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Escape (Elite Supernatural Trackers Book 3)

Page 6

by Heather Renee

Chapter 8

  After collecting our belongings, we piled into the SUV once again with Nixie hanging out on the dash. With the address in hand, she opened a portal, and we went from Virginia to New Jersey within mere seconds.

  Jenna was a bit freaked out, but she handled it like a champ and only asked a few questions. Though, Blake was still keeping a tight hold on her emotions, and I knew that was helping considerably to keep her from losing her shit with all of the magic being thrown around. We couldn’t risk her going full newborn on us—uncontrollable bloodlust, mood swings from hell, violent outbursts that usually ended with dead bodies ripped to shreds. Nobody had time for that.

  When the portal spit us out, we were in a forested area about thirty minutes from the address we’d been given. Point Pleasant, from what I had googled, was a popular beach town in the summer months. We were just entering spring, and I hoped like hell it wasn’t overrun with tourists yet.

  “What are we going to do while we’re waiting for Zeke?” I asked. Three days was going to feel like an eternity considering all we had going on.

  “Maybe we can pick up a tracking case. We’ve done work for other prisons before. Not all of them are screwed up like Mandora,” Mason suggested, reminding me of Ethan and Gabe.

  “Speaking of, maybe we can also stop by the prison and check on the others. Do you think Warden Douche would throw a fit about that?” He might have been a dick with the way he kicked us out, but he’d been nice enough to the guards while offering Ethan and Gabe jobs, so I was trying not to think the worst of him.

  “That’s not a bad idea. I could chat with Deacon about getting in touch with the other prisons, and we’d be able to do both things at once,” Jaxon replied.

  “Perfect. We’ll leave tomorrow,” Mason said, inserting himself into the trip without hesitation.

  Blake leaned forward in his seat. “I’m not sure all of us should go. How about Spencer, Jenna, and I stay back at the house. We don’t want to seem threatening showing back up at the prison.”

  He was full of shit. We wouldn’t be any kind of risk to the prison by going together, but it probably wasn’t wise to bring Jenna in case shit went sideways. Plus, if Zeke showed up early, we didn’t want him to think we’d never shown.

  “That’s a great idea. It’s not like we’ll be gone for long. Probably an hour tops using Nixie’s portal skills.” I turned and winked at my fairy friend. “We couldn’t do this without you.”

  She opened her mouth to likely give some smart-ass reply, but Mason cut her off. “Hey! What am I now? I’m more than capable of opening portals.”

  I patted his shoulder. “Yes, you are, but she’s better at it.”

  He huffed, and the rest of us laughed, because he really had no argument to give.

  Finally, we arrived at a gated driveway. The fence around the property was more like a fortress for a president’s summer home, and the gate was creepy as hell with its twisted iron patterns and pointed edges that glinted in the moonlight.

  Spencer pressed in the code that had been included with the address, and the gate parted for us. I held my breath as we drove forward, wondering how many “security” measures Zeke had on this property that would kill us in an instant. The entire area put off a “keep away” vibe, and I didn’t like it.

  As soon as the gates closed behind us, my phone buzzed with a text, but only the people in the vehicle with me had the number.

  Unknown: I’m glad to see you know how to follow orders. The code to enter the house is 8675309.

  Me: How did you get this number and how did you know we arrived?

  Unknown: Just get inside the house and stay there. I’ll be there as soon as I can.

  I thought about replying and telling him to fuck off, but then decided it wasn’t worth my energy. We were going to leave, and he could get his panties in a bunch all he wanted, but it wasn’t going to stop us from heading to Mandora.

  As soon as Spencer stopped the SUV, I was the first to get out. Pausing only for a moment, I tilted my head up and took in the fortress of a house. It was made from wood and metal, heavy on the metal. The few windows that were on the front of the house were strategically placed at heights where people couldn’t even peek in without scaling the walls.

  Waltzing up to the door, I glanced at my phone and really read the code for the first time, then laughed my ass off. I hadn’t shared the fact I’d gotten the text with the others. I figured I’d just surprise them, but when I learned that Zeke actually had a bit of a sense of humor, I couldn’t hold in the hysteria that was pouring from me.

