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The Sundered

Page 3

by Mariko Hihara

     “Get in, first, doctor, and we’ll talk.”

     Kisaragi got in without saying anything.

     “Get moving,” ordered Kanesaki. The Mercedes lurched into motion.

     “Thank you,” Kisaragi said, bowing his head.

     “No need. You took care of me earlier today.”

     “No. That doesn’t nearly equal what you’ve done for me. Please let me give something back.”

     Kanesaki directed his glinting eyes at Kisaragi.

     “Alright. I think I will.”

   10,000 yen bills*About $100.

  Chapter 6

  The suite was located on the first floor of a large condominium facing Waseda-dori, close to Okubo. The glass door was adorned with gold lettering that read Ostrocia Trading Company, the same name as the one on Kanesaki’s business card. Once inside, the suite looked like any other office. There were numerous office desks, a fax machine, and computers. A few workers were still in front of their computer monitors.

     Kanesaki led the way as he walked toward the back of the office. Kisaragi followed silently behind him.

     A part of the wooden panel was pressed open to reveal a spacious reception room for visitors. Kanesaki picked up a bottle of vodka from the sideboard, poured it straight into a glass, and came back toward Kisaragi.

     “What were you doing at a place like that, doctor? It’s not a place for a big-shot physician like you, working at such a big hospital.”

     Kisaragi took the proffered glass from him and smiled darkly. “It’s perfectly suitable for me.”

     Kanesaki drained his glass in one draught and took off his suit jacket. He hooked a finger into the loop of his tie.

     “You won’t mind doing it here?” he said.

     Kisaragi looked around, thinking it was ten times better than the second floor of Guys.

     “As long as you don’t moan so the neighbors hear,” he replied.

     “Oh?” Kanesaki’s mouth twitched into a grin for the first time. “You’re a strange one.”

     “I don’t know about that,” said Kisaragi as he stared back at the man with steely eyes. Kanesaki loosened the belt on his pants.

     “You weren’t scared at all when you left that place. Neither are you now. Why is that?”

     “Other things scare me more.”

     “I can’t imagine,” Kanesaki said as he pushed Kisaragi by the shoulders. “Lie down here.”

     Kisaragi shook his head. “Not until you put on a condom.”

     “Scared of catching something?” said Kanesaki in a joking way, to which Kisaragi could not help but retort.

     “No, I’m not. But I’m a doctor. If I become an HIV carrier, I’ll end up causing trouble for everyone else.”

     “I see. Said like a true professional. I like that.” Kanesaki detached himself and reached for his jacket. He took out his cell phone.

     “It’s me. Get me some condoms.”

     Moments later, the driver came in with a bag from Matsumoto Kiyoshi drug store. He offered it ceremoniously to Kanesaki. Kanesaki opened the box, took out one condom and broke the seal.

     “One for me, too, please.” Kisaragi held out his hand.

     “Why?” asked Kanesaki, furrowing his brow. “There’s no way you’d be carrying anything. You don’t have to worry about me.”

     “I don’t want to get my clothes dirty.”

     Kanesaki looked surprised. “You were going to leave everything on but your pants?”

     “That’s how I always do it.”

     Kanesaki stopped mid-motion. “So that means I don’t need to take off my clothes, either?”

     When Kisaragi nodded in assent, Kanesaki began buttoning up his shirt again. “That helps. I’d like to avoid the twenty-one questions if I could.”

     Kisaragi remembered the scars on the back of the man’s hands. He figured the man would have a fair share of scars from fights and knife wounds and such, being someone with a yakuza background.

     Kanesaki took one more condom out of the box and tossed it into Kisaragi’s lap.

     “You’re a strange one,” he said again.

     The man regarded Kisaragi steadily as he moved on top of him. Kisaragi felt like his eyes harbored some unfathomable darkness. He also felt like the man saw the same thing in his own eyes. Even during the moment of climax, the man’s eyes did not close. For a fleeting second, Kisaragi felt like he saw a barren field reflected in the man’s eyes. The moment Kisaragi realized that he, too, was seeing the same sight, he felt himself go over the edge.

     Kanesaki moved off of him and removed his condom.

     “Give me that.”

     “What?” Kisaragi asked.

     Kanesaki burst into loud laughter. “You are strange. I meant your condom. What else?”

     “Oh.” Kisaragi propped himself up on the sofa. He peeled the condom off and handed it to Kanesaki, who tossed both condoms into the garbage. He tightened his belt as he headed back toward Kisaragi and peered into his face.

     “I like what sex is like with you.”

     “What do you mean?”

     “How both of us do it purely to relieve ourselves and nothing else.”

