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Taken by a Monster

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  He’d hurt her. Taken her from the man she loved.

  “Now, it’s your turn.”

  “What? No. I don’t want to get any ink. Please, don’t make me.”

  She tried to fight him, but he wouldn’t let her go. He held her down with the help of his men and Trick began by inking the base of her back. She cried the moment the needle touched her skin. She wanted it all to stop, but there was no way, not when Reaper forced her.

  He was going to get what he wanted one way or another.

  She had to be strong.

  The ink wasn’t done at her back, though. No, he got Trick to ink both of her wrists so she would know for now and all eternity she was chained to him for life.


  Present day

  Robin’s heart raced as she waited to hear the truth from his lips. Did he love someone else? Was there ever going to be a chance for her?

  Pressing her lips together, she looked up at him, wanting to touch him, to hold him, to love him more than anything. Her memories weren’t back yet. She didn’t know if she ever wanted them to be back.

  “I didn’t find anyone else. There is no way I could ever want anyone but you.” He stroked her cheek.

  He was a large man, full of muscles and strength. Yet, each time he touched her, she was shocked by how sweet and gentle he was with her. It was like he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her, and well, she wasn’t going to complain about that.

  She offered him a smile. “There’s no one?”

  “There’s no one.”

  “Then why haven’t you been with me? Why haven’t you tried to help me remember?”

  “I don’t know what you went through with Reaper, Robin. There are memories that are going to be unleashed, and they’re not pretty. Randall has warned us. The room upstairs, there’s more to that tale. It’s not easy.”

  “You know what I’ve come to realize?” she said.


  “Life isn’t easy and it’s not supposed to be. I don’t want you to run from me or hide anymore. I’d like to get to know you.” She took his hand, locking their fingers together. “Can we have a chance to be together? You and me with no one else trying to take it away from us?” She licked her dry lips.

  “There are times I forget you don’t remember.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “It’s the best kind of thing,” he said. His hand stroked down her cheek, moving to the back of her neck and she waited. He pulled her close and when his lips met hers, it was everything she had hoped it would be. She let out a little moan, gripping his shirt and moving so that she straddled his waist.

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed between her thighs, and a hunger she couldn’t even recall consumed her. This was what she wanted. Needed.

  “Robin,” he said between kisses.

  “Please, don’t stop kissing me.”

  “We’re moving too fast.”

  She pulled back. “I’m not panicking. I’m not scared. I want this, Preacher. I … I’ve been near Bishop and there’s nothing there. I don’t know why I ended up married to him, and quite frankly, I don’t care. Don’t you feel this?” She put her hand on his chest. “I can’t give you everything you want. I don’t know if I’ll ever remember what happened between us in the past, but I can give you my future.” She kissed his lips. “You said we didn’t have a whole lot of time together, so why wait?”

  “A few hours ago, you couldn’t breathe because of a panic attack. We should take it slow.”

  She rubbed her pussy against his dick, not wanting to take it slow. For some reason, she felt like there had already been too much time wasted already. She was tired of waiting for something to happen.

  During her short twenty years of living, she’d become pregnant, married her best friend, been taken by a monster, lost her memories, and now she was this person who she couldn’t count on anymore.

  “I don’t want to take it slow. I’m tired of waiting around.” She kissed him, sliding her tongue across his mouth until he opened up, and she released a moan, feeling connected to him once more. “Don’t you want me?”

  “It’s not a matter of want. I’m trying to do the right thing here and to give you a chance to recover.”

  She pulled away, staring him in the eye, really seeing him. “And what if I don’t ever recover? What if these feelings will never return? I don’t know what the future holds and to be frank, I’m scared. What if I never know what happened to me or who I can trust? My entire life is a mystery to me and all I care about right now is if you’d kiss me. I want you to kiss me. To feel you inside me. Is that so bad?”

  He groaned, running his hands up and down her back, gripping her ass tightly. He didn’t move or say anything for several minutes. She held her breath, waiting until he finally pulled her down and her lips crashed against his. She wrapped her legs around his waist, not wanting to let him go as she sank her fingers into his hair.

  She released a giggle as he turned her to the bed, but she wasn’t laughing for long as he lifted her shirt. His fingers danced across her skin. She held her breath as he grazed across the underside of one breast.

  “Tell me to stop.”


  She pulled him down, kissing him again as he cupped her tit. A fire spiraled between her thighs and she took his other hand, placing it between her thighs so he knew what it was she wanted, what she craved.

  He broke from the kiss, trailing his lips down to her neck, sucking over her pulse before moving down even further, going to her chest.

  “I want this off.” He tore at the shirt, pushing it up over her head and tossing it to the side. “Beautiful.”

  “Have you seen me naked before?” she asked.

  “Yes, and you’re just as beautiful now as you were then.” He pressed her tits together and she watched as he flicked his tongue across each bud.

  She moaned as the pleasure rushed straight through her body, going to her core. He sucked on each nipple, using his teeth to graze across the surface, nibbling and biting.

