The Electric War
Page 18
Tesla, Nikola. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency: A Lecture Delivered before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London. New York: McGraw, 1904.
________. My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla. Eastford, CT: Martino Fine, 2011.
________. Very Truly Yours, Nikola Tesla. Radford, VA: Wilder, 2007.
Tesla, Nikola, and John T. Ratzlaff, ed. Tesla Said. Millbrae, CA: Tesla Book Company, 1984.
“The Alleged Theft of Westinghouse Blueprints.” Electrical Engineer, 14 (June 1893): 587.
“The Westinghouse World’s Fair Exhibit.” Electrical Engineer, 25 (January 1893): 100.
Westinghouse, George. “No Special Danger.” New York Times, December 13, 1888: 5.
Wetzler, Joseph. “Electric Lamps.” Harper’s Weekly, July 11, 1891: 524.
“A Wireman’s Recklessness.” New York Times, May 12, 1888: 8.
“World’s Fair Doings.” Daily Interocean, May 17, 1892: 5.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
AC, see alternating current
Adams, Edward Dean
Adams Power Plant
Age of Reason (Paine)
AIEE, see American Institute of Electrical Engineers
air brakes
design of
Vanderbilt on
by Westinghouse
alternating current (AC)
dangers of
design for
display for
Edison, T., on
electric wires for
execution with
magnetic field of
Martin and
patents for
problems for
system for
Tesla and
two-phase design of
Westinghouse and
ZBD system of
American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE)
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
Anthony, William
Astor, John Jacob
Barker, George
Batchelor, Charles
Battle of Shiloh
Belfield, Reginald
Bell, Alexander Graham
Boldt, George C.
Brown, Alfred S.
Brown, Harold P.
Brush Electric Company
with Chaffee
Smith and
visitors to
Burnham, Daniel H.
Byllesby, Henry
Cataract Construction Company
Chaffee, G. W.
Chandler, Charles
Civil War
Cleveland, Grover
Cockran, Bourke
Coffin, Charles
Columbus, Christopher
Cravath, Paul
Davis, Edwin F.
DC, see direct current
Detroit Free Press
direct current (DC)
circuits for
copper and
design of
Edison, T., for
electricity and
Martin and
Tesla on
by Edison, T.
electric chair with
importance of
Machinery Hall with
for Niagara Falls Power Company
Tesla and
Edison, Nancy
Edison, Thomas Alva (Al)
AC and
business with
for DC
deafness for
Detroit Free Press with
dynamos by
early experiments of
early years of
education of
electric chair and
electric pen by
as father of invention
at General Electric
incandescent light bulb by
inventions from
with Mackenzie, James
in Manhattan
Martin and
Morgan and
movie studio of
newspaper business with
with Oates
patents for
phonograph and
popularity of
promoting by
public opinion of
reputation of
as salesman
stock ticker and
telegraphy and
Tesla and
against Westinghouse
Edison Electric Light Company
Edison General Electric Company
Edison light bulb, see incandescent light bulb
Edison Machine Works
Edison Manufacturing
Egg of Columbus
electric chair
capital punishment with
with dynamos
Edison, T., and
execution by
for Kemmler
problems with
Southwick and
Brown on
Cataract Construction Company and
coal for
commercial scale of
DC and
experiments for
generators for
infrastructure for
for Manhattan
from Niagara Falls
from Niagara Falls Power Company
systems for
Tesla and
transformers and
Westinghouse and
World’s Fair with
Electricity Building
electric power
electric wires
Engle, G. B.
Erie Canal
Evershed, Thomas
with AC
Brown and
by electric chair
experiments on
Gerry Commission and
hanging as
of Kemmler
methods of
Southwick and
Experimental Researches in Electricity (Faraday)
Eyre, Glen
Faraday, Michael
Farmer, Moses
Fell, George
Fish, Frank
Forbes, George
Fowler, Joseph
Fox, Edwin
Franklin, Benjamin
Gaulard, Lucien
General Electric
Coffin at
draftsman for
Edison, T., at
Griffin at
patents for
three-phase system from
Gerry, Elbridge T.
Gerry Commission
Gibbs, John
Gilded Age
Gladstonel, William
Gold and Stock Telegraph Company
Gold Indicator Company
Gold King Mine
Grand Trunk Railway
Gray, Elisha
Great Lakes Steamboat Company
Griffin, Eugene
Hale, Matthew
Human Balloon Experiment
incandescent light bulb
carbonization for
by Edison, T.
Edison Electric Light Company and
experimenting for
first use of
infrastructure for
making of
production of
responses to
World’s Fair with
induction motor
Industrial Exhibition in Paris (1844)
International Niagara Commission
business side of
at Menlo Park
for telegraphy
Westinghouse and
Johnson, Edward
Jordan, Sarah
p; Journal of the Telegraph
Kemmler, William
combustion of
electric chair for
execution of
Kennelly, Arthur
Kosanovic, Sava
Kruesi, John
Lane, Robert
Laws, Samuel
Lefferts, Marshall
light bulb
Locksteadt, Charles F.
Luna Park
Mackenzie, James
Man, Albon
Marconi, Guglielmo
Martin, T. C.
AC and
DC and
Edison, T., and
Tesla and
Maxim, Hiram
McClelland, E. S.
McMillan, Daniel
McNaughton, Daniel
Medico-Legal Society
Menlo Park
electricity at
inventions at
laboratory of
Milan Canal
Mont Cenis Tunnel
Morgan, J. P.
Netter, Raphael
New York City
blizzard in
Board of Electrical Control in
lighting and power of
see also Manhattan
Niagara Falls
Cataract Construction Company and
crowds at
electricity from
project at
Tesla and
victory of
Westinghouse Electric Company and
Niagara Falls Power Company
dynamo for
electricity from
Forbes at
Stillwell at
Tesla at
Oates, Michael
Operator and Electric World
Pacific Express
Paine, Thomas
Pantaleoni, Guido
for AC
for Edison, T.
for General Electric
for Tesla
Peck, Charles F.
