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Out of Her Dreams

Page 4

by Fran Lee

  She flushed hotly and lowered her gaze to his shoulder, as if she was unable to keep looking into his eyes. “Um. No.” Her voice shook. “The dream repeated itself. Over and over.”

  She had to realize just how completely ridiculous that sounded. She moved her eyes to the opening in his silk shirt and he instantly felt a ribbon of need flicker along his nerves at the sight of her eyes darkening. She swallowed hard and seemed to shake herself back to what she’d been saying.

  He watched as irritation surged. Her defenses kicked in. “Oh, never mind. You don’t believe me. Just lay it on me. How much money do you want to salve your injured pride and your pocketbook?”

  David took another forward step as she retreated once again. He drew a deep breath as he noted the way her eyes darted to his chest. She was far from immune to him. She wanted him. And she damn well knew he wanted her. The urgency of the bulge in his slacks was more than obvious, even if her eyesight was lousy. He watched her take another step back. She was running out of space to keep backing away.

  When her legs came up hard against the edge of the sofa, she wobbled precariously and fought to right herself, her hand shooting forward to balance herself and landing squarely in the middle of his chest. He saw the darkening of her eyes as she gasped and instantly withdrew her hand but it was too late. Way too late. The little whimper of need that escaped her lips fired him to a fever pitch.

  His body hit autopilot mode and he reached out and jerked her to him so quickly she didn’t have time to think. Or struggle. Or evade his mouth as he caught hers and plundered the hot, sweet softness inside and the small tongue that tangled so deliciously with his.

  How could any woman taste so decadent and delicious?

  Sam could not believe it was happening all over again. He had simply grabbed her and had bypassed her resistance without so much as a “May I?” and here she was, turning into a blob of putty with no brain. And to top it all off, she was groping him again. She seemed to have no control whatsoever over her treacherous hands as they slid over the silk of his shirt and brushed the taut nipples she could feel under the material. Her body ached to taste this man.

  She was not exactly sure but she thought she heard a deep growl of enjoyment. But she was most definitely sure that she felt the stiff pressure of his cock as he dragged her so close, there was no way to mistake his excitement. Oh, the man was absolutely the most scrumptious piece of male flesh she had ever seen. Or felt. Or tasted.

  His large hands splayed across the silk of her dress and she felt the material inching upward. She realized that she was completely alone with him in his hotel suite. No dozens of witnesses. No one to stop him if he decided to choke the life out of her. Oh Lord. What a pickle she had gotten herself into.

  And then her wicked subconscious added, no one to stop her from taking gross advantage of that magnificent body. Which thought was the scariest? She wasn’t completely sure but she would figure it out as she went.

  Her mouth was like a narcotic, driving David mindless with need, with a heady desire so thick he could taste it. He closed his eyes and growled as he felt her small, inquisitive hands caressing his chest, teasing his sensitive nipples. He fiercely wanted to be rid of the shirt that kept her hands from his flesh and he wanted that silk thing she was wearing to be on the floor. And he wanted her legs wrapped around him as she rode him into said floor all night long.

  What the hell was it about this woman that made him so fucking needy?

  Women were a commonplace thing in his life. He could have a dozen a night if he just crooked his finger at them. Women loved him. Chased him. Damn near tore his clothes off him. What the hell was it about this particular one that turned him into a brainless mass of horny goo? He lifted his mouth from hers and dragged in several calming breaths as he stared down into her glazed green eyes. He reached up and drew the long ivory pins from her hair, releasing the red glory of it to fall about her face and shoulders. To curl about his fingers. To tickle his lips as he kissed her again. He was amazed by her, enthralled by her. He needed to know. Wanted to play this out.

  “What happens in these dreams?” he breathed raggedly against her lips.