  “Uh, Siren? Are you okay?” Blake asked hesitantly.

  “Yep.” Hiccup. “I’m.” Snort. “Good.”

  Humming the numbers to the beat of the song, I typed in 8675309 and the lock disengaged.

  “That wasn’t the same code, Flower. How did you get that one?” The judgement was clear in Jaxon’s tone.

  “Easy, boy. I got the text as we pulled up. I wanted to be the useful one this time. Zeke didn’t tell me anything else that we didn’t already know.”

  “How did he get your number?”

  I shrugged. “He seems rather resourceful. I didn’t bother wasting brain space trying to figure it out.”

  I had other things on my mind, like which bedroom we were going to get and how far away it was from the others, because I wanted more of what I’d had the first day at the beach house. I’d never craved sex before with other boyfriends, but there was something about Jaxon that left me more satisfied than ever before, yet never fully sated.

  I couldn’t get enough of him, and since I wasn’t a fan of PDA, the bedroom was the only place I intended to put my hands on him in the ways I’d been dying to.

  “How about a nightcap before we all head to our rooms?” Mason suggested as Nixie was in mid-flight, likely on her way to find a quiet corner away from the rest of us.

  She paused and turned around with a smirk on her face. “Only if I pick the drink.”

  Oh, gods. This was going to end badly.

  “Deal.” Mason continued through the house like he owned the place while I tried to figure out where everything was.

  The house was open. Pillars instead of walls were everywhere, as if Zeke wanted to make sure there were as few places to hide as possible on the main level. First was the entryway, then a sitting room with no television, just couches and bookshelves. Blake was going to love that room.

  Then was a dining room with a table for twelve, which was weird but worked for our situation. After that, I could see the kitchen with stainless steel appliances and smooth surfaces. Everything was simple and efficient. Beyond the kitchen was a living room with a huge sectional sofa and the biggest flatscreen I’d ever seen at probably ten feet wide.

  Mason was already sprawled on the couch. “This is the life. Can’t we just stay here?”

  “Would be nice, but I’m not down with isolation. I’d still like to see the world,” I replied. I was not a homebody. After all I’d been through and everything I’d learned, there was so much more I wanted to do with my life once I didn’t have people after me.

  “How about we sort out rooms while Nixie is plotting our deaths?” Blake suggested, and I couldn’t agree more, except I was going to be hard pressed to leave our room once we entered it.

  Jaxon grabbed my hand, and we went up the stairs. None of us had any idea how many rooms were available, but hopefully there were enough or people, likely Mason, would be sleeping on the couch.

  The second level wasn’t open like the lower one, which I appreciated. There were four doors open for us to peek inside. First was a huge bathroom, including a shower, separate jacuzzi tub, and a wide double-sink counter. There were also three bedrooms that Spencer, Blake, and Jenna had already made moves to claim.

  Nixie appeared from nowhere. “You missed one down the short hallway before the bathroom, and there’s a basement. Fully furnished with another kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. I think one of them is Zek
e’s, though.”

  Gods, I loved that fairy.

  “We’ll take the downstairs. Mason can have the last one up here.” I glanced over at Jenna, who seemed nervous as she chewed on her fingers. “Are you good up here?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be fine. How about those drinks?”

  I grinned. Yes, she most certainly would be fine.

  Jaxon and I never made it to the basement level. Instead, Nixie insisted we have our drinks first. She was a preceptive fairy and probably knew we wouldn’t have resurfaced if we’d gone to the basement.

  “Here.” She shoved one at me that was bright orange and smelled divine. “I call this a hurricane.”

  The alcohol tasted as sweet as it smelled, and I was sold. Taking another one, I watched Nixie direct Jaxon to something darker and likely more stout. He took it without objection and, within a minute, we were all lounging on the sectional as if we didn’t have a care in the world.

  “How long have you all known each other?” Jenna asked as she, too, sipped on a hurricane drink.

