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The Dragon King's Pet (Dragon Brides Book 3)

Page 14

by Loki Renard

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Damn it!” Lazarus tossed his scabbard hard into the corner of the room, running his hands through his dark locks in a gesture of pure frustration. “Lythia!”

  The pretty blonde maid appeared from a corner of the room with a dark little smirk on her face. “What is it, m’Lord?”

  “This damnable human…” he growled, reaching for his pants. He pushed them down, freeing his cock from the confines of the cloth. “Come here, girl. I need to vent my frustrations.”

  Lythia let out a little giggle as he first pulled her close and kissed her roughly, then pushed her away from him face down onto the bed. He tossed her gown up over her back and plunged himself right between her thighs, sinking himself into her tightness with one hard thrust.

  Lythia let out a squeal, but made no effort to stop him as he began to pump her pussy with angry thrusts.

  “What is it… ungghhh… what happened?”

  “The king’s pet,” Lazarus snorted. “That human scrap… she is princess in everything but name. She has had her first heat. She has found her wings. She is poised for control…”

  “The king is old,” Lythia gasped between hard thrusts. “And Mika is young. But you, Lazarus, you are in your prime, and with me by your side, anything is possible. I have the human’s ear. She is so desperate for friendship, she believes anything.”

  “Good, my flower,” Lazarus snarled, dropping fierce bite kisses on Lythia’s lips, neck, and breasts. She was covered in marks, this servant of his. If the idiot Mika had thought to look a little closer, she would have seen the remnants of much more than the most recent beating. She would have seen the marks of many rough sessions, every one of which marked an injection of semen into the maid’s tight pussy.

  “You played her perfectly,” he growled, pulling her hair from her face to press a rough kiss to her cheek as he sank himself as deep as he could go. “She thought I had beaten you…”

  “You had beaten me,” Lythia replied with a broad grin. “What she didn’t know was how much I liked it.”

  “She is a fool, an innocent,” Lazarus agreed. “And he has begun acting much the same. He thinks her innocence is a virtue to be preserved. But you and I know better, don’t we, Lythia. Beauty is meant to be marred, innocence is meant to be lost. I will ruin that girl one way or other and Casimer will see her for what she is. Flesh to be fucked and cast aside.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Days and weeks passed and as Mika became more comfortable with her flight form, Casimer noticed many changes in his pet. Most surprisingly, her desire to please and willingness to obey was increasing. He had expected rebellion following her finding her wings. He had absolutely expected her to fly off over the city and attempt an escape, but none of that had occurred. When she took to the skies, she observed the boundaries he had set, and when he praised her for it, she blushed and beamed with pride. She was becoming a truly well trained pet, and he was immensely proud of her.

  Mika was still timid with regards to her flight form, but being able to soar skyward was enough inspiration to have her overcome her natural reluctance to turn from a pretty young woman into a great beast with scales and claws and wings.

  They were flying together one evening, chasing the moon as Mika liked to call it. She had a particular fascination with the heavenly bodies that emerged when the sun set—most specifically, in attempting to catch them. She knew it was not possible, of course, but that did not stop her streaking across the sky in pursuit of falling stars.

  Larger, older, and faster, Casimer kept a watchful eye on her as she tested the limits of her wings, learning how to turn and how to dive, how to roll in the sky. She had seen some of the palace guards running their aerial drills and was attempting to emulate them.

  Casimer circled above her, his great white wings extended as she performed her tricks and gained confidence in her new form. All was well, but suddenly, in the very blink of an eye, Mika’s flight form disappeared. In place of the dragon with the turquoise wings was a young woman falling out of the sky, screaming at the top of her lungs.

  His heart pounding, Casimer dove after her. Her small human form pointed her like a bullet toward the land below, whereas his larger frame had much more air resistance and reaching top speeds took longer. He folded his wings back and let himself free fall after the woman he loved most as second after second took her closer to total disaster.

  Just as he came within a few yards of her, her naked body flipped in the air and her flight form flowed again, her wings catching a gust and lifting her high into the skies. She gave a cocky little flick of her wing and sent her body into a roll that made Casimer utterly certain her fall had not been a mistake.

  Casimer let out a roar of anger. He had seen the prank before, of course. Practically every dragon pulled it at some point or other, but it had not crossed his mind even once that Mika might have the will, the nerve, or the control to pull it off.

  He followed her back to the landing, growling and breathing short bursts of punitive fire after her mischievous rear. As soon as she landed outside their chambers, she transformed to her naked human form and fell about laughing.

  “You brat,” he growled down at her as she grinned at him. “I thought you were in trouble.”

  “Well, I am in trouble,” she laughed. “I’m in trouble now, right?”

  “Yes, you are,” Casimer growled, capturing her mouth in a rough kiss. “You are in so much trouble.”

  He picked her up and carried her inside, where he sat on the bed and pulled her naked body over his equally naked thighs. She was going to pay for the fright she had given him. She was going to pay for it with the hot flesh of her body and more besides.

  Mika squealed as he spanked her bottom hard enough to make it bloom red, the punishment real enough. She had given him one of the most significant frights in recent years. In a split second he had been forced to watch her possible loss.

