Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6)

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Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6) Page 31

by Jo Willow

  “Why do I feel like you’re not tired of this at all? You’re playing King Shit of Turd Mountain and you’re enjoying the hell out of it. Admit it.”

  Kevin grinned at him and shook his head.

  “I never enjoy crap like this David. I enjoy watching my kids sleep and kissing my wife. I enjoy my wife and holidays with my family. What I’d like to enjoy, is peace in the valley without some crazy whore and Bob-the Builder screwing up our pleasant existence. I would say, ‘Get rid of them’, but with you and Rose in the family, you could take that to mean anything. Instead, I’ll say, move one of them. Perhaps the other will follow.”

  David stood and picked up his glass. He took his cell phone from his pocket and smiled at his brother.

  “At your service Your Highness. I’ll go and call Ian, then I’ll let you know what he says.”

  David went inside and Kevin continued to contemplate his existence and exactly what it meant to be a Tanner. He imagined his father had shared his thoughts on many occasions before his death.

  He watched Claire and Carie playing with the twins in the shallow end of the pool and his smile didn’t come as easily as it usually did. He kept imagining what he’d do if he were in Mitch’s shoes and someone was threatening his happiness with his wife and children. He sipped his tea and thought that maybe David and Rose weren’t the only extreme Tanners in the family.

  Marla heard the knock on the door and refused to answer it. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be good news and she wasn’t equipped to deal with it at the moment. Instead, she curled up into a tighter ball and hugged her pillow, willing whoever it was to go away.

  Brian had no intention of going away. She’d interrupted his work and now she was messing with his life. Every decision he made from this point forward depended on the answers she gave him, so he’d leave with answers or he wouldn’t leave.

  He went to her back door and began pounding harder. He knew she was home, her car was in the driveway. He cupped his hands and peered into her window. She wasn’t in the kitchen and he saw no signs of life. He moved along the patio until he got to a window. Mini blinds obscured his view so he started talking loudly.

  “Marla? If you’re in there, you may as well let me in. I’m sure the neighbors would be interested in what I have to say, but I think a little privacy would be better. Don’t you?”

  The voice at the window startled her. She wiped her eyes and sat up in bed. The glass of water and two positive pregnancy tests sat on her nightstand where she’d left them, forgotten.

  She stood in her bathrobe and pulled up the blinds. There stood Brian looking like the god of hellfire and very much in command. She wasn’t in the mood for a god or commandments. She wanted to be left alone.

  She opened the window just enough to be easily heard.

  “Go home Brian. You’ve got nothing else to say to me and I’m not in the mood to be bullied. I’m tired and I need sleep.”

  She started to close the window when he spoke.

  “I’ll tear off the screen and come in. I don’t care how you want to do it, I’m coming in. You’re going to answer a few questions. Then we’ll talk.”

  “I’m not your wife or your girlfriend Stone. You can’t order me around. Get used to the word ‘No’. You’ll be hearing it a lot from me from now on. Get lost.”

  He tore the screen from the window, bending the frame, and he tossed it into the yard. Instead of slamming the window closed, Marla took a step back, unable to believe what she was seeing. He saw his chance and he wasted no time.

  Raising the window, he hefted himself through, landing on the floor. He stood, turned, closed and locked it, then pulled the blinds.

  Marla was backing towards the bedroom door, clutching her robe closed with both hands. She’d seen him aggravated but never angry and she couldn’t tell if he was angry now. He was advancing at the same speed that she backed away, his eyes never leaving hers. When he spoke, his voice lulled her into a false sense of safety.

  “Baby stop. I just wanna talk to you. You left me with some awfully big puzzles and a lot to think about. I think I’m almost there. I need you to fill in the blanks.”

  “I don’t want to fill in your blanks. I don’t want you to touch me or talk to me or think about me. I want you to go and never come back.”

