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Second Chance: A Christian Romance (Royals Book 2)

Page 26

by Nicole Taylor

  She heard the bedroom door open and glanced over her shoulder. It was Robert. He came up behind her and dropped a kiss on her shoulder then looked down at the bed.

  “Trying to decide what to wear?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “You can wear the bed sheet. You’d still look gorgeous. I’m going to take a shower,” he said, heading to the bathroom.

  Dana laughed and shook her head.

  When Robert emerged from the shower a few minutes later, Dana was dressed in the black, sleeveless, chiffon, bow tie blouse and was pulling on white slacks.

  Robert was carefully drying his hair with his towel when his eyes rested on her. His hands immediately went still.

  “I think you should change. Don’t want any guys at the party getting any ideas.”

  Dana stopped cold, her hands lingering on the pants button.

  “Really? You think I look too provocative? Are my pants too tight?”

  Robert burst out laughing. He threw the wet face towel on the bed and strode over to her. He encircled her waist.

  “I was kidding. Besides, you always look provocative to me regardless of what you’re wearing, so I’m not the best person to ask. But no, baby, you don’t look indecent. The pants are not too tight.”

  “Okay.” She pushed against him. “I’ve got to fix my hair. Our guests will start arriving soon.”

  His hands dropped to his side to allow her to go, but she could still feel his eyes on her.

  “Are you okay, Dana? You seem kind of nervous.”

  She didn’t meet his gaze. She picked up the comb and ran it through her hair.

  “I’m fine. I guess it’s been a while since I’ve played hostess. I just want everything to be perfect.”

  That seemed to satisfy Robert. “Okay,” she heard him say. “I’m going to get dressed. What do you think I should wear?”

  “The bed sheet works for me,” she tossed over her shoulder. Her lips curled upwards at his loud guffaw.

  “Touché” he replied.

  By the time Dana had quickly and expertly made up her face, Robert emerged from the walk-in-closet. As she pushed a pair of gold hoops in her ears, she glanced over her shoulder. Robert was completing the last button on his tight fitting shirt.

  She sucked in a breath and then exhaled slowly. He looked devastatingly sexy.

  “Nice choice of clothing. Now I’ll have to watch the women at the party.”

  The black button down shirt with its purple paisley collar and cuffs was worn with slim fitting black jeans. No, sexy didn’t begin to describe how he looked.

  He walked over, imprisoned her between his powerful body and the vanity table and just when she thought he would take her in his arms he reached behind her to grab a bottle of cologne from the table.

  He spritzed some on around his neck as she released a breath she hadn’t even been conscious of holding.

  “Yeah,” he said with a chuckle as he replaced the bottle, grazing her arm as he drew back his. “I decided to pass on the bed sheet this time around. That look might have worked for Caesar, but I’m not sure I can pull it off.”

  Dana snorted with laughter then sobered as Robert grasped her hips and leaned down and nuzzled her neck.

  Her heartbeat began to quicken. He moved away slightly to meet her eyes then kissed the other side of her neck. In response, she slid her arms up his chest and around his neck. Their lips met, and they shared a slow simmering kiss.

  When they moved apart, she said breathlessly, “I think we need to stop before…you know…things get out of hand.”

  Robert sighed shakily. “You’re right. We’ll continue this conversation later.”

  When they got down the stairs, two guests had already arrived. Over the course of the next hour, people kept arriving. They congregated in the living room and spilled out onto the terrace and pool areas.

  Two hours into the party, as Dana sat chatting and laughing with Heather and her husband, Neville, Corey Elsom showed up.

  Dana glanced up as he entered the living room and their eyes met. She excused herself and went over to welcome him like a proper hostess.

  “Hi, Corey. Good to see you. Bobby’s by the pool.”

  Just then a waiter came up beside them with a tray of champagne flutes. Corey took a glass. He saluted her with it.

  “I called you a couple of times. Didn’t you see missed calls from me?”

