Book Read Free

Forever and Always

Page 10

by Beverley Hollowed

  “Good Morning beautiful, Had to run a quick errand. Won’t be long. Love Sam xx”

  She wondered what was so important that he had to leave so quickly. She couldn’t help but feel a little pang of disappointment that she didn’t get to wake up next to him as she didn’t know she would get a chance to do it again.

  Melanie kicked the sheet back and made her way to the bathroom. She quickly put her clothes back on and caught her hair up in a hair tie she had left on Sam’s night stand on one of her other times here. She made her way to the kitchen to start cleaning but was surprised to find the whole place spotless except for a tray sitting on the kitchen table with breakfast ready for her and another note from Sam.

  “Hope you slept well, eat your breakfast, have a big day planned. Love Sam xx”

  Melanie smile as she read the note. What was he planning she wondered. She quickly sat down and ate her breakfast. When she was done she clear up the dishes then looked for a pen to leave Sam a note.

  “Just gone to get changed and make sure everything is ready before Maggie arrives. Love Mel xx. P.S. Thanks for Breakfast. P.P.S last night was the best night of my life xx”

  Melanie headed back to her own house and headed straight to her bedroom. She pulled out clean clothes and laid them on her bed then headed into the bathroom to have a shower. When she was finished in the shower she wrapped her bathrobe around her and returned to her bedroom to dry her hair. Twenty five minutes later, she was dressed and had her hair done. She headed out into the main part of the house and began to straighten around. However giving that she and Sam had spent the previous day cleaning the house there was actually very little to do.

  Suddenly her phone pinged letting her know she had a new message.

  “Finally” she sighed as she pulled it from her bag and expecting it to be from Sam but it was from Maggie. She frowned. “Where is he” She thought as she read Maggie’s text.

  “Will be there soon Mel. I have a surprise for you xx”

  Melanie wondered what it could be. Maybe Maggie finally agreed to marry Mark. Melanie smiled at that thought. She really did like Mark.

  She decided to text Sam to see where he was.

  “Where r u x”

  She waited a few minutes but there was no reply. Melanie didn’t know what to think. Where the hell had he gone? What was so important that he had left her sleeping alone?

  It also dawned on Melanie that her Dad hadn’t responded to her voice mail either. “Why was everyone ignoring me today?” she thought grumpily.

  She went out and sat on the deck and waited for Sam.

  She was just about to give in when she heard his car pulling up on the far side of the beach house. She waited for a few minute for him to appear down the pathway but he didn’t. Melanie waited another couple of minutes before she made her way over to Sam’s house. She was angry and wanted an explanation.

  As she got closer to the back door she could hear voices. Instantly she recognised Sam’s voice. Then she heard a girl talking. She tried to hear what they were saying but she couldn’t make it out.

  She paused for a moment, her heart banging hard in her chest then she pushed opened the door and slowly stepped inside.

  When she did her stomach jumped into her throat. In front of her stood Sam, wearing just his jeans and his shoes and in front of him stood a bleached blonde life size Barbie, wearing nothing but his t-shirt, her arms draped around his neck. They both turned to her in unison as she walked in. Sam’s face was ashen as a look of panic spread across it.

  “Melanie this is not what it looks like” Sam said quickly, the panic in his voice very clear as he pushed Barbie away from him. Melanie just stared at him, unable to speak because she was trying so hard not to vomit. She could barely hear his words because her heart was drumming so loudly in her ears.

  Sam began to move towards her but she stopped him by raising her hand.

  “Mel please, I just got home and....”he tried to explain what was happening. But she didn’t want to hear it.

  “Don’t” she snapped back. “This is where you were? This is what you left me alone this morning for?”

  “What? No!” he cried as he heart raced faster in his chest. “I told you, I said....”

  “You said what you needed to get me into your fucking bed” she bit back. She felt so stupid and used and hurt and she wanted to hurt him back.

  “This is her?” the Barbie said with unhidden shock and distain in her voice. “Jesus Sam she is barely out of nappies”.

  “Shut the fuck up Carolyn” he growled but his eyes never left Melanie.

  Melanie felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. This was Carolyn, his midnight texter. Her head spun and she felt like she was going to get weak. Quickly she stumbled to the side of the sofa and leaned against the arm to steady herself.

  “Melanie” Sam said as he rushed to her side and wrapped his arms around her to steady her. But his touch sent a shock wave through her instead and quickly she was back on her feet.

  “Don’t touch me” she yelled and she pushed him away from her. “Don’t put your fucking hands near me. I can’t even look at you right now”.

  “Melanie please, just let me explain” he pleaded.

  “I don’t want to hear it Sam” she replied, her voice cold and hard. “My Dad was right. You are all the same. You’ll say what it takes to get what you want. And I’ll admit you were good, you almost made me believe you”. A sudden sob came from inside her and she put her hand over her mouth.

  She needed to get out of there. She wasn’t going to let him see her cry. She quickly turned and ran out the door. She only got a couple of steps before Sam was behind her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back and pulled her into his arms. She struggled to free herself from his hold but he held her tighter.