  “Owww! Casimer! It was just a joke!” She gasped and whimpered, trying to squirm away from his hard, punishing slaps.

  “You could have been killed!”

  “You were right there! I knew you’d catch me!”

  Casimer looked down at the red-bottomed squirming young woman. Her faith in him was so great that she trusted him to save her no matter what.

  “You must not put yourself in danger merely to test me, pet,” he lectured, his fingers slipping between her thighs to toy with the wet hot core of her. He could never resist touching her there, where she seemed to always be receptive, her soft lips ever ready to flower into arousal.

  “I wasn’t testing you, I was testing me,” she said with a moan. “I wanted to see if I could be one and then the other and then the other again.”

  “Well, now you know you can…” he said, toying with her sex. “You never need to again.”

  “I promise I won’t,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just thought it would be, you know, sort of funny…”

  “Every new generation finding their wings thinks it is funny,” Casimer admitted. “And everyone who has had their wings more than a century or so knows somebody who thought it was funny but met their end being scraped off the ground.”

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated, sounding genuinely apologetic.

  “Mhm… well. I suppose I should not punish you for my own fright,” Casimer growled, pulling his fingers from her sex and slapping her bottom lightly once more. He utterly adored this woman who even now was pushing the limits by squirming up from his thighs to sit in his lap instead. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, glad to simply feel the weight of her against his chest.

  Finally, after all the turmoil of her early days of captivity, she was starting to settle. Finally there was time to enjoy the simple pleasures of her company.


  “I’ve been good, haven’t I,” she said, squirming. “I mean, aside from just before…”

  “You have been,” he
acknowledged, kissing her.

  “I’ve found my flight form,” she said. “I can fly just the same as you can…” Her lips began to meet his neck as she pressed little nipping kisses to his flesh. “I’m becoming a real dragon woman, aren’t I?”

  Casimer’s lips began to curl and his cock started to stir. Her sexual drive continued to take him by surprise, being so much more powerful and frequent than that of natural dragon women. Perhaps it was because she was still yet to take his cock inside her tight chalice. Or maybe it was simply because her greed for orgasms could not be satisfied by a good tongue lashing and a tail plug fucking.

  “I want your cock,” she hissed in his ear, her words carnal and sexually simple. “I need you…”

  There was a new resonance to her words, and something else… something he noticed as she pressed herself against him eagerly. Suddenly the air was ripe with more than the scent of womanly desire. The scent of a female dragon’s heat, rising from his pet’s loins. He froze for a moment, hardly able to believe what was happening. Had finding her flight form also triggered her first true heat? Was that even possible?

  Mika’s lips met his, hungry with desire. “Fuck me, Casimer,” she demanded in a husky voice. “Fuck me long and hard. Make me your princess…make me your slave… make me your pet… your whore… make me whatever you need me to be.”

  Her eyes were glazed with lust, her body grinding in a repetitive motion that made her hips rock against his cock over and over again. She lifted her bottom up, spread her thighs, and almost managed to impale herself on his thick rod before he could react.

  “Easy, pet.” Casimer re-settled her on his lap, reached for her hands and pulled them behind her back, holding her in place. She arched her chest forward, her breasts thrusting high as he took a silk skein and wrapped it around her wrists, binding them firmly.

  “Now listen to me, Mika,” he said sternly. “I know you’re aroused. I know you’re more aroused than you’ve ever been in your life. But we are not doing this now, my pet. You are in the grip of a hormone surge. It will pass, and you will come to your senses again.”

  “I don’t want to come to my senses,” she moaned, her lips against his as she leaned toward him, desperate for his touch. “I’ve been waiting for weeks for you to come to me. Don’t you want me, Casimer? Are you bored of me?”

  He looked at her squirming nubile body and shook his head. Of course he was not bored of her. He never would be. But the scent she was emitting was making it hard for his own mind to stay clear. A woman in heat was almost irresistible, and Casimer’s self-discipline over the months of keeping her virginal was fast eroding.

  He lifted her squirming form up and took her to a footstool. There he placed her down, bending her over it so that her bottom was raised. He used another silk tie to secure her over the stool, her legs parting to reveal her soaked slit. His cock was rampant inside his robes. It took every bit of self-control he had to stop himself from simply pushing himself inside her.

  “Please… Casimer…” She was moaning and grinding now, her bare bottom presented beautifully. Casimer went for her tail and slid the plug into her bottom. It seemed to act as a sexual pacifier at times, filling one of her tight little holes. On this occasion, it did nothing but whip her into a greater frenzy. The tail slipped into her bottom without resistance, the white fluff framing her pouting slit.

  He wanted her more than anything. Every part of him was telling him to go to his knees and fuck her. Her heat was becoming his heat. He had to regain some self-control.

  “Stay, pet,” he commanded.

  He left the room for a moment to clear his head. He could not think with his nostrils full of her delicious scent.

  “What has you walking these halls so late, sire?”

  Lazarus appeared from one of the smaller rooms. His presence so late at night was odd, but Casimer was barely in the mind to care about Lazarus’ movements.

