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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

Page 8

by Jennifer Snyder

  Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to give the room a quick sweep. I realized right away that this room was not like the others. Not only was it larger than the rest—expanding to nearly the size of the main room of the club—but it also held a different color theme. The entire room was done in black, eggplant purple, and a dark shade of gray. Benches upholstered in a swirling pattern of all three colors lined the walls. There were four or five café-style tables placed at the entrance to the room, one of which Dex and I were seated at, but it was what rested in the center of the space that caught my attention and held it.

  Four tall pillars created the illusion of separation and privacy from the rest of us. A massive crystal chandelier hung above twin U-shaped couches facing one another gave the room a sophisticated look. My breath caught the second my eyes slipped over the couch farthest from me.

  Sitting in the center, facing me, was Randal.

  My eyes fixed on him, drinking in every inch of his beautiful self. Dark glossy hair, alabaster skin, and the most chiseled, masculine facial features I’d seen on any male.

  “Oh my God, is that Randal?” The words left me in the form of a hushed whisper because I was afraid he would hear me say his name even through the loudness of the place.

  He was dressed in a charcoal suit with a black silk shirt beneath. I watched him closely as he sipped from a champagne flute filled with red liquid. He seemed to be listening to the stunning woman beside him talk with a level of disinterest I almost found funny.

  “Yup, that would be him.” Dex leaned forward, resting his elbows against the little table between us. “The owner of this place, and the guy you stared at nearly our entire date last night. Remember him?”

  How could I forget? An air of authority and complexity surrounding him made it difficult. I glanced at those sitting closest to him. Each person looked more animated than the next, seeming overexcited to be in his presence.

  When I brought my stare back to him, he was looking at me.

  My heart thundered in my chest. Unblinking I continued to hold his stare, wondering if I should smile or look away. The longer we gazed at one another, the more distant his stare began to seem. While I had expected him to look away or for his eyes to smolder with sexiness and lure me in, that wasn’t what happened. Instead, it was almost as though I could sense a certain level of sadness buried deep within him, as if his emotions were wrapping around me, cloaking me in their darkness.

  “There’s our girl.” Dex’s words pulled me from my moment with Randal, causing me to blink and look away. The strange sensations of sadness left me as quickly as they came.

  I shifted to glance in the direction Dex was pointing, and spotted Sage. She was standing at the entrance of the room, leaning against the wall as she talked with the bouncer she’d ditched us for earlier. Her eyes seemed to be flickering toward Randal every few seconds as though she wished he would notice her.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” asked a guy, who appeared out of thin air.

  “Um, I think I’ll just have water, please.” I wanted to order another Kiss of Death bomber, but didn’t think it would be a wise thing to do, not if I wanted to get out of here anytime soon.

  “You sure you don’t want one more Kiss of Death bomber?” Dex arched a brow at me. There was a mischievous glimmer in his eyes that quirked my lips into a small smile. “One more wouldn’t hurt.”

  “I think I’m good.” I laughed.

  He tipped his head to the side, eyeing me with a lopsided grin that made him look boyish and sweet. “Afraid you might do something with me you’d regret later?”

  Bold. He was always so bold with his words. “They do make me not second guess myself.” I said, going along with the fun banter we were sharing.

  “Darlin’, don’t tell me a simple little second guess is all that’s keepin’ this from heading into one-night stand territory.” He made a clucking sound with his tongue.

  I laughed. “Oh my God.”

  “So…water then?” the waiter asked. I’d nearly forgotten he was there.

  “Yes, water.” I eyed Dex as I annunciated my words.

  “Same for me.” Dex grinned.

  The waiter flashed us a dazzling white smile and took off toward the bar. I leaned my elbows against the tabletop and massaged my temples with my fingertips. Even though I was still having fun, exhaustion was setting in.

  “Now that’s the best tramp stamp I’ve ever seen,” Dex muttered.

  I looked up and noticed he was staring at someone behind me. When I glanced over my shoulder to follow his stare, I spotted a girl wearing a tight mini skirt and a tank top that was five sizes too small. She was sitting two tables away from ours. Her lower back was visible for all to see, along with the tattoo of two interlocked horseshoes.

  “It lets me know right away that her ass is lucky.” Dex smirked, obviously enjoying his play on words.

  I burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. “That was a good one.”

  “Thank you.” He grinned like a fool. “Seriously though, what do you think possessed her to get a tattoo of somethin’ people deem a symbol of luck tattooed above her ass crack?”