  Brian was quick and Marla was distracted. He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. He dragged her to the bed and sat her down. Using her shoulder as a brace for his hand, he took off his work boots with his other hand.

  “Why are you taking off your boots?”

  “Because you and I are going to lay down together and discuss this like adults.”

  “We don’t discuss anything in bed.”

  Brian smiled at her and ran his hand gently over her cheek.

  “You’re right baby, we don’t. But we will this time. Lay down.”

  Marla scrambled to the other side of the bed and he grabbed her leg, pulling her to the center. He laid down next to her and put his arm over her waist. His head rested nonchalantly on his other hand and he looked down at her.

  “Would you like a pillow? Are you comfortable?”

  “Why do you care? You’re scaring me and I want you to go.”

  His hand began to move back and forth across her abdomen and she froze. He untied her robe to have better access and the stroking continued.

  Brian watched the clarity of his actions reflected in her eyes. His suspicions were confirmed.

  “I think you have something that belongs to me.”

  “I have nothing that belongs to you Brian. Anything I have is mine.”

  “This belongs to both of us and you’ll share it starting now.”

  He leaned down and kissed the corner of her mouth and Marla closed her eyes.

  “Please stop toying with me. We’re as different as night and day. Surely you can see that.”

  “We’re not that different you and me. We both want nice things and a certain lifestyle. We like the same music, movies and art. Even now you don’t understand why you want me naked, but you do. I’ve got you naked and I could lie and say it’s not giving me ideas, but we both know it is.”

  Marla opened her eyes and looked up at him. It was time to take the gloves off.

  “Okay you know. So what? You left Beth because you didn’t want children. Are you telling me you’re suddenly ready for the sound of crying in the middle of the night? Feedings? Diaper duty? Have you had a sudden change of heart Brian?”

  “Have you? If it was Tanner’s baby, would you feel differently? Would it be the baby or the thought that you’d finally gotten a Tanner where you wanted him?”

  “How do you know it’s not Tanner’s baby?”

  Brian changed so rapidly, Marla could do nothing but tremble and shriek. He was flush on top of her, pinning her with his body. Blue eyes full of icy fire stared into hers and she could feel his belt buckle pushing into her abdomen painfully.

  “The games stop now Marla. I’ve heard all I care to hear about the mythical Tanners. They’re not made of marble and they don’t shit diamonds. I have a feeling yours doesn’t even make your toes curl like I do, so cut the crap. Are you carrying Tanner’s baby? Yes or no.”

  Years of being used and rejected by Tanner males slapped her in the face. She wasn’t good enough for Tim and she’d settled for Mitch. It turned out, she wasn’t even good enough for the Tanner that made pots in an overblown shed. She would never be a Tanner. This was the end of the line.

  “No. I took a test after Mitch and I ended it and I wasn’t pregnant then.”

  Brian kissed her and moved his hand to her breast. She wrapped his hair around her fingers and kissed him back, making him growl in approval. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, breathless.

  “So it’s mine?”

  “Yes. My baby is yours. You still don’t want it though so what have you gained?”

  “You. You’re mine now Marla. I can show you off at business dinners and no
t be embarrassed. You’ll help me find a house that’s suitable and you’ll keep me happy. You’ll work hard to keep me satisfied and raise a child that’ll rival anything the Tanners could ever hope to produce. But one child is the limit. Understand? No more. You’ll end all possibility when this one is born.”

  Marla felt her blood run cold. The need she’d felt when he kissed her vanished. He was talking about sterilization. It’s not that she wanted more children, she didn’t. She just wanted the option he was taking from her.

  “And if I say no?”

  “No to what?”

  “No to all of it. No to keeping you satisfied, washing your clothes, raising your child. What if I say no?”

  Brian smiled down at her and ground his hips against hers painfully, his buckle bruising and pinching her flesh. She winced and he pulled back. He’d forgotten for a second he was still dressed.

  He reached down, unfastened his belt and pulled it free. When she saw it in his hand, she started to cry.

