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Daughter of the Naga

Page 42

by Svetlana Ivanova

  The Naga King.

  Shock seized me, holding me still. Amarisa's head raised and her eyes gleamed with tears.

  The serpent deity showed himself under the beam of moonlight. His eyes shone bright like black gems. His forked-tongues lolled in and out, hissing from those horrible mouths.

  I caught a glimpse of flashing knife-sharp fangs dripping with deadly venom. My body shivered at the sight. The serpent's sleek scales reflected like raven feathers as he slithered forward. Even Malis backed away from the serpent god in fear. Her protective growls had turned into kitten-like snarls.

  Many time I tried to move my body. I tried to run to Amarisa, but my feet were stiff and heavy like a stone in the bottom of the sea.

  "I have said it before but I shall say it again. You are indeed my Naga-born daughter whom I cherished above all. I have claimed you since your new birth into this world. Therefore you will always be a Naga princess," the serpent hissed in an airy voice like the wind blowing through leaves. "The Lord of Destiny had promised me your return. Hell shall be all I see if I lose you again."

  "No! I refuse to accept this!" Amarisa cried, hiding her face in her hands and wept. "Let your heart be troubled no more for this is my life I lead and not yours. I'm a human, and I won't leave here with you!"

  The Naga King arched his body and lowered his multiple heads until he and the princess were at the same height. I was amazed that Amarisa remained calm for all this time. Indeed, she must've inherited her mother's sound senses and her father's bravery.

  "I wish to be kind to you and your human companion, but I fear for your sake, daughter. I counsel you to cut your tie from your mortal lover before it destroys you both."

  "No! It would be better for me to lie dead and buried if I lose her, for I shall have nothing left to live for anymore!"

  "The gods are cruel," the Serpent King whispered. "But they have been crueler than usual to me. The girl was sent here as a sacrifice, do you hear me, child? The Lord of Destiny shall use your role to turn the wheel of her prophecy. I want you to forget this impure life on earth and return to our world where you belong. Come back to our kingdom, Amarisa dear, before the Fate snatches you away from me again."

  "I can't comply to your wish, Lord Father," Amarisa said resolutely. "I was born here as a mortal and a daughter of my dear parents. I must stay here until the end of my lifetime. Nikita is my one true love. So long as she is within my heart, I fear no blame nor shame, or even death."

  The serpent god seethed with his forked tongues in anger. I couldn't see very well in the dark, but by the many sounds the god made, I could tell the numerous heads were turning and tilting in fury and disappointment. Yet it seemed the King had no wits to argue.

  "Dear child of mine, I will leave you to your thoughts, but I shall come again when you need me," he spoke in resignation. "Heed my words carefully before I leave. If I ever hear that she has wronged you, I shall be the judge of her crime."

  As the Naga King said those words, a few of his heads with pairs of glowing green eyes looked in my direction. I recoiled from that powerful stares that stabbed at me like flying arrows.

  The serpent god knew I was there. His threat had engraved fear in my mind. It didn't surprise me that this divine being had come to deliver the same exact prophecy. Of course, the serpent god might have dreamed of our destiny before it even happened.

  Our love was bound to part.

  Slowly, the waves rolled over the edges in tandem and the water trembled once more. Amarisa was still weeping on the ground. The towering silhouette soon slithered back into the depth of the raging torrent. After a while, the garden was as quiet as a disconsolate land once again.

  I recovered from my spell-binding paralysis and jumped out of the grove, heading straight to my princess. When she heard me calling her name, Amarisa wept her eyes and rose to her feet again. A smile shone on her surprised face when she saw me.

  "Your Highness!"

  "Nikita!" she cried and ran to close the short distance between us. I held her in my arms and noticed the cold night air had been brutal upon her soft skin. She was shivering, or perhaps it had been the chill of fear and distress. I had decided not to say anything about the divine serpent.

  "Your Highness, why are you still here?" I asked, staring at her distressed visage. "Forgive me for my delay, my love."

