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Mentor's Match

Page 3

by Tara Sue Me

  “Yes. I’m fine. I’ll let you know about dinner.”

  She thought she’d feel relieved once Cole had left, but as it turned out that wasn’t the case. Because once he was gone, she was alone. And when she was alone, all she thought about was Fritz.


  Fritz had just finished packing when Cole called. “Is she okay?” he asked instead of saying hello.

  Cole sighed. “Listen, man. You’ve been a good friend for a long time, but don’t ask me to do that again.”

  “Is she…” He couldn’t say the rest of the sentence.

  “She’s fine. Or as fine as Kate can be while dealing with sub drop.”

  Fritz closed his eyes, remembering the vitriol she’d thrown his way not too long ago. “Was she really mad?”

  “I can handle her anger fine. What bothers me is I’m guessing you didn’t tell her that you’re the contractor on the Delaware club and would be seeing her before the end of the week?”

  “Anytime I tried to bring up work or life outside our week, she’d remind me we’d agreed not to discuss them.”

  “Piss poor planning on your part.”


  Sitting cross legged on her bed, Kate looked into the open box of the gift Fritz had pressed into her hands shortly before they were separated at the airport. She reverently lifted one heel and looked at it in disbelief, remembering.

  After they had dinner and discussed checklists, Fritz asked her to take a walk with him. He said it was a way for them to get to know each other, but Kate had a feeling he had another idea in mind. She couldn't stop looking at him out of the corner of her eyes, thinking about what she’d agreed to do with him. As a result, every movement he made heightened her sense and made her think about what they were going to do eventually.

  On the other hand, for the moment he seemed content to just walk and talk. She had to admit, she liked getting to know him better. He asked about her favorite food, what she liked to do in her time free time, and what books she read and movies she enjoyed. It wasn't just a one-way conversation, because she asked him the same things.

  When the sun was starting to set, they came to a low stone fence. Fritz took a seat and motioned for her to join him.

  “Okay,” he said, when she had sat down. “I have one more question. Tell me something you’ve done that was so out of character, it was outlandish.”

  She closed her eyes and threw her head back as she thought. She wasn’t sure she was an outlandish person. She’d always considered herself as a straightforward, steadfast type of person. But at that moment, a woman walked by and when she stepped off the curb, Kate saw a glimpse of the red soles of her shoes.

  “I know,” she said.

  “Tell me.”

  She pointed to the woman’s heels. “See those?”

  He looked down. “Oh, yes. Those are rather expensive I think.”

  Kate laughed. “You could say that. They typically start at one thousand dollars a pair, but sometimes you can find them as low as six or seven hundred.”

  “As low as,” he muttered.

  “When I was in college, I decided I wanted a pair. I made a deal with myself that after I graduated from architectural school, I'd get some. After graduation, I looked around and I thought I was so smart for shopping around and finding the best price. I ordered them online and I practically stalked the post office. Finally, the box arrived and I carried it into my bedroom to open. I was so excited.” She sighed. “To this day I remember lifting the paper and finding, there in the box, the world's worst forgery of the shoes ever created.”

  “Oh no. Kate.” he said.

  “Four hundred dollars down the drain.”

  “Four hundred?”

  “Yes. Remember, that was quite a bit less expensive than what they would've cost at a store.”

  “Did you get your money back?”

  “No, I didn’t. I didn’t even try. And to this day I still have them. I keep them as a reminder that when something looks too good to be real, most of the time it is.”

  “Did you ever buy yourself a legitimate pair?”

  The woman who had passed by wearing her own pair was almost too far away to be seen. “No,” Kate said. “I did not.”

  There was a note in the bottom of the box. Curious, she lifted it out and at once, recognized Fritz’s handwriting.


  I believe you’ve punished yourself long enough for a mistake you made years ago. I want you to have these and when you wear them, I want you to recall the week you were brave enough to ask for what you wanted.

