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Mentor's Match

Page 13

by Tara Sue Me

  “Let’s go.”

  Rhythmic music played softly in the background, but with an underlying beat that matched her step. The sensual feel flowed out into the main areas of the club. Each area remaining separate and yet still maintaining an overall similar undertone.

  Kate looked around and found Fritz talking with Nathaniel and Cole. They were all three standing. Sasha, she noted, knelt beside Cole, a look of bliss on her face as he rested his hand on her head.

  Abby went to stand by Nathaniel and Kate, feeling somewhat self conscious, knelt beside Fritz. It wasn’t because she was uncomfortable around the other two couples, but rather because they were so obviously couples. She knew Fritz had never collared anyone and while she felt he’d one day get to the place where he wanted to collar her, she couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of her two friends.

  “Are you ready?” Fritz asked her.

  “Yes, Herr Brose.”

  He held out a hand to help her stand and nodded at Nathaniel. As they walked off, she saw Nathaniel drop his head to whisper something to Abby. Abby brought both her hands to cover her mouth and nodded excitedly.

  What the hell?

  But Fritz was moving forward so she’d have to find out later what had made Abby so happy.

  Toward the back of the building, a large area, complete with a stage had been built specifically for demos. Obviously, that was where they were headed, but fabric-covered screens kept her from seeing exactly what Fritz had planned.

  He told her to sit in a chair in front of the screen, facing the audience, and that they would begin in five minutes. Word had obviously been spread throughout the club, because at the end of five minutes, the viewing area was completely filled.

  She heard the screens being moved behind her and the crowd before her murmured at whatever they saw. She hated that she didn’t know what to expect. Hated it in that secretly loved it way.

  Heavy footsteps sounded behind her and the crowd grew completely silent. Kate took a deep calming breath, glad that he was ready to start. He kept walking until he stood in front of her. He looked devilishly handsome and dangerous at the same time. His shirt was off, revealing the toned hard muscle of his chest. She dipped her gaze lower, following the dusting of hair that disappeared below his waistband of his black pants.

  “Like what you see, liebling?”

  Her head jerked up and she met his cool expression. “Yes, Herr Brose.”

  “Kneel before me.”

  She effortlessly slid off the chair and went to her knees.

  “We haven’t spoke of this, and yet you are living with me as my submissive and sometimes slave. I want your honest answer to my next question. Will you agree to wear my collar?”

  Suddenly, it was as if someone removed all the air from the room and she couldn’t breathe. He wanted to collar her? Now?

  That giddy feeling she’d rarely experienced came back and it took all her self discipline not to jump up and yell her answer. She forced herself to simply smile and say, “Yes, Herr Brose,” but even she heard her voice tremble and from the emotion in his eyes, Fritz heard it as well.

  “I thought you would. But first, I have to make sure you’re ready.”

  Fuck. That could be anything. She remained still and waited.

  “I have to give you a medical exam.”

  Her brain threatened to short circuit. Fritz and a medical scene? Holy fuck.

  “And I need an assistant.” From the corner of her eye, she saw Abby approach the stage. “Master West has been gracious enough to allow his Abby to assist me. Do you know why I’m particularly happy with that, liebling?”

  “No, Herr Brose.”

  “Because Abby West is fluent in German.”

  Oh, shit, she thought, because she was almost positive what was coming next.

  “Tell me, liebling, how are your German lessons coming?”

  She gave him the evil eye because he damn well knew the answer to that since they had discussed it this morning. “I haven’t started them yet, Herr Brose.”

  “And yet your possible soon-to-be Master is German and you will be living in Germany part time.” He looked to where Abby stood and said something to her in German. She laughed.

  Since he hadn’t asked her a question, she could only remain silent and wish she’d started on the German lessons last month the way she’d said she would.

  “Go position yourself on the exam table.”

  She rose to her feet and turned slowly to find a recreated doctor’s room behind her seat. It only took a few steps to make her way to the leather table, finding when she laid on her back that she felt more vulnerable in the lingerie than she ever was naked.

  Fritz took a white lab coat from a nearby table and slipped it on. From the pocket, he took a notebook and pen and handed them to Abby.

  He moved to stand at Kate’s side.

  “You look stunning in the lingerie. It’ll be a hard decision trying to decide if I have you wear it around the house or keep you naked.” He looked over his shoulder and spoke to Abby in German. She wrote something down.

  He turned back to Kate. “Let’s see how prepared you are to serve me.” Then he said something else, but it was in German. She didn’t move.

  He sighed deeply. “Open your mouth.”

  She dropped her jaw.

  “Wider.” He tapped her chin. “You’ve seen my dick.”

  She opened it wider, imagining him using her mouth, thrusting into it. Desire swelled between her legs.

  He put two fingers in her mouth. “Suck.” He continued to talk while she worked his fingers like they were his cock. “Every time I indicate my desire for it, you will present me with an open mouth, ready and eager to suck anything I put in it.”

  She wanted it now, but had the feeling he was going to make her wait. So in the absence of his cock, she enjoyed his fingers.