  Dana sighed. “Yeah…but I’ve been really busy as you can appreciate with Bobby recovering and…”

  His ice-blue eyes sliced through hers.

  “He looks very good as far as I can tell. You know, he visited me the other day just before you two left for Barbados. He seems completely himself, so that’s a pretty lame excuse.”

  “Corey, it just hasn’t been convenient,” she whispered, casting nervous glances around them. She wondered if he’d been drinking before he got there. He seemed agitated.

  “No, you’ve been avoiding me. But, Dana, we need to discuss what happened. Please–”

  “Corey, there is nothing to discuss. What happened was a mistake,” Dana said in an urgent whisper.

  “I was wondering when you’d get here.”

  Robert had walked up beside them. Dana was startled. Where had he come from so fast?

  He clapped a hand on Corey’s arm.

  “The action is around the pool. The old gang is here, Matt, Brian and a couple of other guys from Notre Dame. Come join us.”

  Dana forced a smile. “Do you want me to fix you a plate of food, Corey?”

  Corey shook his head. “No. But I think I’ll have a rum and coke. I expect you guys brought back some of that Mount Gay Rum from Barbados. Lead the way, Buddy.” He shot her a final look and then followed Robert out of the room.

  Dana almost collapsed on the floor in a fit of nerves.


  Robert reclined on the lounge chair and laughed at a joke Brian had just made. He glanced over at Corey, who was now on his third glass of rum and coke, after a flute of champagne. Robert had done no drinking. The neurosurgeon had suggested that alcohol and recovery from brain surgery didn’t mix. That Banks Beer he’d had in Barbados had been the extent of his alcoholic consumption since his surgery.

  “So, Corey, how’s business?” Robert asked continuing to observe the other man with concern.

  Brian shook his head. “Bobby. This guy is big time. Representing all kinds of famous people now.”

  Robert smiled, and his gaze slid back to Corey.

  “Really, like who?”

  “Not Robert Cortelli,” Corey replied drily.

  Robert’s smile faltered. “What?”

  Corey took another sip of his drink but didn’t repeat himself. Robert was about to speak when Brian said hurriedly, “Matt Damon. That Mockingjay girl um…what’s her face….Jennifer Lawrence and…”

  “No. Wait. I want to know what that comment meant, Corey,” Robert said as he sat forward and stared at Corey.

  There was uncomfortable silence among the group as Corey drained his glass.

  “It means that I’m an entertainment lawyer. You are in the entertainment business, and yet you never thought I was good enough to represent you.”

  There was silence for a few moments as Robert recovered from the shock of Corey’s sharp outburst.

  “My thought pattern may have been that I didn’t want to mix business with friendship or maybe it was that I already had a lawyer. I don’t know. But if you’re proposing a service to me then it’s something we can certainly discuss.”

  Corey shrugged. “It’s actually not a big deal. I’m doing alright without your patronage.”

  Robert bit the inside of his lip.

  Brian said, “Bobby, I was going to tell you. I organized for Pedro to have that tryout with the coach at UCLA. It went well. The kid has talent. UCLA is willing to offer him a sports scholarship once he keeps his grades over a certain average. He’s eager to do that. I’m going to pay for a tut
or for him.”

  Despite his mood, Robert was genuinely glad that Brian had been able to help Pedro. God really worked in mysterious ways. One day the boy was ready to join a gang and the next he was trying out for college football. His future looked promising.

  Robert nodded. “I was thinking we should meet with this gang he joined. I’d like to also talk to them about God’s saving power.”

  Brian shook his head. “When they call you fearless they aren’t kidding. These guys are gang bangers, Bobby. This is not one of your movies. They don’t use blanks.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Thierry Lovell, one of their Notre Dame friends, asked.

  Brian filled the others in.

  Corey grunted. “Robert would think that’s a fine idea because it would be great for his image. I can see the headlines now, Superstar inspires gang members to put down ammo and pick up Bibles.”

