, leaning in for one last deep kiss before I pull back and speed walk to the museum. I turn for one last glance and a wave, and his eyes are glued on me.

  I smirk to myself. He’s as smitten as I am. And that kiss was insane.

  I have kept myself so closed off from finding love again that, thanks
to Leon; I had forgotten just how fantastic the feeling of happiness and contentment could be.

  Could this man be the one to melt the ice from around my heart? Did cupid shoot his arrow for me to find love again?

  This feeling excites me and terrifies me all at the same time. Maybe it’s time to stop the regrets, the hurt and bittersweet memories, and make some new ones.

  Somebody needs to fucking punch me in the face. This woman is making me break every rule I ever set for myself. Chase Hudson doesn’t date, he doesn’t passionately kiss women under romantic trees in the park where anyone can see, and he sure as hell doesn’t fall head over heels for anyone.

  That was until I met Ivy Maisen.

  I am smitten with this stunning woman. She has a distinctive style all her own—somewhat bohemian, she is stubborn and passionate about what she believes in, and is very independent and sarcastic.

  What a refreshing change from the boring women in ball gowns at events and bikini models throwing themselves at me. This powerhouse of a woman could give them all a run for their money, and I think I had better buckle up because I have no doubt in my mind I am in for one wild ride with my vixen.

  I insist on picking Chase up for our surprise date, because I want him to have the full ‘Ivy’ experience.

  “I will meet you outside since finding parking is impossible, Ivy,” he tells me sounding concerned.

  I am a big girl. I can parallel park better than most men I’ve seen.

  “Okay. Six pm and don’t be late,” I mock his punctuality.

  “I wouldn’t dream of being a minute late for you, Miss Maisen,” he responds. Damn, this guy is good with his comebacks. I really did underestimate just how personable he could be.

  It’s a gorgeous summer’s afternoon as I leave work and rush to change my clothes and pick up Chase.

  I set out my short cotton jumpsuit last night so after a quick shower and touch-up shave, I quickly dry myself and dress in the coral-colored outfit.

  The weather is so warm and vibrant; I figure I should show off my long legs. I believe they are one of my best assets, so let’s see if Mr. Hudson agrees.

  I swiftly jump in my Mustang and drive into the city. I am glad that I am far enough out of the hustle and bustle, but not too far.

  I easily find his apartment, and I couldn’t miss him if I tried—he is always a vision. He is waiting patiently, wearing beige cargo shorts and a tight, white t-shirt. Damn those muscles are accentuated perfectly. I can’t decide if I like him completely casual, in jeans, or in a suit. All three are sexy as hell.

  I pull my noisy little car up to the curb and he effortlessly jogs over and opens the door to climb in. “Jesus, woman, you are full of surprises. I wasn’t expecting a car like this,” he announces and chuckles. “You drive a Mustang. A woman driving a Mustang is not common, though it is damn hot,” he tells me and now I laugh. I have been told I look hot in this car before.

  I notice he is staring at my legs, even though they are pale like the rest of my skin, they are in proportion and pretty sassy, if I do say so myself.

  “This is my baby. I love this car,” I reply as he realizes he was busted checking me out.

  “It is a nice car, a classic. I hope you get it serviced regularly,” he responds all protective.

  “It is probably more roadworthy than your BMW, and it purrs like a kitten,” I answer defensively. I had the same conversation with my parents, and Lilly, and even my work friends.

  I think when I die they may need to peel this car from my fingers.

  “Okay, so can you tell me where you are taking me now, please?” Chase asks me looking very inquisitive. It must be unusual for him to not be in control of a situation.

  “Is the suspense killing you? I bet you don’t let others control many aspects of your life, do you?” I question him even though I know the answer.

  “No, this is very foreign to me. I am usually the person who makes the final decision. So, would you humor me and tell me, woman,” he replies sounding a little frustrated.

  I can’t help but giggle; I love keeping this man guessing. Just another part of the ‘Ivy’ experience.

  “You will be out of your misery soon enough, Mr. Hudson. We are five minutes from our destination,” I answer sarcastically.

  “Thank God for that.”

  “Are you insinuating that you don’t like my driving?” I ask just trying to get a rise out of the man.

  “You drive quite well for a woman, and something tells me you like to be in the driver’s seat in most activities?” he questions. My core throbs, just thinking about being on top of him in bed, riding him for all he was worth.

  “You are quite right, I do like to be the driver and ‘on top’ of my game in everything that I do. If you play your cards right, Mr. Hudson, you will find that out sooner rather than later.” I see his eyebrows raise and a smirk forming on his lips.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I am a shark when it comes to playing with cards then,” he adds, and we both smile and laugh, feeling the sexual chemistry smouldering in the snug surroundings of my Mustang.

