SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 74

by Laura Acton

Nick accepted and tucked them into his notepad. He gazed at his team, his family. “Time to suit up and keep the peace.”

  All TRF officers except Ray stood to head to the locker room to change into uniforms and gear up, each reviewing their parts in the coming tactical plan. Ray stopped Nick. “Boss?”

  Nick halted at the door. “Yes?”

  “Permission to accompany and observe. I’ll stay in the command truck.”

  Nick weighed his options. He should say no given Ray’s physical state, but comprehending Ray’s mental state, his worry for the lives of his teammates, he chose the opposite. “You don’t move from the truck.”

  “I give you my word.”

  En Route to BDC’s Warehouse Hangout – 11:45 a.m.

  Riding shotgun in the front while Lexa drove, Dan wanted to talk to her, but he couldn’t with Frank Hudson and Cooper Geiger of Delta in the rear seat. They had no opportunity to be alone since he arrived at headquarters and her colder than usual reception unleashed a plethora of concerns that his declaration of love last night scared her off.

  Dan sought to reassure himself that was not the case as he peered at her as she drove. Lexa brought me coffee this morning. His devil’s advocate responded. Nothing special about her action, she brought one for Boss and Loki too. He tried again. She raked her eyes over me when I sat down; she seemed concerned. The dark side of him had a comeback. You are sporting livid bruises, who wouldn’t stare? Lexa’s question pulled him out of his head.

  “Dan, you sure you’re alright?” Lexa asked as she glimpsed emotions skittering across his face as he stared at her. The bruising worried her because Dan habitually hid his true condition from them.

  “Um, yeah, just running the plan through my mind.”

  Lexa nodded not believing him for a second. If that were true, no emotions would have been visible. She wanted to assure him things had not changed after last night. Though not ready to verbalize her feelings for him, she didn’t want him to think she didn’t care. Lexa wished Cooper and Frank were not in the SUV with them so she could tell him.

  With no other option, she decided on the only path open to her. Lexa patted his arm and said, “Glad we’re partnered on this raid. No one else I would rather have watching my back.” When he presented her with a lopsided grin and relaxed, Lexa knew he received and understood her message.

  Bedlam, Blood, and Blame


  April 4

  Outside BDC’s Warehouse Hangout – 11:55 a.m.

  Approaching with speed, and no lights or sirens, five TRF SUVs halted, three at the front entrance and two at the rear loading dock. Three bay doors, of which only one was open, sat at the top of an aged concrete apron discolored by use and oil, rising from the asphalt. It would be here, at the platform constructed with built-in steps and vehicle ramps used by the BDC to ship and receive product where Lexa, Dan, Cooper, Frank, Bram, and Bill would enter.

  Exiting with MP5s at the ready, they pulled on their respirators, tossed in flash bangs and tear gas canisters to distract and catch the gang off-balance while they moved through the open door and dispersed. Out front, Jon, Loki, Nick, Glen, Jared, Rob, and Kirk hopped out and breached the only entry in the same manner in a coordinated effort with those in the back.

  The command truck, now driven by a uniformed constable, stopped down the road, establishing a perimeter to be manned by Guns and Gangs and other officers. Ray opened the passenger door and moved to the back to be available for the teams if they needed information.

  His headset on and listening to the hard, fast entry, his heart raced wishing he was in a condition to be inside with his teammates. He worried for all their safety as the sounds of gunfire erupted. With no cameras to tap into he focused on who spoke to create a picture of the action inside.

  Inside BDC’s Warehouse Hangout – 11:58 a.m.

  Chaos reigned as Alpha and Delta entered. The expected thirty gang members turned into at least sixty. Most, however, luckily chose to run rather than fire on police. The TRF let them go and focused their efforts on those shooting and searching for the Nores brothers.

  From behind cover deep in the interior, Loki scanned the area for one of their subjects, noting some of the BDC ended up shooting their own as they sought to take out the cops. Investigators and NRB are gonna have a field day sorting out this mess afterward. Spying Alonzo Nores, he informed his partner, “Jon, to the left,” before racing through the bedlam after the man who ran with a weird gait.

