The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3)

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The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3) Page 10

by Loki Renard

  “Please,” she whimpered as he rubbed the little bud that made her pussy clench. He could see the motions of her inner walls mirrored on the outside in little twitches of her flesh. “Please… Casimer…”

  Casimer pinched her clit lightly, lifted his fingers from her clit and slid two of them into her pussy, going deep with one stroke. He heard her little moan of relief as she was filled. Perhaps he underestimated this human. Perhaps she could take his cock… but then again, perhaps not. He could feel how tight she was around two of his fingers, and his cock was easily the thickness of five.

  He fingered her pussy with firm strokes, keeping the tail moving in and out of her bottom as well. She was being taken in both holes, and far from complaining, she was emitting moans of pleasure and moving her hips in an alluring way that seemed to demand more… more… ever more of this stimulation. Her sexual appetite was ravenous, there was no doubt about that.

  She soon came, quivering and moaning, her beautiful body performing the contortions of female pleasure. Casimer’s cock was rock hard inside his pants, straining painfully. The temptation to simply ravage her was always present and it took a serious act of will to simply let her ride his hand until her blushing body lost the tension of excitement and lapsed into a more relaxed state.

  “There,” he said, sliding the tail from her beautiful bottom. “You have behaved perfectly for the last three days. If you continue to behave so well, I will not have cause to put this back inside you.”

  “Thank you, my liege,” she said with what could have been a sarcastic little curtsey. Whether it was or wasn’t, it earned her a sharp slap to her pleasingly round bottom.

  “Hey, I’m trying! It’s not my fault you insist on being addressed like someone at a Renaissance Fair,” she said, clapping her hands over her bottom.

  “I know you’re trying,” Casimer said. “That is why you are currently without a tail and gag. That is why you will wear clothes today and why I will allow you some time on your own. I am giving you limited reign of this castle, pet. Do not make me regret it.”

  “Oh, I won’t!”

  “Then tonight, my pet, you will dine with me,” he said, stroking her hair. “You have earned a reward, and that reward will be sitting at my table.”

  “At the table… as in… in a chair?”

  He chuckled at her caution.

  “Yes, my pet,” he said. “You will have your very own chair.”

  * * *

  Pushing meat around her plate two hours later, Mika was bored. She had attended many fine dinners in her lifetime, and this was just another one of them—except without hardly anyone to talk to. Casimer had brought her in without much in the way of introduction, and nobody was paying her any attention at all. She was sandwiched between Casimer on her left and some dark-haired, dark-eyed dragon on her right, a man who was often around but never spoke to her.

  She was preoccupied with something greater than meals and conversation.

  It had been three weeks. Three. Entire. Weeks. And they still hadn’t had sex. Mika could hear Traci’s voice in her head, telling her that she should have been fucking him from the beginning. But it wasn’t up to her. She was often wet and willing. It was the king himself who was refusing to take her virginity.

  The frustration was tempered by the frequent orgasms they shared. Casimer’s desire for her was evident every time his thick dragon erection reared from his body, straining to enter hers. And yet Casimer restrained himself to using only her mouth, never anything below the waist.

  “May I ask you a question, my liege?” She asked the question politely during dinner.

  “Yes, pet, you may,” he said, looking pleased at her language.

  “Why won’t you fuck me?”

  Several nearby nobles choked on their wine, most notably the dark-haired man next to her.

  “Not now, pet,” Casimer replied sternly, a slight dimple in his cheek showing he was amused by their reaction. “We will talk about mating after dinner.”

  “Okay,” Mika agreed.

  They didn’t talk about it after dinner though, because after dinner, as always, the nobles cloistered around Casimer and he sent her back to the room he shared with her along with a guard to make sure she stayed there. It wasn’t fair, but nobody cared what she thought. Being a pet meant being put away when it wasn’t convenient for her to be around. She wasn’t really a person to these creatures. She was entertainment.