  “Brian, please don’t hit me. I swear to god I’ll kill you in your sleep if you ever hit me.”

  He tossed the belt onto the floor and unfastened his jeans. He pushed his pants and underwear down to his knees and then used his legs to kick them to the floor. When he lay back down, skin against skin, she settled. He smoothed her hair out of her eyes and kissed her.

  “I don’t know where you got the idea that I’d hit you. I’d never hit you. I get rough with you because we both need that, but I’m gentle with you too right?”

  She nodded quickly, waiting for the punchline.

  “Marla, honey, you won’t say no. Do you know why?”

  “No, why?”

  He began to slide against her and she moaned, pushing against him with her hips.

  “You need me. I’m your new addiction baby.”

  He slid inside her and she wrapped her legs around him. He spoke softly while he watched her eyes.

  “You’re going to have this baby by c-section. Nothing is going to change. When they take the baby, they’ll take everything else as well. Do you understand? Are we perfectly clear on this?”

  He changed positions lightly, making her clench and moan.

  “Brian please. Don’t make me do this.”

  “Do you want to make me happy?”

  He began to move faster and she held him tighter, begging for more.

  “I want you happy. You know I do.”

  “Then promise. Promise me one child and a happy home.”

  “Yes. I promise.”

  “Now I’ll make you happy. Ready?”

  Marla was nothing but nerve endings and heavenly sensations. When he moved harder and faster, she welcomed it and pulled at him. She knew she’d made a deal with the devil but she didn’t care. Her whole life had been a series of deals and this one felt amazing.

  She lay curled into his side which felt better than being curled up alone. He was stroking her back and wondering what their child would look like. Marla was wondering what else she’d end up compromising for the sake of his touch.

  When his phone rang, he reached for it without hesitating. It was Sam.


  “Brian, it’s Sam. Look I know you’ve got some kind of emergency there, but we’ve got one here as well. Decisions have to be made that I’m not comfortable making. The changes they want are costly and will take time. I don’t know when the next project is set to start or how much over-budget you’re prepared to go. I could use your input buddy.”

  “Sam, I’m on my way. Don’t agree to anything until I get there.”

  “Thanks Brian. I’ll keep them in the office.”

  Brian sprang off the bed and began to hurry into his clothes. Marla watched him with no emotion. When he was putting on his boots, he looked at her for the first time.

  “I don’t know how long this will take babe. Get some sleep and I’ll call you tonight. We’ll go out and celebrate tomorrow. This weekend we’ll start making plans, so have some things in mind.”

  He stood without waiting for her answer. He smiled at her and walked out the bedroom door. A few minutes later, she heard her front door close.

  Marla took her phone into the bathroom. She relieved herself and started the shower. She was standing in front of the mirror, replaying her roller coaster ride of a day when her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, but she answered it anyway.


  “Good afternoon. I’m looking for Ms. Marla Simms. This is Simon Abrahms calling.”

  “This is Marla. I’m sorry Mr. Abrahms, do I know you?”

  “Yes and no. I attended one of your gallery shows several months ago and was pleasantly surprised. For a small city, you presented yourself quite strikingly. The art was beautifully showcased and you handled the clientele like a seasoned professional.”

  “Thank-you Mr. Abrahms, I appreciate that. How can I help you sir?”

  “I understand that The Loft has recently changed hands and you’re considering other galleries. Am I correct?”

  Marla thought that he’d just demonstrated the most tactful way of saying “unemployed” that she’d ever heard.

  “That is correct Mr. Abrahms.”

  “I’d like to throw my hat into the ring. I own a gallery of my own in Carmel California called Ocean View. It’s rather large, but it’s nothing that a woman of your talent and taste couldn’t handle. We handle mostly local artists, but twice a year we host exhibits from Paris and Italy. I understand your french and italian are impeccable.”

