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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 7

by Laura Acton

  Kolff Research Institute – Various Locations

  Not receiving a response from Loki, Nick paced in a tight circle as rain pelted him. The weather no longer any concern. Bram rising, stopped him.

  “Boss, we gotta go find him,” Bram said as he started for the entrance.

  Nick put out a hand. Not that he wanted to prevent Bram from going, but he couldn’t risk his life. “No. That is the fire crew’s job. After the force of the explosion that building may be unstable.”

  “I’m not gonna wait here. He could be hurt and need help.” Bram pushed past Nick’s staying hand but halted when the sound of someone throwing up reached his ears.

  Both Bram’s and Nick’s heads whipped to the building. So focused on Loki, they momentarily forgot about the others. Nick nearly shouted, “Jon, Lexa, Ray, Dan … status.” He held his body rigid hoping to withstand additional emotional blows if his family failed to respond. In his mind, he knew at least one survived with the pitiful sounds of vomiting.

  Jon answered, “Lexa and I are unharmed. A few ceiling tiles fell. Animals are spooked, but cages remained intact, so no unwanted residents roaming.”

  A tiny wave of relief washed over Nick. “Dan, Ray status?”

  The comms remained quiet except for retching, which became more distant.

  Ray reached over and muted Dan’s headset, before he communicated, “The room is intact, though things were shaken up, and it appears dinner didn’t sit well with Dan either.”

  “Okay. Sit tight.” Nick strode toward the fire department’s command post. “We’ll find a way to get you out.”

  Jon voiced his concern. “Loki didn’t make it out before it blew, did he?”

  Screwing up his face against the anguish, Nick maintained a calm tone, one honed with years of practice. “No. I’m going to speak to the captain in charge now to find out when searchers can be sent in. We will find him.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Outside Front – 5:40 p.m.

  As Dave grabbed a backboard, Brad scanned the area which appeared much like a war zone … not that he had ever been in one, he only assumed this is what one looked like based on movies. He had tried to engage Jim about his time in Afghanistan, but he was closed-mouthed about what he had seen and done there.

  When he spotted Bram, hard to miss the massive man, Brad’s gut clenched. He now knew Alpha Team well thanks to Jim’s bachelor party turned combined bachelor, bachelorette, and New Year’s Eve party. He endured a nasty hangover the next morning. “Dave, it is Jim’s buddy’s team.”

  Halting in gathering gear, Dave questioned, “How do you know?”

  “Can’t miss Bram.” Brad pointed to the constable who stood in the rain staring at the building as firemen rushed around him doing their jobs.

  Dave’s gut roiled as a soft, “Loki,” rushed out with a breath. The bomb tech was a hoot. He enjoyed meeting the guy and laughing at his jokes. As he and Dave started for the entrance, having been notified by the firefighters they located an unconscious man on the second-floor landing, he veered off.

  Brad turned a curious eye on Dave, but then pursed his lips and nodded as he continued to his destination, agreeing with his partner’s call.

  “Hey, Bram.” Dave strode directly to the officer.

  Pulled from his silent vigil for the past ten minutes, wishing to be allowed to enter to join the search for Loki, Bram turned to a somewhat familiar voice. Bram registered Dave Kneller, one of Jim’s paramedic friends carrying a lot of gear. “Yeah?”

  Holding out the backboard, Dave said, “Want to help?”

  Recognizing the offer to go in with them, Bram didn’t hesitate to grab the flat plastic with straps. “They found Loki. He’s gotta be alive if they are sending in paramedics,” he informed his team as he jogged along with Dave.

  At the command post set up by Fire Captain McMillian, Nick bent over and placed his hands on his knees as a wave of emotion washed over him. Please be okay, Son of my heart.

  “Nick, are you okay?” Walter said as he moved toward Pastore.

  Straightening up as Commander Gambrill approached him, Nick drew a steadying breath before he answered, “Yes, I’m fine, sir.” This was the first time he used Dan’s term. A simple way to appear professional yet express my true emotional state. I’m truly F.I.N.E.

  Walter stared at the burning edifice for a moment then shifted his gaze back to Pastore. “What’s the situation on our men,” he corrected himself, “our officers?” Using standard male-dominated terms excluded McKenna from his query, and he would never want to slight the valiant female officer.