  Once back in the privacy of the bedchamber, Mika threw herself on the bed and began to sob lonely tears. She missed her home terribly, her parents, even the room that she had once thought she was outgrowing. She wished she could be back there so badly it made her stomach feel like there was a black hole right in the pit of it.

  “Ma’am… ma’am? What is wrong?”

  Mika looked up to see Lythia’s concerned face peering down at her. She hadn’t heard the servant come into the room. That wasn’t overly surprising though; the serving maids seemed to move like ghosts at times, appearing to clean and then shimmering elsewhere for further domestic chores. They seemed happy in their work, though Mika didn’t know how. Crying in front of someone who not only didn’t have a mate, but had to clean all day, seemed spoiled.

  “Oh I’m just, homesick, I guess,” she said, wiping her eyes on the sheets. She was embarrassed at having been caught crying. Since her arrival, she’d tried to be strong so that these dragon people didn’t judge her. They already thought she was some kind of animal creature. Mika didn’t want them thinking that she was a pathetic one too.

  “I was sick for my home when I first came here,” Lythia said sympathetically. “I had never been far from my village, and then I came here and there were all these rules and all this work I had to do… fortunately Maryon helped me, but I was still sad much of the time.”

  “I guess you do kind of get what it’s like,” Mika said, drying her eyes and sitting up. “So, tell me,” she said with a little smile. “What do you maids do for fun here? There must be something.”

  “Well, we work long hours and most of the castle entertainments are barred to us,” Lythia said with a little shrug. “So it’s gossip, mostly.”

  “Just like at home,” Mika giggled, her mood lifting as she felt a little more normal. “Tell me some gossip. I’m dying for lack of it.”

  “Well, hmmm…” Lythia lifted her eyes heavenward to think of something. “They say Lady Sapphire is going to come into heat soon.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You don’t know what a heat is?” Lythia let out a laugh that reminded Mika so much of Traci that it almost hurt. “Dragon women come into heat when they are ready to conceive, they…”

  “Mika!” Casimer’s rough but regal tones outside the bedchamber’s door made Lythia’s words die on her tongue. Before he entered the room, she scuttled out the servant’s passage, leaving Mika to face the dragon king on her own.

  Casimer stepped into the room, removed his black silk outer robe, baring his chest and powerful arms. The sight only served to make Mika’s desires, already running rampant, grow stronger. Her sense of carnal denial was becoming hard to contain when continually confronted with the most desirable man she had ever seen.

  “So,” he said, coming to stand before the bed where she sat curled. “You think it’s amusing to ask inappropriate questions at dinnertime?”

  “I was just asking what was on my mind. We do all kinds of sexual things, but you won’t have sex with me,” Mika said, figuring it was better to focus on the sex than the inappropriate behavior. He was so obsessed with having her trained, and she knew he was not pleased that she had failed to be as placid and boring as the rest of the guests.

  “I haven’t had sex with you… yet,” Casimer replied, one thick brow rising at her. “I have a lifetime to mate with you, pet. There is no rush.”

  “If you really wanted me, you wouldn’t wait.”

  “Is that what you think, pet? You think a man’s desire for you can be
gauged only by how quickly he fucks you?”

  Mika blushed. She knew she was being irrational, but Casimer’s reluctance to take things further was making her feel, well, insecure. He had been clear from the beginning that she was a pet. Now she wondered if she was not good enough in the eyes of the dragon king.

  “Is there someone else? I mean…”

  “There are a thousand someones,” Casimer said. “None of them are in my bedchamber arguing with me.”

  “You’ve slept with a thousand women?”

  “Not quite that many,” he smirked down at her. “Pet, are you jealous?”

  “I’m not jealous,” she said quickly. “I just… I’m…”

  “You’re frustrated,” he said, finishing her sentence for her, his ice blue eyes burning down at her as he spoke in imperious tones. “You are desperate to stretch your tight little sex around my cock and you do not understand why I won’t simply fuck you as you wish.” As he spoke, he freed his cock and pressed it toward her mouth. “Suck me, pet. Show me your desire.”

