Daughter of the Naga

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Daughter of the Naga Page 18

by Svetlana Ivanova

  Amarisa must have gloated about her power over this foreign stranger. My undying effort to chase her tickled her heart. The truth was plain and clear as day. This beautiful princess was fascinated by the way I was powerless and miserable. She fancied my great impatient ego. But she knew her power over me was threatened when she saw me and Kesar. This led the princess to act on impulse and allowed me into her garden—and closer to her heart.

  "You were jealous, weren't you?" I said with a slight smile of confidence for the first time

  "Of what?" Amarisa said.

  "Of Kesar and me," I said. "You saw us and you got jealous."

  "You think so highly of yourself," she said with a sharp look.

  "Admit it, Amarisa," I said. "You can't deny your feelings for me. "

  "You're talking nonsense as always," she said and turned away from me. But before she could move, I pulled her back and wrapped my arms around her.

  At the sheer intimacy, Amarisa gasped and squirmed in my arms, but she didn't try to shove me off the bridge the way I expected her to.

  "Oh how I scorn your manner!" Amarisa cried, wriggling herself in annoyance. "Why do you always find pleasure in capturing me?"

  "Why do you always find pleasure in running away?" I said, feeling her soft body against mine. "Why can't we just sit down and be civilized with one another? Now that we know we both share the same desire?"

  "We do not share anything!"

  "Stop fighting it! Stop lying to yourself, Amarisa," I said, looking at her in the eyes. "No more tormenting me. No more flouting me. I am doomed if you hold back your longing and refuse to let love words pass your lips. You are afraid to feed your heart's needs, but I know you want me as badly as I want you!"

  "Nikita, stop it!"

  "No! Tonight we must face the truth," I said, searching for her conflicted eyes as she was trying to look away. "If you deny that all I said isn't right, then look me in the eyes and say so!"

  Amarisa shook her head, refusing to speak. I lost my patience and grabbed her face and pressed my lips to hers. I inhaled the familiar sweet scent of her skin then pulled away to look at her face.

  "Say it, or I won't leave," I said. "Is it true that you love me, too? Is it?"

  "Yes! It's true! It's all true!" she said, lifting her head back to me. "Are you satisfied now?"

  We froze in silence. I blinked in surprise and almost couldn’t believe my own ears. Amarisa was panting as hard as I was. I almost fainted from the joy her confession brought me. As we stared at each other, letting the sound of nature calm our raging nerves, I prayed that it wasn't just a cheating dream. That it was happening right before my eyes.

  "Amarisa," I said, looking at her imploringly. "Be kind and say it again. Say that you love me, so that I know I'm not dreaming."

  Amarisa just sighed and leaned over to rest her head on my shoulder. I held my breath in my chest, afraid to disturb the moment.

  "You poisoned my heart with your love, Nikita," she whispered softly, "And yet I wish it would never be well again."


  A swoon of happiness rushed through me like a gentle wave from the sea. Now Amarisa was in my arms like a vivid dream that came true at last.

  She lifted her face to look at me again. Her eyes softened and were slightly misty. Her shivering body had melted into mine after the heartfelt confession. It was as if the princess had been holding the weight of her secret far too long. It drained her resolve just to admit her love for me. I leaned in for another kiss, but the princess recoiled and backed away.

  "You must go," Amarisa said. "It's late and you have things to do tomorrow."

  I was saddened by the thought of leaving her again, but we both knew we could not stay together for long.

  I planted my flirtatious lips on the crook of her swan-like neck. She sighed.

  Before Amarisa could say anything, I wrapped my mouth around her delicious lips. She instinctively moaned in her throat, which delighted me even more. We kissed, and it was the most delicious kiss I'd ever had. As our lips and tongues cuddled each other, my impatient hands caressed her elegant body, feeling my way over her soft body.

  "No, Nikita, we can't linger. You must go," Amarisa murmured and tried to pull away, but I nibbled on her supple lips again.

  "I don't think I could make myself leave," I whispered.