  Sam shivered at the sensation of his hands sliding down her throat to gently cup her breasts. Her voice was thick with desire as she closed her eyes and whispered shakily, “I’m lost. I am walking alone, looking for something, someone. I see a deserted house with broken windows. It looks lonely and empty.” She gasped and arched into his hands. “I walk in and then I’m standing in a room-like this one-and I find myself being pulled against a man’s body. Like now.” Her body quivered with reaction as she felt his mouth dragging over her jaw and seeking the pulse at the side of her throat.

  “And then?” His voice sounded thick and his breath was hot on her cheek.

  “And then he kisses me and makes me feel so beautiful and so desirable,” she whispered huskily, embarrassed that she was actually telling someone about her secret dream. She shuddered as his mouth dragged across her collarbone.

  “And?” His lips trailed over her skin and she shivered as his tongue sought the hollow between her breasts.

  “And I tell him that I’ve never done anything like this before,” she whimpered as he kissed and nibbled his way back up to the line of her jaw, his hands slowly caressing her ribs and the curve of her breasts. “But he tells me he knows. And he still wants me.”

  The feel of his large palms so gently cupping her aching, suddenly heavy breasts made it nearly impossible to speak for a moment.

  “What happens next in your dreams?” His voice was a whisper of desire as he gently felt the back of the silken dress for the zipper.

  Sam felt the top of the zipper slide down until she could feel cool air on her bare skin. “You-he-undresses me and I undress him,” she whispered hoarsely as the soft silk of her dress slid off her body into a pool at her ankles. His eyes moved over her nearly nonexistent lace bra and he lowered his mouth to the shadowy vee between her breasts once again. The filmy lace bra was gone and she closed her eyes as his mouth traveled so hungrily over her flesh, lingering to give her a moment of deep, shuddering pleasure on each taut, budded nipple.

  “Like this?” he breathed raggedly, his thumbs hooking the waistband of her satin panties and shoving them sensuously off her. She could barely control a shudder of pleasure as his fingers skimmed down her outer thighs and returned up the soft, inner flesh of her legs.

  “I- Oh yes,” she gasped as his large hands caressed her hips and back. His hand slipped down through the vee of her red-gold curls to the wetness between her legs and she whimpered with need.

  “And then you undress him?” His voice was thick with desire.

  She opened her eyes and stared into those night black ones, seeing the fire that she had started in their depths. Panic rose in her throat. “But it wasn’t real then.” She felt numb as he drew her trembling hands to his shirt buttons.

  “Humor me.” His voice was a warm breath against the hair at her temple. She stared up into eyes that left her hot and shivery, left her body throbbing with need and want. His lean hands worked magic on her body as she obeyed the unspoken need in those eyes.

  Her fingers moved down the buttons of his shirt front until it fell open to reveal a rippling expanse of chest and abdomen that made her want desperately to nibble, lick and bite her way down to that heavy, marvelous bulge in his slacks. She touched his chest with shaking hands and then shoved the silk shirt back and off his shoulders. He was watching her face through half-closed, intense eyes and she blushed hotly.

  “And then?” He drew her hands to the buckle of his belt as he bent to drag his mouth across her forehead.

  “I feel like such an idiot doing this,” she whispered in sudden embarrassment, her head drooping until her forehead touched his scratchy chin.

  “Don’t stop now. Please don’t stop now.” His muffled voice was husky with need. She lifted her face and his lips caressed hers gently, his tongue
sweeping into her mouth with hungry insistence. The dream rushed back in on her. The hesitant, breathless moment when he had asked her to touch him, to make love to him. Dear Lord. This was so completely familiar in every way.

  Her fingertips worked the buckle then the zipper, and she gasped as she felt his cock burst free of his expensive slacks and his naked flesh pressed hot and hard against her soft skin. His deep growl of pleasure lanced through her. Her hands sought him, curled around him, stroked him gently as he caught her mouth and kissed her almost savagely and then he was shifting away, and she watched, mesmerized, as he reached back and drew a golden packet from his rear pocket. His eyes held hers as he shifted both hands to his task.

  Oh. My. God. This was really getting serious now. She stared as he stroked the sheer latex over his cock, and she thought her chest was going to explode. And then he was lifting her from the floor, pulling her thighs about his hips slowly as she felt his cock nudging gently against her entrance.