  You were made for more than mediocrity. Don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary.



  She lifted the note to her nose and sighed when she realized it smelled like him.

  “I’m sorry, Fritz,” she whispered. Tomorrow she would unpack and prepare for the new phase in her life. Being a submissive had been wonderful, but it was time she stopped letting sex dictate her life.

  But the shoes she would keep. As a reminder of who she once was.


  Three days later, on Wednesday evening, her heart pounded as she rang the doorbell of Nathaniel and Abby’s house. She was being silly. She knew she was. But still.

  The door opened and a gorgeous brunette, who had to be Abby, stood in the doorway.

  “Hi.” Kate held out her hand. “I’m Kate.”

  “Hello, Kate.” Abby shook her hand and gave her a huge smile, but not before looking Kate up and down, taking in every detail. “I’m Abby. Come on in. Everyone’s in the living room.”

  “Thank you.” Kate followed Abby inside and tried not to gawk at the house. From antiques to priceless art, she could spend hours looking. “Beautiful home.”

  “Thanks.” Abby hurried down the hall. Kate tried not to sigh. Maybe on another visit, she’d have time to look.

  Abby led them both into a living room and a handful of women, submissives she guessed, waited.

  “This is Lynne Ryder,” Abby said, taking her to a young woman sitting in the corner. She had a curious expression, but now that she looked around, everyone did.

  “Hello, Lynne. Kate Herrington.”

  Kate then said hello to Julie and wished her congratulations. Daniel’s submissive positively beamed. Love looked good on her. Daniel had actually called her the night before and asked her to come over to his place tonight to have dinner with him and Julie. She was looking forward to spending time with the lively couple.

  Beside Julie, Dena stood, rocking an infant. “Hey, Kate,” the gorgeous blonde said. “Sorry I can’t hug you.”

  Kate had to go up on her toes to peek at the sleeping baby. “Dena, she’s beautiful. You and Jeff must be over the moon.”

  “We are.” Dena brushed her daughter’s cheek.

  Kate turned to the last person in the room. Talk about love looking good on someone. She wasn’t jealous of Sasha because of Cole. No, she was jealous of her calm composure, her restful spirit, and her blissful contentment.

  She stood in front of Sasha and held out her arms. Laughing, Sasha stood and they hugged.

  “I knew he’d get his head out of his ass eventually,” Kate said. “And is that collar…?”

  Sasha flushed and fingered what looked an awful lot like a piece from his family’s jewel collection.“Yes. It’s been in his family for ages.”

  “I’m so happy for you guys.” Kate hoped her voice didn’t give away her true thoughts. While she didn’t want to be with Cole, it hurt that she’d been with him for eight years and he’d never offered her anything of the sort.

  She told herself it didn’t matter and that she wasn't in Wilmington to make friends, but to do a job. By the time she sat down and pulled out the papers she wanted to go over, she felt calmer.

  For the most part, the group’s submissives were a lively bunch. Kate started by showing them a bare bones sketch and asking for everyone’s ideas on things to
possibly include.

  A few of them surprised her. Lynne proposed a resource room with group approved books and videos. Julie suggested a large common room to host the group’s social events.

  “These are all great,” Kate said when no one had anything else to add.

  “Kate,” Abby said. “If you’d like to join a club while you’re here, you’re more than welcome to join this group. If that’s too awkward for you, Nathaniel and I could recommend you for our New York club.”

  Her mind balked at either option, but she hated to turn Abby down when everyone had been so nice. She almost told her thanks and would just never follow up. “Thanks,” she said, deciding on the truth. “But I’m not in the lifestyle anymore.”

  Complete silence met her. Finally, Sasha asked, “What? Why not?”

  “I’ve decided it’s not for me.” It was the first time she’d said it out loud and she realized it sounded better in her head.

  “I didn’t know you could turn it off like that,” Sasha said, and Kate didn’t reply because she was fairly certain she couldn’t.