  Brian threw Corey an annoyed glance and started to talk about the last Super Bowl. Matt joined in. They pulled Corey into the conversation, but Robert hardly contributed. He was surprised at Corey’s attitude. He was doing so much drinking too. To his recollection, Corey was not much of a drinker. What was going on with him? Did it have to do with his recent divorce?

  Robert looked up as Dana walked through the wide doors into the cool night. As she stepped onto the patio, he thought how sensational she looked in her slim white pants. He was looking forward to continuing that conversation they had started earlier in the bedroom.

  “Dessert’s available at the buffet table,” she announced.

  Robert caught her eye, and he winked and gave her a slow smile. His gaze drifted over to Corey.

  His smile instantly died. The man was watching his wife with open interest as his gaze traveled unabashedly over her form.

  Then Corey said, “Robert, your wife looks really hot. You are one lucky bastard, do you know that?” He folded his arms and leveled his gaze at Dana.

  Robert felt his chest tighten. He was almost too stunned to respond. What gave Corey the right to speak about his wife like that let alone look at her like that?

  There was a hush among the other men in the group. Robert observed Dana’s face go red. Just then Brian’s wife, Opal, walked over to them.

  “Dana, there’s a call for you.”

  Dana excused herself and followed Opal.

  Robert glared at Corey. He could not let that comment go. He was about to say something when Corey abruptly stood.

  “Look, I’m leaving,” Corey said, scratching his head.

  Robert also got up. “I’ll see you to the door,” he said tightly.

  Laughter and conversation greeted them as they reached the living room.

  “Where’s Dana? I want to say goodbye,” Corey said as his gaze scanned the room.

  Robert stopped short and grabbed Corey’s arm. “Speaking of Dana, what was that comment about just now?”

  “What comment?” Robert noted how Corey seemed to draw himself up to his full six feet seven-inch height and stiffen his back.

  “About how she looks.”

  “I just complimented you on how great your wife looks. Is that a problem?”

  “The way you said it was. How would you have liked it if I’d spoken that way about Trudy when you were married to her?”

  “You remember that?”


  “You remember that you never liked her and that you encouraged me to divorce her.”

  Robert blinked rapidly at the unexpected turn the conversation had taken.

  “No. I don’t,” he said slowly.

  “Yes. And she and I broke up because of your advice and she danced off with someone else and she’s now married to him.”

  Robert shook his head. “I don’t remember any of that, but the point is you can’t say things like that about my wife.”

  “Look, Macho Man, you need to loosen up. Guys everywhere fantasize about your wife, whether you like it or not. So just chill and stop acting like you aren’t aware of that.”

  “Guys like who? You?”

  Corey’s defiant eyes seemed to answer the question. Robert felt searing anger slice through him.

  “Why don’t you get out of my house right now before I punch you in the face?”

  Corey grinned wryly. “I will.”

  Robert watched him get to the door then conscience overtook him. “Wait.” Corey paused but didn’t turn around. “I’ll let my driver take you home. You’re in no condition to drive.”

  Corey turned around to face him. “I’m fine, dude. I’m not a lady. I can hold my drinks. I’m quite sober.”

  Robert frowned. “How unfortunate. I was hoping to find a way to explain your conduct to myself.”

  Corey spread his arms. “In vino veritas,” he said.

  “In wine there is truth,” Robert easily translated. He shook his head in amazement. “You know you’ve changed, Corey. You seem bitter.”

  Corey laughed. There was not a shred of humor in the sound.

  “I spend ten years of my life with a woman. Things weren’t perfect, she was a shopaholic, abused drugs and alcohol, slept around, but she was my wife, and I loved her. I allowed you to convince me that she was dragging me down, and I should divorce her. I listened to you. She has remarried, but I’m all alone. You, on the other hand, spend years taking your wife for granted, dragging her and your kids from one movie set to another, disregarding her career, and guess what? She’s still here for you. Goes on TV talking about how your marriage is stronger now because of your accident. Is that ironic or what? It’s like you were born under a lucky star or something. So yeah. I am kinda bitter. Good night.”

