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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 49

by Laura Acton

  “Who is the lucky guy?” Justine started untying her boot laces, wanting to slip into a comfy pair of fuzzy socks.

  Lexa lied through her teeth, “No one you know.”

  “So, a mystery man. Is he going to rate a second date?” Justine teased having overheard Lexa rarely gave a guy a more than one date.

  Shrugging, Lexa replied, “Haven’t decided, but gotta go. The team is waiting for me to start briefing.” She grabbed her vest and hurried out the door.

  Justine eyed Lexa as she left, aware she had been brushed off. Lexa McKenna was not an easy woman to befriend, keeping herself closed off to everyone and not sharing much about her personal life. Though Justine had hoped that as the only women in TRF they might form a closer bond, she understood and accepted Lexa’s behavior.

  Making it in TRF took dedication and hard work … doubly so for women. Justine tended to remain aloof with the male officers too. Getting too friendly with any of them might lead to the wrong impression, and they certainly didn’t need additional hurdles to surmount. Which is why she never dated cops, firefighters on the other hand …

  Her phone vibrated, and she smiled at the message. She texted back. Love to meet you for breakfast. Give me thirty minutes. Justine hurried to shower, looking forward to the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with her newest boyfriend.

  TRF HQ – Men’s Locker Room – 6:55 a.m.

  Dan closed his locker, a grin still on his face from his time with Lexa this morning. He enjoyed taking it slow. So slow they ran out of time to make breakfast and only grabbed a mug of coffee before they raced out his door to make it to HQ without being late.

  Finishing buttoning his uniform shirt, Bram glanced over at Dan, surprised to find him rested. “You didn’t call last night. Did you sleep okay?”

  Pulled from his recollections, Dan nodded. “Yeah, surprisingly I did.”

  “No nightmares?” Bram asked in a quiet voice though they were the only two in the room.

  “Nope.” Dan picked up his jacket, ready to head to the briefing room.

  “Want to join us for supper? Kellie’s making beef stroganoff tonight.”

  Dan halted and shook his head and couldn’t keep the grin from his face as he responded. “Thanks for the invite, but I have plans.”

  Bram noted the spark in Dan and wondered if it had anything to do with the woman who called for him several times and decided to probe casually. “A date with someone special? Perhaps the councilwoman?”

  Arching his brow, Dan kept quiet.

  Chuckling, Bram said, “Never known a guy to keep so silent about the ladies he dates. Kellie says it is a mark of a true gentleman. Hope you have fun.”

  “Thanks.” Dan pivoted and silently added, I intend to. Happy Lexa agreed to come for dinner tonight, he ran down a mental list of items he needed to procure on the way home. A stop at Jarmal’s restaurant to pick up her favorite burger, and his … and a bottle of the chocolate infused wine Lexa talked about a while ago. A few simple pleasures to create a romantic meal.

  Bram’s grin broadened. Whoever this latest woman is, she is excellent for Dan, particularly if she stopped his nightmares last night. He rushed to finish dressing, not wanting to be late for briefing or he would be doing the Timmy’s run for them all today.

  TRF HQ – Gun Cage – 3:15 p.m.

  Jon kept an eye on Dan all day after Bram shared with him Dan appeared to be handling yesterday well and suggested whoever he was dating to be the cause of Dan’s positive mood. The rookie even looked happy as he counted Charlie Team’s ammo. He glanced over at Lexa, who also seemed to be in better spirits today.

  Unable to directly question either of them, because quite frankly their personal lives were none of his business, he was left to conjure up his own images of what or who made the difference today. His musings were interrupted when Dan answered his phone and the man literally beamed as he flashed one of his trademark WOW smiles when he checked the caller ID.

  Dan spotted the name and answered, “Hello, Bella.” He decided to exit the room for privacy since he didn’t want the team to know what he was doing for Sonia. As he left, he said, “Is everything set? If so, I can be there by seven thirty if we aren’t on a call. Otherwise …”

  Bram glanced at Jon. “Bella? Thought the councilwoman’s name is Lorelei.”

  “It is,” Ray said as he hung up a replacement rappelling line. “So you think she is the reason Dan’s all cheery today?”

