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Secrets of My Beloved: Linked Across Time Book Twelve

Page 7

by Dawn Brower

  Chapter 9

  Nicholas followed Peyton inside the hotel. It was quite luxurious. He hadn’t ever stayed at such a place, but he had attended many house parties. Large estates had all the luxuries to be had. The hotel, in a way, reminded him of that. There were people everywhere socializing and flitting about. Most of the apparel was strange, and some of the female attire…shocking to behold.

  They had left almost all of his purchases in the car. He’d grabbed one bag with the main essentials in it. Peyton adjusted the small travel bag on her shoulder and stopped at a counter of some sort. There was a woman behind it writing on a piece of paper. She glanced up and met Peyton’s gaze. “How may I assist you,” she asked.

  “Reservation for Peyton Drake and Nicholas Kendall,” she told the woman.

  “Give me one moment,” she said and started tapping her fingers across something Nicholas had never seen before. After a moment, she returned her attention to Peyton. “We have you in a king suite. There were no family suites available. Is that all right?”

  Peyton cursed and then nibbled on her bottom lip. What was wrong with this king suite? “It’ll be fine.”

  She tapped a few more times and then handed her a rectangle card. “What is that for?” he asked.

  “It’s the key to our room,” Peyton said.

  “Is there anything else I can assist you with?” The woman asked. She had stopped looking at Peyton and now stared at Nicholas. Desire filled the woman’s eyes and she had to hold back the urge to force the woman to look elsewhere. Peyton scrunched her eyebrows together as if displeased the woman paying any attention to him. He shouldn’t use it to his advantage, but he never claimed to be good.

  “Perhaps you can,” he said in his most charming tone, as he leaned a little toward her.

  “Anything you need, I am here for you,” the woman told him. Her voice became more and more breathless as she spoke.

  “I am in desperate need…”

  “For food,” Peyton finished the sentence for him and grabbed his arm, looping hers with his. “It has been hours since we had something decent to eat. Can you recommend a good restaurant?”

  The smile on the woman’s face fell as she turned her attention back to Peyton. Nicholas was delighted. Peyton had stepped in and claimed him. That was more progress than he’d hoped for.

  “Here is a brochure for some restaurants in the area,” she said handing it to Peyton. “Whatever you have a craving for, it is in there.”

  “Thank you,” Nicholas said and smiled warmly at her. “We appreciate your assistance.”

  Peyton pulled on his arm and led him away from the counter. They walked toward a set of stairs, and he expected her to go up them, but she didn’t. Instead, she walked past them and toward a wall. She pressed a button and waited.

  “What are you doing?” he asked with confusion.

  “Waiting for the lift,” she said simply as if that explained everything.

  Doors swung open and revealed a tiny room mere seconds later. She yanked on his arm again but he remained rooted. “You don’t expect me to go in there, do you.”

  “Of course you’re afraid of lifts too.” She sighed. “It won’t hurt you. I told you I wouldn’t have you do anything dangerous.”

  “You said no such thing and you already had me riding in a death carriage all day. What makes this tiny room any safer?”

  Peyton stepped into the entrance and stood there tapping her foot. “Please do not argue with me. It’s been a long day, and all I want is a hot bath and a bed. Is that too much to ask?”

  “Depends,” he said. Wickedness filling his mind as he boldly met her gaze. “Do I get to join you for both?”

  “I don’t share my bed or my bath with men afraid of their own shadow. If you don’t want to come up to the room with me, then stay here.”

  He stepped into the lift quickly. She hadn’t said no. That meant yes was a possibility, and he would not lose an opportunity to be with her.

  Peyton would have said almost anything to get Nicholas on the lift. She’d gone green with jealousy when the hotel clerk started flirting with him. It had taken everything in her not to claw the woman’s eyes out. She’d practically staked a claim on him as it was. She should be ashamed of herself, but she wasn’t. She wanted Nicholas like she’d never desired a man before. She wanted to claim him and so she had.

  The lift doors dinged and then opened. She stepped out and Nicholas followed her. He was still wary, but remained by her side. “The tiny room moves. You should have warned me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know what you expected it to do. You survived. Isn’t that what matters?” She should probably be a little nicer to him. This was all new to him after all, but she didn’t think he’d appreciate her coddling him. It was best to be as straight forward as possible. He’d likely learn better with that approach, and perhaps be a little less frightened.

  Peyton walked down the hall until she located their room, then she slid her card against the reader, turned the handle, and shoved the door open. “After you,” she told him.

  He entered the room and went to the window. They were pretty high up in the building. Did he like heights? She’d have to ask him later. He pulled the curtains closed, then turned to her. “Am I still unwelcome in your bed?”

  She should have known he’d latch on to that and not let it go. “I didn’t invite you, so yes.”

  “You’re a tease,” he told her, but amusement filled his tone, so he didn’t seem to put out by her answer. “In time, you may change your mind.”

  “That’s true about nearly everything.” She smiled. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take that hot bath.”

  Peyton carried her bag into the oversized bathroom and shut the door behind her. She leaned against it and took a deep breath. What did she want? Was Nicholas worth taking a risk? She closed her eyes and imagined her life. It was bleak. There was no passion, no love, nothing of importance. All because she closed herself off from anything new… Nicholas wanted her. He might not love her, but did she need him to? This was about desire and feeling alive.