  Malis leaped back from the flower bush.

  Amarisa shook her head and smiled at me. Her hands went to my cheeks. Her forgiveness broke my heart.

  "It is alright, Nikita. You came to me at last. I'm just glad to see you again." Her tone was filled with tears. "I thought you had forgotten me, but in my heart, I still had hopes that you would not abandon me."

  "Why would you say that? I will never forget you," I said and kissed her forehead. But once again I longed to understand what had just happened.

  "You have prolonged our meeting purposely, have you not, Nikita?" Amarisa said softly as she clung to me. Her forward question was unexpected.

  "What are you talking about?" I said, feigning innocent. "I'm here now."

  "How long this harshness, this unloved phase, shall I bear with you?" she said again. "In patience, I endure my share of torment. I'm willing to go through whatever be my fate, but your ignoring me oppresses my heart. It tortures my soul and makes my life a woe."

  Tears leaked and flowed from my eyes like broken clouds releasing rain. I wiped them quickly before Amarisa could see them.

  "My love, you're worrying too much," I said. "There is none left to cheer me but you. I'm so sorry I had been careless, but I love you always."

  I pulled away with a bright smile. Amarisa stared back into my eyes.

  "Is it true?" she said and I nodded.

  "I swear on my life."

  "There's no need," she said and smiled again.

  "Let us not linger here in the night so cold," I said. "You must head back to your chamber."

  "No, I wish to be with you tonight," she said. "Will you let me stay until the morning birds start singing again?"

  It was the first time she had suggested it. I was ready to make excuses, but when the princess looked at me, I lost my resolves.

  "As you wish," I said.


  That night after we returned to my chamber, Amarisa and I stayed quiet in bed side by side. We both were obviously thinking about the Naga King's warning, but of course, none of us would let each other know.

  "Are you weary?" Amarisa spoke softly to me. There was something in her tone, strained and edgy.

  "I am," I said but my mind was clear and my eyes were wide open.

  "Then I shall leave you to your rest," she said. The silence reigned on. The only sounds I heard was of hooting owls from a distance. I remained quiet. Then all my thoughts were scattered away when Amarisa pulled back the covers. The princess moved over and laid her body atop me.

  I felt the warmth of her skin on mine. There was an untamed wildness when we looked at each other.

  "Amarisa..." I breathed.

  I felt a slow heat coursing through my body. She rested her head against the nook of my neck, and we lay like that for a moment.

  I closed my eyes and waited, wishing us both would fall asleep, but when my gaze drifted back to Amarisa, she was looking up at me.

  Her cheeks were ruddy bright. A wild fire seemed to gleam through her eyes. My gaze narrowed to her coral-red lips as they parted lusciously, revealing the white set of even teeth like fine strung pearls. Her breasts rose and fell as she breathed. I swallowed the lump in my throat, but it wouldn't go away.

  "We should sleep," I whispered again, but my voice was a little shaky. Without a response, Amarisa's soft hand went to my chest, nestling through my open collars and unbuttoning my shirt—at first awkwardly as she had never handled such clothing, but soon she succeeded in peeling the fabric off my skin. My breath hitched. I felt her hand slipping further down, and I bit my lips.

  "Nikita," she whispered in my ear. He
r breath was hot on my skin.

  Her lithe fingers slithered over the quickened rise and fall of my breasts and down to my belly.

  "Amarisa...please..." I pleaded although I did not know what I was begging for.

  My princess's face flushed hot against my skin. Her body with no usual ornament but her own charms pressed softly against me. I could feel her heart beating like an excited bird in spring. Her delicate hands stroked my stomach as though smoothing the finest silk.

  The heat was stirring and burning from my core as I lay unmoving. Desires soared through my body, drawing out a suppressed moan from my throat. When she reached my weakness, hot and wanting, I gasped and looked at her face in surprise. Amarisa watched me as I trembled. She seemed curious and fascinated by my reaction.

  The princess began to realize how to pleasure me. I felt hollow like a flute waiting for the musician to make it sound.