  “Not sure now … with this Bella.” Bram finished checking the clips of rubber bullets.

  Jon turned to Lexa. “You talk to him most. Any idea who he is dating?”

  “Nope.” Lexa turned away from them as she mopped. Dan told her earlier he might have to make a stop before they met at his place, which worked for her because she wanted to run home to grab a change of clothes before staying the night. Though she wondered about this Bella, Lexa didn’t worry if she was competition for Dan’s affections. Are there others I should worry about, like Lorelei? No. No, Dan is a man of his word, and we agreed to be exclusive.

  Nick observed Lexa who appeared blissful, perhaps content. After yesterday he expected her to be a bit on the anxious side, worried about Loki. Though, after Ray shared with them Loki was doing much better when he dropped him at the airport, perhaps the information settled her mind.

  “So, Lexa … why are you happy today?” Jon asked, seeing an opening because they had just talked about Dan. “Another S date tonight or did you move on to another letter?”

  Lexa whipped around, contemplating sticking her tongue out at Jon, but it wouldn’t be a fitting expression for a professional. Instead, she arched a brow and quipped, “Well, as my personal secretary, you shouldn’t have to ask who I’m dating. And since you don’t know, perhaps I need to fire you.”

  Ray, Nick, and Bram chuckled, and Nick said, “She has a point, Jon.”

  Team banter ensued, and the topic switched to hockey by the time Dan returned and resumed counting casings … with a smile which lit his eyes firmly planted on his face, leading the guys to wordlessly speculate what woman put it there, realizing they probably would never find out.

  Dan’s Apartment Complex – Rooftop – 8:45 p.m.

  Blindfolded, Lexa gripped Dan’s hand, still entirely perplexed by his request to tie the scarf around her eyes upon her arrival five minutes ago. Unsuccessful in her attempts to ferret out clues concerning his mysterious behavior, though he almost succumbed to her pouting lips, she reluctantly agreed. After tying the cloth, he promptly led her out of his apartment and to the elevator.

  Coming to a stop, Dan said, “Okay close your eyes and keep them shut until I say open them.” He untied the blindfold, stuffed it into his jacket pocket, and moved away from her. “Alright, open.”

  Lexa blinked open, and her mouth gaped at the sight before her. Dan stood next to a table with two folding chairs. “Dan?”

  Moving back to Lexa, Dan took her arm. “Our private table is ready. Obtaining reservations at this exclusive rooftop restaurant was a bit difficult, but I wanted to do something to thank you for last night.”

  Dan escorted Lexa to a chair and waited for her to sit. He spread the afghan his mom made him over Lexa’s lap to keep her warm then assumed a seat opposite her after momentarily stopping to light two long tapered candles.

  Lexa smiled viewing the linen-covered table illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. The scene took her breath away as she espied the romantic dinner setting complete with fine china, real silverware, and crystal stemware. As Dan poured the wine into glasses, Lexa found her voice. “How did you do all this?”

  “A little help from a couple friends.” Dan opened an insulated bag and pulled out their dinners. As he put the burgers and Lexa’s favorite steamed broccoli with parmesan cheese on their plates, he said, “I borrowed the chairs and table from Jarmal, and Mrs. Stark helped with the tableware.”

  Still stunned, Lexa couldn’t believe Dan did this. “Why?”

/>   Dan lifted his wine goblet. “You deserve a real date. And since we can’t go out except to Jarmal’s on occasion, I thought this might be something special. I hope you like … and it isn’t too cold up here for you. If so we can always go back to my place.”

  Lexa beamed at Dan’s thoughtfulness as she raised her glass and lightly touched his. “I love this high-class, private restaurant. The view is magnificent.” She meant both Dan and the full moon. Taking a sip of wine her taste buds tingled at the hint of chocolate. “You remembered I wanted to try this!”

  Shrugging, Dan grinned. “So how is it?”

  “Perfect.” She took another sip. The slight breeze made the candles flicker, but Lexa didn’t feel the chill … her heart too warmed by Dan’s actions tonight. She speared a broccoli floret with her fork, and they both dug into their dinner. Their conversation remained light and touched on a variety of topics including Lexa telling him about her short call to Loki after work.