  “Please don’t tell me no,” he breathed against her mouth as he shifted her and angled her body to accommodate his. His long fingers slid into her cleft and he actually growled with satisfaction as he felt how wet she was for him. She was shocked at how ready she was.

  “And if I said no?” she whispered as she closed her eyes and felt him beginning a slow, hesitant penetration of her body. His cock was barely an inch inside her wet center as he hesitated and held her still, his black eyes locked with hers when she opened them again.

  “Then this won’t happen,” he replied in a husky tone, and he waited.

  The feel of all his raw power waiting to fill her left her stunned and breathless with something she had never experienced before. Made her want. Made her hungry. Made her body ache to feel him buried there, deep inside her where no man had ever touched her before. The fear she thought she would feel was not there. There was only this trembling, heated need. This sharp aching. This throbbing desire to know what his body felt like moving deep inside hers.

  She swallowed the knot in her throat and inhaled slowly, lifting her eyes to see the desire in his. And as she had a thousand times before, she whispered huskily, “Yes. Oh please, yes!”

  David heard those incredibly sweet words and he groaned as he pulled her gently down over his throbbing cock, slowly inching in deeper then even deeper until he was buried to his root inside her. He watched the look of amazement on her face. As if she had expected something else. He couldn’t quite believe it himself. He hoped he didn’t look as shocked as she did. The heavenly feel of being inside this woman’s hot, wet body was nearly enough to make him lose control of his legs. He barely stopped the shout of deep pleasure that threatened to tear from his throat, instead pressing his mouth against the sweetly scented flesh of her throat.

  “I didn’t think I could do it,” she breathed, catching her breath and moaning as he slowly lifted then lowered her body so deliciously. Did she have any idea what those sexy little moans and gasps did to a man? He watched the expressions chase each other across her beautiful face as she closed her eyes and moaned with delight.

  He could barely manage to keep his legs from buckling at the heady feel of her body cradling his. He bit his lower lip and dragged in a deep breath. He had no difficulty handling her slender weight as he moved her to pleasure himself. But the way she showed him that she was being equally pleasured made his heart race and his mind turn to hot mush.

  It was incredibly erotic to see the pleasure on her face as he drove his body into hers, with every slow, deep thrust. To feel the full length of his cock surrounded by hot, tight woman, her clenching channel taking every inch of him as he drove deep again and again, was the most pleasure he had ever known.

  He felt her hips move to match his thrusts. It was so incredibly sexy, feeling her take in everything he had to give and watching her breathtaking enjoyment of his size and length. It was the biggest turn-on he had ever had. And he wanted to remain buried deep inside this woman forever. But he knew that he couldn’t hold out much longer as his body throbbed and burned with pleasure and he wanted to feel her come for him before he finished.

  Sam was shocked that she had managed to accommodate that huge cock. She had expected to feel some pain, or worse yet, nothing at all. But as he had driven his thick, hard shaft so slowly and carefully into her body, acting as if he feared hurting her, all she could feel was a surging, throbbing pressure that made her gasp and arch against his body. No pain, no numbness, just a sensual, throbbing fullness that made her dizzy.

  Once she had grown accustomed to the size and the heavy pressure of his body inside hers, she had closed her eyes and savored the slow, deep thrill of feeling him sliding in and out of her, the flanged head teasing her G-spot, the pleasure of his mouth on hers. And when he drew back to stare into her eyes in amazement, his face damp with perspiration and his eyes alight with pleasure, she pulled her muscles tighter around him. The resulting pleasure was almost too much to take. Wow. Who knew that Kegels in the middle of hot sex could be so stimulating?

  As she stared into his perspiring face, she realized that he was trying to hold back until she orgasmed. She whispered that it was okay that she hadn’t come. No one expected something totally marvelous on the first try.