  She crossed her legs. Damn, this was awkward.

  “Nice shoes,” Abby said.

  It was the first time she’d worn them and she recalled thinking her legs looked great when she’d slipped them on this morning. Now after the conversation she’d just had, all she could recall was Fritz’s note.

  You were made for more than mediocrity. Don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary.

  “Thanks,” she said softly. “They were a gift.”

  “Wow,” Julie said, eyeing them. “That’s like Christmas, birthday, and anniversary all bundled up together.”

  “Let’s just say the gift was a reminder of a very special time.” Kate didn’t say the rest, that they would always remind her of an incredible week. Her last week as a submissive. She forced a smile on her face. And now you’re a different woman. Own it and don’t look back. “I think that’s everything I needed. You guys have my number if you need me or if you have any questions?”

  Suddenly, she couldn’t get out of the house fast enough.


  “Hey, Kate,” Daniel said, later that evening. “Come on in. Julie will be down soon.”

  “Thanks.” She allowed herself to be led inside Daniel’s stunning home and into his living room. He walked over to a sideboard, held up a bottle of wine and lifted an eyebrow. She nodded and less than a minute later he’d placed a glass of red in her hand.

  “I heard congratulations were in order.” She lifted her glass in a toast. “To you and Julie.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” he said, clinking their glasses together.

  “Can’t believe someone’s going to make an honest man out of you,” she teased.

  “Right? A few years ago, I’d have wagered money it’d be you and Cole walking down the aisle.” He shook his head.

  “Life is funny.” A picture nearby on the mantle drew her attention. It was a group picture of sorts. Cole and Sasha were the focus, but Nathaniel and Abby stood at their side as did Daniel and Julie. But in the back…

  She took the picture down and her heart thumped a double beat. “Is that Fritz?”

  “Yes. That was taken this past summer. Fritz spoke at Cole and Sasha’s collaring ceremony.”

  That must have been what Sasha meant this afternoon when she spoke about Cole giving her that family necklace. Kate hadn’t even thought about Fritz being there. Nor had she anticipated her body’s reaction to seeing him again, even if it was only in a picture.

  He wore a serious expression, but then again most of his expressions were. He looked intently at whoever was taking the picture. So much so, it felt as if he looked straight at her. If she concentrated hard enough, she swore she could hear him.

  “Did you not hear me?” he asked when she didn’t move to obey his command. His voice was low and dangerous, but she couldn’t see his eyes since her head was bowed.

  “I heard you, Sir,” she said because while it was the truth, she wanted to test him. It was a habit she’d picked up after she’d left Cole. She always pushed any Dom she played with, just to see how they would react. An easy way to tell the men from the boys. It’d made sense mere moments ago. Now, she had a feeling she was going to wish she hadn’t done so with Fritz.

  Suddenly, there was a jerk on her hair and she found herself staring into two ice cold blue eyes. “How did I tell you to address me?”

  Fuck. That hadn’t been done on purpose. “Herr Brose.”

  “Are you testing me?”

  She was tempted to look away, but something told her not to. “The first time. Not the second.”

  He smiled, but it wasn’t the friendly smile from when she’d first arrived. No. This smile was full of wicked intent. “Then I better make sure I pass.”

  “Hey, Kate.”

  Kate looked up to see Julie walk into the room. Daniel poured her a glass of wine.

  “Hey, Julie.” She put the picture back on the mantel but not before Julie saw. Something that looked a lot like understanding crossed her expression. Though she wasn’t sure how that could be.

  “Did you ask her?” Julie looked up at Daniel.

  “No,” he said. “She just got here.”

  Kate waited for either of them to continue, more than a little curious about what the couple could possibly want to know.

  Daniel looked at his watch. “We have time before dinner’s ready. Let’s sit in here.” When they’d all taken a seat, Daniel looked at Kate. “Julie told me you’re staying at an extended stay hotel while you’re here.”

