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The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3)

Page 7

by Loki Renard

  “What!?” Her eyes widened and a cute blush spread across her upper cheeks and the bridge of her nose. There was also a faint change in the hue of her décolletage. More than the pinkening of her skin was the fresh flash of her desire, the pheromones of her need rising around the pair of them, enveloping his body along with hers. In a very real way, she was reaching out to Casimer, touching him intimately, her very essence entering his body with every breath he took.

  He doubted she was aware of that. What little he did know of humans suggested that many of their senses were dull, or completely missing. They had no capacity to manipulate matter through touch, as the dragons did, consciously directing the material of creation to take the desired form. The human realm had been built on far more brutal, simple means. They had created their world through smelting and beating and cutting and digging and other essentially simple methods—until recently, where their intellects had managed to do through conscious effort that which dragons did out of simple instinct. They called it science, and with their science they had split the little worlds inside matter and begun to play with them.

  Vyktor, father of the dragon human hybrids, had believed more than anybody in the capacity of humankind. And Vilka, the half-breed, had defeated an eater of worlds. What would this one do? She looked innocent and perhaps even a little simple, but he doubted she was either of those things. He gathered his wits and reminded himself that twice before, human women had bested their dragon mates, at least for a short period of time. He could not allow her desire to cloud his mind.

  “You have been warned to speak with respect,” he intoned. “And yet you continue to ignore the warnings and instead you speak to me as if I were one of your young human contemporaries, one of the men whose crotches you set aflame.”

  Mika let out a gasp of shock and covered her face with her hands. “How do you know about that?” Her voice was muffled, but there was real turmoil in her voice.

  “I know a great many things, Mika,” he said. “I know everything I need to know. I know that you and your contemporaries, rich wastrels, spoiled by your negligent parents, traveled to a location in which there were many thousands of others sharing the same condition and engaged in a series of decadent acts which would never be tolerated in my realm.”

  “I didn’t mean to… I didn’t…” She let out a sigh and dropped her hands, looking down at her toes. “I feel like I’m explaining myself to my father.”

  “I am not your daddy,” he drawled. “But perhaps I should be. Perhaps that’s what you need. A good spanking before you are sent back to bed like the bad little girl you are.”

  * * *

  Mika felt her pussy physically clench in response to his words. She was wet and she knew it. There was an unprecedented amount of moisture between her thighs, slicking every slight motion of her hips. This great, masterful beast of a man was making her hot and shy and embarrassed all at the same time.

  “You are going to be punished, my pet,” he drawled as he reached for her. Mika was breathless as he drew her close until she was forced to tip her head back just to be able to look at the hard planes of his face, his icy eyes boring into hers.


  “You need this,” he murmured. “You have been raised without physical chastisement, I can tell.”

  “It was never necessary. I didn’t behave badly.”

  “Until you ran away and took drugs and wandered into the realm of a fearsome dragon king…what a mistake that was,” he purred softly, releasing her once more. “Turn over onto your stomach and present yourself.”

  “Please…” she moaned softly. “No. I can’t.”

  “You must,” he replied in a low growl, his voice entering a register that made her comply. He was a man who would be obeyed, and it was in every line of his hard features. It burned from his eyes. She whimpered softly as she rolled onto her stomach and waited for another dose of the king’s discipline.

  His palm met her cheeks in a sharp slap that sent a blush of heat and sensation across her tender skin. She had never been physically punished, and suddenly she was glad for it. It hurt like blazes, the simple meeting of skin on skin.

  Looking over her shoulder, her mouth open in an ‘o’ of shock, she saw the king’s hand sweep through the air and make contact with her right cheek with a slap that jolted her against the bed. The soft down gave way beneath her body in a way her own firm flesh did not give under the dragon’s palm. Her bottom was resilient and firm thanks to the twin gifts of genetics and a healthy lifestyle, but that firmness came at a price. His palm bounced off her bottom time and time again, imparting the full force of his punitive slaps with each and every swat. In mere seconds, Mika was crying out for mercy.

