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Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6)

Page 29

by Jo Willow

  Phil came back waving two photos with a huge grin on his face. He handed one to Scott and watched his face. Scott studied the photo and a slow grin took over his face. Rose shook her head and stepped away when they started comparing their pictures.

  “You were screaming like Patty. At least I stayed cool.”

  Phil shouldered him and rolled his eyes.

  “Cool? You almost puked on the platform dude.”

  “Did not!”

  “Did too!”

  They’d handed the photos to Amber for safe keeping and were walking off together as if nothing happened, comparing notes.

  The three adults pushing strollers followed, allowing them to set the pace. Rose was determined not to leave them alone again. Scott would be delivered safely to his parents or she’d throw Phil out of a speeding car as compensation. It only seemed fair.

  The house was clean, the linens were changed and the kitchen was once again stocked. Mitch and Beth had moved their things into one of the guest rooms and were ready for the arrival of their housemates. The house looked perfect, Beth was another matter.

  For the sake of comfort, she spent her time in loose fitting dresses, halter tops, or naked. Her back hadn’t blistered, but her loss of skin had been described best by Mitch as “molting”. She’d never been burned this badly in her life.

  When she woke up sick and hugged the toilet, she assumed it was the sunburn until Mitch also reminded her about the baby. She looked at his jubilant face and couldn’t manage the sarcastic quip that was on the tip of her tongue.

  They were seated out on the patio in the shade, the sea breeze helping immensely with the nausea. Beth had a bottle of cold water in front of her and a sleeve of half eaten saltines next to the bottle.

  David had called earlier to touch base and let them know everything was fine at home, and he happened to get on the subject of the house being built on the acreage next to Rae and James. Since Mitch had taken the call, he was the one left thinking about the call and details. He looked at his lovely wife, her hair in it’s familiar ponytail, her large sunglasses making her face look tiny.

  He wanted her to have everything she’d never had but deserved. He wanted her to be proud of the name she wore better than he did. More than any of that though, he never wanted her to regret marrying a struggling artist.

  He reached over and took her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed her ring. She squeezed his hand back and laced her fingers through his.

  “It’s been nice having you all to myself Mitch. I’ve enjoyed our time alone.”

  “Me too honey. I miss the kids, but I think we needed this.”

  Beth leaned back in her chair and held on to his hand.

  “Beth, I talked to David this morning.”

  “I know babe, I was in the next room.”

  “Right. He told me the new house will be done in about two weeks.”

  “What new house?”

  “Our new house. The one on the other side of Rae and James.”

  Beth pushed her sunglasses up to the top of her head and studied Mitch. He gave nothing away, so she had every reason to believe he was serious. He sipped his iced tea and studied her right back.

  He wore a white cotton shirt that had the first three buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. His navy blue shorts were loose fitting and his feet were bare. The sun had contributed lighter streaks in his blonde hair and a nice tint to his skin. The laugh lines at the corner of his eyes were more pronounced now that he was smiling at her. His smile faltered briefly when his wife gave her opinion.

  “I like your house. Can we not live there?”

  “Wouldn’t you rather have a brand new house with new appliances and nice new carpeting?”

  “I like our hardwood floors and our new barn. You’ve got four bedrooms, right?”

  “That’s not the point Beth. I want you to have nice things. You deserve nice things. Being a Tanner should have some benefits for you.”

  “It does have benefits. I get you and your family. Do you not like your house?”

  “I love my house, my grandparents lived in that house.”

  Beth pulled her sunglasses back down and relaxed again.

  “Then we’re in agreement. We’ll keep our old house with the new barn.”

  “What about the new house?”

  “We didn’t tell them to build it. They can stay in it when they visit Savannah. We’ll keep an eye on it for them, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Why won’t you let me give you this?”

  “Because it’s not ours to take. Mitch, we’ve taken enough from your family, don’t you think? I love them to pieces but I don’t wanna become something we’re not. They’re paying for your doctor and our lawyer, they’ve taken our kids on this expensive vacation and they gave us a wedding and a honeymoon. That’s it. I’m done now. I want our life back.”

  The word soulmate floated through his mind. She wasn’t a small town girl because she couldn’t afford anything else, she was that girl because of her values. She felt like he did. You get what you earn and there’s nothing wrong with hard work to get there.

  “Beth, I love you. I can’t wait to move you and the kids in and start on the nursery.”

  “I love you too honey and I’d like to wait until we know what we’re having. I’m tired of yellow and green nurseries.”

  Mitch smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t believe that they were sitting there talking about nurseries. He was having a baby. His own son or daughter. Six months ago he was wondering what she was making for dinner on massage Tuesday. Now they wore matching wedding bands and were discussing their children’s rooms.

  Beth interrupted his pleasant daydream with a contemplation of her own.

  “Don’t you think it’s strange that we haven’t heard back from Marla?”

  His smile faltered and he stared out at the ocean.

  “I’m grateful. Do we have to talk about her?”