  Chapter 24

  When his eyes opened the next morning, Robert didn’t move. His thoughts immediately went to Corey. He was still thinking about all he had said.

  Had he really been so selfish and egotistical all those years? Had he put his career above all else? Maybe it hadn’t been as bad as Corey had made it seem, but still, it didn’t sound as though he’d made a lot of compromises over the years. It seemed like his desires had prevailed. And what about the whole Trudy story? She had always been trouble, but Corey could never see that. Now, he apparently blamed Robert for the demise of his mess of a marriage. Maybe he shouldn’t have stuck his nose in it, but he wasn’t going to take the fall for the death of that relationship. From what Corey had reported, it had no doubt been inevitable.

  He looked down at Dana, who was cradled in his arms. Corey had been right about one thing. He had to be born under a lucky star to deserve her. She had been so patient with him and his obsession with his career over the years. She had stayed faithful to him throughout all of that.

  He watched her for a few minutes more and then stroked her cheek with the back of his thumb. Her eyes fluttered awake. She smiled sleepily at him.

  “Why did you wake me?”

  “I have something I need to discuss with you, that’s why. It’s important.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m meeting with Fred Hammond over at Silverline tomorrow. I’m not comfortable with the project. I need to discuss some changes with them.”

  She turned in his arms. “Do you want me to accompany you?”

  He thought about this for a moment. He could certainly use her support.

  “Yeah, that would be great…Honey, there’s something Corey told me last night that kind of upset me.”

  “Oh?” Dana asked. Was it his imagination or did she just stiffen in his arms?

  “He said that I was to blame for his divorce from Trudy. Is that true?”

  “No. That’s not true. That marriage wasn’t going right for a long time. Trudy was fairly self-destructive, and she seemed intent on taking Corey down with her. He confided in you for years. You tried to stay out of it but one night after he got into a bar fight with a guy she was involved with and nearly lost his life, you advised him to cut her loose. You were just being a friend.”

  “So why
did he say those things? He seemed so angry. Like, I’m the one standing in the way of his happiness. He seemed envious and bitter.”

  It took her a few minutes to answer, and then she said softly, “He’s just hurting right now. I don’t think he likes being alone.”


  Dana dressed in a black power suit and pulled back her hair into a severe bun. She didn’t want to look like a model today she wanted to look like a serious force to be reckoned with. Similarly, Robert was dressed in a superbly tailored light gray suit, a crisp white shirt, and a wine-colored tie. He looked incredibly handsome.

  As they emerged from the limo and walked arm in arm into the studio offices she felt proud to be by her husband’s side. They had rarely been seen in public together in the months preceding the accident. She hoped that would now be a thing of the past. She would be by his side whenever he needed her there.

  Inside the office of Silverline’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Fred Hammond, Fred and the studio’s Vice Chairman Harvey Leinstein, rose from around the conference table to shake their hands.

  Sandy Brown arrived moments later. Dana noticed that he seemed surprised to see her. His expression shifted to annoyance a millisecond later. He pasted on a tight smile that did not reach his eyes.

  “Dana,” he said and greeted her with a perfunctory kiss on the cheek. He then shook hands with the other men and sat.

  After a few minutes spent chitchatting Robert led off. “I’m not sure if Sandy explained to you why I asked for this meeting but essentially I’m concerned about the content of the movie–”

  “Uh, not to interrupt, Robert, but this is the script you signed off on months ago,” Fred Hammond said.

  There was something about the rat-faced man with the spiky salt and pepper hair and pale eyes that Dana found disconcerting.

  “A lot has happened since then,” Robert said. “Frankly, I had a life-changing experience. It caused me to do some soul searching and the conclusion I came to was that I can no longer be a part of projects that I can’t watch with my family. This, unfortunately, is one such project. I don’t know if we can fix it now. It may be too late because there’s a lot of reworking that would need to be done.”


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