  For dessert, Dan set out cookies and poured steaming coffee. When they finished, Lexa helped Dan pack up all the items and fold up the table and chairs. As Dan moved the furniture items to the doorway, she wandered to the edge of the roof becoming bathed in the ethereal light of the rare blue moon.

  Dan sidled up next to Lexa. His eyes drank in her angelic beauty. The glorious sight only increased when she turned to face him, the golden flecks in her hazel eyes shone like radiant stars. Going on her tippy toes, she linked her arms around his neck. He responded by wrapping his hands around her waist, pulling her close, and dipping his head until their foreheads rested against one another. “Did you enjoy our date?”

  “I did.” Gazing into his moonlit eyes as her wavy hair, worn down, fluttered in the breeze, she gently pressed her lips to his. I could get used to this.

  Dan’s Apartment – 10:00 p.m.

  Dishes washed and ready to return to Mrs. Stark tomorrow, Dan sauntered into his bedroom and found Lexa exiting the bathroom after brushing her teeth. That was next on his agenda too, so he entered and stopped as he noted a second toothbrush standing in his holder.

  Lexa leaned on the doorjamb. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  Mind? Hell no! This is fucking fantastic! Dan controlled his inner joy, not wanting to scare her. He responded flippantly, “Makes sense. Nothing worse than fuzzy teeth.”

  Chuckling Lexa recalled Dan’s priorities he shared way back in July, the day they started off at Bang Fitness and ended with Dan lying in the ravine after the gang war. “Figured as much since you think brushing your teeth is more important than food.”

  Dan flashed her a WOW smile as he recollected the day he first truly felt like he belonged with Alpha Team as his stomach roared between calls and he begged her to share her power bars. “Yep.”

  Ten minutes later, they assumed what had become their sleeping position, Lexa snuggled on his left side with her using him as a pillow. He caressed her back, tracing her butterfly as her fingertips delicately circled his chest. Both sighed and drifted to sleep, contented and comfortable, with their thoughts along the same lines. Simple pleasures create the beauty of life.

  Everything Happens for A Reason


  February 8

  TRF HQ – Gym – 5:10 a.m.

  Loki bopped in wearing an ear-to-ear grin, heading for the treadmill after hanging up with Sonia. He couldn’t wait to share the news with his teammates. His worries about how he would afford Sonia’s tuition and even her apartment wonderfully and miraculously resolved with an email Sonia received last night.

  He flicked on the speed for a slow warmup. “Sonia called me with fantastic news.”

  Ray halted in setting the weights on the crossbar. “What?”

  “Remember I told you about the email she got from the university financial aid department about a new scholarship?”

  “You mean the one with a short deadline for law students with a family member working for the military or police and financial hardship,” Ray said.

  “Yep. Well, Sonia jumped on the chance and submitted all the required documents. She hoped her GPA and years of volunteering at the free legal clinic might give her the edge over other applicants.”

  Nick grinned. “I’m guessing by your mood she won.”

  Loki beamed and increased the speed. “Yep. She found out last night but waited to call me until this morning. She is psyched. It is a full ride scholarship which includes a fully furnished one-bedroom apartment within walking distance of the campus. The best part is the housing portion kicks in now, and the tuition even covers summer sessions.”

  Focusing on punching the heavy bag, Dan listened as Loki excitedly explained all the details to them. Bella’s contacts with the university and her idea for how to handle awarding the scholarship worked perfectly. And learning Sonia volunteered helped keep the spirit of this one in line with the tenants he, Brody, and Ripsaw set forth. Sonia going after her dream, another plus.

  The only requirement falling outside of the norms for the grant, Sonia still had a parent. Donata continued to be both vibrant and very much alive. Though, if either Brody or Ripsaw still lived, they would wholeheartedly agree with waving the one condition in this case.

  Turning his gaze to Dan, Loki said, “Thanks for hooking Sonia up with the part-time job with Jim’s father’s accounting firm. It works perfect with her schedule and will give her a bit of spending money.”

  Dan shook his head. “I didn’t do anything except suggest it because Jim said his father’s company had an opening. Sonia got the job on her merit.”