  “Enough,” he said and removed them.

  His fingers brushed her collarbones and dipped along the hollow of her throat. “I will provide all you need to ensure your body and mind are kept sharp and strong. It pleases me to care for you.” His lips nibbled her neck. “And doing so will keep you fit to serve me.”

  His hands dipped lower, tracing her breasts along the edge of her bra. Little-by-little, his thumbs teased the material aside, giving him access to her nipples. He gave her neck a hard suck and then stood up and unclasped her bra.

  She frowned. That didn’t seem right.

  He stiffened above her. “Is there a reason you’re frowning?”

  “It’s not the way I thought it would be. You’re undressing me. I’d assumed I would undress for you, sir.”

  “I see,” he said and his forehead wrinkled a bit. “I’m sure I’ll have you undress for me at times. Right now though, you’re offering yourself and I’m accepting that gift. Unwrapping it, if you will. In other words, it pleases me to undress you. Understand?”

  She did when he put it like that. “Yes, Herr Brose.”

  “You do want to please me?”

  “Yes, Herr Brose.”

  “Then you will start your German lessons tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Herr Brose. I’m sorry I haven’t already done so.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Thank you, liebling. However, the fact that you haven’t is what is going to make this scene so much fun. For me at least.” He stood and said something else in German to Abby. She wrote something down and hurried over to stand closer to them, but not in the way.

  Fritz resumed his place at her breasts. He took them gently in his hands and so gradually she barely felt it, grew rougher and rougher. He looked her in the eyes and said something in his native tongue.

  She had no idea what he said, but it sounded awful. Harsh and guttural. He repeated it. Was he asking her something or telling her to do something? She looked at Abby, but the other woman’s face gave nothing away.

  Fritz said something else to Abby and this time she answered. In German, of course. He looked d
own at Kate and spoke in German.

  “I don’t know what you’re asking,” she said.

  His expression grew cold. “I didn’t ask you anything and as such, you’re not supposed to be talking. You would have known all this if you’d what?”

  “Taken my lessons like I said I would.”

  “Correct.” He took a step back. “Stand and take off the rest of your clothing.”

  She did so quickly, but couldn’t get back on the table because he stood in the way. He spoke in German and honestly, it sounded worse than whatever he’d said about her breasts.

  She tilted her head because he kept speaking German even though he knew she didn't understand. He said something else and held his hands as if leaning on something and gave a nod toward the table.

  Hesitantly, she walked over to it and got into the position he commanded.

  “Thank you,” he said. “I've completed your exam.”

  Already? But he hadn't even touched her below the waist. How could it be over? Did that mean he wasn't going to offer her his collar?

  He picked up a nasty looking paddle. “Now we're going to deal with you not following through when you say you're going to do something.”

  She should have known he wouldn't let the missed lessons slide. “I already said I was sorry, Herr Brose.”

  “You did. And now I'm going to ensure you meant it.”

  “But I -”

  He stopped her by putting a hand over her mouth. “Smartest thing you can do is to be silent and take these. I’m only giving you ten.”

  She wanted to tell him to fuck that because ‘only giving her ten’ just meant they were going to be extra hard. But instead she got into position because he was right and she should have followed through with the lessons.

  As expected, the ten he gave her were hard and she was a mess of snot and tears by the time he finished. Never one to rush anything, he carried her to a private area and held her tightly until she was no longer crying, but instead squirmed in his arms, desperate and needy to be taken.

  One of his hands slid down from her back to her thigh. “Why the sudden wiggles, liebling?”

  She purposely shifted on his erection. “Because I feel you under me and I want you.”

  “I want you as well, but I have no plans to fuck you here. Not tonight anyway. I’ve arranged for us to stay in one of the overnight cabins Nathaniel added at the last minute.”

  “I hated those things,” she said, remembering what a pain in the ass they were when he’d tacked them on at the last second. “But now I think they’re my favorite ever.”

  “There’s just one thing before we head over there.” He reached to his side and pulled out a platinum chainmail choker. “I have this for your everyday collar. Will you wear it? Will you finally be mine, Kate?”

  She didn’t think he’d collar her after the debacle over the lessons and her eyes filled with tears at the love she found in his expression. “Yes, please. I want nothing more than to show the world I’m yours.”

  “Be sure. I only plan on doing this once.”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything," she whispered, truthfully.

  As he fastened his collar around her neck, she felt a peace and contentment in her mind that she had never experienced before. However, even that paled compared with the love overflowing her heart.

  He pulled back and she thought he’d kiss her, but he held up his finger. “I want you to see one more thing.”

  She watched as he reached down and handed her the notebook Abby had been writing in during the scene. He smiled at her confused expression.

  “I asked Abby to write down what I was saying. In English,” he clarified. “So you would know.”

  She wasn’t so sure she actually wanted to know, but she took the notebook anyway. It was already opened to the place Abby had started writing.

  Her skin is flawless and beautiful and yet I know her inside is even more lovely.

  That she is mine never fails to amaze me.