  “I have no idea.” I shook my head, still chuckling. Hanging out with Dex was fun. I was glad I had agreed to come out tonight.

  “Hey, guys. I was wondering where you two went.” Sage and Cliff pulled up a chair to our table. “What’s so funny?”

  “That girl’s tattoo.” I pointed to the girl still bent over. She was fixing the straps on one of her hooker heels.

  Sage glanced in her direction. “Oh. Classy. She must think her ass is seriously lucky.”

  Another fit of laughter erupted from me. “That’s exactly what Dex said!”

  Masculine hands appeared on either side of me, pressing against the tabletop. A spicy, cologne caused my stomach to flip-flop because I remembered it distinctly.

  “Sage, it’s nice to see you again. You look like you’re doing well.” A velvety voice sent tendrils of desire burning through me, vibrating against my back. “Can you introduce me to your lovely friend here?”

  I knew exactly who the guy was without having to see his face. His scent alone was enough to tell me.

  Sage cleared her throat. “It’s nice to see you again too and thanks. This is Kenna.” Her jaw tensed. She seemed pissed he was asking to be introduced to me. “Kenna Blake.”

  I swallowed hard, taking in the jealous look flaring within her eyes. Sage obviously wanted Randal to talk to her and her alone. She didn’t seem to like the fact that he wanted to know who I was. Maybe now would be a good time to tell her how we had previously met. It might lighten the mood and soften her obvious anger toward me.

  “Kenna Blake.” The hands belonging to the sexiest voice I had ever heard lifted from the tabletop and slipped out of view. “It’s nice to meet you properly.”

  A knowing air surrounded the word properly. Sage arched a brow at me. She’d caught on to the fact that we had met previously, or at least she was suspicious now. Great. Now not only would my confession seem lame, it would also seem as though I’d been purposely hiding something from her.

  I shifted in my seat so I could meet Randal’s stare. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  A wolfish grin spread across his face as he regarded me with eyes the color of his suit—an intense charcoal. At Mystic I had mistaken them for a bluish gray with violet tendencies, but now that I was getting a closer look I realized they were more gray than anything.

  “But I haven’t introduced myself properly yet.” Amusement hung in the tone of his voice.

  “True.” Heat rushed up my neck and pooled in my cheeks. I suddenly felt as though everyone in the room was staring at me. Even though I was a succubus, I still didn’t care for so many people’s undivided attention at once.

  “I’m Randal Vincent, owner of Red River.” He held out a hand. The moment I laid mine in his, he brought it to his lips and placed a kiss there. “Like
I said, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope Red River has been everything you imagined it would be and more.” His lips skimmed the top of my hand as he spoke, and then I noticed him inhale. My instinct should have been to pull away, but instead I watched him with wide eyes as tendrils of desire scorched to life inside me.

  “Thank you.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

  There was something intoxicating about this man. Whatever it was had me wondering if this was how human men felt in my presence while I was trying to seduce them.

  Was that what the inspiration for Dracula was trying to do, seduce me? If so, he was doing a damn good job.

  Sage cleared her throat, and I became aware of my hand still resting in Randal’s. I pulled back and placed it in my lap.

  Randal stood in a single smooth gesture. “Would the four of you care to join me?” He pointed to the couches I’d seen him sitting at minutes before.

  Sage pushed away from the table. “Absolutely. Maybe we could catch up, Randal.” I stared at her, taking in how desperate she appeared. “I’m sure I’m thinking about things too much, but I swear it almost seems as though you’re avoiding me tonight.”

  I glanced at Dex, wondering if Sage and Randal had a history. That would explain her odd behavior and the incredible amount of jealousy in her eyes. Dex seemed as shocked as I was. The bouncer was a different story though. He obviously knew more about the two than either of us did, but I wasn’t about to ask.

  “Kenna?” Randal said my name in the form of a question, giving me the impression I was the one he wanted to join him, but didn’t want to appear rude by pulling me away from my friends.

  “Um, sure. Thanks.” I avoided looking at Sage, knowing that if she hadn’t been pissed at me before, she would be now. Her wrath was not one I had ever wanted to feel, but it seemed as though I might later on tonight.

  “You’re welcome. Can I offer you something to drink?”

  The waiter Dex and I had placed an order with made an appearance then. He handed us our waters and then hurried away.