  He wouldn’t make the first move. If she wanted him, she’d have to make it clear. Peyton undressed quickly and wrapped herself in one of the hotel’s large, fluffy towels, then opened the bathroom door. She opted for the towel instead of the bathrobe. She couldn’t say why other than she thought it might be…sexier. Nicholas sat on the king bed with his elbows resting on his knees, and his hands cupping his forehead. He looked defeated and sad. Had she done that to him? She hated she might have made him feel bad and wanted to rectify it if she could.

  She walked over to him and stood in front of him. Peyton waited until he looked up at her and had his complete attention. Then she dropped her towel. “I’ve changed my mind.”

  Nicholas stared at her, stunned, then leapt into action. He reached for her, bringing her toward him, then lowered his mouth to one of her breasts. He sucked her nipple into his mouth and she groaned. God. She’d needed this, needed him. “More,” she demanded.

  “You’re a greedy one,” he said and chuckled. “But that’s all right with me. I’ve wanted you since the moment I stepped through the mirror. I intend to savor every inch of you.” He pulled her onto the bed and skimmed his fingers up her thigh until he reached her entrance, then slid one inside. She groaned and heat spread over her.

  “I need you inside me.”

  “In time,” he told her. “We have all night.” Nicholas rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit. The friction almost undid her. Her breathing became ragged.

  “I want to touch you too,” she panted out the words. “Need to feel your naked skin against mine.” It had been so long since she’d felt alive. Being near him filled her with so much energy and she wanted to feel everything. If he made her come alive just being near…making love with him would be mind-blowing. Peyton was tired of being the sick girl. She wanted to be the desirous woman and have hot, steamy, sex with
this gorgeous man.

  “We will get to that too,” he reassured her. “But first I must taste all of you.” He pressed his lips to hers, trailed kisses down her neck, and then he sucked her other breast into his mouth. All the while stroking her clit. Peyton squirmed in his arms. Her need built to uncontrollable depths…she moaned as the pleasure overtook her and she came.

  “You’re so responsive,” he told her, his eyelids drooped low and his voice took on a husky tone that reverberated through her entire body. His breathing was starting to match hers. His need must be growing too. “Now to finish tasting you.” He swung her around and set her on the bed, then spread her thighs apart. Nicholas kneeled on the floor and pulled her toward him. Once he had her where he wanted her he leaned down and licked her. She nearly screamed from the pleasure of it. She started to squirm more and more with each stroke of his tongue against her clit, but he held her in place as he ravished her delicate flesh. Soon, she came again, and he licked her until her tremors subsided.

  She stared at him, transfixed by him. Peyton had never been so satisfied in her life, and he still had to find his own pleasure. He looked rather pleased with himself too. It was her turn to worship his body and enjoy making him come undone. “Undress, now.”

  He chuckled and pulled his T-shirt off. His muscles had muscles—he was that ripped. God. This…man…was perfect. At least physically, and so far she liked the rest too. For now she intended to enjoy the outer version of him. She crooked her finger and gestured for him to come closer. “Not yet,” he said. He took several steps away from her as if warding off her demands. That wouldn’t stop her though. She needed to see him completely naked. Peyton wanted to run her fingers over his cock and hear him moan with desire.

  “Those jeans have to go,” she insisted. Peyton stood and sashayed over to him. She looped her finger into one of the belt loops, then unfastened the zipper. His erection was evident through the denim. There must not have been any boxers for him to wear underneath the jeans…that made her groan as her desire heightened. It was a good thing she hadn’t known that sooner. She might not have reacted well. She reached inside and cupped him in her palm. “Does this feel good.” He groaned as she rubbed his hard flesh.

  “God, yes.” His voice became guttural. “But if you keep doing that, I’ll spill before I have a chance to be inside you.”

  “Take off your jeans,” she ordered. “I’ll get our protection. Lucky for you, I considered this before I left or we wouldn’t be getting freaky tonight.” Peyton went to her purse and pulled out a condom and tore it open. She presented it to him and he stared at it with a puzzled expression. “Let’s slide this down your gorgeous cock.”

  “I have no idea what that is, but if it means I can be inside you, then hell yes.” He pushed the jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. He’d been commando of course. His erection jutted out, calling to her.

  She tore open the wrapper and pulled the condom out, then walked over to him. Peyton fondled his erection in one hand and slid the condom down his shaft. Once it was in place she stared up at him and licked her lips. “Fuck me, now.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Nicholas lifted her in his arms and set her on the bed, then entered her in one thrust. After that, they were all need. He pumped in and out of her, hard and fast. The pressure built inside of her, and it didn’t take her long to explode into her third orgasm. Nicholas followed soon after. Best. Sex. Ever. She’d never responded so well to a man before. There was something about Nicholas that made her desire come alive in ways she never would have imagined.

  He rolled off her, his breathing harsh. “I knew it would be good, but that…”

  “Was amazing,” she supplied.

  “Yes, that,” he agreed.