  “Melanie stop this” he pleaded and held her closer. He pulled her tighter to him to try calm her down but her determination was so strong she broke free and spun around and made to run but once again he grabbed her arm. This time she spun around and slapped him across the face.

  “You stay the hell away from me” she screamed at him as hot tears stung her eyes. “Go back to your blonde tart. You deserve each other”.

  “Melanie I don’t want her, I want you” he cried still holding her arm but she abruptly pulled it free.

  “No you don’t” she replied coldly. “Face it Sam I am just another Callie. But I won’t end up like her, now leave me alone”.

  With that she turned and ran down the path. This time he didn’t follow. Her words had gone through him like a knife. He knew he had hurt her and she was just lashing out. But she was so wrong. She wasn’t another Callie, she wasn’t another anyone. She was Melanie, the love of his life. He had never loved anyone or anything more. He stood and watched her disappear down the pathway and out of sight, slowly he turned and walked back into the house, his heart heavy and aching in his chest.

  When he walked back in he found Carolyn fastening her shirt and tucking it into her jeans which she had already put back on.

  “Sam I am sorry” she said when she saw his face, his heart break written clearly across it. “I will go and talk to her. Tell her nothing happened”.

  “You stay the hell away from her” he snapped. “What are you even doing here Carolyn? I told you yesterday I loved Melanie and that there was nothing left between us”.

  “I know but I had to be sure” she replied.

  “So you came to my home and stripped your clothes off” he said angrily. “What did you think I was going to do when I found you sitting here naked?”

  “I honestly don’t know” she replied and looked embarrassed and rightly so.

  “I love Melanie” he said, the anger in his voice gone, now there was just sadness. He slumped down onto the sofa. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box and opened it revealing a solitary diamond ring. “I was going to ask her to marry me. That’s where I went this mornin
g. I was going to propose this evening”.

  “Sam she is just a kid” Carolyn said shocked by his news. She sat down next to him on the sofa “You both are”.

  “She is eighteen in a few weeks” he replied. “I was going to apply to a couple of Collages in Dublin to finish off my studies. I want to be with her and I would go to the ends of the earth to be with her”.

  “Wow” Carolyn said looking completely stunned. “You’re serious. I had no idea”.

  Sam just nodded and stared into space.

  “Well go tell her” she said smiled. “Tell her how you feel Sam. Don’t let her get away”.

  “I don’t know if she will listen to me now” He sighed and wondered how he was going to put this right. He needed to give her time. It was what she deserved but then he will make her see just what she really means to him.


  When Melanie ran down the path, she didn’t go straight back to the beach house. She headed down the beach, thankful there were very few people around. When she reached the rocks at the far end she carefully climbed them and sat down. Pulling her legs up to her chest, she buried her face in her knees and finally allowed the tears to flow.

  How could she have been so taken in by him? She had believed him when he told her he loved her. She believed every word he had said. She trusted him and he had broken her heart. How could she have been so stupid?

  But she thought of his face when he saw her standing there. It was filled with complete panic and fear. Then she remembered his face when she said she was just another Callie. He looked devastated by her words. He said he could explain. Maybe she should go back and give him a chance to tell her what happened.

  “But what explanation could there be” she scolded herself. He was standing there half naked! She was wearing nothing but his top and was all over him like a rash. He had ignored her text message she had sent him. Why had he left her alone? Why hadn’t he called her back?

  “Too busy screwing Barbie” she thought bitterly to herself and the thought made her stomach heave.

  No she would not give him the chance to hurt her again. She felt stupid and dirty and used and she would not let him have another ounce of what little dignity she had left.

  She didn’t know how long she was sitting on the rock but suddenly she felt tired and cold. She carefully climbed down from the rocks and made her way back up the beach. As she got closer and closer to the house her heart began to race. What would she do if he was sitting there on the deck waiting on her? What would she say to him? But then why would he be? He had been found out. He was probably fucking Barbie’s brains out anyway now and they were probably laughing at her.

  When she reached the house her heart sank to find the back deck empty. Part of her hope he would be sitting there waiting for her. Hoping that just maybe she had been wrong but obviously she wasn’t.

  She opened the door and with a heavy heart walked inside.

  “Mel” her Dad said standing up at the sight of his daughter. Melanie couldn’t believe he was standing there. Her heart lifted slightly at seeing him.

  Then without saying a word she ran to him and allowed herself to be wrapped in his strong arms and buried her face in his chest and began to sob again.

  “Shush” Alex whispered holding her close to him. “It’s ok, I am here”.

  They both stood for a few minutes in each other’s arms as Melanie sobbed like she had when she was a little girl. She was never so happy to see her Dad as she had been right at that moment.

  Finally when she pulled away slightly from him she noticed Maggie and Mark sitting on the sofa, Maggie’s eye filled with tears.

  “What are you doing here” She finally managed to ask.

  “I missed you kiddo” Alex replied. “I couldn’t stand you not talking to me any longer. I love you so much and I had to tell you, I had to see you”.

  “Oh Daddy” she cried wrapping herself around him again. “I am so glad you are here”.

  “I am glad I am here too” Alex replied, relieved that his daughter was happy to see him.

  “I want to go home” she suddenly whispered in to his chest”.

