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THE IMMORTAL: A Novel of the Breedline series

Page 17

by Shana Congrove

  “No kidding,” Casey chimed in.

  Jace cocked a brow and smirked at them.

  “Thank you, Tim,” Manuel said, and then he turned to the others. “You all did society a big favor. As I see it, justice was served, and you saved the taxpayers money.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  “We’d also like to thank Helen for doing a super job keeping everyone here in one piece,” Tessa spoke out, focusing her eyes on Helen. “I know we’ve kept you busy lately. You’ve been a godsend to this Covenant.”

  Alexander reached under the table for Helen’s hand and lightly squeezed. She smiled at the comforting gesture of support.

  “Yes, thank you, Helen,” Manuel added. “And I also speak for my partner, Detective Perkins. I have to say, Helen is one helluva physician. We own you one.”

  Helen nodded. “You’re all welcome. That’s what I’m here for.”

  “I want to make sure everyone here is aware of our current house guests,” Tim continued. “Ms. Jena McCain and Ms. Tara Hood will be staying with us for a while. You already know Ms. Angie Hawkridge. Those of you that don’t, we will get you acquainted. She’ll be staying with us as well, considering she’s close friends with Jena. Angie will be a big help in keeping her focused. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to make them all feel at home.” Tim let out a long sigh. “Both Jena and Tara have been through hell.”

  “What about Ms. McCain’s curse?” Jace interjected. “Shouldn’t we be concerned? How are we going to keep her contained when she starts craving blood?”

  “We keep you contained, don’t we?” Jem said mockingly.

  Drakon let out a short laugh. “Yeah, barely.”

  “Whatever,” Jace muttered, rolling his eyes.

  Tim frowned. “She’s only a threat to humans. I’ve alerted our security. Ms. McCain will not be allowed to leave the Covenant until the curse is lifted.”

  “What about Tara?” Lawrence asked. His voice was low, insistent. “She’s human. Won’t she be in danger around Ms. McCain?”

  “That’s another reason why we called this meeting,” Tessa chimed in. “Last night, Tara was attacked by the creature.”

  “What?” Lawrence rose from his chair, feeling a growl working its way up his throat. “Is she all right?”

  “How the hell did that thing get into the Covenant?” Jace said abruptly.

  Tessa held up her hand in a reassuring gesture. “Don’t worry, Lawrence. Tara is just fine. Please, sit down and let me finish.” Then she turned to Jace and gave him a look.

  He shrugged and silently mouthed, “Sorry.”

  Lawrence worked his molars, grinding them together. He lowered his head and simply said, “I apologize for interrupting.” Then he sat back down.

  Tessa nodded at Lawrence. “As I was saying, the creature did not hurt Tara. Of course, she was frightened, but no harm came to her. I don’t know how the creature found the Covenant’s location. The only explanation I have is somehow it’s linked to Jena. And according to the Rougarou Curse, this is what we know. Any human bitten by the creature will soon crave human blood. If they can resist it for one hundred and one days, they are no longer cursed. If not, they will be damned for eternity with the urge to feed on humans. It’s possible for the creature to go dormant for years, living underground until it wants to feed again, and it can kill for many years before it’s ready to...” She paused as though she was searching for the right word. “I guess you’d call it hibernate?” She shrugged. “Not only does the curse bring forth the creature, it gives them the power to transform into various nocturnal animals, such as taking on the forms of bats, and even rats. It can also assume a cloud of smoke or fog. I think this is how it managed to get into the Covenant undetected.”

  “And I thought Dracula was just a made-up story,” Manuel pointed out.

  Tessa looked at Manuel with a raised brow. “There are definitely similarities, but you can rest at ease, Detective. Dracula doesn’t exist.”

  Helen raised her hand. “May I speak?”

  “Yes, of course, Helen,” Tessa said.

  “The creature has also been visiting Jena in the hospital,” Helen told them. “And there’s no way it could have gotten past security or the hospital staff. I think it shifted into some type of fog or transparent mist and traveled through the vents.”

  Alarmed by Helen’s theory, everyone looked at one another in silence.