  Hot on Loki’s heels attempting to maintain a visual on his colleague, Jon commanded Alonzo to halt. As one of the crew aimed at Loki, Jon paused, forced to take a lethal shot. Resuming his sprint, he rejoined the pursuit of Alonzo up a set of stairs. He noted the man’s limp and inwardly smirked recalling Ray’s actions the night before. One way to slow him down!

  “Stop now!” Loki bellowed over other sounds as he gained on Alonzo.

  Machete ran, challenging to do with swollen testicles, as he cursed the timing of the raid. Nearly every member was in attendance. As he tired of running, Alonzo decided he would kill as many cops as he could. He stopped and started to turn around, bringing his gun up at the same time.

  Loki body slammed Alonzo before he pivoted completely, knocking the weapon from his hand and sending both men to the concrete floor. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, Loki showed no mercy as he yanked Machete’s arms behind him and zip-tied his hands with swift motions.

  “Alonzo in custody,” Jon called out as Loki’s moves caused a strange thought. Loki would be awesome at steer roping at the Canadian Finals Rodeo.

  In another part of the warehouse, Pitbull raced for a motorbike he had stashed. His only thought, exiting as expeditiously as possible. So far, the cops had nothing to pin directly on him unless Sanchez talked, and he would deal with Emilio soon.

  He hopped on his bike and gunned it to life. It jerked as he put it in gear, and he zoomed towards the rear exit, swerving to miss members of his gang as they ran like cockroaches.

  Seeing the motorcycle heading for him, and thinking fast, Bram spied a coil of rope. He grabbed one end and tossed the remainder towards Bill who he partnered with today, as he yelled, “Catch!”

  Bill seized the line, understanding Bram’s intent. Both huge guys, they gripped the rope in gloved hands and lifted it to chest height as the second Nores brother sped towards them.

  Not having time to react, Diego’s upper torso slammed into the cord. The bike continued without him as his body crashed to the ground. Seconds later he was unceremoniously flipped to his stomach and cuffed. He groaned in pain as he drew in a breath, his chest on fire.

  “Diego in custody,” Bram reported as he pulled the man to his feet. Two down and one to go. Hope Dan and Lexa find Pablo.

  Dan spotted Pablo racing in a direction not taken by any of the others, back to an area with tall shelving units filled with boxes and no means of exit. Where the hell is he going? There is no escape route this way. “Lexa, I found Pablo.” He sprinted after the third brother, recognizing it was Pablo’s nose he broke last night after glimpsing tell-tale black eyes, and he realized this brother was the one responsible for his sore jaw and facial contusions.

  Trailing Dan, hard-pressed to match his speed, falling behind at an increasing rate, Lexa dug deep to spur herself forward. When Dan approached the racks, her eyes widened as she witnessed his head whip to the side and then he fell. Not comprehending why, she called out, “Dan?”

  Bashed with the thick end of a pool cue, pain radiated across Dan’s same cheek and jaw bruised during the fight at Ray’s place. Stunned, with his eyes watering, he didn’t catch sight of the second strike headed for his kneecap, but he sure as hell felt the impact. As he plummeted to the floor, Dan berated himself for not taking the corner more carefully or anticipating the attack.

  Lexa reached Dan as he struggled to his feet. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” He wiped his eyes. “Go, I’m right behind you.” He gripped the metal
railing of the shelf to haul himself up.

  Pursuing their subject, Lexa said, “Subject entered a stairwell.” With care, she peered around the opening and discovered Pablo had ascended a flight and a half. “Subject heading to the roof.” She glanced back, noting Dan moving towards her so she started up the steps aware he would close the gap in short order because no one on the team ran faster than him.

  Jogging down the aisle, following Lexa, his head throbbed, his left eye watered continuously, and a sharp pain shot through his leg where the blow landed. Reaching the stairs, he found Lexa almost to the top. Forcing his concentration on her instead of his discomfort, he charged up the staircase.

  Halfway up, his distressed joint buckled, causing him to crash down on his injured knee, sending a shockwave of agony through him. Not wanting to leave her alone with Pablo, he gritted his teeth and rose as Lexa spoke.

  “Stop, police. No place left to run. Hands where I can see them,” Lexa demanded as she spotted Pablo near the edge.

  Gaining speed, Dan was three steps away from the doorway when two shots rang out, and a male voice hollered, “Double-tapped you, bitch!” Upon hearing the gun’s retort, Dan’s heart missed a beat, but his body kept moving.