  “I’m fluent, yes. Carmel is a long way from Savannah Mr. Abrahms. I’m not sure I’d be willing to sell my home and move to be an art assistant in another gallery.”

  “Ms. Simms, you misunderstand. You’d be no one’s assistant. I’d put you in charge. You, would have the assistants. Several of your clients are my clients as well. More than a few are also contemporaries. Your name came up more than once when I mentioned I was considering retirement. Your home is a non-issue. I’ll buy it myself and worry about marketing it later. There’s a beachfront house that comes with the gallery. It’s small, only a couple of thousand feet, but it has three bedrooms and two baths. I’m sure it will fit your needs. The view is spectacular.”

  “Mr. Abrahms, I’m overwhelmed. You need to know that I recently found out that I’m with child. This could complicate matters.”

  “Not in the least. We’ll step in for a few months once the child is born to give you time to find adequate care. Our community is filled with excellent nannies Ms. Simms. I’m sure we can work around it. Will you consider the offer?”

  Marla thought about Brian. She thought about Mitch and then dismissed him from her mind completely. She thought about Savannah and the dead end she was facing. Being chief cook and bottle washer was not who she was. Brian would soon grow bored if she became that person and she’d be in Beth’s position minus one child. She made up her mind.

  “How soon could I start?”

  “How soon could you get here Ms. Simms?”

  “I’ll pack now and be there by tonight. Please, call me Marla.”

  “Marla my dear, call me with your arrival time and I’ll have a car waiting. I’ll get the house in order as well. I have to tell you that I admire a decisive woman.”

  “Thank-you again Mr. Abrahms. I’ll call you back from the airport. Goodbye sir.”

  “Goodbye Marla.”

  Marla rushed through her shower and dressed in comfortable but tasteful traveling clothes. She threw two suitcases on the bed and began to empty her chest and dresser. She took her business clothes and two pairs of jeans, her shoes went in last. It was tight, but everything fit with no room to spare.

  She wrestled the suitcases to the floor and wheeled them to the front door. She took one last look at the life she was leaving behind, then walked out onto the porch. Marla closed and locked the door without a second look or a thought about the mess she was leaving behind. She walked into her new life wearing
the first honest smile she’d worn in months.

  The phone rang and he reached for it while the people around him planned a bbq for the fourth of July and Jace’s birthday party, both at the same time. He looked at the screen and answered it under Kevin’s watchful eye.

  “David? Ian. It’s done. By the way she’s pregnant.”

  “We know this for sure?”

  “That’s what she told her new employer. It didn’t stop her from leaving though. She’s on her way now. I don’t think it’s Mitch’s or she’d of stayed and tried for the prize.”

  “I gotta agree Ian. Thanks again for your help.”

  “Hey little brother, I’m a Tanner now as well. I understand and respect what that means. If you need anything else, pick up the phone.”

  “We will. Take Mitch aside when you get the chance and tell him she’s gone.”

  “Should I tell him the rest of it?”

  David looked at Kevin and thought about the question.

  “Tell him everything Ian. Including the part about her and Beth’s ex. Tell him it’s probably Brian’s and he’s not going to be happy about being dumped.”

  “Does Brian know about her condition?”

  “No clue. If he does, it’ll either make it better or worse but we need to be ready either way. He can’t exactly get even with her if he can’t find her, can he?”

  “David are we gonna regret this?”

  “No. We can handle Stone. Hysterical women are a different subject. It’s best she’s gone. We’ll talk when you get home Ian. Thanks again.”

  “See you this weekend David. Give Claire a hug for me.”

  “Will do. Bye.”

  David hung up the phone and placed it back on the table. He gave one nod to Kevin who smiled and rejoined the conversation about his nephew’s party.

  Everyone was on the beach except Beth, Mitch, Phil and Ian. Phil and Mitch had come in for cold drinks and sandwiches. Once the sandwiches were made, they started back out carrying two bags and another beach blanket.


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