  Preacher didn’t linger for long as he started to kiss down her body, going lower to her stomach. What she didn’t want him to see was the ink across the base of her back. She didn’t know who Reaper was, nor did she ever intend to see him again.

  When he got to between her thighs, he opened the catch of her jeans and pulled them down her thighs. She spread open her legs and he tugged on the panties. She heard the fabric tear and she giggled, smiling up at him.

  “I’ve never liked you wearing underwear.”

  She cried out as he slid a single finger in her.

  “You’re so wet.”

  He pumped his digit in and out, driving her crazy with more need and then his tongue slicked across her clit before he nibbled on the delicate bud.

  She felt the start of an orgasm. It built up and quickly washed over her, taking her by surprise from the sheer pleasure of his touch.

  “I’d have to say that was a personal best for me,” he said.

  She giggled. “I guess I can say I like your mouth on me.” She wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him down. She tasted herself on his lips but didn’t care about anything else as he put the tip of his cock to her entrance.

  Preacher broke the kiss first, staring into her eyes as inch-by-inch, he sank inside her, filling her up. He kept on going, even when she didn’t think she could take much more, he didn’t stop, and she didn’t want him to. It felt amazing. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she cried out as he slammed in the last inch, making her jolt. Pain and pleasure mixed together, driving her toward him. He took her hands, pressing them above her head, pinning her to the bed.

  The instant he held her down, she felt her pleasure increase. She lifted up for his thrusts, and he pounded inside her.

  She stared into his eyes and as he moved, they both looked to see his cock disappearing within her. His dick wet from her own arousal.

  “Do you have any idea how l
ong I’ve waited? How long I’ve wanted to be close to you?”

  There were no answers because they both knew the truth. She didn’t have the first freaking clue about what was going on between them.

  He sped up his thrusts and she felt another orgasm coming. This one wasn’t as intense as the first, but it was up there. Preacher pulled out of her and lifted her ass up. She watched him as he put his mouth on her pussy and began to lick and suck at her. He circled her clit, slid down to her entrance, and she closed her eyes as he began to fuck her with his tongue.

  She gripped the sheet beneath her, trying to find anything that would keep her grounded. Of course there was nothing close by, but it didn’t matter, she didn’t want to be grounded. With the magical use of his tongue, she wanted to fly and no longer stay still.

  He drew his tongue back up, going to her clit, sucking on it hard before going back down.

  Robin begged him to let her come, but Preacher, he had her dripping. Her arousal leaked out, going down her crack, but she wasn’t afraid. No, it only served to make her hungrier for more.

  “Please, please,” she said.

  “Come for me.”

  He finally sucked, flicked her clit, driving her to a third or fourth orgasm. She couldn’t remember which one as she’d lost count. The moment her orgasm hit, Preacher pushed her to the bed, spread her legs, and fucked her hard. Her release kept on going, milking his cock as he fucked her harder. The pleasure made her wild, and she scored her nails down his back, begging for more.

  When he came, she watched as he let go, filling her with his cum until he finally fell against her, completely spent. They were both panting.

  Lifting up, she saw he still had his jeans around his ankles and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, that didn’t take long.”

  “With you, it never will.” He kissed her again, hard, and she knew this was what she wanted. This was what she failed to have with Bishop, and nothing was ever going to take her away from Preacher again.


  “Tell me about your family,” Robin said a couple of hours later. They’d moved to his bed, and both of them were naked. Preacher had made love to her a second time, and he’d fed her. So far, no more panic attacks, and he’d already spoken to Bear for him not to worry again.

  Still no sign of Bishop, but his son would turn up eventually. His main priority was to find Reaper and his MC. The moment he dealt with them, Bishop wouldn’t be a problem.

  Would he kill his own son?

  He stared down Robin’s back, catching sight of the Reaper tattoo marking her skin.

  Yeah, he really would. He would do whatever it took to keep her safe. He’d already failed once, and he wouldn’t fail again.

  “I don’t have any family.”

  “Did I know anything about your parents or your life before my amnesia?”

  “No. You didn’t know anything.”

  “Why not?”

  “There was nothing to tell. My family, they weren’t good people.”

  “Does this mean they’re dead?”


  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to feel sorry, or even pity me. They’re not worth either emotion.”

  “Do you ever miss them?” Robin stroked a finger across his chest.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “We can’t talk about our time together. Why not share your past with me? What will it hurt?”

  “It’s not a good past.”

  “Most life stories aren’t easy. I can handle it if you’re worried I can’t.”

  “I’m not worried about that.” He reached a finger down to the base of her back and he watched as she tensed up. “You’ve seen it?”

  “I don’t know what it means, but yeah, I’ve seen it. I know it exists. Does it bother you?”



  “It does bother me, more than you could know, but that’s because I know what it means.”

  “Does it bother you that you’re having feelings for me? I know my dad’s close with you.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “I keep digressing. Tell me about your parents. Your life. What brought you to here and to be the president of the Twisted Monsters MC?” She rested her chin on her hands, and he stared into her eyes, captured by her beauty. In the two years they’d been apart, she’d matured in ways he didn’t think were possible. Staring at her now, she was a sight to behold. A rare kind of beauty.