  “The four of us have known each other for about three years, give or take. Our arrival times to the prison weren’t all at the same time. Siren over there was a new addition just a couple months ago,” Mason answered, then asked his own question. “What were you doing in Virginia?”

  “Spring break with my best friend. It was supposed to be more relaxing. A quieter beach to hang out at, but still enough nightlife to let loose. We had no idea…”

  Yeah, there were no warnings on the travel sites to beware of the vampire population, unfortunately.

  “Do you have any family that will be looking for you?” I asked.

  She nodded. “I do, but at this point, I’d rather they think I’m dead. As much as it will pain them, I can’t risk anything happening to them by staying in contact. I’m a monster now.”

  Blake reached for her. “No, you’re not. Vampires aren’t all like the ones who hurt you.”

  Finishing my second drink, Nixie was already prepared with more. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said.

  “Oh, don’t be a Mary. Have some fun. Who knows when we’ll be able to do it again?”

  Sad truth, but she was right. “Fuck it. You’re right. Let’s get drunk.”

  Jaxon grinned, and Mason cheered me with his glass while Spencer remained pensive and Blake continued to chat quietly with Jenna.

  “Nixie, how are you so good at everything? Is it because you’re so old?” Mason asked.

  Oh, he was already on his way to inebriated, and it wasn’t going to end well for him.

  She flew millimeters from his face. “I’m not old. I’m well-aged. Fuck you very much.”

  There wasn’t a wrinkle to be seen on her tiny face, and I agreed. Fairies could live for millenniums if they were careful. Nixie was still a young adult.

  Halfway through my third drink, I realized it was a lot stronger than the first two, but I didn’t care as I leaned into Jaxon and attempted to whisper, “I’m ready for everyone to disappear.” Apparently, I’d failed.

  Mason laughed. “Easy, Siren. We don’t need you giving Blake a boner from your hormones.”

  My face heated with embarrassment. I hadn’t meant to say the words so loud, but the attention was taken from me as soon as Blake retaliated.

  Mason was in hysterics. Thick tears trailed down his face as he cried so hard that he dry-heaved. “I’m sorry. What was that, Gunner?” Blake asked with a grin.

  “Fuck. You.” Mason barely managed to get the words out between the hiccups.

  Jenna stared wide-eyed, and I shrugged. “Boys will be boys.”

  She finally loosened up and joined in the laughter with us, but it was still reserved. Hopefully, our supernatural tendencies would become normal for her at some point, but I didn’t think that would be anytime soon. Though, she had shown signs of being independent at times, so maybe she would surprise us.

  Grabbing my fourth drink from the table, I began sucking it down until Jaxon’s voice whispered in my ear. “Want to finish that one in bed?”

  “Fuck yes.” Without hesitation, I grabbed his hand and stood up. “See you assholes tomorrow.”

  Mason was still crying, so there were no teasing comments as we headed past the kitchen to find the stairs to the basement. My drink was already devoured by the time we reached the bottom step, and I began pulling at my clothes. I had zero cares to give, and I was ready to take what I wanted most.

  Jaxon’s hands stopped mine from pulling at my shirt. “Let’s at least figure out which bedroom we can use before you get naked or we’re bound to piss off Zeke.”

  Sex-drive killer.

  “Fine, but if you don’t get naked as soon as we walk through a bedroom door, I’m going to do things to you nobody has ever done before, and you may or may not like them.”

  “Gods, I’m pretty sure Drunk Cara is going to be my new favorite.”

  “Drunk Cara is fucking badass, and she’s about to rock your world.” Yes, I was completely aware that I was speaking about myself in third person by then, but I didn’t care.

  I was drunk and horny, and the fairy was to blame. Most importantly, I trusted Jaxon and I wasn’t worried about making a fool of myself in front of him.

  Jaxon checked both rooms and held the door open to the first one. As I walked forward, I left a trail of clothes behind. There would be no foreplay. I wanted all of Jaxon in the quickest timeframe possible.

  He kicked the door closed behind him and started with his shirt, but I was an impatient woman. By the time he had his shirt off, I had his pants undone and at his ankles. The rest of my clothes had already disappeared.