  She smiled. “Good, then we can do it again later…after we rest a bit.”

  He pulled the condom off and tossed it in a trashcan, then joined her back in the bed. Nicholas pulled the covers over them and snuggled with her. Why had she fought this? He was…perfect…for her. That was the last thought she had before she gave in to sleep.

  Nicholas woke and smiled when he realized Peyton still slept beside him. She’d come to him. He hadn’t expected that from her. She’d been so surly… He’d thought he’d have to wait at least a sennight before she gave in. His Peyton was full of surprises. He fully expected her to make him sleep on the small settee in the room. Thank heavens she hadn’t.

  “What has you smiling?” she asked. Peyton stretched beside him like a cat waking from sleep.

  “You, love,” he said and pressed a kiss on her lips. “You make me happy.”

  “Awe,” she cooed. “You say the sweetest things.”

  “All true,” he said. “I’ll always be honest with you.”

  “As long as you stay, you mean.” He hated he’d made her uncertain of him. Nicholas should have told her sooner that he didn’t want to go back. He hadn’t really needed a reason to stay, but with her, he had more than he ever could have imagined. She was the one. The mythical creature his brother had alluded to before he’d left. Now he understood more than he ever could have back then. Love couldn’t be planned. It just was…

  “No,” he said. “Always. I mean it…this is where I belong. With you, in this time. I didn’t know why I came. Perhaps a part of me knew you’d be here waiting for me. There’s no way to know for certain. Something was missing from my life, and I had to find it. When I saw you, it hit me. It was you, always you. I’m not going anywhere.” He trailed his fingers over her bare breast. “As long as you’ll have me, I promise I’ll spend the rest of my days loving you.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek. “I didn’t want to love you. But I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “Then it’s decided.” He trailed kisses down her cheek and nibbled on her ears. “I will love you forever, share all your secrets, and trust you not to kill me with modern devices.”

  She laughed. “It’s going to be one wild ride.”

  “Darling,” he said wickedly. “I’ve yet to truly begin…”

  Chapter 10

  Six months later…

  Nicholas stared down at the sketchpad in his lap. After he had explained his sister’s supposition about his gift to Peyton she had bought him a bunch of art supplies. He had been in awe of it all. He’d never seen so many different tools to draw with. There were markers, watercolor pencil, fancy colored pencils, and sketching pencils with different hardness for shading. There were even fancy erasers and special sharpening blades for it all. The rectangle chalk pieces had baffled him at first.

  After he learned how to use it all drawing had come naturally to him. He often sketched his family. Nicholas didn’t think it was all from memory. There were scenes he drew he couldn’t recall, but it was the one of Elizabeth with a little girl that had sealed it for him. His drawing had given him a glimpse into the past so he remained connected to his family. It was a gift he couldn’t have imagined having. Not without his sister’s direction and the gift Peyton had given him.

  This sketch though…it took his breath away. It was of Peyton. The smile on her face was breathtaking. He couldn’t recall ever seeing her so happy, and she smiled a lot these days. She had a heavily swollen belly indicating she was with child, and beside her was a little boy no more than three years old. It could be wishful thinking on his part, but he didn’t think so. This was his future….their future. He believed it down to the very center of his soul.

  “What are you working on?” Peyton asked. She leaned against the doorframe of the library. The smile on her face took his breath away. He still couldn’t believe how much he adored her, loved her, with everything inside of him. He couldn’t imagine never having her in his life. “Can I sneak a peek at it?”

  He closed the sketchpad. “Not today. It’s not ready for a viewing audience.” Nicholas would show her later. He didn’t want to spook her with it. They had time for an unveiling. Peyton was still a little skittish as if she thought he might
leave her. He had time to prove to her he had no intention of going anywhere. He belonged here. “What are your plans for today?”

  She sashayed into the room and crawled onto his lap. The sketchpad fell to the floor and he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not when he had the love of his life to hold…no picture could ever compare to her. Peyton nuzzled against him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I had thought to spend the afternoon with you.”

  “That sounds like a pleasant way to pass the time,” he told her. Nicholas was already imagining all the ways he would strip her from every inch of her clothes and taste her silky skin.

  “You can erase all those lecherous thoughts from that wicked mind of yours,” she chastised him. “There will be no nakey time.” Peyton licked her lips enticingly. “At least not until tonight.”

  He frowned. “Why wait?”

  “Because, my gorgeous, delectable man,” she said as she tapped his chin playfully. “You have lessons to attend to.”

  Nicholas could think of several things he’d like to do and lessons was not anywhere near the top of his list. Tasting her, kissing her, making love to her, everything basically he could do…with her…were there. Instead of using words to argue with her he pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers, then deepened the kiss until she was moaning with pleasure. He lifted the bottom of her shirt and slid his hand underneath it until he found her breast, then cupped it in the palm of his hand. Peyton pressed her hand over his on top of the shirt, and pulled away from him. Her breathing was heavy and her cheeks had flushed a nice bright pink. “You don’t play fair,” she said desire was edged through her voice.

  “You love it though,” he teased. “Tell me you don’t want to spend the afternoon in bed and I’ll stop.”

  She groaned. “I do, but we can’t.”


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