  “Are you sure Dracula isn’t real?” Manuel asked. “It sounds like the prince of darkness to me.”

  Tessa chuckled a little. “Yes, Detective.”

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Steven spoke out for the first time. “So, if Tara is indeed human, why didn’t the creature kill her?”

  Tessa looked at her brother and exhaled. “That’s a good question, Steven. Tara told me the creature said something strange to her. It told her she wasn’t human.”

  Jace cursed while several others inhaled sharply.

  Lawrence glanced at Helen, his eyes rounding in surprise.

  “If Helen will agree, I would like a DNA test done on Tara,” Tessa said. “I think it’s a possibility she may carry our bloodline but was never told.” She glanced at Manuel. “As you and I both know, Detective, that happens a lot.”

  “Actually, I’ve already tested Tara,” Helen admitted.

  Lawrence’s heart raced, praying the test was positive while everyone at the table waited in anticipation.

  “I suspected Tara might share our genetics, so I took some of her blood during her exam,” Helen continued. “I hope I wasn’t overstepping the boundaries.”

  “Of course not, Helen,” Tessa quickly replied. “We trust your judgment.”

  “Well?” Jace said impatiently. “Is she a Breedline?”

  “The test was positive,” Helen replied.

  Lawrence blew out a deep breath and sagged in relief.

  “Someone needs to tell her,” said Helen. “Tara also needs an explanation of why she’s here, and about the creature. It killed someone she cared for. She deserves to know the truth.”

  Tessa nodded. “Thank you, Helen. And yes, you’re right. I promised her I would visit this morning. I have no other choice but to tell her about us, especially since she carries our DNA.”

  Lawrence felt the tension building inside him. The temptation to blurt everything out, to reveal his feelings for Tara was suddenly unbearable. He cleared his throat. “Ms. Tessa, can I tell her?”

  Tessa looked at Lawrence bewildered, as so did the others at the table. Before she could utter a single word, he forced the words out, “I have... bonded with her.”

  The room fell silent and then Helen finally said, “I think it’s a good idea.” She smiled at Lawrence. “He should be the one to tell her.”

  “I trust your instincts, Lawrence,” Tessa said. “I like Tara.” A hint of a smile crossed her face. “She seems to be a very nice person. I think she’d make a great addition to our family. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Tessa,” Lawrence replied. “Hopefully she feels the same about me.”

  Roman shook his head. “Well hell, buddy,” he said with a light chuckle. “It’s about damn time. I’m sure she feels the same. What’s not to like? You’re like a freakin’ big ol’ teddy bear.”

  “I know she does,” Helen said. “I saw the way she looked at you, Lawrence. The feeling is certainly mutual.”

  Lawrence simply smiled at Helen’s reassuring words.

  Drakon reached behind Roman and tapped Lawrence on the shoulder. “Way to go, buddy. It feels great doesn’t it?”

  “There’s no comparison,” Lawrence replied. “I never expected this to happen to me.”

  “I know firsthand how that feels. We’re very fortunate.” Drakon smiled a little, remembering the first time he met Cassie. “It’s not easy for our kind to find that special one... our beloved.”

  Jace turned to Tessa and said, “I remember the first time I saw you. When you walked into the
room, it seemed like the whole atmosphere changed.”

  Tessa’s eyes softened. “That day changed my life.”

  Manuel shrugged. “I don’t understand. Is this a Breedline thing?”

  “It’s hard to explain,” Jem said to Manuel. “It’s like this individual energy that completely consumes your entire body. The word beloved will immediately enter your subconscious. It’s the same thing as a soulmate. When I met Mia, it was like a physical shift in the air. I knew instantly she was the one.”

  Lawrence gave a curt nod, fascinated by everyone’s stories. He wanted to hear more.

  “Do you know anything about Tara?” Tim asked Lawrence. “Did she mention having a twin sister?”

  “Tara didn’t say anything about having siblings. But I do remember her mentioning her foster parents.” Lawrence’s tone was sympathetic. “I don’t think she had a happy childhood. She told me she ran away at a young age.”

  Tim heaved a deep breath. “It’s a possibility Tara is a full-blooded Breedline.”