  The king did not give it.

  He held her in place, his large palm splayed in the small of her back as his palm continued to sting her rear.

  “Are you learning your lesson, my innocent little pet?” He growled the question down at her. “Do you see how tender and vulnerable you truly are?”

  “Owwwiieeyyeeessss!” She gasped the pain and the word in one long breath. “I get it!”

  “I am not sure you do,” the king rumbled. “But I am sure you want the pain to stop before it gets worse. It has gotten worse with every slap, hasn’t it, pet?” He emphasized his words with a harder swat that brought a plaintive mewl from her.


  “Address me properly, pet.”

  “Yes, my…” She hesitated and another of those swats landed in a sharp shot across her bottom. “Yes, my liege!”

  “Good,” the king purred, his palm smoothing over the cheeks he had just spanked. She was sure they must be bright red. They felt swollen and very, very hot, and as the dragon king spread his palm across them, she was once again made aware of how very large he was as a man. His palm could almost span both her cheeks.

  “There, you see,” he murmured. “You are capable of obedience. Remember that over the coming days. It will serve you well in your new life.”

  He stood back, allowing her to scramble up from the embarrassing position, which she did. She wanted to be on her feet, but she could no longer meet his eye. It had been hard enough in the beginning when all she had was her native instinct to guide her. She had suspected then that he was not a creature to be crossed. Now she was even more certain of it. He had not harmed her. It couldn’t even be considered a display of power, either. It was something entirely different, a demonstration of her vulnerability. It left her feeling shaken and confused. The sting in her bottom was not unbearable, but it was unavoidable. Even when her gown fell back down to cover her body, she felt a shameful sense of being exposed.

  “That seems to have been effective,” he mused, more to himself than to her. “Perhaps you will learn obedience quickly and this will not be so terrible for you. I think you could come to enjoy your place here in my household.”

  She was not sure what he truly meant by his words, but she knew how he made her feel. There was that embarrassing wetness between her thighs growing, slicking the mound of her sex. Had he seen how her body was reacting? Did he know?

  The king’s large hand ran over her head. She felt his fingers clench in her hair and gently, but very firmly, press her down to her knees. Mika did not resist him; she was glad to get closer to the polished stone floor, hoping it might open up and swallow her, save her from the shame of her reaction to his punishment.

  Once she was kneeling before him, he tipped her head back so that she was forced to look up the length of his magnificent body. Even fully clothed, he was hot in a way that made her pussy quiver. His hand in her hair only added to her excitement. She was so completely caught, totally controlled.

  “Are you going to… take me?”

  “Take you? You mean take the virginity you seem so eager to throw away on the nearest wastrel with a few trinkets? No. Your first act of obedience will be to pleasure me,” he declared. “Take me in your mouth.”

  “I can’
t suck your… I can’t put… you… in my mouth,” she corrected herself, avoiding the word cock out of embarrassment. “You saw what happened to the guy I tried that with. His… nearly fell off.”

  “It did not nearly fall off,” Casimer chuckled. “It was lightly singed, in all likelihood. You should never have attempted to couple with a human.”

  “Well, I thought I was human,” she protested. “I mean… why would I not think I was human?”

  “True, you have been done a great disservice,” Casimer agreed, releasing his grip in order to run his fingers through her hair in a slow caress that made her scalp tingle deliciously. “The reason your unfortunate prince was hurt was because when you are aroused, even a little, your breath will take on the qualities of fire. It is a trait common to all dragons. You will learn to control it over time.”

  “What if I can’t? What if I hurt you?”

  “You will not hurt me,” he chuckled. “My most sensitive skin can withstand temperatures which would completely immolate a human. Dragons are not made as men.”