  Mika thought for a second about rebelling, but her need for him was too great. The sight of his thick rod was enough to make her pussy start to moisten. Even his cock was regal. And there was his seed, his delicious seed, which her traitorous desire wanted inside her one way or another at any cost.

  Before the thoughts of obedience or rebellion had truly managed to work their way through her mind, her lips were wrapped around his shaft, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth with quick thrusts that slid the turgid head of him to the back of her tongue and then away again.

  “No wonder you were so bored by dinner,” he drawled. “You weren’t hungry for food, were you, pet. You needed my seed in your belly.”

  He spoke with a mixture of affection, endearment, and chastisement that made Mika soaking wet as she did as she was told and pleasured her king. His seed would be a reward, but she still needed more.

  As she sucked, he disrobed her completely, stripping her bit by bit until there was nothing between them and his hand could roam the length of her back and find the curve of her pale bottom. It did not remain untouched for long. Casimer started to spank her, his cock remaining in her mouth as his palm met her cheeks in punishing slaps.

  “When we are among the court, you will behave politely,” he lectured. “You may beg for my cock in private, but you will not do so in public, understand?”

  “I’m sorry,” she gasped, looking up at him with wide eyes. “You know I’m sorry.”

  “I know very little when it comes to you, pet. You are a continual surprise,” he growled gently. “I think I have you trained and yet again you misbehave. I am beginning to believe that you enjoy being disobedient. I am starting to think it is a trait common to all humans.”

  He spanked her again, her bottom tingling hot and painful as he made it clear that this was indeed a punishment. He was not merely toying with her. He was teaching her a lesson.

  “It wasn’t my fault,” she moaned. “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to do that… you know I didn’t know…”

  “You knew well enough,” Casimer said, drawing her mouth back down on his cock to remind her to service him. She had been distracted by the spanking, and by the hope that perhaps a little white lie would save her punishment. She was wrong.

  “You know you have earned this. You’ve begged for it, haven’t you.”

  “Yes, your majesty,” she moaned around his cock.

  “You are a mischievous little thing,” he rumbled, scruffing the hair at the back of her neck to pull her mouth free of his shaft for a moment. “You know I tolerate a certain amount of play, pet, but I will never tolerate outright disobedience. Your will must bend to mine, or you will pay the price.”

  “I’m sorry,” Mika whimpered again. “I just… I need you so much.”

  “My poor pet,” Casimer said, pulling her from his cock. “You are desperate, aren’t you. Sometimes I forget just how highly sexed you humans are. Perhaps it is my fault for not attending to your needs before dinner.”

  He turned her around, using the grip on her hair, and went to his knees behind her. Mika lowered her head and raised her bottom, her thighs spread as she waited for the touch of his dragon tongue against her needy sex.

  She felt him blow small streams of cool and warm air against her pussy, still teasing, still denying her what she really needed.

  “Please… please… pleeease…” she begged over and over again until the king who owned her relented and plunged his tongue deep into her pussy, the length and muscle of his organ reaching several inches deep in one thrust.

  “Oh, my god!”

  Mika thrashed about on the bed, her pussy suddenly stretched and suffused with a heat that sent her spiraling off the coil of climax. Casimer locked her in place, tonguing her vigorously, licking her inner walls with curling motions that triggered further pleasure until she lost her senses entirely, only to be roused again when his lips met her clitoris.

  “Casimer… it’s too much!”

  “Oh, pet, I have barely begun to give you what you were asking for,” Casimer chuckled darkly, his icy eyes dancing with masculine desire. “You are so eager to lose your virginity. Do you think that sex with a dragon will be a simple matter of a little licking?”

  His breath ran over her pussy again and she felt how expertly he manipulated the heat so that one moment a cool chill ran over those sensitive lower lips, and the next they seemed to burn with flame. He held her firm throughout it all, making her take the sensation even as it drove her toward another orgasm.