     The man had read his thoughts. Kisaragi averted his gaze.

     “I don’t see what’s wrong with it,” Kanesaki continued. “It works for me.” He snatched the bottle of vodka and poured Kisaragi a liberal glass. “So, where have you been relieving yourself until now?”

     Kisaragi took the glass and sipped a mouthful. The liquid left a burning sensation along with the bitter taste in his mouth.

     “A club on Shinjuku Ni-Chome. With whomever I encountered that night.”

     “Like in Looking for Mr. Goodbar.


     Kanesaki drained his glass and poured himself another. “Then switch to me from now on.”

     It wasn’t a bad idea, Kisaragi thought.

  Chapter 7

  “What do I sell? Anything. Anything second-hand that people wouldn’t even bat an eye at in Japan.”

     Kisaragi listened to the deep voice speak as he savored what was moving inside of him.

     “People appreciate cars the most, but there are some in your field, too. Medical equipment. Russia is the worst. They use machines from nearly twenty years ago. They were free spenders at first, but not so much now. It’s because of the economic sanctions.”

     Kisaragi had made arrangements to see Kanesaki in his suite once a week. Kanesaki lived on the top floor of the condominium where his company was located. His company traded mainly with Russia.

     Although Kisaragi had no idea why, Kanesaki talked non-stop while they had sex. It wasn’t as if Kisaragi asked him any questions; Kanesaki simply spoke to him about all manner of things.

     Kisaragi was taken aback at first, but since it didn’t seem to distract Kanesaki from the act at hand, he decided to listen. Although Kanesaki outwardly conducted trade, there was no way of knowing what he really did behind the façade.

     “Oh,” the man said, “do you know anyone who’s got an ultrasound machine lying around that they don’t need anymore? Running out of space to stash it? Tell them I can take it off their hands.”

     “-And what… are you…”

     “I’m going to sell it, of course. To them,” Kanesaki said with a grin. On this night, too, they had just begun to engage in the act on the bed in his condo. And just as always, they both shed only their bottoms.

     “I can’t do X-ray machines, though. Those are too big. Cardiograms and ultrasound machines are the best.
Think about it, will you?”

     Kisaragi felt like his voice would crack if he spoke now, so he only nodded. It was getting harder to restrain himself. He lifted his hips to angle them in a way that pleasured him the most. Kanesaki let out a low laugh when he noticed. He put his hands on Kisaragi’s thighs and opened them wider. He then leaned in to penetrate him further.


     Kanesaki continued to speak even while he came and released himself.

     “Medical conditions there are horrible. If a new virus were to land, you’d have tens of thousands dead.”

     Once Kisaragi’s twitching stopped, Kanesaki peeled the condom off of his abated penis. “Don’t want it to spill,” he said as he threw it aside and moved away.

     Back when he had slept with people at Guys, Kisaragi had found it unbearable to remain in the company of his partner after it was over. But now he found it wasn’t so bad when it was in a comfortable bed like this one.

     Being rocked on a bed with good springs revived the sensation in his inner core and made it stir. His limp member began to stiffen again.

     “You want to come again?” Kanesaki asked.

     “It doesn’t matter,” Kisaragi answered. It was strange; ever since he had begun to sleep with Kanesaki, his aching hunger had abated.

     When he used to let men straddle him at Guys, he would fervently seek release when he felt the desire mount in him, thinking he would probably never see the man again. Perhaps he was more at ease now because he now had a constant partner he could depend on to rid himself of his desires.

     “You’re a strange one, doctor,” Kanesaki said with an exasperated face as he looked down at him. “But enough of that. Don’t you have any influenza vaccines, or stuff like that? I’m actually scheduled to fly over there next week. I mean Russia. But it’s an area that’s close to the border of North Korea.”

     “No,” answered Kisaragi, shaking his head. “Not until September.”

     “Nothing you can do if you don’t have any.” Kanesaki shrugged and continued to move his hips.

     “Are you going for work?”

     “Of course. You think I’d go for a vacation?” Kanesaki gave a large thrust. “Arima is coming, too.”

     “Mr. Arima, too? But he’s not?“

     Kanesaki deftly switched positions and began to penetrate him from behind.

     “Maybe he’ll demand to get discharged tomorrow or so. We get treated like VIPs when Arima is around. Over there, anyway. He’s like Muneo* the Second. He has connections to Russian language schools with the Foreign Ministry.”

     “I’m not interested in politics.”

     “I figured as much,” Kanesaki said as he groped Kisaragi’s lower half. “You’re not interested in anything, are you?”