  Pablo left the little piglet where she fell, laying a trap for the next through the door. Hopefully, the ex-soldier will appear. My plans for that particular pig might yet come to fruition.

  Cautiously approaching the open rooftop door with his MP5 up and ready, not willing to make the same mistake twice today, Dan spotted Lexa on the ground, unmoving, blood puddling around her.

  The youngest Nores brother followed the constable’s movements waiting for the perfect shot. Tracking the blond through the portal, Two-shots found his opportunity to deliver his signature double-tap.

  Distracted by the sight of his teammate in distress, Dan stopped momentarily, unwittingly allowing Pablo to draw a bead on him. Wanting nothing more than to go to her and cradle her in his arms, anger welled up in him as the need to find the bastard who shot Lexa took precedence.

  As Pablo rose, overly confident in his abilities, he made his first and last mistake. Two-shots brushed against a rusted vent cap, knocking it on the metal flashing. The resultant clatter betrayed both his intent and position. Having lost the element of surprise, he fired two rapid rounds.

  Alerted by the dull clank of metal, Dan refocused on the active shooter. Rushing for cover, he barely evaded the bullets which ricocheted off the concrete facing of the roof’s portal. Locating the armed subject, he returned fire. Dan didn’t miss, and he didn’t require two shots, one sufficed … a perfect headshot.

  Not caring what happened to Pablo’s body, Dan did a swift visual sweep of the rooftop for any other potential threats. Not finding any, his attention turned to Lexa. As he knelt next to the love of his life, reaching for her, ignoring the pain in his knee, he shouted, “Officer down! I need EMS now. Lexa’s been shot.”

  Sapphire eyes welled with liquid again, this time not related to the hit, as they connected with hazel ones filled with agony and fear as Lexa gasped for each breath. “Stay with me. Hold on. You can’t …. You stay strong,” Dan choked out as he applied pressure to Lexa’s shoulder and abdomen. “I can’t lose you. Don’t leave me too,” he whispered as tears trailed down.

  Boots pounding up the metal stairs signaled the eminent arrival of someone, but Dan’s attention never wavered from Lexa. Guilt welled up in him as her eyes slid shut. I should’ve protected her better.

  Outside BDC’s Warehouse Hangout – 12:05 p.m.

  The raid, although chaotic, only took ten minutes from the first flashbang to the last shot fired. The final one coming from the roof and echoed with the thud of a body smacking the asphalt.

  In custody of TRF officers and being moved to one of a plethora of police cruisers which converged on the scene, Alonzo and Diego witnessed their brother Pablo fall from the top of the warehouse and splatter on the ground. Both vomited at the horrific sight.

  “Go, I got them covered,” Bill said, though not necessary, as Bram, Loki, and Jon took off at a dead run for the building.

  Roof of BDC’s Warehouse Hangout – 12:08 p.m.

  Having been inside when Dan called for assistance, Nick reached them first. Kneeling, Nick unsnapped Lexa’s MP5 from her vest, moving it off to the side then unholstered her Glock, before clasping one of her hands. His heart broke as he peered at his self-proclaimed daughter. “Fight. Fight hard,” his voice cracked as he squeezed hoping for her eyes to open, but they remained shut.

  Within the minute, Jon and Bram barreled through the doorway, followed a short moment later by Loki. Expressions of shock written on their faces as they viewed Lexi’s petite body laid out on the shabby roofing amidst the growing pools of crimson at her shoulder and waist which began to meld.

  Loki’s eyes rounded as he stared. Yesterday he almost lost Ray, and now Lexa lay bleeding out before him. His face became a kaleidoscope of emotions, not settling on one, ever-changing as he rotated through disbelief, fury, misery, and fear. Had he not witnessed the death of the man responsible he would be going off half-cocked, but he had, so he stood rooted in place, praying Lexa survived.

  “What happened? Where the hell were you, Broderick?” Jon roared in an accusatory tone as fierce emotion overrode his usual professionalism. In the back of his mind, he grasped his words were unfair, but the sight in front of him unleashed the sleeping fury only recently tamed by the strange dynamic he and Dan shared.

  “Not now, Jon.” Bram laid a calming hand on Jon’s shoulder. Internally the same question rolled in his head, but now was not the time to ask, especially noting Dan’s distraught state. Tears freely rolled down Dan’s face as his bloody hands attempted to stem the loss of life-giving fluid from Lexa’s body.