  “Mika just came into heat,” Casimer said. “Spontaneously, without warning. One moment she was my sweet pet… the next I had a full-blooded dragon woman on my hands…”

  “Congratulations, sire! This is excellent news!” Lazarus’ smile spread wide, but did not quite touch his eyes.

  “Not congratulations. This is a disaster,” Casimer growled. “She only took her flight form a few weeks ago… I thought I would have years to prepare her for this.”

  “She will need to be mated, sire.”

  “I know that, Lazarus. I know what a female in heat needs. But she is still so young…”

  “She is in heat,” Lazarus repeated yet again. “And she is well into human maturity, as well as dragon maturity. You must know, no female comes into heat until she is mature. If you do not take her now, she will attract every noble in the castle. She will sneak out and mate with them one by one. They will drench her with their seed… of course that may be best… you have your lineage to think of.”

  “Enough, Lazarus,” Casimer snarled. “I will not have her at the center of a breeding circle. Of course I will not. She is mine and I will take her. But just because she is in her first heat it does not mean she needs to be mated. It will pass.”

  “It could take weeks to pass, sire,” Lazarus said. “She will find herself in this desperate state hour after hour…”

  “And that is why you will guard her. You are the one man I can trust to resist her charms. I cannot resist in this moment. Her cries. Her scent…”

  “My liege, it is cruelty itself to leave her in this state,” Lazarus said. “I have seen females in heat perform dangerous acts to get the seed their bodies crave. You cannot think this is something you can avoid…”

  “I think she is eighteen years old. I think she is too young to be a potential mother, especially to a royal brood. I think her future lies long ahead of her. I think she should have some choice in that future, and I think she will have no choice once she becomes princess. I took her to prevent her dismemberment by those animals who call themselves mankind. I did not take her to fuck her without regard for the consequences,” Casimer growled. “Now watch her. I will be taking an ice bath.”

  With that, he tore himself away from Lazarus and the room that held the one thing he desired most in all creation.

  * * *

  Mika did not know why she had been left tied to the stool. She did not know where Casimer had gone. Her mind was fuzzy with the lust that had come on quite suddenly, leaving her entirely at its mercy.

  “Please…” she moaned to the empty room. “Come and get me… take me… fuck me…”

  It was not Casimer, but Lazarus who entered the room. He untied her and allowed her to stand without so much as a word. Compelled by her rampant lust she pushed her body against his clothed form instantly, grinding against his thigh. Pure instinct had taken over, leaving her without boundaries of any kind.

  “Fuck me, Lazarus,” she breathed against his neck. She could not help herself. She wanted a thick, hard dragon cock to spew its seed inside her. She wanted to be fucked and filled. She wanted to be thrown on her back and taken roughly, her dripping sex flooded with the cum her womb craved.

  “Enough,” Lazarus said, catching her up in grip of submission, his hand locked on the back of her neck. “You are owned by the king. Any man who so much as breathes in your direction without permission is risking his head.”

  “Casimer won’t take me…” she said, grinding her hips against his with a lewd rutting gesture.

  “You are not in your right mind,” Lazarus replied. “You hate me, Mika.”

  “I don’t have to like you to fuck you. Traci said hate sex is good.”

  “I do not know who Traci is, but this person is not giving you good information,” Lazarus replied, twisting her around so that she could not press her sex against him. Mika could not help the writhing motion of her hips any more than she could help the stiffness of her nipples, the wetness of her pussy, or her mind-altering need for sexual contact.

  Lazarus growled de
ep in his throat. “Stop your squirming,” he snarled. “Or I will not be responsible for what happens.”

  “Fuck me!”

  She was swept off her feet and deposited on the bed. The Lord Lazarus looked down at her with his dark eyes full of some nefarious purpose. She could feel it emanating from him, but she did not care.

  “You do need to be fucked,” he said. “But not by me. You need to be fucked by a line of men, Mika. There are dozens of nobles in this castle, each with stiff rods to poke you. That is what you want, isn’t it?”

  “Casimer…” she moaned. “Where is Casimer?”

  “Don’t worry about Casimer,” Lazarus said, picking her up. He tossed her over his shoulder, her wet pussy leaking juices down her inner thighs as she tried to buck and grind herself even in that position. “Casimer will not worry about you once you have been mated properly, once he sees that you are truly just another lowborn womb seeking to be filled.”

  “What are you doing… where are we going…” Mika’s lustful confusion left her dazed and questioning the strange motion she was now enduring draped over Lazarus’ back.

  “I’ve been waiting for this,” Lazarus confessed. “Since you came, so pretty, distracting the king. The throne will fall to me, not one of your half-blood breed. I will have you fucked a hundred times by a hundred men. I will have you dripping with their seed, and I will ensure that Casimer never, ever looks at you again. Once you are thoroughly defiled…”

  “Put her down, Lazarus. Now!”

  Casimer’s voice came in a fearsome growl. The doorway that had been empty a moment before now held the figure of an angry king, two dozen of his guard behind him. They were large men, but they looked diminutive compared to his fierce form.

  Lazarus dropped Mika onto the bed, still squirming with the force of her heat. She ran to Casimer and was enveloped immediately in his arms, hiding her face against his chest and drawing deep breaths of his scent to calm herself.


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