  "I will see you again when occasions arise."

  At last, we pulled away. Under my intense craving gaze, Amarisa hid her shy sparkling eyes under those long curved lashes.

  "But I don’t want to leave you," I said. "I want to taste your skin. I want to fall asleep with your heartbeat in my ear and wake up to the sign of your face."

  "You know full well you have possessed the entirety of my heart, Nikita, but we can't stay here or we might risk being discovered," she said, pushing me away.

  I blinked. Dejected, my arms loosened around Amarisa. Surprisingly, the beautiful princess herself gripped my waist and pulled me back to her like she didn't want our bodies to part. Her lips found mine in a kiss again. My heart almost exploded. Joy flooded like an overflowing river through my veins for it was the first time she acted on her true feelings.

  I slipped my velvety tongue into her willing mouth, savoring her taste with a growing hunger. Her breathing changed as our heated kiss continued with the silken feeling of our braided tongues.

  After a long while, we unlocked our mouths for the needed air.

  "Our time together shall come so long as I am sure that your love for me is unwavering," she said.

  I wanted to tell her that she needed not worry. My love for her was deeper than the ocean and stronger than the winds. Yet I must give the princess time as she so wished.

  “What do you want me to do to prove that?”

  Amarisa’s brows furrowed as if to think.

  "What would people in your world do after they confess their love?" she asked. My eyebrows raised at her question then a mischievous grin spread on my lips.

  "Well, they usually make love as we shall, too," I said with a grin.

  "But you're living in my world now," she said to my total dismay. "You must obey my wish and respect our traditions."

  "Alright," I said with a nod. "But you should know that this long separation tortures me more than you can see."

  A lovely blush crept onto her angelic face again.

  "Thank you," she said, "In turn, I must abide by your customs too. Tell me what I should do. What loving couples are supposed to do in your world?"

  "Oh!" I breathed. "Now that you mentioned it, yes, we ought to do all those lovely things. In my world, we must first go on a date."

  The fact that she considered us a 'couple' already made me weak in the knees.

  "What is a date?" Amarisa asked. "Is it a special holy day?"

  I laughed.

  "No! A date is for two people who would go out to enjoy an event or a meal. It's like a special moment for new lovers to get to know one another."

  "This sounds indeed sensible, and what should we do on a date like that?" she asked, smiling with her breathtaking dimples. I never knew she had them! I grinned back, enjoying the way her irises twinkled like blinking stars.

  "Oh, lots of things!" I said. “We can have a candlelight dinner. We can do a boat ride on the river. We can go to a movie..."

  "A movie?" Amarisa asked with a curious frown.

  "Ah, silly me. I forgot you don't know what a movie is," I said. "Well, a movie is like a series of images that move to narrate a story."

  "Oh I see," she said then paused for a moment like she just had an epiphany popping into her head.

  "What are thinking?" I asked.

  "Nothing," she said and smiled again. She then leaned over to kiss my cheek before she enveloped me in her arms. Her face pressed against the side of my neck. Her fragrant breath tickled my skin. I sighed in contentment and tightened my hold around my princess.

  "Nikita, I do fancy a date like that with you," Amarisa w


  I returned with more life than I'd ever felt in my entire existence. I skipped and swirled with overflowing happiness, floating across the path to my chamber. My mind was full of joyful thoughts. Everything was beautiful to my eyes. Even the sound of crickets felt like heavenly music to my ears. I was going on a date with Amarisa in the next coming days and I wished the time would fly by fast. I could barely contain myself.

  Then the gold-encased door groaned open and drew my attention. The glow of the lantern light shone from the hallway. Kesar appeared through the threshold as if she could hear my zealous rumpus from the distance.

  With a big smile, I went towards my handmaiden and wrapped my arms around her before lifting her off the floor. A shock expression plastered on her face.

  "My lady, no! Please, put me down!" she squealed in fright as I whirled her around and around. It made me giggle even more.

  "Kesar, you have wings!" I reminded her after I put her down again. "You're afraid of me doing this?"