  But I could not let this go on.

  "No, Your Highness, we can't do this," I said and reached for her hand, easing it away from me. Amarisa's shimmering eyes lingered on my face as though she was shocked by my rejection.

  I was also ashamed of myself. Wordlessly, she turned her face away from me and lay back onto the bed. She must be hurt and embarrassed, but I didn't know what to say, and we spoke no more.


  I awoke from my sleep when the morning birds started chirping. I realized Amarisa had left me without a word. On her pillow was a tear-stain that tore at my heart like a gash of a fresh wound.

  The first day of Sankranta, the Lunar New Year, had arrived. The kingdom had a three-day celebration. The trumpets and gongs were blown and struck all over the city.

  The stables were full of horses and carts from new visitors, consisting of kings, princes, and ministers from other parts of the empire. They all came to wish their King and Queens a great fortune and a victory.

  Kesar bathed and groomed me for the special occasion tonight.

  She had changed my clothing into silk and richly embroidered shirt. I insisted on wearing my knee-length cotton pants and leather boots. But she wounded a special red cloth around my waist. It was ornamented with gold belts. I saw no difference between the purple with gold and crimson with gold.

  As I walked through the palace square, I heard the boisterous voices from the great hall before I entered it. The sound of a hundred men. I had never seen so many men in one place. The clatter of their golden goblets and jingling jewelry indicated their statuses.

  Each was king or a son of a king. Others were wealthy ministers. They all adorned in sparkling dresses. The gifts lay ready beside their tables while I had none.

  The palace maidens had thrown open the windows to dampen the sound. They had hung tapestries on every wall. I was called forward to sit among the avatars, who sat at their tables draped with gold silk. The maids soon faded to the background, blending into the shadows.

  When the conchs were sounded, the King and Queens appeared into the hall, followed by the Guru and the Hora. The Brahmin priests recited a hymn. Everyone knelt and bowed their heads. None dared raise their eyes until the King and his Queens took the thrones.

  The priests began their chanting.

  ‘O Ruler of the entire world,

  which he had conquered and established on the slopes of Meru.

  He is steady as the sun.

  His reign is like a flawless crown made of stars.

  May the gods bless our sovereigns.’

  Then the guests introduced themselves one by one. The great King greeted them equally, accepting their gifts with thanks. Some brought a beaten-gold bowl marked with diamonds and gems. Some brought rare stones and expensive jewelry boxes. Others presented armors and swords as gifts. A few gifted the finest remedies and quality silks from their homelands.

  Despite the festivity, we could still feel the tension in the room. With too many princes and kings, it was hard to avoid competing for attention and fame.

  The Kumaras, who were the crowned princes from other allied kingdoms, showed off their shining hair and expensive embroidered clothing. The youngest one was only about thirteen. The oldest in the room was already salt-and-pepper. Then a king from the southern land was announced. He was a middle-aged man. He looked powerful and severe with his black hair and brows that slashed across his forehead. His eyes were like night, giving a sharp stare that could have pierced a stone.

  Beside him was obviously his eldest son. I stared hard at the young prince. He was handsome with an intelligent gaze. His body was lean with a narrow waist and broad shoulders. When the prince moved, he knew how to carry himself as the son of a king.

  The southern royalty gifted a golden embossed bow.

  "Your Majesty, Devaraja, King of Kings and Lord of Men," he said. "I have brought you a handsome golden bow for the New Year. I pray to the gods for your health and strength. May the Great Lord lead us to victory."

  I was aware that Amarisa wasn't in the hall yet.

  "My Queens and I are grateful that you have brought us such a worthy gift," said the King.

  "My son, first in line to the throne, has come along to congratulate you and your lovely daughter. Would you forgive me if I humbly request her attendance? We have prepared a lovely gift for her."

  It was bold of that southern royal to request, and a humming of murmurs erupted among the other kings. I felt the unrest inside me, knowing that my princess would the target of these men's attention.

