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THE IMMORTAL: A Novel of the Breedline series

Page 33

by Shana Congrove

  Tessa turned as Angie dashed over and said, “We must be thinking alike.”

  “You think we’ll find something that will tell us where she went?” Tessa asked her.

  Angie let out a deep breath. “I sure as hell hope so. It’s not like Jena to take off like this.”

  Tessa brought her wrist up to check her watch, noticing the time. “It’s almost dusk,” she said, opening the door. “Come on.” She nodded, motioning Angie inside. “We don’t have much time. The angels will be here soon.”

  They searched the bedroom, praying they’d find something, anything that would give them an idea as to why Jena shifted into her creature and took off, or where she might have gone.

  “Hang on,” Angie said, tugging at a piece of paper hidden under the mattress. Remembering back when she was a teenager, knowing where Jena had always hidden things from her parents, it drew her there to look. “I think I found something.”

  As Angie unfolded it, Tessa moved next to her and said, “What is it?”

  “It looks like a page from that journal,” Angie told her.

  Moments later, as they read over the contents, they instantly knew where Jena was going: to the Salem Cemetery.

  Chapter Forty

  It wasn’t long before an anxious group of Breedline filled the Covenant’s library as they gathered for a sit-down. Tim stood at the head of the table next to where Tessa sat as they surveyed the other occupants of the room. Everyone’s nerves seemed frayed and on edge. The tension was so thick you could practically cut it with a knife.

  Roman and his team, consisting of Lawrence, Bull, Justice, and Lena, sat close to one another in utter silence waiting for the battle angels to arrive. Under normal circumstances, when Roman had to face unusual situations involving emotional stress, he had the ability to remain calm and steady. Between dealing with the creature, and Jena taking off as she did, and knowing Lailah was about to arrive with the other angels, his nerves were just about shot.

  Detective Manuel Sanchez and his partner, Frank Perkins sat in the chairs across the table from Tessa, looking nervous as hell. Sitting at a table surrounded by people who had the ability to shift into wolves as big, or bigger, than horses, and some gifted with supernatural powers, wasn’t something you normally dealt with on a daily basis. It was definitely intimidating at the least, not to mention the fact that in a matter of minutes, they were about to be face-to-face with real live angels. And one of them was Manuel’s sister, who had been murdered over forty years ago by the same creature they were after.

  Then there were the regular Breedline crew: Jace, Jem, Kyle, Casey, Drakon, and Alexander. And Tessa’s brother Steven, the newest member in the Covenant. They too were uncertain of the turn of events they were all about to face. You didn’t have to be a psychic to know what was on the minds of every single person in the room. It was obvious they dreaded revealing the news of Jena’s disappearance to the battle angels.

  While the other females in the Covenant attended to the children upstairs, the room mostly bristled with testosterone overload. The silence was heavy until Eve and Sebastian entered the room.

  “Please, have a seat,” Tim said, breaking the stillness.

  Sebastian and Eve moved toward the empty chairs at the opposite end of Tessa, far away from Jace. As soon as they sat down, Jace glared at Sebastian with a look that said without words he wanted to choke the life out of him. At the sound of Tessa’s voice, he looked away and refocused his attention on her.

  “As you all know, we are gathered here to meet with the angels,” Tessa said. “But before they arrive, I want to bring to your attention some unfortunate news.” Before she continued, she discreetly cleared her throat and scooted her chair closer to the table. “Jena has shifted into her creature and somehow got past security.”

  “What?” Jace blurted as he turned to look in Tim’s direction. His temper was already on edge with Sebastian in the room, and the news of Jena irritated him further. “For crying out loud,” he grumbled. “How in the hell did she get past the guards?”

  Tim shook his head. “I should have made sure she was guarded twenty-four seven,” he said tightly.

  “That’s on me, Tim,” Drakon hesitantly said. “I’m the one in charge of security. It was my responsibility. I should have been better prepared for something like this.”

  “It’s not your fault, Drakon,” Tessa told him. “It’s no one’s fault. There was nothing anyone could have done to stop her.”