     As the man’s fingers groped the tip of his penis, Kisaragi unwittingly answered by tightening his grip.

     “I’ll catch what you spit out so you don’t get dirty. You want to come together?”

     “Whatever you want,” Kisaragi said coldly. Kanesaki gave a wry smile.

     “Same as always. But that’s what I like about you.”

     They came at almost the same time, and collapsed on top of each other.

     “Ah… it was so good, doctor. I like doing it from behind. It turns me on. Maybe it’s because you’re still wearing clothes and the only thing that’s showing is your ass. Maybe it’s because I feel like I’m raping you.”

     “You enjoy rape?”Probably because he’s one of the yakuza, Kisaragi thought coolly.

     “Are you crazy? I’ve never raped anyone. Most girls will spread their legs for me as long as I pay them. Same for men.”

     “Then why…?”

     Kanesaki laughed loudly. “I wonder why. Maybe it’s because it’s you. You’re pretty, elite, and you live in a totally different world. Someone I could never have. Maybe I like it because it feels like I’m ravaging a princess.”

     Kisaragi glared in exasperation at the man’s face, which was right up close to his.

     “I’m not pretty.”

     “What’re you saying? That face is as pretty as they come. Don’t other people tell you that?”

     Kisaragi sighed and buried his face in the pillow. “Looks are simply a layer of skin. And besides, for man it doesn’t matter how good his looks are.”

     Kanesaki’s large hand caught his chin and twisted it to face him. “In other words, there’s a man for whom your good looks are meaningless. I see.”

     Kisaragi snapped his eyes open wide and stared into Kanesaki’s dark ones. Kanesaki roared with laughed as he began to thrust his hips again. “I see. That’s how it is, huh, doctor?”

     “What do you mean?”

     “That’s just exactly what I mean.” Kanesaki pressed his lips to the man’s pale neck. “You’re in love with a straight guy. And that’s why you’ve run to self-destruction and you’ll sleep with anyone.”

     “Stop making up stories,” Kisaragi said, but he knew the man could sense the tension in his body from his agitation.

     “So I’m right.”

     “Shut up!” Kisaragi twisted and tried to push Kanesaki off of him, but the man gripped his hips tightly so he could not move.

     “In the end you’re just a sheltered boy,” Kanesaki said. “You underestimated me. But…” he paused as he thrust upwards into him. Kisaragi felt the shaft within him grow larger, and whimpered as he felt the pleasure being drawn out of him.

     “…But that’s what I like about you,” Kanesaki continued. “It’s the first time I’ve found you cute.” Kanesaki then propped himself up, with his arms supporting Kisagari’s hips, and penetrated him again.

     “You look like you’re in a bad mood,” Kanesaki said as his face moved to obstruct his view of the ceiling.

     “Of course. My shirt is soiled.”

     Kanesaki stopped mid-motion as he was wiping Kisaragi down. “Just wear one of mine.” He looked so gleeful as he brought his face close that Kisaragi chewed his lip in irritation. He was also infuriated that he had been goaded into climaxing by this man. When he turned his face aside huffily, Kanesaki let out a loud laugh and roughly mussed Kisaragi’s hair.

     “You’re cute, doctor.” Kanesaki got off the bed and brought a shirt back from the closet. “Let me put this on you.”

     Kisaragi felt too listless to bother fighting back, and let the man’s hands unclothe him. Kanesaki draped the shirt over him and rubbed his shoulders. Kisaragi could feel the heat from the man’s large palms, and felt his eyelids begin to droop.

     “…I’m sleepy.”

     “Then go to sleep,” Kanesaki murmured as Kisaragi began to nod off. “I won’t be able to see you for a while. I’ll get in touch when I get back. Wait for me.”

  Muneo* Muneo Suzuki is a politician, famous for a scandal in 2002 in which he pressured the Foreign Ministry to fund the Japanese-Russia Friendship House. He was convicted for taking bribes, and perjury, among other things.

  Chapter 8

  The next day, Kisaragi visited the hospital’s special room to find Arima enjoying a luxurious lunch as usual. Today it was a French full-course meal. Kisaragi walked in just as Arima was sipping from his generously-poured glass of Pétrus.

     “Care for a glass with me?” Arima offered.

     “I’m working right now.”

     Arima shrugged, drained his glass, and looked up at Kisaragi with his round, beady eyes.

     “I’d like to be discharged tomorrow.”

     “Understood.” Kisaragi looked back at Arima. It was just as Kanesaki had said.

��I have to get back to work soon.” Arima poured himself another glass as he forked a slice of Cheateaubriand steak into his mouth.

     “Are you travelling to Russia?”


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