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The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3)

Page 11

by Loki Renard

  The more she complained, the more he spanked, Mika’s hips bucking, her head tossing as she writhed in the king’s grasp. The spanking was supposed to be punishing, but it was starting to have another effect. The climax that had eluded her was coming. With every single slap, she got closer and soon she was panting and moaning quite obviously as he spanked her pussy, landing his swats all the way around to the soft mound above her clit, leaving no part of her rear unspanked.

  “Come for me, pet,” he growled, pinching her clit swiftly before swatting it again.

  Mika yowled with pleasure pain, her body lost in a storm of sensation that totally overrode everything. The climax bearing down on her was ultimately powerful, drawn from both the realm of bliss and the realm of soreness. Every slap that landed on her bottom stimulated her sex, and every swift spank to her pussy made that tender part of her clench.

  “I’m coming!” she gasped as it hit her full force, her toes curling, her body trembling, her hands grasping the sheets as the orgasm burst over her, taking every bit of energy she had as her juices dripped from her still virginal pussy, coating the clit that Casimer was now strumming roughly, prolonging her climax until her voice was hoarse with shouting her release.

  Finally she was allowed to collapse onto the bed, her sweat-soaked body and juicy pussy in total submission to the dragon king who wrapped his arms about her once more and lay down beside her.

  “One day, my pet, you will be ready for my cock, but that day is yet to come. Your mind and your body are both far from ready,” he said, his hand sliding between her thighs to cup her pussy possessively as she drifted into an exhausted sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Though he satisfied her immediate sexual cravings, Mika’s curiosity remained, as Casimer knew it would. He noticed that she was striking up friendships with several of the maids, and could often be found with them, gossiping about the affairs of the realm with the alacrity of someone who had lived there her entire life.

  One afternoon, a chorus of giggling from his private chambers caught Casimer’s attention. It was not a common sound in the castle, a fact that was not especially complimentary to his household, he supposed. It was a happy, carefree sound. He rather disliked the fact that he was about to put an end to it.

  Stopping outside the door, he listened to the light, feminine voices sharing secrets.

  “You’re all virgins!? I can’t believe it!” Mika exclaimed.

  “We only come into season a few times,” a maid named Lythia was explaining. “If we mate then, we conceive. But it only happens around twenty-five years of age. Before that there’s no need to have sex.”

  “What about the men? Don’t they like to have sex?”

  “The men take their turns with the women who come into heat,” Lythia said. “There are hundreds of women in the city, so one or other of them comes into heat regularly. The males will mate with her until she is out of heat…”

  “That is quite enough of a lesson,” Casimer said, entering the room before the maids could fill his pet’s head with any more stories. “Attend to your duties, please, ladies.”

  The servants scattered in an instant, leaving Mika sitting on a couch looking curious and excited.

  “Is that true? Do you all mate females in a group?”

  “It is not what will happen to you,” Casimer said firmly. “You are mine and mine alone.”

  “But the servants?”

  “When they come into season, they will find suitable mates. Some will choose single males. Others will take a more… inclusive approach to conception. Either method is acceptable. Most servants will find themselves a single mate. It is better for them in the long run. Richer women take advantage of larger groups…”

  “Things are so weird here,” Mika said. “I swear… so weird. Traci would love it though. Are you sure I can’t have her come and visit?”

  “Your friend would die within minutes of arriving here,” Casimer reminded her. “This is a dangerous realm for those of pure human blood. You must make do with those who are here. And I must say, you are doing so admirably. But… I warn you, pet… you cannot distract the servants when they should be working. The maids all have their work to do. If they do not do it, they are punished. You do not want to get them into trouble, do you?”

  “Well, no,” Mika said. “But I don’t have anyone else to talk to. The nobles all look at me like I’m something they scraped off their shoe. They think I’m an animal. At least the servants talk to me like a person. And they remind me of my friends back home.”

  “Your friends, from what I saw, were bad influences,” Casimer said. “Here, you seem to be the bad influence.”

  Mika’s smile indicated that she liked that. His words had the precise opposite effect than what he had intended. His observations of her before she arrived in his realm were of a largely obedient young woman who was involved with the wrong people. Oversexed, under-supervised young men and women with far too much money. He had assumed that with enough structure and discipline, she would soon return to a placid, obedient state. But that was not happening. Instead she was becoming a ringleader among the innocent, sheltered maids who were spending their early womanhood serving in Casimer’s household.

  “It is not a good thing, to be a bad influence,” he said in serious tones. “It will only earn you punishment. If the maids begin to behave badly, I will hold you accountable.”

  “That’s not fair!”

  “They are under the misapprehension that you are more powerful than they,” Casimer said. “Instead of seeing you as my pet, they seem to see you as…”

  “As what?”

  He could not answer the question directly. It was obvious how they saw Mika—as a princess in the royal household. Treating her as a pet had no impact on her natural charm, grace, and poise. She carried herself as though she were bred to the nobility, and the maids reacted to that. Quite naturally, and without any effort at all, Mika had built up a little coterie.