  Nick’s answer was interrupted before it started when Inspector Pope strode over holding an umbrella and said, “You caught the University bomber?”

  Choosing to address Gambrill first, because his team was more important, Nick said, “They located Loki, but I’m not aware of his condition. Jon, Lexa, Ray, and Dan are trapped below ground. No injuries from the blast, but both Dan and Ray have been ill. Possibly food poisoning from their dinner. Loki also vomited. The only one not affected by the meal is Lexa.

  “The mechanism to seal those levels is time-based. The override controls were located in the security office which, unfortunately, is on the fifth floor near the lab which contained the bomb. Mr. Gellar is attempting to determine an alternative way to countermand the lock timer.”

  Absorbing the depressing information, Gambrill queried, “How long is the lockdown?”

  “Twelve hours.”

  “What about the bomber?” Pope insisted.

  Nick ignored him as Bram’s voice came over the headset. He turned worried eyes towards the building as he listened intently.

  Kolff Research Institute – Stairwell – Second Floor Landing

  Bram’s long legs took the stairs two at a time as he bounded up to where the firefighters found Loki. His speed left the others in the dust, giving him time to kneel next to his teammate. Loki’s body lay with limbs akimbo and his life-giving blood, much like the yolk of a shattered egg, covered his face, flowing freely from his nose, ears, and a laceration on the side of his head.

  Those things worried Bram, but he understood visible wounds might be the least of Loki’s injuries. He didn’t dare move him, but he wanted his friend to know he was not alone. Laying a hand over Loki’s, Bram hoped his touch provided some comfort to the unconscious man. “Hey, Loki. I’m here. You hang on. Help is coming.”

  His moment with Loki was cut short as the paramedics arrived. He stood and moved back giving them room to work. Dave put on a cervical collar as Brad began taking vitals. The lingo flying between the two medics as they worked to assess, stabilize, and prepare Loki for transport was lost on Bram as he continued to stare. His eyes lifted and in the emergency lighting, he noticed a bloody smear on the wall at the top of the steps.

  Humpty Dumpty did have a great fall. He realized the team would want to be aware of what happened, particularly Ray and Boss, so he pulled himself out of his stupor. To not interrupt the medics, Bram spoke quietly, “Guys, he is alive, but unconscious. Dave and Brad are taking care of him. Appears the blast threw him into a wall and down a flight of stairs.”

  He halted as Loki groaned and his eyes flickered open. Unable to stop himself he moved closer. “I’m here, buddy. You aren’t alone.”

  Unfocused chestnut brown eyes searched for the voice of a friend as he fought waves of ungodly pain. Something more important than his pain, his worry for his teammates, gave him the strength to eek out the words, “Are they safe?”

  Loki couldn’t hear Ray’s declaration, “We’re safe!” because his demolished headset dangled uselessly from his vest. Bram mirrored Ray’s words and added, “Rest. Everyone is okay. Don’t try to move.”

  Registering the information he required, they’re alright, Loki allowed darkness to pull him under again, though as he went, he moaned sadly, “Sorry, Lucille.”

  Bram made way for them to roll Loki on the support board as he solemnly said,
“Lucille didn’t make it. Loki’s gonna be inconsolable.”

  Once they finished strapping Loki in, Dave glanced up at Bram. “Are you going with him?”

  Nodding, Bram bent and gripped the head of the backboard to assist in carrying Loki down. “Boss, I’m gonna go with Loki unless you need me here.”

  Nick gave permission, “Go. Keep me posted. I’ll contact you if we work out a solution to get the others out sooner.”

  “Copy,” Bram replied and added, “I’ll call Mrs. Baldovino and arrange for Kellie to drive her to the hospital.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Three – Office

  Somewhat relieved Loki regained consciousness, even for a second and was receiving medical care, Ray now focused on tying the lightweight nylon scarf around Dan’s arm to hold the makeshift splint in place. Earlier, while Dan was busy throwing up, he scrounged around for supplies and located a utility knife, tape, a ruler, a couple of cardboard boxes, and a scarf.