  He shook his head slowly, those black eyes burning into hers as he caught her lips again and urged her so seductively to join him. She felt the trembling rise of her body, felt the matching shudder of his as he breathed huskily against her mouth, “Come with me, Sam. Take it. It’s all for you, love.”

  He lifted her up slightly higher against his hard body and bent to draw a swollen nipple into his mouth hungrily, sucking deeply. She threw back her head with a muffled cry of sheer pleasure and threaded her fingers into his dark hair. Dear God. Now there was something that could definitely blow a woman’s mind. Just that little added something to set her off like a rocket into her first-ever male-induced orgasm. And, oh my God, what a way to go!

  She gasped and arched and clutched his head to her breast like a demon as he urged her to one, then another mind-blowing, breathless orgasm before he stiffened and released. He closed his eyes and groaned and gasped and she felt him empty into her.

  Her thoughts were so scattered she could barely realize that she had just been given the most precious, marvelous gift she had ever received. She felt hot tears slide down her cheeks as she kissed him slowly, feeling his body shuddering with his own climax as he devoured her like a starving man.

  They remained locked in each other’s arms, his body still buried inside hers, for several minutes as he caught his breath and calmed his body and she kept her face buried in the solid muscle of his shoulder until she could breathe again.

  He had brought her dream to smoldering life. And he had given her the marvelously heady orgasms that she had thought she would never feel. He had made her feel beautiful, desired, needed. Amazing.

  When she lifted her face and looked into his black gaze, she whispered huskily, “And then he simply vanishes into thin air and the dream ends.” Her eyes drooped closed. She placed her lips against the strength of his shoulder, expecting him to lower her to her feet and end the moment.

  His rumbling, sexy laugh made her open her eyes and stare into his face. He was smiling at her with a wicked gleam in those eyes. A searing look that left her breathless.

  “What?” she whispered huskily.

  “It isn’t gonna be that easy to get rid of me, you incredible little witch.” And with a deep groan of satisfaction, he slowly rocked deep into her body again, rekindling the flame that still burned slow and hot within both of them. “Come with me again.”

  * * * * *

  David lay awake, his thoughts and his body too keyed up to rest. He gently shifted Sam’s limp form to a more comfortable position on his, not wanting to move away from her and the incredibly completed feeling she gave him. He gazed down at her sleeping face and his eyes moved down her delicious body beneath the sheet he had drawn over them.
br />   She was so completely delectable. She had fallen into an exhausted sleep after having given him enough sexual pleasure to last any normal man a month. He couldn’t move if he tried. The hours spent in her arms had drained him of energy far worse than any match he’d ever fought. But there was no residual pain, no bruising and no aching body. Just an amazing, deep feeling of sated contentment. He could so handle that any day.

  He had been shocked and then thrilled to learn that the woman draped over him seemed to instinctively sense his every need and desire. The incredulity of hearing that she had dreamed of him so long ago had grown into a certainty. No woman could know a man that completely if she had not been intimately involved with him time and again.

  How it had happened would remain a mystery forever. She knew nothing about him, yet she had written of the pain and ugliness he had suffered as a young man and had narrated the sad years of his early life with a storyteller’s loving hand, leading him to realize that every bad thing that had ever happened in his life had strengthened him for his future.

  Would he fall asleep sometime before the dawn and awake to find she had been nothing but a wet dream? He didn’t want to tempt fate. He wanted to be awake when she opened her eyes. He shifted and drew her soft skin against his cock and sighed with pleasure as she wriggled and moaned. Oh yeah. He could seriously deal with this.

  * * * * *

  David held the phone away from his ear as his furious manager exploded on the other end of the line.

  “Where the hell are you? They had to cancel all your matches here in Milwaukee. They threw in a double diva tag team match to cover for your sorry ass. The least you could do is tell me when you’re off with some floozy and too tired to travel!”

  Frank James’ tone was livid. David rubbed his forehead and said softly, “Sorry. I’ll make up the money somewhere else along the road. Tell them I was transported to another galaxy by aliens and won’t be back until they’ve finished testing me.”


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