  “Casimer… please… please…” She begged for release.

  “Not yet, pet,” he said, pulling away from her dripping pussy. “Suck me again. Earn your orgasm.”

  She turned and suckled his cock immediately, too hungry for climax to worry about little things like pride or shame. Casimer ran his hands through her hair and locked her in position again, driving his cock almost all the way to the back of her throat, then pulling it out to allow her to gasp for breath. He repeated the treatment several times until her eyes watered from it. Only then did he leave her poor mouth for a moment. With her still caught in his grasp, his eyes blazing down at her with that blue ice, he lectured her thoroughly.

  “You want to be used, pet. But you have no idea what it means to be used. You have no comprehension of the things you will feel when I finally do fuck you—and make no mistake, pet, that day is coming. There will come a time you will be spread around this same cock you can barely fit in your mouth and you will take it as long and as hard as I desire. So be grateful that I am patient with you, pet. An aroused dragon can be a fearsome thing.”

  She was suddenly very aware of that fact, but it did not change the way she wanted him. If anything, her pussy was wetter than it had been before, clenching at his every word.

  “I can’t help wanting you,” she whimpered pathetically.

  “You can’t help your desire,” he agreed. “But you can and will help your behavior.”

  He turned her about again and landed a hard slap across her bottom. With her hair caught, her range of movement was limited as the king spanked her with swats hard enough to make her butt sting and glow with the punishment that always made her feel so little.

  “Naughty little pets get spanked,” he reminded her. “Pets who make scenes are likely to be spanked publicly.”

  “Owwwiiee, okay! I’m sorry, I really am!”

  “You’re sorry there are consequences, my spoiled little pet. You thought you would get away with your misbehavior.”

  His hand swept down again, but instead of catching her bottom, it was her lower lips against which his fingers landed. Mika let out a shriek, but it did not stop him from repeating the punishment several times over, holding her on her knees and spanking her pussy.

  “Spread your legs,” he growled when she tried to close her thighs. “If you want to be fucked one day, pet, you will learn to present your cunt when I tell you.”
  He was being harsh, borderline mean, but she could still hear a note of affection in his voice as he punished her pussy. After a dozen or so stinging slaps, he plunged two of his thick fingers inside her and began to fuck her hard with them, twisting and curling them inside her so that she was stretched wide.

  “Casimer…” she moaned and begged. “Please…”

  “This is what you wanted, isn’t it, pet? Something hard in this hot, tight little hole? This is what you craved so much you risked painful punishment.”

  “Casimer, let me come!”

  “Oh, no,” he said, his fingers stilling. “You will come when I allow it. You will come as much as I want, as long as I want, and I will be the one who decides it. Because you, pet, are an undisciplined little brat who misbehaves when she doesn’t get what she wants.”

  Mika moaned and tried to work her sore pussy back on his fingers, finding the spot where she so badly needed his touch. Her pussy lips were swollen and stinging, but she would have taken more slaps if it meant they found her clit and gave her release.

  He denied her the attempts, pulling his fingers out of her again, leaving her empty and writhing for release.

  “I’m sorry,” she moaned. “I am. I really am.”

  “Are you saying that because you are sorry, or because you are so desperate to come you can barely stand it?”


  Casimer’s palm met her bottom again in a firm slap. “Well, I don’t know, pet. Perhaps staying like this for some time will teach you more effectively than any words could. Keeping you on the verge of orgasm seems to be teaching you something you’ve yet to fully understand…”

  She whimpered and squirmed, her pussy still so wet, her clit tingling with need. The sting of the spanking he’d given her lower lips was abating a little until his fingers returned and started spanking her pussy all over again.

  “Owwwwwwwwwww!” She let out a high-pitched squeal as he wrapped an arm around her waist, his body facing her rear as he peppered both her bottom and her pussy with swift slaps that landed on her cheeks, her lips, some even finding her clit.


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