  With the razor blade, he cut strips from a box and sandwiched the stiff, metal ruler between the cardboard, taping them together. Using the length of cloth, he bound the splint to Dan’s wrist, hoping to provide his teammate some relief from pain which movement caused. “How’s that? Too tight or too loose?”

  “Good. Thanks.” Dan rested his throbbing hand on the table as his gaze turned to the subject. Embarrassed about losing his dinner in front of, and almost on Ray, though obtaining some respite from abdominal pain after disgorging the lousy food, he wanted to divert attention from himself. “We didn’t search him for weapons or check his backpack.” His statement occurring almost simultaneously with a similar inquiry from Boss.

  “Dan, Ray, did you happen to find any identification on the bombing suspect?” Nick asked returning his concentration to Pope’s question as he watched the ambulance pull away with Loki.

  Ray grinned at Dan. “Sorry, Boss, we got sidetracked by the bomb going off. Just about to check.” He strode over the man cuffed to a table leg, not wanting him to be free to roam while he tended to Dan.

  Uncuffing him, Ray ordered, “Stand.” Once he complied, Ray patted him down and removed an identification card, wallet, and a switchblade from the subject’s pockets, setting them on the desk. When he found the weapon, thoughts of what might’ve occurred if he had not restrained the perp played in Ray’s mind. Pushing them away, he moved their captive to an office chair.

  Demonstrating mercy, he locked one cuff to the chair arm to provide a more humane restraint of the detainee. He picked up the security card, struggling not to laugh as he read the unbelievable name. Chalking it up to professional training, he managed to keep from busting a gut. “How about that, I was right. Not only is he a bomber, he is a thief too. One more charge they can add to the list of his crimes.”

  “That’s my card. I didn’t steal anything.”

  Ray glanced at Dan with amusement before he reached for the wallet to verify the name against other identification. “Boss, we have an identity. Our subject’s name is Uranus Smellie.”

  “Are you joking?” Jon gaped at Lexa, her expression mirroring his.

  “Nope. That is what his driver’s license and the access card both say,” Ray responded. He and Dan both caught the snickers from Lexa and Jon, although Boss held it together since he was in the public eye with Gambrill and Pope.

  Despite still being in pain, a smile lit on Dan’s face as he tried not to chuckle, but couldn’t stop the smartass remark, “His parents must not have liked him much to saddle him with a horrible name.”

  Uranus growled. “Death to infidels. You westerners have filthy habits and morals. I’m going to kill you all.”

  “Nah, I think your days of causing death and mayhem are over.” Ray moved to the backpack.

  “You can’t prove I had anything to do with the bomb,” Uranus stated.

  Ray unzipped the pack, taking care, unsure what he might discover. It didn’t contain much, and he decided not to pull out the items as he reported his findings. “Boss, I believe Inspector Pope is gonna have to do some legwork with this guy. His comment made me think terrorist, but …”

  Intrigued, Nick prompted, “But what?”

  “His bag contains several porno magazines, a half-full bottle of vodka, a package of cigarettes, two candy bars, and a bag of pork rinds. Doesn’t speak to being a radical Islamist.”

  As he listened, Dan fought rising nausea again. His short reprieve over, he became dizzy as bile rose and sweat popped out on his brow. He attempted to breathe through the desire to hurl, but a stab of pain in his back pushed him over the edge. He swiveled in the chair seeking the trashcan. Dropping to his knees, he hung his head over the garbage pail as he let loose a second round of retching, hoping this purging would remove the last of the tainted food.

  Ray glanced at Dan, feeling sorry and responsible for his misery. “Boss, Dan’s sick again. Hopefully, when he gets everything out of his system he’ll feel better. Wish I hadn’t suggested that restaurant.”

  “How are you holding up?” Nick inquired.

  “Still a little queasy but I emptied my stomach a while ago. I’m okay.” Ray zipped Uranus’ bag closed and set it to the side. “We cleared a breakroom on our way here. When Dan’s done, I’m gonna check for bottled water.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Outside Front – 6:00 p.m.

  Nick said, “Okay. Working on getting you all out soon, but in case you’re in there for the long haul, I need you to conserve your headset batteries. They won’t last twelve hours. Check in every half hour. I’ll stay on the entire time if you need to contact me. You should each call your loved ones. There are local news crews around, and you don’t want them to worry.”