  “Melanie what is it” Alex asked suddenly feeling there was a lot more to his daughter being so upset. “Has something happened? Has someone hurt you?”

  “No” Melanie lied. She knew her Dad would march around to Sam’s and beat the crap out of him and she didn’t want that. She just wanted to leave this place behind and never look back. “I just miss you and Mom so much. I just want to go home”.

  Alex stood for a moment and looked at Melanie. He knew something was very wrong but after all they had gone through he knew he shouldn’t push her. She needed to trust him again and when she was ready she would talk to him.

  “Ok Kiddo” he replied. “We can head home whenever you want”.

  “I want to go home today” she said.

  “Ok” Alex replied and pulled her close. He glanced over at Maggie who shrugged her shoulders; she was as confused as he was by her request. “I will phone the airline and see can we get a flight tonight”.

  “Thank you” she whispered still holding on to him tightly.

  Alex managed to get them both on a flight at 8 o’clock that evening. Melanie went to her room to pack her bags. As she packed her phone beeped. She knew it was Sam. She stared at the phone for a moment deciding whether or not to read the text. Finally she picked up her phone and pressed open on the message.

  “Melanie, can’t we talk? I need to explain. I love you. Sam x”

  Melanie quickly pressed delete. And put the phone back down. Ten minutes passed when the phone beeped again.

  “Please don’t shut me out. Nothing happened with her I promise. It’s only you x”

  Again she just deleted his message. Then a few more minutes passed and the phone pinged once again.

  “Melanie I love you, please talk to me x”

  This time she pressed delete and switched her phone off.

  Half an hour later Alex packed Melanie’s belongings into the car he had hired while Melanie said goodbye to Maggie and Mark.

  “Thanks for everything Maggie” she said hugging her tightly.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Maggie whispered in her ear. “I know something has happened but you will never fix it if you leave”.

  “There is nothing to fix Maggie” she replied and smiled. But inside her heart was breaking and she knew that would never be fixed either.

  She hugged Mark and told him to get well soon. Then she turned back to her Dad.

  “Are you ready” Alex asked softly. Melanie nodded and smiled but couldn’t hold the tears back that trickled down her face. Slowly Melanie climbed into the car and quickly glanced over at Sam’s house from the safety of the car and finally she began to sob.

  Alex started the engine and slowly pulled away from the curb and set off into the late afternoon sun. Maggie stood and watched until the car disappeared out of sight. Then turned to Mark and smiled.

  “She is making a big mistake” Mark said. “Isn’t she?”

  “I think so” Maggie admitted sadly. “She is such a head strong girl. Just like her Mom at that age”.

  “What is it with you Irish girls” Mark said wrapping himself around Melanie the winced slightly because of his bruised ribs.

  “Come on” she laughed and took him by the hand and led him back down the path at the side of the house.

  “Maggie” Sam called as he appeared behind them as they reached the back deck. “I need to see Melanie”.

  “Sam she is gone” Maggie said as she walked back down the steps of the deck.

  “What do you mean she is gone” Sam said, his face as pale as a sheet. “Gone where?”

  “Home” Maggie replied. “Her Dad came to see her and she asked him to take her home”.

  “But she wouldn’t leave without at least saying goodbye” he said unable to accept he was going to lose her.

m she was very upset” Maggie explained. “I honestly don’t think she knew what she was doing. What happened?”

  Sam explained about Carolyn and how Melanie had walked in and assumed the wrong thing. He told her he had tried to explain what really did but Melanie wouldn’t hear him out.

  “How could I have been so stupid” he cried. “I knew she was upset and I thought I would give her a chance to calm down before I tried to talk to her. I should have never let her walk away from me when she stormed out of the house”.

  “You weren’t to know Alex was going to show up” Maggie replied sadly. “If her Dad hadn’t of come she would have still been here and given you a chance to explain it was all just a big mistake.”

  “Maggie please you have to help me” he said. “I can’t lose her. I love her so much”.

  “Sam I don’t know what I can do” Maggie said, her heart going out to him. “Her flight isn’t till 8 maybe you could catch her at the airport.

  “Thanks Maggie” he said as quickly kissed her before he turned and disappeared back down the path.


  Melanie never said a word on the journey to the airport. Alex glanced over at her frequently; he was very concerned about his daughter. When they reached the airport Alex pulled the car into the Car rental area. He switched off the engine and turned to Melanie.

  “Mel, I think this is a mistake” he said quietly. “I think there is something back there at the beach you need to sort out before you leave. Running away isn’t going to fix it”.

  “I am not running away” she replied her voice flat and unemotional. “I am going home. There is nothing left for me here”.

  He sighed and reluctantly climbed out of the car.

  They made their way to the check in area. Her Dad dealt with the tickets and passports while Melanie just stood in a world of her own. Everywhere she looked she could see Sam and so many times she thought she heard him call her name. But each time she was mistaken. She missed him so much already she could barely breathe. But he didn’t love her. How could he and be with someone else. She closed her eyes and all she could see were the two of them stand in his living room half naked. How could he do this to her? He hadn’t just broken her heart, he had ripped it from her chest and stomped it to pieces.


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