  “Yeah, she did, but she wouldn’t have known about it without you. So thanks.” Loki’s world was brighter now than ever. As Dan renewed his focus on the punching bag, Loki’s mind turned to other things.

  He glanced at Ray and Lexa. Their covert planning over the last few days had been a fun diversion for him. Tonight, they would meet to finalize details for tomorrow’s festivities. Loki grinned as he thought about righting another wrong and how glad he was Dan joined their team. Loki hated the fact the team failed to learn Dan’s birthday and missed celebrating it last year.

  Dan nodded at Loki and set about hammering into the heavy bag again. Helping Loki’s sister took some of the sting out of today, but nothing would ever stop the pain he would allow free reign tonight or lessen the weight of guilt he would experience tomorrow.

  The only positive … he lucked out again this year. They had February ninth off. Also, the tenth and eleventh, so the excessive alcohol he planned on consuming tonight would be completely out of his system before returning to work on the twelfth.

  Outside Crisis Maternity Shelter – 10:20 a.m.

  Three TRF SUVs pulled to a halt at the home for young unwed mothers. A middle-aged woman raced toward them as they exited, fear on her face as she shrieked, “Thank God, you’re here! She stole the child. We tried to stop her, but she ran to the roof.” Alison turned and pointed up. “She is going to jump.”

  Nick used his calming voice. “Mrs. Feversham?”

  “Yes, call me Alison.”

  “Alright, Alison. Can you tell me who took the infant and why?”

  Alison’s eyes darted to the left. “Her name is Jess Aylward.” She paused a moment to select her words carefully. “She thinks the baby is hers.”

  “Is it?” Nick sensed the harried woman didn’t tell him everything.

  Her hands clasping and unclasping agitatedly, Alison huffed. “Not anymore. Jess gave him up for adoption a week ago. Signed the papers and everything. The adoptive parents are coming to pick up their infant today.”

  “Does she have any family?”

  “Her parents disowned her for being unmarried and pregnant. She lived here for the last four months. Jess is scheduled to move to a homeless shelter tomorrow. She became agitated while she packed up her things today. Out of the blue, she grabbed the little one and raced to the roof.”

  “Do you have an address or name for them?” Nick probed.

erhaps on the paperwork. I’m not sure. I didn’t do her intake. Can’t you just go up there and take the infant from her?”

  When Boss turned to him, Loki said, “I’m on it, Boss.”

  Jon peered up at the five-story building, “Nowhere to set up a net. You’re gonna need to talk her down.”

  Nick directed, “Ray, go with Mrs. Feversham and review Jess’ records. Lexa, Bram, you’re with me. Jon, Dan, check out her room, feed me anything you find which might be useful.” The team dispersed with Loki going to the truck and the rest entering the home for pregnant teens.

  Crisis Maternity Shelter – Jess’ Room – 10:25 a.m.

  Both Dan and Jon listened as Boss endeavored to engage with Jess on the rooftop, but she refused to acknowledge him. They began going through boxes in her room, searching for anything that might give them a clue why she would be up on the roof threatening to jump with the baby.

  Ray reported finding signed documents indicating she chose to sever her parental rights and said, “Since she is nineteen, she is of legal age to consent. No birth father is listed on the paperwork. I attempted to call Jess’ parents but received no answer. I’m going to visit their home.”

  “Copy,” Jon responded.

  Dan found a tablet. “Might be something on this we can use.”

  Glancing over, Jon said, “Take it to Loki.” He lifted the lid on another box as Dan jogged out. A sound at the door had him turning and finding a pregnant young woman. “Do you know, Jess?”

  Pearl nodded as her eyes widened and she checked over her shoulder.

  “Can you tell me why she might take the infant?”

  Shuffling inside, Pearl whispered, “They tricked her.”

  “What do you mean?” Jon noted her nervousness and strode to the door, shutting it. “Whatever you have to say, you are safe with me.”

  Tears welled. “Jess befriended me when I arrived. Her parents are super conservative and kicked her out. Jess would’ve gone to live with her boyfriend, but he’s in the Army and deployed. She said he would come and get them once he got back. They plan to marry though her father hates him.”


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