  A round of, “Copy,” followed by silence met Nick’s ears. He took a moment to center himself before turning to Pope. “The subject in custody is Uranus Smellie.” Nick proceeded to relay the contents of the backpack and the words of the suspected bomber.

  Pope nodded. “I’ll contact the Montreal task force and convey our information. Inform me when they are freed, so I can interview Smellie.” He turned and strode off.

  Gambrill studied his sergeant and made a command decision. “I want you to go to HQ and change into a dry uniform. You won’t do your team any good if you end up sick. I’ll cover things here for you until you return.”

  Wanting to refuse but comprehending he would order any of his team to do the same, Nick acquiesced and hurried to the SUV so he would not be gone longer than absolutely necessary.

  Walter stared at the building and wondered if Dan would contact his parents. Probably not … he won’t want to worry Yvonne. He sighed, glad he didn’t need to contact William.

  This time he did a better job of keeping the names of the those involved under wraps. William had been displeased with Dan’s face plastered across the news after the gang war and shooting at the church. He understood why now. Dan had many enemies. A lower profile kept his godson safer.

  Comfort and Concern


  January 6

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Three – Breakroom – 9:10 p.m.

  Dan hurt … bad. He held himself rigid, trying not to move his arm, or body for that matter. They relocated to the breakroom about twenty minutes ago. Ray pushed the subject in the rolling office chair down the hall, not uncuffing him. Uranus complained incessantly about the odor in the other room, which Dan couldn’t blame him, aging puke was not an odor anyone enjoyed.

  He chose the corner away from Ray and Uranus, needing distance to prevent Ray from discovering how crappy he felt. After sliding down the wall, allowing the connecting walls to support him, he drew his knees close and held his right hand to his chest. His wrist throbbed, and his stomach continued to roil and threaten to cause him to heave, though no tainted food remained.

  This room seems warmer. Dan wiped his brow and wished he had not eaten at Thai Underground. The food was tasty going down, but disgusting coming up. He
had too much experience with food poisoning. This would make the third time. First with Brody near Cold Lake. He didn’t remember much of the drive after eating at the roadside stand and was glad Brody didn’t eat anything, or they would’ve both been incapacitated.

  The second was the Visinata at the Cherry Club. Then he was in so much pain he almost wanted to die. This time didn’t rise to that level, but he still hurt a lot and wouldn’t turn down pain-killers. Though he didn’t want Ray to be aware, since nothing could be done now, plus Dan refused to show weakness.

  He leaned his head back and closed his eyes to rest since they weren’t going anywhere for at least nine more hours based on several unsuccessful attempts to release them. Dan imagined himself resting on Brody’s chest as he did in the abbey in Makhachkala. Help me find a happy place, Brody. I need to put the pain in a compartment and lock it away for now.

  Brody cradled Danny on his chest and laid a hand over Danny’s right wrist. Focusing his ethereal energy, he attempted a new skill to lessen Dan’s pain. As a warm glow emanated from his hand, Brody whispered, “I’m here, Danny. How about we go to Halifax?”

  A slight shake of Danny’s head indicated to Brody that Sinner memories wouldn’t cut it this time. Likely because Danny found his beauty of life and thinking about other women wouldn’t be pleasing. He racked his brain for another memory. One without women.

  “I got it. Let’s go four-wheeling with Zach. You enjoyed yourself that day.” Brody began to recount the details of an afternoon of muddy fun.

  Esteban hovered nearby, in awe of how Brody managed to relax Dan. The bond those two shared never ceased to amaze him. He often wished he experienced a connection like that with Ray. Although he could reach Ray and help him calm the inner anger which occasionally surfaced, his link was not as powerful as Brody’s and Dan’s. When Brody halted his commentary, Esteban asked, “How did you create the glow? I’ve only ever seen archangels do that.”

  Having helped Dan achieve a trancelike state, Brody glanced up at Ray’s guardian angel. “Hamon is teaching me. I can only lessen the pain a little now, but as my skill increases, I’ll be able to heal. When I was alive, I always wondered how Dan survived impossible odds and mended so quickly. Without Hamon’s healing abilities, he wouldn’t have. Hamon helped after Danny was shot in the chest.”


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