  As he spoke, he began to disrobe. The fine clothing fell to the floor revealing the body of a god. Casimer was built to regal perfection. He was muscular and powerful, the breadth of his shoulders and chest almost twice that of Mika’s frame. His stomach was one hard line of rippling abdominals, all clearly defined beneath his almost opalescent skin. His shoulders and pectorals were marked in a scale-like fashion, as if the skin there was thicker and harder, and the markings continued down to a narrow ‘V’ just above his crotch…

  She let out a gasp of admiration, which turned into a cry of surprise as his pants fell, revealing his dragonhood.

  She clasped her hands to her mouth. “Oh, my god,” she mumbled through her fingers. “You’re massive.”

  Casimer smiled broadly, obviously pleased by her reaction. Every man, it seemed, liked to hear that he was large. But he truly was much more than large.

  She had seen human penises before. Well, she had seen a penis, recently, in fact. In spite of her small sample size, it was obvious that Casimer’s cock was extraordinary. For starters, it dwarfed the prince’s member, at more than twice the size. His rod was at least ten inches long, so thick she was sure her hand would barely wrap around it. It had a slight curve back toward his body, the thick head of his glans an imposing size and shape, tapering to a tip that would no doubt lull an unsuspecting female into believing it was innocuous before growing to its full girth several inches later. The base of his cock was plated, the softer flesh of his shaft making its way to the broad hard scaling running from his shoulders and chest.

  He was an armored beast in the form of a man, but so much more than any mere man. His cock strained erect mere inches from her face, throbbing slowly with what could have been erotic menace. Suddenly, Mika was much more nervous than she had been.

  “You… er… it’s very big, isn’t it.”

  “Now you see how fortunate you are that this will not be sliding inside that tight little hole of yours, pet,” Casimer smirked. “Imagine what I would do to you…”

  A shiver zipped through Mika as she imagined exactly what it would do to her. In spite of her natural fear of a cock so big, there was a curiosity and a desire she could not contain. Her hormones were rushing her consciousness, overwhelming common sense.

  “Touch me. Learn what a dragon truly is.”

  Mika reached out hesitantly, the tips of her fingers grazing over the shaft of his cock. She was surprised at how his skin felt like hard velvet, and how hot it was. It felt as though she were stroking a living flame dulled to a touchable level by the cladding of his hard flesh.

  Casimer encouraged her with the hypnotic motion of his fingers against her scalp, comforting her as she approached the original elemental beast, the part of a man made to stretch a woman and transform her senses and body.

  There was no impatience in his touch. He allowed her to explore him at her own pace, which she did with slow, wondering caresses of her fingers down the shaft all the way to the scaled flesh, which felt very much like normal skin if laid over hard plates of bone.

  She looked up and saw him smiling down at her with warm approval as the hand in her hair gently drew her mouth toward the head of his cock.

  “Taste me, pet,” he murmured in a tone that left her uncertain if his words were an order or an invitation. They proved to be both.

  Cautiously and curiously, Mika opened her mouth and let her tongue make contact with the king’s shaft. It was warm and hard to the touch, smooth too. As the tip of her tongue ran up the underside of the thick member, she felt Casimer respond with a rumble of pleasure.

  “Is it burning you?”

  “It is perfect,” he said, clenching her hair harder. “Go on, my pet. You will not hurt me. Such a sweet thing, to be concerned for the king who has her on her knees to satisfy his desires.”

  Mika blushed as she leaned forward and tasted him more fully. She lapped slowly at his cock, finding that the closer she licked to the head of his member, the more he reacted with rumbles and groans.

  Finally he seemed to be able to stand the teasing no longer. He pushed his cock between her lips and let out a growl of pleasure as the heat of her mouth enveloped his rod.

  “You are so human in so many respects, but your mouth is as hot as any dragon female,” he gasped in ecstasy as he slid in and out, the thick, hard shaft passing over her tongue again and again, her lips finding the thick plated base of his cock when he pressed himself so deep he found her gag reflex.

  “That’s different,” he mused, pulling his cock free as she gasped. “You have much less oral capacity.”