  A few minutes later, Ray followed Jim and Trey out on the warehouse rooftop. He raced here with them when Dan called out Lexa had been shot. Rage so deep threatened to overtake him. If Pablo had not been dead already, he would’ve sought vengeance and not stopped until he killed the bastard.

  Abruptly halting, needing air, struggling to suck some in through his searing chest, Ray watched in disbelief as Jon forcefully yanked Dan out of the way when he didn’t respond to Trey’s words asking him to move. Dan ended up sprawled on the ground next to Lexa’s legs. His teammate’s distress raw and visible … no stoic mask shielding his emotional turmoil.

  When Jon moved on Dan again, Bram shoved Jon away. “Stop!”

  Coming back to his senses, Jon peered down at Dan and couldn’t believe his actions. “Dan, I’m sorry,” he stammered. He scanned his teammate and noted a long, bright red mark across Dan’s cheek starting from the corner of his left eye and extending to his chin. He registered Dan must’ve been hit with something during the raid.

  Lost in a world of agony, Dan kept his gaze on Lexa even as he landed hard on his ass at her feet. He ignored everyone and everything until the voice of a trusted savior filtered in. No one missed Dan’s broken timbre as he begged, “Patch, save her. Don’t let Lexa die, please.”

  Although his primary focus remained on stabilizing and preparing Lexa for transport and Jim didn’t take his eyes off his patient, Dan’s pleading tone broke Jim’s heart. The uncharacteristic display of emotion drove home to Jim what this woman meant to his brother. Lexa was to Dan what Heather was to him … a soulmate. “I’ll do my best. I promise.”

  Jim started the IV, opening the Ringers Lactate full bore as Trey applied pressure dressings. Working speedily, they strapped Lexa to the backboard and were ready to lift within minutes. Jim requested, “Give us a hand,” as he reached for one of the handholds. In seconds, Nick, Bram, Jon, and Dan all gripped one.

  Dan moved to rise and lift with the rest of them, but his leg buckled again. Loki’s swift reaction prevented the board from tilting as he lunged forward and grabbed when Dan collapsed.

  Pausing, Jim peered at Dan, instantly noting the bruising. “Status?”

>   Dan locked eyes with Jim. “Go. I don’t matter. Go Now!”

  “Dan?” Jim tried again.

  “I’m fine. Go!”

  “Jim, we need to move,” Trey cut in.

  “I’ll stay with him,” Ray offered, and the others nodded and hurried towards the exit. Ray communicated to Sergeant Turpin, “Glen, I need another pair of medics up top. Dan’s hurt, too.”

  Dan squeezed his hands into fists, Lexa’s blood oozing between his fingers. He pounded on the ground in frustration that he couldn’t go with Lexa. The scenario played on a loop in his mind. I should’ve protected her. Should’ve told her to wait for me. She shouldn’t have gone out alone. Why didn’t she wait? She might die, and it is all my fault, just like Brody and Sara. Everyone I love dies. I won’t make it this time if she …. So deep in his own mind, Dan didn’t hear Ray speaking to him.

  Ray noted Brad and Dave as they jogged out of the doorway. “I’m not sure what occurred. The red mark is new, the other bruises are from yesterday, the real problem is he couldn’t stand, and now he isn’t responding to me.”

  Taking a knee, Brad snapped several times in front of the officer’s face hoping to break him out of his dazed state. “Dan, hey, Dan. It’s, Brad. I need you to talk to me. Where are you hurt?”

  A tiny fragment of his rational brain kicked in, and he realized he could be closer to Lexa if he went to the emergency room. Dan blinked and turned his eyes to Brad. “My left knee. Can’t bear my weight.”

  In short order, Dave removed Dan’s boot as Brad cut up Dan’s pant leg revealing a severely swollen knee.

  “What the hell did that?” Ray queried.

  “Pool stick I think,” Dan’s tone came out flat. “Help me up, I can make it down the stairs without being carried.”

  Brad shook his head. “No way. Jim would kill me if I let anything happen to you.” He laid the backboard flat, and after immobilizing Dan’s leg with an inflatable splint, he said, “Dave, I’ll lift under his arms, you stabilize his legs.”


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