  I also notice he is fidgeting in his seat and adjusting his pants. Someone is hard.

  “Okay, can you humor me and close your eyes while I drive around the corner to our target?” I say to him, hoping that I don’t sound too immature.

  “Um, what?” he asks me.

  “Eyes closed, and then when you open them, we will be there,” I order him to do as I say.

  “Fine, they are closed,” he replies, and I check that he is telling the truth.

  “Perfect, keep them shut,” I add as I pull into the parking lot of the carnival. I watch him for a second. I can tell he is taking in the noise of children screaming, and I am sure he can smell the popcorn and different carnival food.

  “Can I open them?” he asks me eagerly.

  “Okay, open your eyes. Surprise!” I say to him with exuberance.

  He gazes out of the front windshield. A giant, red roller coaster is the first thing in view. Colorful balloons line the walkway, an enormous tent is situated in the center, numerous stalls with games, and a variety of food are filled with adults and children all smiling. ‘Carnival’ is written in large letters above the entrance.

  He smiles and then frowns. I wonder what he was expecting. I said we would be having fun, and I guarantee we will be, unless he is a stick in the mud after all.

  “You brought me to a carnival? This is your surprise?” Chase questions me with his head tilted.

  “You bet. This is going to be fun. I bet you never been to a carnival before.”

  “Maybe when I was a child, like twenty years ago,” he replies.

  “Well, tonight we are reliving your childhood. Welcome to the ‘Ivy Experience,’ Mr. Hudson,” I tell him. He just looks at me smiling a boyish grin. Our eyes meet and I notice his are a little glassed over. Did something upset him? Maybe I shouldn’t have brought him here.

  “All right then, I am ready for you to show me some fun, Miss Maisen,” he challenges me. I shrug off the previous thought and decide we are good to go.

  “Buckle up because you’re in for a wild ride,” I tell him as we climb out of the car and head into the carnival.

  Figuratively speaking, he is in for a fun ride. At the carnival, of course.


  After a lengthy discussion, Chase lets me pay for his ticket. Fifteen dollars is nothing compared to the fancy lunch he paid for the other day.

  “First up is this big boy,” I tell him and point to the large roller coaster in front of us.

  “Whoa, that looks pretty tall. You hear about a lot of accidents at these types of places, Ivy,” he replies nervously, and it makes me laugh loudly.

  “Don’t tell me you are scared of this thing?” I tease him because he sounds apprehensive. “I bet you have never even been on a roller coaster either?”

  “I’m not scared of anything, Ivy, it just seems a little immature,” he replies
harshly, a cover for him really being a chicken.

  “Well, maybe you are right, but don’t judge it until you try it. Don’t you ever let loose and have fun?

  Loosen up, let your hair down, and relax, Chase,” I state to him firmly. I will loosen this guy up if it’s the last thing I do.

  “I know how to have a good time, but I give myself limits and boundaries or else it gets messy,” he answers me, obviously talking from past experience.

  “Messy is good, getting plastered is exciting, but hangovers not so much,” I reply giving him a look that says ‘you only live once.’

  “Getting plastered to the point where you lose inhibitions, memory, and class is not something I do anymore, Ivy.” He surprises me. Jeez, we are at a carnival, not a night club.

  “What do you mean ‘anymore’? You are a reformed bad boy, huh?” I can’t help but question this mysterious man who intrigues and yet frightens me at the same time.

  “Sweet Ivy, you have no idea.”

  I don’t need to say a thing to that, but my mind wonders. I want to know this guy’s inner secrets. I may have to bring the reformed bad guy back out to play.


  Climbing into our carriage on the roller coaster is fun in itself; we are seated super close and our legs touch. My jumpsuit rides up and could almost be considered hot pants. The top is a little low with just the right amount of cleavage.

  “Have I told you just how hot you look in that outfit? You have stunning legs,” he announces as our eyes connect once again. He puts one hand on my leg and gives it a squeeze sending goosebumps all along my thigh.

  “You are looking pretty good yourself. I do like the casual Chase, and I must admit that white t-shirt is giving me just the right amount of arm porn,” I reveal to him, and I can’t help but squeeze his bicep, it is so plump and hard.

  The roller coaster jolts, and I notice Chase hold onto the frame. I smirk to myself. I know just what he needs to take his mind off the bumps, plus it will benefit both of us.

  I am in control for the evening, so I wait for him to look back at me then I strike. Reaching over to kiss him, I totally take him by surprise as the coaster dives down a big hill and rattles from side to side. He wastes no time and kisses me back, his hand tightening on my leg as I grab his chest. I find his tongue with mine just as the roller coaster spins a sharp corner and dips down the steepest part.


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