  “So what now?” Jem asked. “What are we going to do?”

  Tessa shrugged. “I’m not sure what we can do. We’ll have to rely on the angels for guidance. But so far, this is what we know.” She glanced at the two detectives. “Going by what Detective Sanchez and Detective Perkins has recently discovered, it’s evident that someone from the police department has been in contact with Jena. He somehow left a journal in her room. His name is Nicolas Ratcliff,” she went on to explain. “According to what is written in the journal, Mr. Ratcliff, or rather, Detective Ratcliff, is the creature’s brother.”

  While everyone stared at Tessa in stunned silence, Drakon asked, “Does this Nicolas mention anything in the journal about what he wants?”

  “He is desperate to put an end to his brother’s curse,” Tessa replied. “Apparently he’s the one responsible for all this.”

  “How so?” Alexander spoke for the first time.

  “From all the information we’ve gathered from Nicolas’s journal,” Tessa said as she began to unfold all the details. “Nicolas and his brother Ashton have been alive since the eighteenth century.”

  Frank’s jaw dropped, and the look on Manuel’s face was an expression of sheer astonishment.

  “Damn,” Manuel gritted out. “I can’t believe he managed to live a double life for all those years. Sure, he seemed a little different, but hell, who isn’t nowadays? As long as you do your damn job, and he did his well, it doesn’t make a shit to me what you do off duty as long as you walk the straight and narrow. But this?” He shook his head. “I can’t wrap my brain around it. We’ve worked with Nicolas for fifteen years or so, and I had no clue he was hiding anything, especially something like this.”

  “Yeah,” Frank chimed in, “he completely pulled the wool over my eyes. I can say this... Detective Ratcliff would have made one hell of an actor.”

  “I guess I was right after all,” Manuel pointed out. “I knew I saw someone else in that car the day my sister was murdered. I swear...” He heaved a deep breath. “If Nicolas had anything to do with her death...”

  “I’m just as shocked over all this as you are, Detectives,” Tessa said as Manuel’s voice trailed off. “We’re all taken aback by what’s transpired, but I don’t think Nicolas had anything to do with your sister’s death.”

  Manuel cocked a brow. “How do you know?”

  “So far, from what all I’ve discovered in his journal, it appears he’s been searching for a way to end the curse. Over a decade ago, Nicolas’s older brother took his own life. This is how it all started by what Nicolas tells in his memoir. Apparently, his suicide was over a young woman he fell in love with while he was human. Her name was Isabella. And I believe she is somehow linked to Jena.”

  “Are you saying you think she’s a descendant of Isabella?” Manuel asked.

  “Yes, I do,” Tessa replied. “By the way Nicolas describes Isabella, she sounds similar to Jena.”

  “What else did you find out?” Jace cut in conversation, anxious to hear more details.

  “After their courtship of nearly three years,” Tessa continued, “Ashton asked for Isabella’s hand in marriage. And remember, this was during the eighteenth century, so long courtships were typical in that era, especially if the girl was underage, and Isabella was only sixteen at the time. Unfortunately, before he proposed, Isabella decided to move to England to devote her life to a women’s convent. Ashton did not take the news well. He eventually took his own life. To make a long story short, Ashto
n’s family, who owned a prosperous cotton business in New Orleans, disowned him due to his act of blasphemy, and the church would not allow him a Christian burial. They left the burden on Nicolas. Of course, Nicolas was completely grief-stricken over his brother’s suicide and was beside himself over his family’s refusal to grant him permission to bury Ashton in their family’s burial space. Nicolas stated in the journal that he had a close sibling bond with his brother growing up, which caused him to grasp at anything to keep Ashton from eternal damnation. That’s when something evil came to him the night before his brother was to be laid to rest. In Nicolas’s own records, he spoke of someone who referred himself as the Master, promising him immortality and that he could bring Ashton back from the dead.”

  “I take it immortality came with a hefty price,” Manuel commented.

  Tessa nodded in agreement. “Yes, it did. He sold their souls, but he did not know that his brother would come back as something evil.”