  The Queens remained quiet. They knew it wasn't their place to speak, at least not yet. Their husband slowly nodded. He sent for the princess, who a moment later appeared in all her grace and finery. I looked at the dais and saw the woman of my desire being led into the hall for all to see. Hot blood ran in my veins, pumping in my heart.

  "My dear, Amarisa, come here and greet our guests," her father called to her. Amarisa bowed with her joined palms. I felt the stir from the men around me. Then she sat beside the thrones of her parents. Her eyes cast down at her hands that rested on her lap.

  Even I was annoyed by those men, I still marveled at the power of the King's daughter who, though unsmiling and grim, could quiet the room.

  Of course, we all heard the rumor of her skin to be gilded with gold, her eyes dark and shining like gems, but none compared to having seen her in person. In that moment, Amarisa was worth all the gifts they had brought, and even no one had suggested it, I knew she was also worth dying for.

  "Good lord!" the southern king exclaimed with a smile. "I haven’t seen her since she was a wee little child? Look, how beautiful she has grown! Never had we seen a maiden in seemliness and pleasing semblance and grace like your daughter, my King!"

  The young prince couldn't stop smiling, and I felt the urge to punch both the father and son for no reason.

  "Shall we have the honor to see the princess's performance, my gracious King?" he said. "I believe each of us, who has been traveling this far, wouldn't miss a night of some special dancing."

  The King's eyebrows lifted, but he said nothing for it was customary for a princess to dance in a special event. The King turned to his beloved daughter.

  "Amarisa, do you accept this request?"

  Her voice was low and lovely, carrying to every corner of the hall.

  "If it pleases you so, Father."

  It was all she said, but no one could deny her captivating voice that resonated in everyone's ears. Then she exited the hall again with a number of maidens. The food was being served.

  Issarak and his friends were talking and laughing with some princes, who would stand in their father's stead and be joining the war. Issarak seemed to be showing off his charisma and what a leader should be.

  I drank my juice one cup after another in silence. My friends were conscious of the gloom in my demeanor, but they didn't say anything.

  All around us, I could hear voices from the men, ceaselessly admiring what a divine beauty the princess was. Her pleasant manners and delicate nature were well suited to be the
ir queen. Each prince wished she would be his. Never had they seen anyone more beautiful.

  Laughter and voices raised in delight. The joyous air of their happiness felt like thick chains around my neck.

  "Nikita, are you alright?" Vorac asked. I looked at her with a shake of my head.

  "I'm fine," I said, but I didn't sound convincing. Soon the moon god's daughter assembled the other avatars with her secret glance. The rest of them finally noticed me. Without a moment of doubt, they seemed to understand.

  "We know you're being disgusted by those men," Tepi said and put her hand on my shoulder. "But they are our allies. Their armies shall join us in the war. We depend on them and must compromise."

  "Amarisa is undeniably yours," Tusita tried to console me. "No one could take the princess from your love's grasp if the fate deems it so."

  I smiled and thanked them for their comforting words. But I knew it better.

  The orchestra began playing. The rows of maidens floated into the hall, circling around the fire. I remembered the first time I had seen Amarisa dancing.

  How many moons ago had it been since we first met?

  She was now in her Apsara costume with golden headdress. Her dress was embellished with detailed ornaments and beaded patterns. Everyone in the hall was soon enchanted by her sight.

  The song was being sung by the Mohoras and Mohoris as the Kennars played the harmonious music.

  'Her face could shame the noon sun's radiance.

  Her brows were arched as Indra's bow,

  And hair sleek like night let down upon the sky,

  Most beautiful of all!

  Rising like the morning star

  At the start of a happy year.

  Shining bright and fair,

  Lovely of face and sweet of lips,

  Arms surpassing gold,

  Fingers like lotus buds,

  Her legs parade her beauty

  Captures my heart and soul.'

  As the song went on, our memories turned up afresh in my mind. It reminded me of my longing and how I desired this woman with no boundaries. But now everything had changed.

  All sat quietly, watching and admiring with passion in their eyes.


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