by Steven Hatch
Intriguing research? Quite possibly. Should patients who have cancer call their oncologists to inquire about experimental venom treatments? No, they shouldn’t. Do stories like this with a catchy title encourage those kinds of calls? They do, and, depending on the size of the story and the fantastical nature of the claims, those kinds of calls can occasionally grind a clinic to a halt as the physicians scramble to read about the research so as to give a knowledgeable response. Sometimes, as with this “Venom Cures Cancer” story, there isn’t any scientific study for a doctor to read about because this is preliminary research being presented at a scientific conference and hasn’t yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Second, if it is clinical research, understand the kind of research that’s being done. News articles that don’t describe the basic design of the study aren’t worth reading. This book didn’t go into much detail about the different types of studies, except for emphasizing the difference between studies that identify correlations and those that directly test the effects of a variable (like a drug or vaccine trial). Studies that look at correlation should be viewed with a certain level of healthy skepticism. This is the central problem with the many epidemiologic studies that are fodder for news media: reports about fiber consumption, the link between using electronic devices and various diseases, the environmental causes of autism—these and other studies are all done largely by looking at correlations.
That’s not to imply that people should simply dismiss all studies that look at correlations: healthy skepticism is not the same thing as abject disbelief. Still, it’s worth keeping in mind the story of hormone replacement therapy, where the correlation data indicating it was beneficial was strong, but, when it was put directly to the test, hormone therapy failed. So if there is a clinical question that can be studied directly in a trial (usually, but not always, this applies to drugs), a well-designed trial is always superior.
It’s also useful to know whether investigators are studying weak or strong effects, and whether the studies looking at those effects are appropriately large or small. There’s always some study looking at the effects of, say, coffee consumption on any number of health questions, such as whether it increases the risk for heart attacks, whether consumption during pregnancy results in low birth weight, of whether it’s protective against Alzheimer’s disease. Whatever effects routine coffee consumption may have in these situations, they are likely to have a small impact, so studies that assert that something like coffee is linked with certain outcomes, yet enroll a relatively small number of people, should be regarded with caution, and are probably not worth changing your coffee habits immediately.
Finally, it’s critically important to understand the size of the benefit or harmful effect. Some clinical studies may have findings that meet statistical significance but may nevertheless not be “significant” in anything other than statistics. If a paper or a study merely says that there is some benefit, a good question to ask is, How big is the benefit? If the answer is slow in coming, or never does come, then it could very well be making mountains out of molehills.
For example, male circumcision of infants is sometimes justified in medical terms by studies indicating it may lower one’s risk of penile cancer later—much later—in life. Supposing these studies are accurate and well designed, circumcision would lower the risk of developing a cancer that, in industrialized nations, affects less than one man per 100,000. To put it differently, this research shows that circumcision lowers a man’s risk of getting penile cancer from almost nothing to half of almost nothing. There is just not very much medical benefit to be had, at least in terms of cancer prevention in nations with a high standard of living.* (I hope I am clear here—especially as a member in reasonably good standing of a culture that still practices male circumcision—that I am not opposed to the practice but am using the arguments about its medical benefits to make a point about statistical significance.)
The situation is different in less industrialized nations. Circumcision at any age in sub-Saharan Africa is extremely likely to reduce one’s risk of acquiring, and possibly passing along, HIV infection. The data on circumcision lowering the risk of penile cancer is also more robust in Africa, where penile cancer is significantly more common than in Europe or North America.
Similarly, a recent set of guidelines has come out about screening smokers for lung cancer with CT scans. The guidelines were based on a large trial comparing smokers who got an annual scan versus those who got an annual chest X-ray. The trial showed that there was a lifesaving benefit to the scans: if you just had an annual chest X-ray, you were more likely to die of lung cancer than if you got an annual CT.
At this point, if I have done a decent job of explaining overdiagnosis, positive predictive value, and uncertainty, your sensors should be on high alert wondering just how much more likely death will befall a person who gets annual X-rays instead of CT scans. The answer, as you may not be totally surprised, is not much, although the benefits can be framed in very different ways. The CT scans resulted in a 20 percent reduction in mortality over five years’ time. Whether that sounds like a big benefit I will leave for you to judge, but not before I translate that same benefit into a different form. The 20 percent reduction means that, for every one thousand people, three extra lives will be saved during a five-year span.
That statistic, too, might prompt some wondering about the potential harms of CT scanning: Is there any downside to annual screening that might negate this fairly modest benefit? One answer we know in theory (meaning that it has not been studied extensively at a clinical level) is that CTs pack a lot of radiation. That is, CTs themselves may increase one’s risk of lung cancer, and presumably the risks are going to be higher among younger patients because the radiation has more of an opportunity to create aberrant cells that lead to cancer over decades.
There is at least one other well-understood harm from these CTs, and this, too, should sound familiar, for the chance that just one CT will result in a false positive is a staggering 25 percent. After three years, the false-positive rate is nearly 40 percent. Mind you, although a false-positive mammogram may be associated with a more intense form of anxiety, suffering, and loss than a false-positive CT suggestive of lung cancer, a breast biopsy is for the most part a procedure that does not carry significant risk of physical harm. The same cannot be said of lung biopsies no matter how they are done, and moreover their accuracy is much lower than that of breast biopsies.
Lung CT scans for smokers is a different blizzard with its own set of snowballs, but the principles of the storm remain the same, which seems an appropriate place to end.
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