  Manuel leaned forward and stated, “So, Nicolas had no idea his brother would be cursed?”

  “No,” Tessa replied. “He was tricked. At first, Ashton wasn’t what he is now,” she went on to say. “He only killed corrupt individuals, something similar to what the angels told Jena she would become if she destroyed the creature.”

  “What made this Ashton character change?” Jace asked.

  “After Ashton was resurrected, he went to Isabella. Of course, her terrified reaction didn’t go over so well. She refused to have anything to do with him. Being rejected a second time sent Ashton over the edge. From what Nicolas wrote, his brother was never the same, and became a cold-hearted killer.”

  Jace shook his head. “Damn. That sucks.”

  “So now you all can understand why Nicolas left Jena the journal,” Tessa pointed out. “He knows she’s the only one that can end Ashton’s curse and destroy the creature.”

  “Is that where she went?” Manuel queried. “To help Nicolas?”

  Tessa nodded. “Nicolas asked her to meet him alone at the Salem Cemetery. He also mentioned a girl his brother is keeping captive. He didn’t say what the girl’s name was, but he did plead for Jena to help him save her. I think this girl is meant to be Jena’s first kill.”

  “That girl could be the missing person at the crime scene we got called to just a few days ago,” Frank commented as the others in the room looked at Tessa, completely shocked by what she had told them.

  “The one from the Presidio National Park?” Tessa queried.

  Frank nodded. “Her name is Debi Flynn. And we still haven’t found the rest of Mr. Morgan’s remains.”

  “I saw this on the news, but they didn’t release any names,” Tessa stated. “Was Mr. Morgan someone related to her?”

  “By what Ms. Flynn’s sister said, he was her fiancé.”

  A feeling of sadness took hold of Tessa, her expression turning mournful. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said, releasing a heavy sigh. “And you could be right, Detective. This could be the same girl. Hopefully, something can be done to save her before it’s too late.”

  “But what about the battle angels?” Eve spoke out. “Why didn’t Jena wait for them?”

  “I don’t know, Eve,” Tessa reluctantly said.

  While everyone engaged in the discussion, Bull suddenly noticed someone very important to him was missing. He rose from his chair and said, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but where’s Angie? Shouldn’t she be here?”

  Shit! Tessa thought as her eyes roamed over the occupants sitting at the table, realizing Angie was nowhere in sight. Before she could utter a single word, a deep voice laced in a Scottish accent caught her off guard.

  “Pardon me, Ms. Tessa. Ye hae visitors.”

  When everyone turned to look, Bruce Carmichael, a Breedline guard, had his head peeked inside the doorway.

  “Please,” Tessa said, nodding an approval. “Show them in.”

  As Bruce opened the door, Cronus, Icarus, and Helios came in first.

  Every person in the room stared at them in complete silence. Although they had witnessed the glorious battle angels beforehand, their presence alone would make the most courageous of any man or woman weak in the knees. It was as if they were larger than life itself.

  The instant Tessa rose to her feet, the sound of several chairs scooting across the floor broke the silence. Everyone, except for Bull, who had already risen from his chair, was now standing like soldiers at attention.

  Roman shifted from one foot to the other as he nervously waited for Lailah to make her appearance. His gut instincts had told him she was here the minute Bruce popped his head in the door and announced they had visitors.

  A moment later, as she walked into the room, he damn near swallowed his tongue. Lailah was as breathtaking as the first time Roman had laid eyes on her. She looked like a Greek goddess. The long strands of her hair hung in crimson ringlets, giving her a fierce but feminine look that almost made him groan. Her lashes were long, accentuating her green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. Around her waist, she wore a golden sword that shimmered as it caught the light.

  Before Roman caught her eye, Lailah focused on her brother, Manuel. His face beamed when she nodded at him with a slight grin on her youthful face.

  Meanwhile, as Roman’s eyes ventured to Lailah’s long, toned legs, he wiped at his mouth to make sure there was no drool. When he focused back on her lovely face, she smiled at him.