  “Anxious, are we?” He smirked.

  “Fuck me now.” I jumped up, and he caught me, turning us so my back pressed against the wall. “Right here.”

  His fingers tangled in my hair as he angled my head before dropping a demanding kiss on me. He pulled back. “Your wish is my command.” Using one hand to hold my ass up while my arms wrapped around his neck, he used his other hand to open me up. “Always so ready for me.”

  “If you don’t give me what I want right now—” I didn’t get to finish the threat before his hand was replaced with his cock and he was pounding into me just the way I’d be begging for.

  “Jaxon,” I moaned, and he captured the word with his lips, kissing me with a ferocity I’d only ever experienced with him.

  He pulled back, his forehead pressing against mine, stormy grey eyes demanding my full attention. With no words, we stayed locked in each other’s gazes until my need for release outweighed the connection we had.

  My head slammed back into the wall, but the pain had nothing on the pleasure. With Jaxon’s whispered words of desire, I let myself go, knowing this was just the beginning of our night.

  This was what I needed. I needed to know what I was fighting for, because it wasn’t just my freedom and friends. It was also for the relationship I had with Jaxon. I refused to let anyone tear us apart, and I was going to take all the moments we could until that fear was gone.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, my head hurt like hell, and the glimmer of light made it worse. I had no idea what Nixie had put in those hurricanes the night before, but it had removed all of my inhibitions and given me one hell of a hangover.

  “You alive over there?” Jaxon asked from the side of the bed.

  Cracking one eye open, I was staring straight at his junk. Unfortunately already covered by his boxers, but it was a pleasurable view, nonetheless. “In. Bed. Now,” I murmured.

  “We’re headed to Mandora this morning, aren’t we?”

  Damn him. He knew how badly I wanted to check on Ethan and Gabe. It was the only thing besides Zeke’s arrival that would get me out of bed after the night we’d had.

  A lazy grin pulled at my lips as I remembered our night. I was pretty sure we’d done some sort of sexual act on every surface of the bedroom. Gods, I wasn’t sure how I’d gotten s
o lucky.

  “I’m the lucky one.” Jaxon smacked me on the ass. “Now, get up before I send Nixie down here.”

  Apparently, I had spoken out loud, but it didn’t matter. I had nothing to hide from him anymore. Not even my thoughts.

  With the threat of the fairy and the need to check on my friends, I crawled, almost literally, out of bed and to the bathroom. As I moved for the toilet, my hand almost knocked over a steaming cup of liquid gold.

  I had the best boyfriend ever.

  After gulping down more than half of the coffee, I was able to fully open my eyes and turn on the shower. As soon as the water was scalding and my drink was finished, I stepped in and washed slowly to ensure I didn’t throw up. Light was more tolerable, but everything else was still iffy.

  After getting dressed, I sluggishly made my way up the stairs, and the aromas floating toward me smelled horrid. Gagging, I tried to avoid the kitchen, but Nixie stopped me.

  “I left you a drink on the counter.”

  My head shook. “I’m never drinking with you again.”

  “It’s not alcoholic, and I promise it will make you feel better.” She flew away, and I decided to check out her concoction.

  Taking a whiff of it, I choked. “What the hell?”

  “I didn’t say it would taste or smell good.” Nixie flew outside, and I wanted to punch her.

  “I never thought I’d say this, but trust the fairy. Jenna had some and was fine within minutes after. Prior to that, Blake couldn’t even get her off the couch,” Spencer said, appearing suddenly at my side.

  Hoping like hell he wasn’t lying, I plugged my nose and chugged down the thick green slush, choking several times.

  By the time I finished, my head was already feeling lighter, but my equilibrium was still off. “Where’s Jaxon?” I asked Spence.

  “He’s with Mason, preparing to leave.”

  “Blake and Jenna?”

  He raised a brow. “Do I look like the house assistant?”

  “Well, no, but you were probably the only one not hungover this morning, so I figured you’ve been lurking around, enjoying the entertainment of our pain.”


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