The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3)

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The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3) Page 9

by Loki Renard

  “Like dogs or wolves,” Mika said. “I guess domestication is a thing here too.”

  The animal let out a little whining growl, more playful than aggressive.

  “Aren’t you cute,” Mika cooed at the animal. “See, this is a pet. Pets can’t speak and walk on four legs and have tails.”

  “Oh, is that the definition of a pet?” Casimer’s smile turned into a rakish smirk. “I will remember that.”

  The animal followed them around for some time, pushing against Mika for affection, then curled up in a sunny patch and fell asleep. A bench happened to be located nearby and Casimer and Mika sat there too, Casimer pulling her into his lap and holding her against his chest. If she was to be his pet, he was clearly intending on treasuring her and treating her gently for the most part. She felt safe in the king’s powerful arms, strange feelings to have with a virtual stranger.

  It was nice for a few minutes, just to sit in the garden and look out over the city below. They spoke of harmless things, casual things, emulating a conversation that almost felt normal.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Rafikin woke up, let out a sharp bark, and ran off. A moment later, a very tall man with dark hair falling just above his shoulders walked around the corner. He looked perhaps around thirty years of age, years written on his compelling, craggy features. There was something faintly different about this man, who wore a combination of black silk and leather armor across his broad body. It was his eyes, Mika realized. They were a very, very dark brown. His pupils were barely visible against the dark hue of his iris. He had lashes of deep black and rugged features marked with the wages of his work—scars from battle.

  “Sire,” he said, his voice rough as he bowed.

  “Mika, this is Lord Lazarus. He holds the highest rank in the realm besides myself,” Casimer said by way of introduction.

  “Oh, er, hi.”

  “She does not stand on formality,” Casimer explained.

  “Not many pets do,” Lazarus replied with a smirk. Mika was already not at all sure that she liked this man. He carried himself with a sense of importance that she found off-putting and there was something in his handsome visage that was not entirely friendly. He had an aura of danger about him that was quite different from Casimer’s sheer power. There was something perhaps a little less than entirely honorable about him, something harsher, harder, less pleasant.

  “We are yet early in the training process,” Casimer said, running his hand over the curve of her sheet-clad rear. “She has much to learn.”

  “I am sure you are more than equal to the task, sire,” Lazarus replied smoothly. “After all, what challenge can a human girl be to a dragon king?”

  “Douchebag,” Mika murmured under her breath. She pulled her scant clothing more tightly around her body and avoided meeting his gaze.

  “I do not know what a douchebag is,” Lazarus said, “but I take it that it is not a compliment.”

  “It’s useful, sometimes,” Mika said with a smart shrug. “But kind of dirty and embarrassing to be seen with.”

  Two pairs of masculine brows rose. Mika barely stifled a laugh as Casimer tipped her head up and glowered down at her with a stern expression, his ice blue eyes nailing her.

  “That is enough, pet. You will not speak with disrespect.”

  “He did first,” Mika argued. “He said I wasn’t going to be a challenge. He was all kinds of wrong.”

  “I admit, that may be the case,” Lazarus replied. “A creature of limited intellect may not be capable of understanding the consequences of her actions.”

  “I am not stupid,” she said, offended. “And now you’re being rude. Are there consequences for that?”

  “Enough!” Casimer interrupted the spat.

  “My apologies, sire, I did not intend to excite your pet. I will be at your service, sire, when you are free to attend to the matters of the realm.” Lazarus bowed and took his leave, leaving Mika to Casimer’s displeasure.

  “He doesn’t like you spending time with me,” Mika noted.

  “You must learn not to rise to courtly comments, pet,” Casimer said. “There will be many, and I will not have you reacting aggressively.”

  “I wasn’t aggressive at all!”

  “You were rude. If you cannot say anything pleasant, you must hold your tongue.”

  “Or what?”