  “They see you as someone to admire and emulate,” he said, skirting the greater issue. “And I think you know that.”

  “Well, what am I supposed to do? I am all alone here,” she complained. “I rarely see you… you’re always so busy…”

  “Ah. You need some attention, pet. Very well, let me give you some attention…”

  With that he swept her over his knee, her beautiful squirming form bringing his cock to life in an instant.

  “Not this kind of attention!” Mika gasped, reaching her hand back to cover her bottom.

  “Oh, not this kind?” Casimer drawled with amusement. “But this seems to be the kind you need, after making the servants late for their work.”

  “No! This isn’t the kind I need…” She let out an adorable little whimper. “I have been good, Casimer.”

  “Hmm… have you now.” He smoothed his hand over her rump and waited for her plea. He did not have to wait long.

  “I have been so good,” she gasped.

  “That is true,” he said. “So tell me, pet, what do you want? What kind of attention do you need?”

  “Well… there was… one thing I was curious about.” She looked up at him under her lashes as he righted her to sit on his lap.

  “And what was that?”

  “All dragons can turn into flying dragons, right…”


  “I’ve never seen you like that.”

  “You wish to see my flight form? I think I can do that for you, my pet,” he said, pressing an affectionate kiss to her cheek and then to her lips. “But we will have to go outside. Taking one’s flight form inside is a recipe for disaster.”

  * * *

  Mika followed Casimer out to one of the great landing pads and watched with unashamedly hungry eyes as he shed his royal attire. He was one of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on, his body like carved marble, his cock hanging heavy between his thighs with promise of pleasure she had still been denied.

licked her lips, her eyes focused on that heavy rod. Still he had not pushed it inside her, given her the filling her body craved. Every day she looked at Casimer’s sexy frame, she became a little more desperate for the intercourse she had once been largely indifferent to.

  “Stand back, pet,” Casimer warned. “I become rather large.”

  “I know you do,” she said, not referring to his flight form.

  He returned her sexy smirk and took what seemed to be a deep breath.

  Mika gasped as the naked king became the most spectacular dragon she had ever laid eyes on, more incredible than any movie, or any of the dragons she had seen flying about the castle. He had scales of pure bone white. When the sun glinted off them, they flashed tones of green and azure blue. His great dragon eyes were the same arctic blue of his real gaze, making him recognizable even as a massive coiled dragon. His head was the size of a bus—suffice to say, he was far larger than any of the dragons she had seen before this moment.

  It was entirely evident what made him king. Casimer was powerful in both walking and flight form. His appearance inspired awe deep in her heart and her belly, a visceral admiration that made her fear and admire him all at once.

  “Casimer? Are you still there? I mean, can you hear me?” She reached out to touch his head. His great icy eye turned toward her and he let out a little snort that puffed two great clouds of steam high into the air.

  “Casimer?” She could hear the note of fear in her voice. This creature was so large, viscerally dangerous, every part of her quivered. The claws on his feet were more than long enough to eviscerate any soft-bellied animal in a second. He was the incarnation of beauty, majesty, and some intangible quality that made her very spine tingle.

  In a second, he was back in his walking form, embracing her tightly. “Don’t worry, pet,” he murmured. “I’m still here.”

  “That was incredible,” Mika gasped. “How do you do that?”

  “It is a simple, instinctual matter,” he said. “We feel what we are at the core of our beings. We set aside the land and the business of speech and we reach for the skies. Dragons usually begin to shift around their sixteenth birthdays, though some are earlier and some are later. It is a matter of great excitement when one obtains their flight form—a sign of maturity and full dragonhood.”

  His explanation triggered a question that had been floating about her mind since she was first told that she had dragon blood. “Do you think I have a flight form?”

  “I do not know,” Casimer said. “There has never been a human dragon hybrid such as yourself. Your father certainly had one. Perhaps you do too. It is simply a matter of finding the most simple, primal, essential part of yourself and connecting with it.”

  Mika stood there, thinking the most dragon-y thoughts she could think of, and yet nothing happened.

  Casimer was clearly on the brink of outright laughter as he watched her strain in some intangible way that didn’t even make sense.

  “I can’t do it,” she said sadly. “I don’t think it is in me.”

  “Whether it is or it isn’t, you are still my pet,” Casimer murmured, dropping a kiss on her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her and comforted her. “Give it time. You may find your form when you least expect to. Now, pet, I must attend to some of my royal duties, but we will eat together later. Save your questions for me then.”

  Casimer departed, leaving Mika with nothing to do all over again. Fortunately for her state of mind, the moment she got back to the king’s chambers, she found Lythia waiting outside with a mischievous grin on her face.

  “Mika,” she whispered. “Come and look.”

  “Come look at what?”

  “The rumors about Lady Sapphire were true. She is in heat and she is taking her mating.”

  “What?! And we can just look at that?”

  “She came into heat in the library, and immediately demanded the servicing start,” Lythia giggled. “We can sneak up onto the outer ring and watch without being seen. Come on.”