  “She’s not goin’ away Mitch. I’m wondering if it’s a good or a bad thing that she’s been quiet. She hasn’t called talking about babies, maybe you’re in the clear.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t know yet.”

  “I knew pretty quickly. Trust me, she’s taken a test same as I did. She has a vested interest in making your life difficult.”

  “What would complicating my life do for her?”

  “Are you kidding me? She knows you wouldn’t ignore your child. She’d be tied to that child. For the rest of your life, she’d be there whether you liked it or not.”

  “Not if I sued her for custody.”

  “Four kids? Two under the age of three? Think about that Mitch.”

  “I understand if you don’t wanna raise it, it would be a constant reminder...”

  “Honey, that’s not what I’m sayin’. That baby can’t help who it’s mama is. Babies are draining emotionally, physically and financially. Two of them with two older kids to boot, I’m not sure we’ve got it in us.”

  “Are you sure that’s all it is?”

  Beth leaned over and kissed him.

  “Positive. If you think we could do it, I’d be willing to hear your argument. Let’s wait and see if it’s even a discussion we need to be having at all. Like I said, we haven’t heard a peep out of her.”

  Mitch leaned back as well and hoped to god that no news was good news.

  Marla listened to the sounds of him in her shower and got out of bed. She put on her bathrobe and went into the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast. When he showed his face fifteen minutes later, she put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of him, as well as a cup of coffee. He put his arm around her waist and smiled up at her. Something about him had changed, and she was still trying to figure it out.

  “This looks great baby, thanks.”

  He patted her bottom and started eating. She sat down across from him with toast and her own coffee and wondered how he functioned on so little sleep. Her immediate plans included a na

  “Brian, how do you go to work on so little sleep?”

  He washed his eggs down with coffee and grinned at her.

  “Are you kidding? I feel great. Are you tired babe?”

  “I’m wiped. I think I need a shower and a nap. You could do this nonstop couldn’t you?”

  “You could too. You’ll be missing me again by tomorrow. We’re good together Marla. I enjoyed our conversation last night. I didn’t know you liked jazz.”

  “I didn’t know you liked Spencer Tracy movies. I’ll see if I can find one for tomorrow night.”

  “For before or after?”

  “You frighten me sometimes.”

  Brian smiled but knew she’d meant it in more ways than one. He was planning on giving her a month to see if she could handle him. Then he’d revisit their living situation. She’d taken the Jag in stride, he wondered how she’d react to his condo.

  He finished his breakfast and stood. He picked up his keys and then looked at her, cocking his head. She returned a puzzled expression.


  “Wanna trade cars until tomorrow?”

  “You’d let me drive your Jag?”

  “I’d rather not take it to a building site. Besides, it’s insured, just don’t leave town.”

  Marla fished her keys from her purse and tossed them to Brian. He laid his keys on the table. He leaned down and kissed her goodbye, lingering and dragging it out.

  “You smell like me. I could get used to that.”

  “Yeah? Well I’m headed for the shower stud. Go to work.”

  He laughed at her, kissed her quickly once more and waved before he left.

  She sipped her coffee and stared at the keys. She had one errand to run today and she couldn’t believe she’d do it in a Jaguar convertible.

  She rose from the table and made her way to the bathroom. He’d left shaving gear and his bath products on the counter, she knew him well enough to know it was to remind her he’d staked a claim. Her soreness reminded her of that, she didn’t need his shower gel.

  The hot water felt good and she stood statue still, allowing it to ease the ache from her muscles. The aches she could deal with. The potential pregnancy scare was entirely different. She wondered how he’d react. Then she wondered if she’d tell him or just be done with it. Neither one of them wanted children, he already had two and look where it had gotten Beth.

  Beth. The thought made her remember Mitch. Mitch loved children. Mitch was still wondering if they’d created one together. This could be interesting. Mitch and Brian looked enough alike that no one would question it if the baby was born with blonde hair and blue eyes.

  Marla began to shower faster, the wheels turning as the idea became a plan.

  She’d planned on wearing her jeans and trainers, but the Jag demanded a more dignified driver so she settled on black trousers and a silk blouse. She settled in and got a feel for it. She adjusted the seat and mirrors and once again wondered how he could afford it. Her eyes fell to the glove box and she hesitated only a moment.

  Marla found the insurance information and a few pieces of mail all with the same address. It couldn’t be right. She was familiar with the area and knew where that piece of real estate was. Curiosity getting the better of her, she started the car and decided to take a drive before she stopped at the drugstore.

  Brian’s cell phone rang an hour later. He was in the middle of taking the new property owners on a tour of the building site and he was getting their last minute feedback before they’d gone too far to change anything. He recognized the caller as his security company and the hair on his neck stood up. He excused himself and stepped away from the group that were talking amongst themselves.

  “Brian Stone.”

  “Mr. Stone, we’re calling as a courtesy to let you know that the alarm in your home has been activated. Our next call will be to the police, but we wanted you to be aware.”

  His house keys were on the same keyring as his car keys. He didn’t need the police to know what was going on and the invasion into his privacy made him furious. How could she? How did she get his address?