  I am unworthy to have such a woman as mine, but I will treasure and protect her and love her for all of our days.

  I never expected you to be mine. How is it possible you are? Am I dreaming?

  If I am, let me sleep. For I have found my heart’s desire. And I am hers forever.

  She looked up at him with wet eyes. “That’s what you were saying?” At his nod, she said, “But it sounded so…different.”

  His smile was stunning. “Now you see the importance of knowing my native language.”

  “Yes.” She ran her fingers across his lips. “Now it’s my turn to tell you something.”

  Without waiting for a response, she pulled him close and kissed him. Replying to his beautiful words in another language. One they both were becoming fluent in.

  Want more Submissive standalones?


  Some say they’ve been arguing for years.

  Other say it’s just a really long foreplay session.

  Either way, whenever Evan and Kelly get together, there’s bound to be



  Tara Sue Me

  Chapter One

  Until tonight, Evan Martin had never felt jealous of a submissive. But watching the man across the room kneel at Kelly Bowman’s feet and seeing the way she talked to him, her hand in his hair, and her lips brushing the skin along his ear… Well, it had him thinking things he’d never admit to anyone.

  “Looks like Mistress K has found herself a playmate for the evening.”

  Evan looked up from his seat on the coach to find the guesthouse’s owner and fellow Dominant, Daniel, watching the curvy redhead as well.

  “Yeah,” Evan said. “He’s played with her before. He knows what he’s getting into.”

  Daniel raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Not that I keep track of who she plays with or anything,” Evan hurried to add, even though he did exactly that.

  Fortunately, Daniel overlooked his bold faced lie. “She brings so much to the group. She’ll truly be missed.”

  Evan’s head spun back to Daniel so fast, he was surprised he didn’t give himself whiplash. “What? What do you mean, missed?”

  Daniel cringed. “I didn’t realize you hadn’t heard. She took a job in Texas. With the Dallas PD.”

  Kelly was moving? To Dallas?

  “No,” Evan replied, trying to sound as normal as possible. “I didn’t know that. I wish her all the best.” He couldn’t imagine her not being in Delaware. Not being part of the group. “When’s she moving?”

  “A month, I think.” Daniel wrinkled his brow. “We should throw her a party.”

  Evan didn’t say anything. He found that he couldn’t. Daniel looked at him as if expecting snark about Kelly moving, her potential party, or both. But the snark wouldn’t come. In its place was something else. Evan couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but it felt an awful lot like regret.

  Suddenly, he couldn’t stand to be around Daniel anymore. The senior Dominant was too observant, and he’d known Evan for too long. Much longer in his presence and Daniel would pick up on the fact that Kelly moving bothered him.

  He wasn’t sure why it mattered. So what if he found the Domme attractive? She was every man’s fantasy, walking around on two legs. Who wouldn’t find her attractive was the real question.

  Probably, it was because they were both Tops. A relationship between the two of them would never work. Over the years, he supposed it just became easier to pick fights with her than to confess he was attracted to her. Not to mention, pushing her buttons was so damn easy.

  He moved into the kitchen. Maybe he’d try to find someone to play with. That way he’d be forced to focus on something else. And that would be a good thing, because, at the moment, his head was too consumed with Kelly Bowman.


  Kelly watched as the male submissive stood to his feet and walked off. He’d approached her about playing, but she wasn’t in the mood. S
he didn’t even know why she’d bothered to show up, other than it was habit to attend play parties. That, in and of itself, should have been a red flag. In what world did she think it was acceptable to show up at a play party just because it was habit? Hell, she should have stayed home. At least then, she could have knocked out some packing.

  Now she had to be social. She glanced around the new club, taking in all the friends she’d made over the years. Friends she wouldn’t be seeing much of after a month.Though she was a bit apprehensive about moving to a completely new state, halfway across the country, she was mostly excited.

  The position she’d accepted was a big promotion. She’d flown to Dallas twice, and she was looking forward to her new job and getting to know her new colleagues. The housing market was so much more reasonable, and she told herself, she wouldn’t have to deal with horrid winters anymore.

  That alone should have her dancing for joy.

  “Yo, Red. I didn’t know you had a cowboy fantasy.”

  She turned at the sound of Evan Martin’s voice and found him leaning against a door frame, his dirty blond hair falling haphazardly into his face. In fact, it was so long, only one of his icy blue eyes was visible.

  “I’m surprised you could see it was me through that mop on your head you call hair.” She pretended to study it. “I certainly hope you didn’t drive here. I think that haircut could be an impediment to driving.”

  His grin grew larger. “If I say yes, are you going to try to handcuff me?”

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  He pushed back from the doorframe. “Nah, I’d rather be the one doing the cuffing, and I could tell you why I wear it like this, but it’d be better if I showed you. Of course, one of us would need to be in cuffs and it’s not going to be me.”

  “You don’t have the balls to handcuff me.”

  “That I do, Red. Would you like to see them?”

  “That’s okay, I didn’t bring my magnifying glass.”


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