  Mika hesitated for approximately a split second. Casimer probably wouldn’t like it, but then again, Casimer didn’t like anything besides her total obedience and that was boring. She and Lythia made their way through the castle’s halls and up to a second floor that led to a balcony encircling the library, an octagonal structure carrying many thousands of tomes.

  She could hear the sounds before she saw what was happening, loud moans and grunts and cries of pleasure and joy. She and Lythia crouched down next to the balcony and peered through the stone railings. Down below, in the midst of what had probably been a tidy stack of books, a mating was taking place.

  The female, Lady Sapphire, an elegant woman at the best of times, had lost some of her dignity. Her carefully coiffed hair had fallen about her head as she kneeled on all fours and behind her a male noble entered her over and over again, her skirts askew.

  The dragon woman was moaning quite loudly now, rolling her hips as the male behind her made free with her body, pistoning the hard ridge of his erection deep inside her wet channel. The sounds of their bodies sliding together traveled through the air, wet and frequent. It grew in intensity as the male seemed to reach the tipping point of his pleasure, growling and shouting without any regard for the usual decorum of the castle. The lady’s cries were equally needy, her back arching, her hips pumping as her desperate body made obvious efforts to suck the semen from the dragon’s cock.

  “He’s going to come,” Lythia whispered. “They always get like that when they’re going to spill. Aggressive.”

  Down below, the dragon snatched his hand in the back of the lady’s hair and pulled her head back, slamming his cock inside her over and over again with such rough force Mika didn’t know whether to be aroused or scared.

  Finally he let go with a cry of pure triumph, slamming deep into her and holding himself there. The lady’s hips ground up and down, apparently milking every drop before the dragon pulled out of her well fucked sex. Mika’s eyes widened as she saw the volume of thick white seed spilling from the woman’s pussy, only to be pushed back in by the arrival of a second male and his rampant cock. There were several more waiting their turn in various stages of undress. Even from the balcony she could see their thick, pulsing members ready to fuck the lady and fill her over and over again.

  “Oh, my god,” Mika breathed.

  “I know,” Lythia agreed. “I can’t wait for that to be me.”

  “You’ve really never had sex?” Mika glanced at Lythia.

  “I have had sex,” Lythia whispered, as if it were a secret. “I’m not supposed to, but I have a man who wants me. But I mean, I can’t wait to have a proper heat. I can’t wait to want it like Sapphire wants it. I can’t wait to be worshiped like that.”

  “Hello, ladies.”

  A deep voice behind them made Mika freeze in place. Lythia did the same. Then slowly, they turned their heads to see the tall form of King Casimer standing over them. Mika tried for a little smile, but Lythia was smarter. She bowed and curtsied and whimpered and made another of her quick exits, leaving Mika to face the king’s wrath.

  “And what do you think you are doing, pet?” Casimer’s deep tones held a hint of humor and a big dose of sternness. Before Mika could answer, he reached out, pulled her up to her feet, and marched her out of the library proper. Not so far away that the cries of the mated woman could not still be heard, but far enough that those engaged in the orgy would not be distracted by the king’s pet getting into trouble once more.

  * * *

  Casimer knew very well what they had been doing. It was the same thing dozens of servants, and likely some nobles were doing from behind various walls and curtains, but that did not mean Casimer was going to allow Mika to do the same. He watched a dozen little expressions chase over her face: shame, fear, embarrassment. They were all replaced with her rebellious stoicism, which was among the least of his favorite moods.

  “I was watching a lady have sex,” Mika said,
lifting her chin. “I was watching her get what I don’t.”

  “Is that what you want, Mika? Several men lined up behind you to spill their seed inside you time and time again?”

  “No, I want…” She blushed and her voice became softer. “I want to mate with you.”

  Casimer took a deep breath. He knew what she wanted. He wanted it too. But the time had not yet come, though she could not understand that, of course. She only understood what her all too human flesh wanted.

  “Pet, sweet pet, you would be harmed if I mated with you. You have seen the size of me. Besides, you are mature, but you are still young. There is no rush for you to mate. You are still learning how your body reacts to simple pleasures.”

  “I’m not that much younger than you,” Mika insisted.

  “You must not remember much of our first night’s acquaintance.” Casimer cocked his head to the side. “How old do you think I am?”

  “I don’t know? Thirty-five or something?”

  He shook his head.

  “Older? Uhm, I don’t know, forties…?” Her voice went up in a sort of high-pitched questioning intonation, as if she couldn’t quite believe it.

  Casimer shook his head again.

  “Older?” Her eyes were squinting now, as if she actually could not see his age and was trying very hard to. “How much older? Are you a hundred years old? Two hundred?” She smirked as if she thought that were a funny joke.

  “I am many times older than every number you have mentioned,” he said, running his fingers through her hair, which was beginning to turn copper red at the roots. Her natural self was starting to emerge through the facade she put up, an apt metaphor for the slow process of change she was undergoing in his care.

  “How old are you?” she asked innocently.

  “I am one thousand, three hundred and thirty-nine years of age.”


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