  “I hate to change the subject, but has anyone had a chance to check the security cameras?” Manuel asked, the cop in him coming out as always.

  “Yes,” Drakon said. “Before the meeting, I rolled back the video footage of last night. It did capture Tara leaving her room a few minutes after midnight and entering the gym. Although when she went into the weapons room, the footage was scrambled. I couldn’t see anything that happened in that room.”

  “Are you saying our camera’s malfunctioned?” Tim queried.

  Drakon shook his head. “I checked them again this morning. They’re working just fine. Someone or something kept the camera’s in the weapons room from capturing what happened to Tara.”

  Tim’s brows furrowed. “Do you think the creature had something to do with it?”

  “There’s no other explanation, “Drakon replied. “The cameras outside the weapons room were working. It did get a video of Tessa and Jax entering the room, and fifteen minutes later when they came out with Tara.”

  “Did the cameras catch anyone else leaving or entering that room after we left?” Tessa asked Drakon.

  “Nope,” Drakon said, and then added, “except for the cat.”

  “How’d Buddy get in there?” Jace bluntly asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” Tessa said. “I forgot about Buddy. When Jax and I found Tara, Buddy came into the room behind us. He took to Tara right away. His presence seemed to calm her. The poor girl was terrified.”

  “What about the video surveillance at the hospital?” Tim pointedly asked Helen. “Has anyone thought to check those?”

  “I had our security check them last night,” Helen replied. “There was nothing but scrambled footage.”

  “Shit,” Tim said. “It looks like our mysterious phantom has outsmarted us.” His eyes shifted toward Lawrence. “I hope your sister was right about the battle angels. At this rate, I believe they’re our only hope at destroying this damn creature.”

  “Did Melanie happen to mention when the angels would come back to earth?” Tessa asked Lawrence.

  “I’m sorry, Tessa. Mel didn’t know the exact day. All she said was that they were coming soon, bringing along with them Sebastian and the Fury.”

  “Hopefully soon will get here fast before this thing kills more innocent people,” Tim said. “I need everyone to keep a close eye on Jena. Now that she’s here, I’m sure it will be back. It appears the creature has chosen her for a reason, and it’s obvious it doesn’t want to kill her.”

  “Do you think it’s looking for a mate?” Alexander suggested.

  “It’s a possibility,” Tim replied. “Or maybe it needs someone to take its place. Whatever the case, I want everyone in the Covenant to stay accounted for at all times. Those that are not here will be updated on the situation we’re facing. As of now, I’m starving. Since we don’t have much of a plan, let’s take this to the kitchen.” He focused on Manuel. “Detective, please join us for breakfast.”

  “Thanks, Tim. Sounds like a plan to me.”

  Bull hung back and held the door open as everyone left the meeting. He followed behind his sister Lena and her boyfriend Justice as they were the last ones to leave. When Bull rounded the corner, he stopped in his tracks as Angie and Jena came downstairs. The second Angie caught sight of Bull, she immediately came to a halt and placed her hands on her hips.

  She grinned like a kid on Christmas morning. Damn, Angie thought. “Well, hello there,” she said, batting her brows in Bull’s direction.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  While everyone gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, Tessa greeted Lawrence with a smile and said, “Helen went to check on Tara, and before she left, she asked if you would like to have breakfast with her. I’m sure Tara would love your company, and I can have a tray of food brought to her room.”

  His eyes lit up with excitement. “I’d love to. Thank you, Ms. Tessa.”

  Tessa smiled again. “I’ll take you back to see her.” She motioned for him to follow. “I’m heading that way myself. After what happened last night, I promised Tara I would stop by this morning to check on her.”

  Without so much as a backward glance at the others, Lawrence walked alongside Tessa with a little giddyup in his steps, eager to see Tara. Not only was he excited to see her, but he also had to make good on his promise and answer all her questions about the Covenant, the creature that had attacked her, and not to mention the part about her DNA results. He prayed she would take the news well.

  Tessa lightly knocked a couple of times and then peeked through the cracked door. “Is it all right if Lawrence and I come in?”