  Casimer chuckled darkly and tapped his finger lightly on the very tip of her nose. “Oh, my sweet pet, your ire has been raised and you are proving most disobedient. I think it is time your training began in earnest.”

  Chapter Nine

  Mika found herself returned to the bedchamber and then Casimer left for an hour or so. She was starting to think that he had forgotten about her entirely, but he returned after a time with a large stone box between his large hands.

  “What’s that? Presents for me?”

  “Presents for a naughty pet? Hmmm. You could say that,” he said with a smile. “Disrobe, Mika. I will have your body bared.”

  Mika reluctantly shed the sheet she had been wearing. Being naked with Casimer was… well… it was an exciting experience. She was sure whatever training he had in mind would involve something sensual. Everything he did with her seemed to.

  “It is time for your training,” he said. “I have made some preparations.” He set the box down on a side table near the bed.

  “What’s in there?”

  “What was it you said?” Casimer gave her a handsome smile. “Ah, yes, a pet must walk on all fours, must not speak… and must have a tail…”

  He produced a thick rubbery looking plug from the box. It alone would have caused Mika some concern, but she was horrified to see that it came complete with a little puff of white fluff in a similar hue to her own dyed locks.

  “No,” Mika gasped… “No… not that…”

  “Oh, yes, my pet. You need to be taught precisely what it is you are. This little tail will do the job admirably, I think. Go to your hands and knees for me. Present your bottom.”

  “I don’t want to,” she whimpered.

  “I could spank you first and put you into position over my lap,” Casimer offered.

  “No…” Mika let out a low, pitiful whine. It did nothing to sway the dragon king. He was quite stern in his insistence and she soon found herself on hands and knees, her bottom presented to the monarch as he dabbed a slippery grease on the tight little bud of her rear.

  “You may find you like this, pet,” he chuckled, seeming to enjoy her embarrassment.

  “I don’t think so,” Mika moaned. Casimer wasted no time in introducing the tip of the plug to her bottom. She cursed inwardly, wishing she’d never made the comment about the tail. This king was a deviant ready to take inspiration from anywhere, so it seemed.

  “Now, relax, my pet,” he soothed, running one hand over her bare cheeks. “It will slip in much more easily if you do not tighten your bottom.”

  She could hardly believe it was happening, but she managed to somehow surrender to the moment. Casimer’s murmurs of praise made her blush as he worked the plug into her ass, toying with her in a place she had never imagined she would be touched.

  The pliable rubbery tip passed through her sphincter quite easily, but the widening shaft was not so simple to take. As much lubricant as was spread upon the king’s tool, Mika whimpered and moaned as it was pushed inside her with an insistent pressure.

  “Settle and breathe,” Casimer commanded. “You are holding your muscles too tight.”

  “That part of me isn’t made for big things to slide into,” Mika complained, her fingers grasping at the sheets. She was surrounded by riches, lying against the most luxurious silken sheets she had ever touched. She should have been feeling cosseted and cared for, but the thick probe spreading her anus wide left her feeling small and vulnerable and more than a little sore. Casimer knew how it would make her feel. It was part of his ongoing campaign to humble her and make her feel as though she were little more than a hu
man pet. The dragon king firmly believed that her blood made her lesser than others—or perhaps it was simply that she had failed to give him proper respect in the beginning.

  Everybody in the palace treated him like he was practically a god. Mika had met several kings in her lifetime. They weren’t that special. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like everybody else… but that was back on Earth, where monarchy was a relic. Here, in the dragon realm, Casimer’s power did seem to be absolute. Nobody was going to rescue her from the dragon king’s grasp, and as his fingers slid over her erect clit, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be rescued.

  He kept her on the border between pride and humiliation, lust and love, pain and pleasure. With him, she found her body and mind going in separate directions. Mentally she rejected all notion of being a pet. Physically, she could feel herself beginning to submit to him. Her anus was spreading more easily around the thick intrusion and he was beginning to slide it in and then a little way out and then back in again. Her bottom was being taken with the thick rubbery shaft, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  “Keep your hands on your bottom,” he purred. “Keep your cheeks spread for me, my pet. You can close them when your tail is nicely nestled where it should be.”