  She nodded. She usually worked out of her home office, but that was a few hour’s drive from Wilmington. “Nathaniel asked if I’d mind staying in Wilmington for an extended period of time. I told him no, not if I was expensing the hotel.”

  “I see.” Daniel glanced at Julie. “The hotel seems so impersonal. Especially since you're working with friends. We’d like to offer you the guesthouse. I won’t even charge Nathaniel.”

  The guesthouse? She looked out the window in the back of the living room where only a tiny portion of the separate house could be seen. The last time she’d been in it, Cole had been living there. But he’d recently bought a house thirty miles away.

  “No one’s using it,” he said in answer to her unspoken question. “Cole and Sasha will be hosting the next few play parties at their place and then Nathaniel and Abby will take over until the new club is ready. There is some play equipment in the garage, but it that doesn’t bother you…”

  He left the question unanswered. No, she thought to herself, it wouldn’t bother her. After all, she wasn't even in the lifestyle anymore. The guesthouse would be so much more comfortable than the hotel. Not to mention, Daniel and Julie would be close by. She’d always liked Daniel and found him kind and down to earth. Julie seemed to share that same personality and Kate couldn’t wait to get to know her better.

  “You’re sure it won’t be a bother?” she asked the couple sitting across from her.

  “The only thing that would bother me is knowing you’re in a hotel when I have an entire house sitting vacant.”

  “Okay,” she said. “You twisted my arm. I’ll move in this weekend. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He slapped his knees and stood up. “Dinner should be ready. Anyone else hungry?”


  It didn’t surprise her that Fritz was in her dreams that night. Nor was it surprising that her subconscious picked up where her daydream had ended earlier in the evening.

  Damn, but she was an idiot.

  She had to go and test him. Had to push him. It should have been enough that Cole had told her Fritz was a stern and unyielding Dominant. But no….

  While she’d gotten ready for their first scene together, she’d prided herself in her years of experience. Of course the assumption was he probably always played with experienced submissives, but she intended to blow his mind.

  She sno
rted. Yeah, she’d blown his mind alright. Just not in a good way.

  He was still looking at her with his hand buried in her hair. Why oh why when he’d told her to stand and strip had she not moved immediately? But his fist tightened in her hair and she couldn’t think anymore.

  “Stand and strip,” he said again, his German accent making him sound even more menacing. “I strongly suggest you do so without hesitation this time.”

  He let go of her hair and she almost fell. Fortunately, she was able to regain her footing and stand. The day before, when she’d stood before him in a towel, he’d been a complete gentleman, never once dropping his eyes below her neck.

  Now he stood with his arms crossed and freely looked up and down her entire body.

  She only wore a dress and underwear. In no time, she was nude before him. Still he stood there with his arms crossed. Watching.

  “Pity you chose to be willfully disobedient,” he said. “I’d planned to spend the evening in a sensual exploration of your body. Learning what touch brought you the most pleasure. Tonight was going to be about you. I planned to make you come at least three times. First with my fingers, then with my tongue, and how do you think I planned for you to come the third time?”

  It was perfectly obvious what he wanted. The growing tent at the front of his pants left no doubt concerning that. Its size taunted her. Yes, she’d been a damn fool and a half. She’d never seen Fritz naked, but her fingers itched to strip him of every stitch of his clothing. “I’m assuming you planned to use your cock, Herr Brose.”

  “Correct. Unfortunately, you don’t get my fingers, my tongue, or my cock tonight.” He moved closer to her. “Such a shame. I’d thought all day about getting my hands on that body of yours. Now you’ll have to wait until tomorrow and hope I still want you.”

  His words had the desired impact and she felt them deeper than she would have imagined. A spanking, for example, might hurt for a moment or two, but for the most part, it was over and done with fairly quickly. There was little doubt she would think of anything other than what he’d just said for the rest of the night. Not really how she wanted to spend one of her last nights as a submissive.


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