  “There’s no need to call the police. I know who it is and I’ll go over and take care of it myself. Thanks for calling me first.”

  He hung up the phone and called Sam over. He explained that he had an emergency he needed to see to and he had to leave right away. Everyone seemed to understand and he left Sam with instructions before he left in Marla’s car going too fast. He wanted to catch her before she left.

  Marla never considered an alarm, although upon entering, she should have. The floors were teak and some of the art on the walls had hung in her gallery at one time. The furniture was a mix of antiques and contemporary pieces and fresh flowers dotted surfaces here and there. Her home was strictly second rate compared to this place and was angry at his deception.

  His kitchen was immaculate in black marble and stainless steel and he had a professional wine closet that contained several bottles that would have cost her a month’s wages. She carefully returned the one she’d pulled and wandered down the hall.

  His bathroom was as big as her bedroom and scented candles occupied the same counter space as his personal products. She could smell him in here and she closed her eyes. Her bathroom had smelled the same when she’d showered earlier.

  His bedroom adjoined his bathroom and she smiled when she walked in. His bed was antique walnut, huge and heavy. His sheets were wine colored silk as was his duvet cover. The photos on his dresser were of places he’d been, some of them famous and she recognized the streets of Venice.

  She found herself growing angry. She wasn’t sure where he’d gotten his money, but he had money and he’d hidden the fact from her. When she threw open his closet door, she stood stunned. One side contained work and casual clothing, the other side suits and dress clothes. The shelves were full of shoes and boots, everything from trainers to Italian loafers.

  Marla went back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. She laid back on the silk and lost herself in luxury and wonder. If his last name had been Tanner, she’d of had her man. He was perfect for her. They enjoyed the same things and the same type of lifestyle. The chemistry was undeniable. Just lying on his bed made her crave him again to the point of discomfort. It confused her and she was having a difficult time trying to figure out what it meant.

  She was deep in thought, still lying on his bed, when she heard him clear his throat. She didn’t have to look to know who it was and she turned her head in his direction without sitting up.

  “Well you didn’t waste any time. What are you doing here?”

  Her voice came out raspy and dreamy and she said what she meant without realizing it.

  “I miss you already. I got in your car and felt you around me and I wanted to see where you lived.”

  Brian began moving toward her slowly. He was still angry, but she surprised him with her admission. He sat down next to her without touching her and turned his head to look at her face.

  “Where did you get my address?”

  “It was on your insurance information in the glovebox.”

  He had to give her credit for ingenuity. Her breathing had sped up but he refused to be taken in.

  “Did it not occur to you that I’d have an alarm in place? The security company almost called the police Marla.”

  “I guess I should’ve known but I didn’t think about it. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He was almost over his anger until she asked that question.

  “Because my financial situation is none of your damned business. If I’d wanted you here, I’d of invited you here.”

  “It’s a beautiful place. I like it.”

  Brian stood and pulled her to her feet.

  “Too bad you won’t be staying. Where are my keys?”

  She pulled them from her pocket and dropped them into his hand. He handed her the keys to her car.

  “I believe that concludes our arrangeme
nt. I’ll walk you out myself.”

  Marla looked at him and saw no emotion whatsoever in his eyes. The softness from this morning was gone, as was the playfulness and his normally flirty nature. That’s when it dawned on her that he hadn’t kissed or touched her since he got there. She’d already been rejected once this month, twice would be a solid blow to her self esteem that she knew she couldn’t take.

  She put her hand on his chest and looked up at him. Brian took her shoulders firmly in his hands and pushed her away. He couldn’t make it any clearer.

  “Brian, don’t do this. Not over something as stupid as this. Take a few days and think about it.”

  “I don’t need a few days. I can’t trust you and that’s a dealbreaker for me Marla. That’s a shame too because I was starting to enjoy your company. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really need to get back to work.”

  A tidal wave of emotions passed through her and dragged her under. Whether it was exhaustion, pain or fear, she didn’t know. Whatever it was, any pretense of detachment left her in a rush. She collapsed to the floor and the tears came unbidden and unrestrained. There was nothing she could do. Once again, her life was out of control and she didn’t even have her job to keep her busy.

  Brian watched events unfold in slow motion. No woman had ever cared this much, not even Beth. He knew the woman crying on his bedroom floor and he could almost believe that it was over the money, but it seemed different. It was real and raw and gut wrenching. He didn’t know what to do.

  He sat back down on his bed and she put her forehead against his thigh and sobbed. He reached for the box of tissue on his dresser and handed it to her. She took it without looking at him, appalled by her own behavior.

  Marla Simms didn’t sob over any man and she wouldn’t sob over this one. After giving herself an internal slap and scolding, she straightened her spine. She wiped her eyes and tossed the used tissue into the trash can beside the dresser. She’d formulated a plan in the shower and she saw no further use for the man in front of her. Why his rejection of her was so devastating, she didn’t know but she’d be damned if she’d grovel.


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