  She gave me an embarrassed look.

  "You seem so happy," she said.

  "Yes, you would never have guessed what happened!" I said gleefully. "Never in my life have I felt so alive and so delighted. Amarisa and I are now together and we will go on a date!"

  "A date?" Kesar said with a curious look. She was confused like my princess was before I explained what a date meant. It made me giggle again.

  "Ah, never mind," I said, shaking my head at her with a smile. "I'll tell you about it another time. Now I'm tired and just want to go to bed."

  Kesar nodded. We went inside, but during our short walk to the bedroom, I noticed how quiet Kesar had become. My head turned to her again. She didn't look up from the floor. I grabbed her hand to make her look at me.

  Kesar smiled, but her eyes didn't seem lively like they always were whenever she saw me returning home.

  "You're alright?" I asked her.

  Kesar nodded her head. Then she walked to the silk-covered bed and parted its flowing sheer curtains. She pulled down the thin fleecy duvet for me.

  "The visit to the Asoak Garden must have tired you now," she said. "You should have your rest while the night is still slow."

  I stood there looking at Kesar and felt a fresh current of pity flowed through my heart. I stepped towards the Kennari and reached for her small frame, pulling her to sit down on the bed with me.

  "I'm sorry," I said.

  We gazed at each other's faces. I could see the tears threatened to well in her eyes, but Kesar blinked them away. It broke my heart knowing she was secretly hurting.

  "You did nothing wrong and have no faults," she said. "Don't be sorry for this silly maiden."

  Pity filled my heart. I wrapped the maiden from behind and rested my chin on the crook of her delicate neck with a sigh.

  "I'm sorry for the way you feel, Kesar," I said. "The love god is cruel to us all. I wish there was a way to end your misery. I'm not worth your love. You will find someone who deserves you more. You will find a worthy Kennari or a Kennara as your true mate."

  "No, please, my lady, don't say such heartbreaking words," Kesar said, turning around to look at me. "I am ashamed of myself and of my longing, but I never wish for a lover. Just let me be by your side and it shall please my heart always."

  When I lifted my head, I was greeted with those pleading eyes. Kesar brought her soft palm to my cheek and caressed me gently.

  "Don't let me be the cause of your guilt. I'm utterly happy for you and the princess," she said in a soft voice. "She is destined to be yours from the beginning, and I would never dare defy the fate."

  "Oh Kesar," I murmured against her palm and kissed her wrist once.

  She pulled away and stood up. "I must leave you to your rest. May a brighter day await you tomorrow."

  With that said, she turned and left me alone in the room.


  The next day, as soon as my carriage reached the Great Temple, I could hear boisterous voices echoed through the air. I looked out through the small window and spotted a shouting Vorac. She was running down the stone path towards us.

  "Where were you last night, Nikita?!" she cried. "We went to your chamber but you weren't there!" Her face was creased with urgency and irritation. The avatar girl roughly parted the doorway curtain on my side and pulled me out of my seat so fast, my head spun.

  Kesar stepped out of the carriage afterward. She didn't fly out today and decided to accompany me to my training. She promised to catch up with us later.

  "What’s wrong?" I asked her warily as we started to walk faster. I wondered if I had spoiled her morning mood for being late. She looked like she wanted to punch somebody in the gut.

  "Today we shall have a battle practice!" Vorac said through her clenched teeth. "A battle practice before the game day! How ridiculous!"

  "Huh?" I said. "What are you talking about? Where are the others?"

  "In the armory getting ready," she told me. "All because of Issarak and his nonsense! He implored the Queens to move the day of our battle duel so that they can measure the progress of our training. If we lose the first round to him and his mates, it shall bring us so much shame!"

  "Am I included?"

  "Oh yes, sadly so as our teammate. I wish I could strangle that Murugan's son!" she said in disgust. "His thirst for a good fight with us is unquenchable. The Guru shouldn't have let him talk the Queens into his theme. I bet he did that just to put us in humiliation, knowing that your progress is still painstakingly slow."