  How many times had he done this before? Held a woman on her knees and taken her mouth as if it were her pussy? Mika was surprised by the flash of pure jealousy that bolted through her body. The king was making her pleasure him, but the thought of him being with any other female ignited a spark of anger.

  “If he had pushed himself inside your vagina, he would have been truly harmed,” Casimer said. “Your tight little channel will be much hotter than your mouth. No man without dragon blood will be able to withstand its heat.”

  As if to test the theory, Casimer pushed his thick finger between her pussy lips and found the welling seam where her desire lay. Tracing the very tip of his finger along her flowering channel, he teased her gently even as his cock continued to fill her mouth over and over again.

  She moaned softly around his member, her thighs parting to allow his large hand easier access to her sex. Slowly but surely, he began to gather the liquid spilling between her tightest lips and spread it over the petals of her vagina, massaging her gently in circular motions that brought her a rush of pleasure.

  Her mouth became more eager for his cock, her hips bucking against his hand. Instinct drove her motions, the writhing of her ass as she sought the hardness of his fingers. She became suddenly aware of a deep desire to have him inside her. The pleasuring would not be enough until she was filled.

  “Easy, pet,” he murmured, his voice husky. “You will have me spilling my seed before you come for me.”

  “More,” she moaned, pulling her mouth from his rod. “I want more of you.”

  “You are not ready for me,” he said, his fingers sluicing in and out of her wet channel. “You are too tight. You will need stretching before you can take my cock inside you.”

  “Women give birth there,” she reminded him.

  “If you believe the body of a woman about to give birth and the body of a virgin craving a dragon cock are in any way similar, you are very much mistaken,” Casimer informed her, drawing his fingers from her pussy and dropping a light slap against her lower lips.

  She gasped and jerked her hips up and not quite away from the direction of the slap.

  “You are impatient and demanding,” he observed, sliding a third finger inside her along with the two he had previously withdrawn. The thicker intrusion stretched her more and made her moan with pleasure pain.
He was right. She could not fit his cock inside her right now, but every part of her craved it. The wetter she got, the hotter she got, the more she needed to be filled with something besides fingers, even the thick fingers of a king.

  She was soon writhing, grasping at his cock, her tongue making desperate circles of desire around the head where the taste of pure ecstasy was emerging in slow beads that burst upon her tongue, rewarding her for her efforts with a flavor unlike any she had tasted before. The dragon king’s pre-cum tasted the way he looked: rich, powerful, and utterly desirable.

  The more she got, the more she wanted, until she was writhing on his fingers, her lips wrapped tight around his cock.

  She broke free with a gasp.

  “It has to be inside me,” she said. “It has to…”

  “Easy, pet,” Casimer soothed. “Tasting my seed makes you…”

  “Shut up and fuck me!”

  “Oh, no, pet,” he growled. “You do not demand my cock. You do not demand anything at all.”

  He pulled his fingers from her sex and brought them down across her pussy lips, catching the swollen mound of her pussy in a sharp slap that made her yowl with erotic pain. His hard fingers made another pass across her wet slit, one soft caress followed by another stinging slap.

  “You are going to be a very sore little pet,” he growled, pushing his cock further into her mouth, muffling her complaints. “And you will be filled where I decide to fill you. Only where I decide to fill you.”

  Her tongue lashed eagerly against his cock, drawing his seed. She could taste the ecstasy, and now that she was obedient, his fingers had returned to the task of pleasuring her greedy pussy, the sound of her wet sex being plundered by his hard digits almost as loud as that of her suckling on his rod.

  “Mika…” Her name was like a prayer on his lips as he threw back his head and let out a roar of pure release.

  She felt his cock twitch in her hands and mouth, growing thicker and harder, pulsing like a wild thing in her grasp. He gripped her sex, her clit grinding against the heel of his hand as the king’s cum poured forth, coating the wet walls of her mouth and suffusing her tongue. She swallowed time and time again as the volume of it threatened to overwhelm her. His cum warmed her throat and stomach, made her feel full and content.


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