  He never spoke about his past with anyone. His past was his darkness, his pain, and no one would ever be able to share it with him, but he didn’t want to keep anything from her.

  “My mom and dad weren’t good for each other. They were drunks, both of them. They liked to party and do their own thing. Having a kid was never high on their list of things to have and if it was, well, they should’ve found another hobby. From a young age, I was neglected. I believe I was left in random places, you know? Hoping someone would take me and keep me. It never happened. My father liked to use me to get people to feel sorry for him. They’d give him money and he’d spend it on drink or drugs. My mom would spend all her spare time sleeping around, trying to get her next hit.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  “The beatings started to happen when I was four. I wasn’t earning either of them enough, and so I was an extra mouth to feed. I kept getting beat up for as long as I can remember. I grew, though. I came to realize, people can beat on kids all they want but they fail to see that kids grow up. We get stronger, and when we finally reach maturity, we like to hit back.”

  “Did you start hitting back?”

  “Yes, and when I did, I didn’t stop. I kept on hitting. I made sure both of them paid for the life they’d given me. They had made me strong. Turned me into the man I am today. I guess I blame them for all my mistakes. Even when I think about Bishop, I fucked up with him. I wasn’t there enough.”

  “Thank you for telling me. I don’t imagine it’s easy to relive those kinds of memories.”

  “It’s not easy at all. I don’t like to remember. It’s easier for me to forget. It’s what I like to do, forget.”

  “I wish I’d been there. To take the pain away.”

  He laughed. “You weren’t even a thought then. After I killed my parents, I left, jumping from town to town until I fell into the Twisted Monsters. From here, I took over, killed the guy in charge because I knew I could do a better job of it, and believe me when I say I did. This is all mine. I built everything around you.” There was no point to go into further details. She didn’t need to know the years of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, or how he’d tried to end his own life when he was younger. There were some areas of his soul he never wanted to see again.

  “How did I end up married to Bishop?”

  “I’m not going to tell you those details. When you remember, you’ll be ready to know the truth.”

  “That’s so not fair.”

  “It’s the best you’re going to get.” He lifted up, smacked her on the ass, and climbed out of bed. “I’m going to feed you again.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes. As much as I want to laze in bed without eating, it’s not going to happen.” He leaned down and bit her ass. She let out a squeal. “Come on, let’s get you fed. I want you to keep your strength up.”


  The next couple of days went by on cloud nine for Robin. She didn’t want her happiness to end, not even for a moment.

  Not only were her feelings for Preacher growing, but she felt at peace. Even if her memories didn’t return, she had this. Bear wasn’t happy with her moving back in with Preacher, a decision she’d made quite quickly. He believed she was moving too fast, and in a way, she probably was, but she was chasing this feeling and wouldn’t let it go again, not ever. Whenever she was with Preacher, she actually felt something, something real, and happy.

  There was still no sign of Bishop and she hadn�
�t seen him since the situation in the barn. Time was moving by and even though she was happy, there were moments. Fleeting moments when she’d start to feel a panic build within her for no reason at all.

  She couldn’t figure out why she was so afraid. Time was ticking against her, and she needed to get her shit together or lose, but what exactly, she didn’t know. Only that she had a time limit on everything. It was hard to talk to anyone about a feeling though. They really didn’t understand. Nothing in an emotion or feeling was tangible.

  “You look happy,” Bear said.

  They were meeting up at the diner. They’d just put their order in and she turned to Bear, smiling.

  “I feel happy.”

  “Any new memories?”

  It was like a broken record with all of them. Any new memories, or triggers?

  “Nothing new so far.”

  “Preacher told me about your panic attack. How are you feeling now?”

  “I’m feeling good. I mean, I think I’m doing good. I don’t know. I guess time will tell.”

  “What’s bothering you?” Bear asked.

  She sipped at her water and looked around the diner. She noticed people were watching them. Some whispered behind their hands. Not one person other than the Twisted Monsters had dared to come near her. They didn’t offer her any solution or clue as to who she was. “I don’t know. Bishop being away. I wanted to talk to him about something.”


  “Why does everyone look tense when I say Bishop’s name?” she asked. She’d been asking Preacher how his search was going. She didn’t have the first clue as to why it was such a huge problem for everyone.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “And again with the lies. How can I help anyone out when you’re all keeping secrets from me? This doesn’t help me.”

  “We’re not keeping secrets from you. Just know the club is doing whatever it can to protect you.”

  “I don’t need protecting,” she said.

  Bear took her hands in his. “Sweetheart, you didn’t see the way you looked when you were found. The car did a number on you, sure, but you were hurt before the car.”

  “So, I don’t make the best of choices. That shouldn’t be a reason for you to … you know, keep me in the dark. Besides, what I wanted to talk to you about kind of concerns Bishop.”


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