  Mika blushed furiously and let out a little moaning groan as he strummed her clit. Casimer knew just how to play her body. He knew how to arouse her, how to make her willing to obey him. There was always the threat of punishment of course, but it wasn’t that threat that made her kneel there with her bottom spread for him. She was doing it because it felt good to submit, even to this very embarrassing treatment that was going to leave her with a round fluffy tail much like a bunny rabbit.

  “It’s cute,” he said, “this little tail sitting between the curves of your cheeks. How does it feel, pet?”

  “It feels…” She paused before answering. She knew there was real risk of serious trouble if she taunted the king, and yet there was a rebellious streak inside her that still existed in spite of all the training she had been subjected to. “It feels cuter than a dragon tail,” she smirked. “At least I don’t have a long leathery tail to drag around behind me.”

  “We do not have tails in our walking forms,” Casimer admitted. “And when in our dragon forms, our tails help us to navigate the skies. They have purpose to their form, unlike your cute little tail, which is only in place to remind you of what you are to me. You are an adorable pet, Mika, but though your walking form is superficially like ours, you are not as we are.”

  Something about the way he said those final words was like a barb in Mika’s heart. Not as they are. No. She wasn’t like them. And she was damn happy about that.

  “I’m glad,” she shot back, offended. “I’m glad I’m not like you! You’re all arrogant and sort of cruel and you are afraid of everything you can’t control, so you’re dominating me to try to make yourself feel better. Well, making me your pet doesn’t change the fact that there are six billion people on the other side of whatever invisible wall keeps our worlds apart, and they’re all better than you.”

  Casimer drew a sharp breath between his teeth. His pet had not been subdued by the tail at all. If anything, it had sparked her naughty temper. Well, he would soon show his pet what disrespect earned her.

  Casimer was not used to being antagonized. She was right in that most people were too afraid to earn his wrath. He knew why she was not. It was because if anyone else spoke to him the way this spoiled Earth brat did, the punishment would not have been a spanking and a tail and all the orgasms they could take. It would have been a lot more painful, and a lot more public.

  He was being too soft with her. That was the problem. And there was a greater problem. He did not want to be harsh. He did not want to hurt her. When her skin bloomed pink beneath his palm it was beautiful, but the thought of anything more than that turned his stomach. He, a king who had fought many wars, who had personally punished hundreds, if not thousands of deserving subjects over the course of his lifetime, was reduced to petting and cosseting this young woman. And now she was sitting on the bed, a tail firmly lodged in her bottom, speaking to him in tones of such disrespect, he could never allow anyone else to hear it.

  “You are going to be gagged,” he informed her, pulling a silken tie from the bottom of the same box in which the tail had been stored. “Your tongue is impulsive, and you have little interest in controlling it. I will give you some.”

  “You’re afraid of what I have to say.”

  “I am not afraid of a single thing you have to say,” he corrected her. “But you speak without thought. And, as you said, a pet does not speak.”

  He picked up one of the silken wraps he had to hand and twisted it a few times before sliding it between her teeth. She resisted, of course, but her resistance was rather feeble. All he needed to do was hold her nose and she opened her mouth more than wide enough to slide the gag in. As his rebellious pet squirmed, Casimer wrapped the silk about her head, making sure she could breathe easily, but also ensuring that there was no way at all for her to speak. The silence was quite a relief. Her bold statements of rebellion were becoming as tiresome as they were repetitious.

  “Much better,” he said. She responded with a little growl, which did not concern him overly. It was actually rather endearing.

  “Until you learn to behave with some respect, this is how you will live,” he said. “I will keep the tail in much of the time to remind you of what you are, and the gag certainly makes life more pleasant for those around you.”