  “Of course,” Helen said, motioning her inside. “Please, come in.”

  When they stepped inside, Lawrence’s mouth formed a smile that was a mile long as he caught sight of Tara, who Helen was monitoring by her bedside. He whispered a thank-you to God for protecting her when he couldn’t.

  Tara turned in Lawrence’s direction, her eyes instantly going warm as she registered his presence.

  Helen smiled and then gestured him over to the other side of Tara’s bed.

  “How are you feeling, Ms. Tara?” Lawrence asked in a soft voice.

  “I’m better,” she said hoarsely. “Now that you’re here.”

  He felt a rush of heat as though the temperature in the room had suddenly shifted.

  “Your blood pressure is normal,” Helen said to Tara, tucking a stethoscope in her lab coat pocket. “I’m going to leave the IV out as long as you promise you’ll take it easy. It’s important that you get plenty of rest.”

  Tara nodded. “I promise. Thank you, Dr. Carrington.”

  “You’re very welcome, Tara.” Helen patted her on the shoulder. “I’ll be back to check on you this evening.”

  As Helen discreetly stepped out of the room, Tessa moved next to Tara’s bedside.

  “Now that I hear you’re doing better, I won’t take up much of your time,” Tessa said as she looked over at Lawrence and smiled a little. “I have a feeling someone wants you all to himself.”

  Tara’s eyes sparkled at Tessa’s observation despite the grogginess from lack of sleep.

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re comfortable,” Tessa continued, refocusing her eyes on Tara. “If there’s anything you need all you have to do is press the call button by your bed.”

  “Thank you, Tessa. I appreciate everything you’ve all done for me.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Tessa briefly placed her hand on Tara’s. “We all just want you safe and sound.”

  Before Tessa left the room to give them privacy, she said, “By the way, your breakfast should be here shortly.”

  Lawrence waved at Tessa and said, “Thank you.”

  As the door clicked shut, Lawrence gathered Tara’s hand in his and lightly squeezed. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, “that I wasn’t here for you when you needed me.”

  Tara lifted her hand to his cheek and gently caressed his face. “It�
�s not your fault, Lawrence. You couldn’t have known something like that was going to happen. Besides, I owe you my life.” Her eyes filled with tears. “If you and Roman hadn’t come when you did that night—”

  He reached up for her hand and pressed his lips to her delicate skin. She shuddered at the warmth and softness of his touch.

  “You might think I’m crazy, Tara, but I believe somehow we were destined to meet.”

  She smiled up at him, so much emotion in her eyes it took his breath away. “I don’t think you’re crazy at all.” She swallowed back tears. “When I first saw you, I felt something... something I’ve never felt before in my life. It’s hard to put into words. Somehow I feel safe with you, almost like I’ve known you my whole life.”

  Lawrence had to take a moment to compose himself, to try to rid himself of the emotion knotting his throat so tightly.

  The funny thing was he was already envisioning a life with her.

  “Tara, in all my years, I never dreamed of meeting someone like you,” he said, sincerity ringing clear in his voice. “You’re like a gift from God. And I’m so damn grateful for it.”

  Tara’s smile broadened and her heart swelled. “So, what do we do now?”

  “Well, first, we need to talk about a few things,” he said. “I promised I would answer all your questions. And I think now is a perfect time.”

  “And I’m ready to listen,” she replied.

  Lawrence nodded and started talking, telling Tara about the creature that had killed Brandon, and attacked her. Then he went on to tell her all about the Breedline, and that she was too born with the same genetics along with other things that seemed entirely impossible. When he finally fell silent, Tara could only stare at him. Her instincts were telling her that he wasn’t lying, but it was all too hard to accept.

  Tara pondered Lawrence’s words and then asked, “If I am indeed a full-blooded Breedline, will I shift into a wolf?”

  He lifted one eyebrow. “Yes, if we make love.”

  Her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed. “Oh, I see.”

  He leaned over her just as she was rising off the bed to meet him, but a knock at the door halted their kiss. Then a familiar voice called out, “Tara... Lawrence... you guys in there? I’ve got breakfast for two.”


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