Pope, Franklin L.
Port Huron
Quinby, George T.
Rahway, NJ
Rankine, William
Reid, Mary
Rowland, Henry
Sawyer, William
Scientific American
Sellers, Coleman
Serrell, Lemuel
Smith, George Lemuel
autopsy of
Brush Electric Company and
death of
Southwick, Alfred P.
electric chair and
execution and
Spitzka, Charles
Stanley, William
Stillwell, Lewis
Stilwell, Mary
Streiffer, Moses
Szigeti, Anthony
Edison, T., and
improvements for
inventions for
use of
Terry, Charles
Tesla, Nikola
AC and
backers for
businessman of
with cholera
on DC
death beam from
demonstrations by
discoveries of
dynamos and
early life of
Edison, T., and
at Edison Electric Light Company
Egg of Columbus by
electricity and
experiments by
family cat for
induction motor by
later years of
lesson for
Martin and
Niagara Falls and
at Niagara Falls Power Company
obsessive-compulsive disorder for
odd jobs for
patents for
royalty rights of
at school
social anxiety for
thermomagnetic motor by
visions of
at Waldorf-Astoria
with Westinghouse
wireless power transmission and
Tesla Electric Company
thermomagnetic motor
Thomson, William
Topsy the elephant
Upton, Francis
Vail, B. A.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
on air brakes
Westinghouse and
Villard, Henry
Wallace, William
Wardenclyffe Tower
Western Transit Company
Western Union
Westinghouse, George
AC and
air brakes by
Baring Brothers and
Brown, H. and
business for
Byllesby and
car replacers by
death of
early life for
Edison, T., against
electricity and
execution and
at family machine shop
Gilded Age with
incandescent light bulb and
inventions and
reading for
reputation of
salesmen of
after Tesla
Tesla with
Vanderbilt and
World’s Fair and
Westinghouse Electric Company
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company
White, Stanford
William, Charles Jr.
wireless power transmission
World’s Columbian Exposition
World’s Fair (1893)
see also World’s Columbian Exposition
Worthington, George
Yates, Horatio
Ziegler, Matilda
Mike Winchell is a veteran English teacher with a Master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. He is the editor of the Been There, Done That anthology series. He lives in upstate New York with his wife and two children. The Electric War marks his writing debut.
Visit him online at, or sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
1 The Calm Before the Storm
2 The First Spark
3 What’s Good for the Goose …
4 A Wizard Is Born
5 AC/DC, A Current Craze
6 Flashes of Light
7 What’s Mine Is Yours
8 Meeting of the Minds
9 Earned Success
10 The Rabid Animal Versus the Fawn in the Forest
11 Death in the Wires
12 Shocked …
13 … To Death
14 In Kemmler’s Wake
15 All the World’s a Stage
16 One Rises, One Falls
Epilogue: After the Storm
The Electric War: A Timeline
About the Author
Copyright © 2019 by Mike Winchell
Photograph here: ‘Nikola Tesla, with his equipment for.’ Credit: Wellcome Collection. CC BY. here: Thomas Edison and his original dynamo, courtesy of the Library of Congress. All other images Wikimedia Commons. here: William Kemler; here: electric chair; here: Thomas Edison2-crop; here: young Thomas Edison; here: pióro elektryczne; here: HD.11.031_(10995366585); here: Thomas Edison Glühbir
ne; here: Edison Machine Works Goerck Street New York 1881; here: NikoTS; here: a new system of alternating current motors and transformers 09; here: by Romain Ramier; here: Tesla-bulb; here: by Romain Ramier; here: William Arnold Anthony; here: system of electric lighting-Nikola Tesla US patent 454622 fig1; here: rmfpatent; here: Tesla3; here: George Westinghouse; here: L’Illustration 1862 gravure Percement du Mont Cenis 04, Entrée du tunnel; here: Westinghouse air brake control handle and valve; here: Blizzard 1888 01; here: Execution by Electricity electric chair illustration Scientific American Volumes 58–59 June 30 1888; here: elementary two phase alternator; here: map of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition by Rand Mcnally; here: Westinghouse dynamo 1893 fair machinery building; here: Court of Honor 1893 World Fair; here: Chi Fair Statue of the Republic; here: original Ferris; here: World’s Columbian Exposition Administration BuildingS03i2155l01; here: S03 06 01 016 image 2178; here: WorldsFairTeslaPresentation; here: Interior of Electricity Building-official views of the World’s Columbian Exposition-30; here: Westinghouse generators at Niagara Falls; here: Topsy elephant death electrocution at Luna Park 1903; here: TeslaWirelessPower1891; here: Wardenclyffe Tower-1904; here: BrochureWardenclyffe; here: Nikola tesla in laboratorul sau; here: Kinetoscope
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Winchell, Mike, author.
Title: The electric war: Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and the race to light the world / Mike Winchell.
Description: First edition.|New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2019.|“Christy Ottaviano Books.”|Audience: Ages 12–14.|Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018021059|ISBN 9781250120168 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931—Juvenile literature.|Tesla, Nikola, 1856-1943—Juvenile literature.|Westinghouse, George, 1846-1914—Juvenile literature.|Electrification—History—Juvenile literature.|Electric power—History—Juvenile literature.|Electrical engineering—United States—History—Juvenile literature.|Lighting—United States—History—Juvenile literature.|Inventors—United States—Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC TK140.E3 W478 2019|DDC 621.3/09—dc23
LC record available at
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First hardcover edition 2019
eBook edition January 2019
eISBN 9781250120175