  With that, he bent her so that her sex and ass were exposed and began to make free with her, slapping her round cheeks, fingering her tight little slit, and tugging at the tail for good measure. It was a flurry of sensuality and discipline, both of which she needed desperately.

  As the dragon king punished every part of her tender nethers, Mika’s hips arched and she let out a series of soft cries through the gag. He had absolute power over her. There was nothing she could do to stop him, no matter what he did, and yet what he seemed to prefer was to pleasure her, even when punishing her. The slaps were hard enough to make her cry out, but they sent shocks of heat through her pussy, which clenched against the hard digits thrust inside her tender canal.

  She wasn’t sure how to understand how incredibly safe and protected she felt, even now, gagged and with a tail pushing inside her bottom, fingers stretching her pussy, and a hard hand meeting her ass. Perhaps it was how patient and determined he was. No matter what she threw at him, he had some equal measure to stop her. He never lost his temper, never seemed to become frustrated. He simply handled her another way. Right now, he was handling her at the limits of what she could take.

  The tail plug plunged in and out of her bottom and the king’s fingers plunged inside her pussy over and over. She was being taken in two holes at once by two thick intrusions. She could not have stopped herself from coming even if she had wanted to. It was too much: the plug, the tail, the gag, the total and utter control he had over her body, her mind, her very existence.

  She was his… she was his pet… she came to acceptance in the middle of the most crashing orgasm she had ever experienced, in which her entire body seemed to dissolve into a torrent of pure ecstasy.

  Chapter Ten

  Aside from her understandable resistance to his training, and despite needing a few corrections here and there, Mika settled into castle life rather quickly. Casimer was quite impressed with her ability to adapt. Perhaps it was her youth that made her accept the change so easily. Or perhaps it was the fact that she was finally realizing what she truly was and coming to feel more at home among the dragons than she had in her human home. She had not said as much, but he saw it in her eyes as she explored the castle and gardens, both of which she had initially regarded as boring, but now seemed to love.

  Over the following weeks, he was able to relax some of the more strenuous restraints on her behavior. She was never going to be entirely compliant, but s
he did manage to at least treat him at times with the respect due a monarch.

  “Come here, pet,” he said one afternoon, crooking his finger in her direction. She rose from the bed with a pout on her lips. She did not like it when he had her wear her tail. She did not realize how adorable she looked with it in, the curve of her bottom admirably ornamented by the soft rise of fluff.

  “Go to your knees, face away from me, and lift your bottom,” he ordered.

  She did as she was told, sinking into position without a word of complaint. He was impressed. A few weeks earlier he would have been deluged with arguments and he would have forced compliance rather than her offering obedience.

  Casimer paused for a moment, enjoying the sight of her bottom raised between his spread legs. His cock stirred as it always did when he looked at this beautiful pet of his. He could see her tender slit peeking below the soft tail, soft red curls a pretty juxtaposition to the white puff.

  He put his hand to the tail and heard her moan softly. Yes, there was a gleaming wetness along the seam of her lips. She was almost perpetually aroused, this pet of his. As he took the tail and began to manipulate it gently, moving the plug around inside her tight little ass, she arched her rear further up, presenting herself for mating.

  He was tempted to push the fur of the tail up and sink his cock deep into that tight chalice of willing flesh presented to him. The urge was powerful and entirely natural, but he held it in check as he pleasured her first, slowly fucking her bottom with the tail plug until she began to gasp and moan.

  Sliding his fingers down between her legs, he stroked and petted her clit, watching her pussy lips flower as blood rushed to them. They spread like petals, revealing the tight little dark hole of her sex. The spot where the rampant head of his cock needed to be. Casimer let out a restrained growl of desire. It would be so easy to take her, to spread her flesh, to dive deep inside her and stretch her walls and use her tight sex for his pleasure—but he would not. It was not right to do so, and he still feared harming her. His cock was much larger than a mere man’s and she was but a young woman; mature, yes, but only just.


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