  Roman averted his eyes from the redheaded beauty as another angel with bleached spiked hair walked into the room and stood beside her. He reminded Roman of an English rock musician from the ’80s. For some odd reason, the song “Rebel Yell” came to mind.

  Instantly, a feeling of uneasiness swept through the room as a trio of unearthly beings crowded in behind the angels. As they moved next to Lailah and the other angel with spiked hair, everyone at the table focused on the tall male with a scar marring his left eye. His vertical, split pupils reflected light like a cat’s as he surveyed the room. Looking into his cruel stare was like looking into the face of a vampire and an assassin all rolled up into one big package... or the devil himself.

  As Tessa looked into Apollyon’s cold, golden gaze, she felt the hairs on her neck stand. She noticed the silver ring he wore, remembering it from Zeke Rizzo’s description not long ago. She wondered what the signet on the ring symbolized. It protruded when he tightened his hand into a fist. Then he sneered at her, revealing one of his fangs, and it transformed his face. He looked more savage, wolf-like. For a moment, she was speechless, shocked by his dark and dominating presence. Then, her eyes took in the two females that stood by his side. Electra was the one with a muscular build and born with the power to conduct electricity within her body, using it as a weapon. Her fraternal twin sister, Callisto, was feminine and had used her beauty in the previous months to lure in her victims. She was born with the ability to create a shield that was so powerful no other weapon could penetrate its indestructible force field. During their past altercations, not even Jem’s powers were strong enough to break through it.

  By what Tessa remembered about the Fury, all three were siblings, created in a lab by an evil scientist for the sole purpose of destroying the Breedline species and dominating the human race for the sole purpose of food. Born with the genetics of a Breedline, an Adalwolf, a succubus, and the abilities of a powerful Wicca, their lust for human blood was unstoppable until the battle angels came to earth and rendered them powerless. According to the angels, God had released them from their bloodlust and promised them absolution if they helped destroy the creature. In order for them to remain on earth, they had to take an oath to help the Breedline protect the human race from the dark forces.

  As Tessa’s thoughts came back to focus, she motioned them over. “Please, make yourself comfortable. We have some rather unfortunate news that has suddenly come to our attention. It’s about Jena.” She let out a deep breath and went on, “She’s gone missing, and we’re almost positive she’s going
to the Salem Cemetery to help the creature’s brother.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  While everyone else in the Covenant gathered for a meeting, Angie had alternative plans. She was going after Jena.

  Beyond the Covenant’s boundaries, at least fifty yards away, Angie stopped in the middle of a large area surrounded by a dense growth of trees and underbrush. This would provide enough camouflage, she thought, knowing she had to shift into her Breedline wolf. It was a risk she had to take to help her best friend, but also imperative that she stay hidden.

  The Breedline were not ordinary wolves, nor human, but a supernatural combination of the two, genetically more powerful and invincible than either one. However, if they were to be exposed, it would put them in danger, and they already had enough to deal with as it was.

  As Angie looked up at the star-filled sky, she found herself captivated by the brilliance of the full moon, although it had no effect on her transformation. Somewhere out there, she could hear the muffled sounds of small animals as they foraged throughout the forest and the whistling of tree branches rising with the wind. The noises coming from all around seemed to amplify within seconds. When she inhaled a deep breath, her senses came alive. All the scents of the night instantly filled her nostrils with a tantalizing aroma. The distinctive scent of pine needles and evergreens enhanced the night air, creating goosebumps that coated her skin.

  Suddenly, she felt the prickle of tiny hairs erupting from every pore as they began to cover the surface of her entire body. When she quickly started to remove her clothes, the hair was thickening and growing almost like it had a mind of its own. The instant she kicked off her shoes and slid out of her jeans, she fell to her knees and doubled over. With her eyes closed, she took several deep breaths, realizing the impending changes were rising fast. Her muscles underneath her skin rippled and her limbs stretched as if from some unseen force. When the transition completely took over, she did not feel pain, but since this was just her second experience shifting into her Breedline wolf, the unstoppable changes caught her by surprise.


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