  "Well, thank you for informing me of my poor performance."

  "Sorry, Nikita, I did not mean to taunt you," Vorac let out a sigh as she seemed to calm down a bit. "Now we need to get you weapon and armors before it starts."

  With that, she pulled me along by the elbow. We ran through the encampment.

  We reached the armory and got inside through the secret passage. Everything within the immense cavern was luminous— from the high vaulted ceiling glowing above and down to the shining corridors.

  "Is there going to be some killing?" I asked worriedly while we trotted to another section of the complex.

  "No, but accidents do happen." She shrugged back. I just wanted to tell her that wasn't a comforting answer at all. Then I saw my other avatar friends standing there, discussing something.

  "Oh, holy sweet godlings," I breathed as I gawked at them. Their warrior appearances were dazzling and heroic and beautiful.

  Atith let his golden armor vest exposed without any more covering. It was thickly crest and shining. Tepi and Tusita were dressed completely in gold, golden vambraces and armbands adorned their lean but strong limbs. Their slender shoulders were aided by golden pauldrons with belts strapped down their small frames.

  Together they stood handsomely in their battle outfits like the version of their divine parents. I looked at Atith, who appeared in all his resplendent glory. His golden spear sparkled and glowed even more so. Samudra stepped out from the dark corner. His long hair was pulled into a neat bun. A large crested set of bronze armor encased his entire upper body, protecting his neck and his broad chest.

  Tusita was holding her hundred-bossed celestial bow with a quiver latched onto her back. Vorac went up to them. I watched in awe as a whizz of glittering golden mist swirled around her, manifesting a set of silvery armor around her elegant form.

  I kept staring at everyone with open mouth. Tepi walked towards me. She was almost intimidating even with her kind face.

  "You can't go out there with no protection, Nikita," she said and handed me a set of custom-made combat gears. They were made mostly of tough leather with gold rims. Each part was designed to fit my modern outfits.

  "If you're called upon to the battle, this shall protect you," she told me.

  I gulped dryly and accepted the gift.

  "Don't worry." Tusita stepped forward. "We're going to duel on your behalf. You should be fine."

  "I can't wait to beat the stuff
ing out of Issarak this time," Atith said, cracking his knuckles. "I have had enough with that fellow."

  "Then I pray you won't end up in the Aswin House again, Atith," Tusita said.

  "Aw...you know he relied on trickery!" he protested. "Last time, I was not prepared for his mischief and fell under his dirty hands."

  "What happened?" I asked.

  "We had some bad losses in the past," Tepi said. "The last duel we had with them didn't end well for our side."

  "What if they call me into a fight?" I said.

  Everyone looked at me. I knew they had done everything in their powers to protect me, but if the gods wanted me in the battle, I might as well brace myself for the worst. Without another delay, the avatars helped me into my armor. I had an armor vest strapped around my chest for the first time. It almost suffocated me to death. At least, it was lighter than I had expected. Tusita and Vorac fastened the vambraces around my forearms and shins. We heard the conchs blew, which signaled the arrival of the King and Queens. Then the bronze gongs went off as a sign to gather the duelists, who were divided evenly into two opposing teams. Issarak, Morokot, and Ravi along with their other members were already on the wide open field waiting for us.

  We gathered in front of the Main Pavilion. A moment later, we saw the flowing golden tunics of the King and his second Queen. They were surrounded by royal members, ministers, and generals. But I didn’t see Queen Jayara with them. The palace maidens prepared golden bowls of fruit and juices in beaten silver goblets to serve the audience.

  Everything was being done in a haste. Obviously, this event was also as unexpected to everyone as it was to me. All thanks to Issarak.

  Then my eyes caught a flashing small crown, and hair that lit like sleek raven's feathers in the sun. The glints of her golden dress sparkled as Amarisa emerged. Her long flowing lock was tied back, swaying between her shapely shoulder blades as she entered with her parents.

  She was small to spot but hard to miss. Her presence made my heart melt in adoration but also filled it with nervousness.


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