  I cast another glance at Dex as I stood, wanting to judge his reaction to Randal’s offer. He seemed to be okay with it. In fact, he seemed to be excited by it. When I followed his gaze to the U-shaped couches, I realized why.

  Among the people seated along the plush, velvety couches were the two gorgeous women who had flanked Randal’s sides earlier.

  “Never mind, I can see you’ve already ordered something.” Randal flashed me a boyish look. Was he embarrassed? If so, the emotion looked good on him. His eyes darted to Sage too quickly for me to elaborate further on his expression though. “Can I get you anything?”

  She folded her arms over her chest and frowned. “Nope, I’m good.”

  Obviously unaffected by her tone, Randal shifted his stare back to me. “Okay, then. Shall we?”

  Clutching my water, I walked with Randal and the others toward the couches. A hush fell over the crowd seated there, and I swore all eyes fell on me. Trepidation splashed through my insides.

  Chapter 11

  As we paused at the seating area, Randal’s hand pressed against the small of my back. He pointed to each person sitting, introducing us to one another. I nodded and said hello, but didn’t retain anyone’s name except for the two women I’d noticed flanking Randal earlier. Both of them were stunning.

  I glanced over them briefly as Randal continued with introductions. The woman closest to me, Arabella, wore a loose-fitting dress with an oversized belt taking up the majority of her midsection. Her dark hair flowed past her shoulders in silken ringlets that contrasted with the sage green of her dress beautifully. My eyes drifted to the second woman, and I knew instantly she and I would never be friends. The gleam in her eyes could be described as nothing other than despise.

  Never having been one to back down from a bitch challenge, I held her stare and forced a slight smile to twist the corners of my lips.

  She re-crossed her legs and narrowed her eyes at me. Wearing a chic dress the exact color of her vicious eyes, she regarded me without the slightest bit of friendliness.

  “If I wore my hair pulled back in such a tight ass bun, I’d be pissed off at the world too,” Dex whispered in my ear. I chuckled, grateful for his impeccable timing when it came to humor, while praying Randal hadn’t heard him. The last thing I needed was more drama than what this bombshell was already bringing to the table.

  When four random people opposite the beautiful women stood to leave as though they had been asked by some nonverbal command given by Randal, I was pulled back into the present. Sage made herself comfortable on the couch across from where Randal was sure to sit. I sat beside her, and Dex sandwiched me in. Cliff found a seat on Sage’s opposite side. I watched as Randal squeezed himself back into the space between the dark-haired beauties.

  Curiosity ate at me. Were they his girlfriends? Wives? Friends with benefits? I tried to think of the Dracula lore I had read or seen on TV, but couldn’t remember what the women always depicted with him were. Also, weren’t there always three?

  The redhead he’d dumped at Mystic flashed through my mind. She had been the third. I chewed my bottom lip while wondering what that meant. Was he on the hunt for her replacement, and thought I might be a suitable candidate? Was that why Sage had been so eager to bump into him tonight, because she wanted that position?

  “Kenna.” My eyes darted to Randal. The way he was looking at me made me wonder if he’d been trying to get my attention for some time. “I was asking if you were new to the area.”

  I glanced around. Sage was bouncing her foot, obviously uninterested in talking with the brunette in the loose-fitting dress with the belt. Dex was eyeing the other woman with expression of a hunter, and Cliff seemed bored out of his mind.

  “No. I have lived in Bell Ridge pretty much all my life. I moved into the downtown part of the city a few months ago though.”

  Randal picked up a flute filled to the brim with a deep red liquid I imagined to be blood, and he flashed me a charming smile. Seeing someone drink blood had lost its gross factor for me a while ago. Sage had made sure of that.

  “Are you a student, then?”

  Sage muttered something about a woman named Natalia, and how she must have been pissed Randal finally let her go for real this time. Bianca, the woman who seemed to want to kill me with her stare, opened her mouth to respond, but Dex elbowed me, forcing me back to the conversation with Randal.

  “No, I’m not a student. Even though that would be an open buffet.” I cast Dex a quick glance and smiled. “College isn’t for me.”

  “You’re damn right it would be.” Dex beamed.

  Randal didn’t laugh. Maybe the line had become an inside joke between Dex and me.

  “I work at Club Spark.” I took a sip of my water hoping to wash away the awkwardness of the moment. Did he not have a sense of humor? “Sage works there with me. We’re both bartenders.” I attempted to shift his attention elsewhere, to open up the conversation lines between Sage and him. Maybe it would gain me brownie points with her. It looked as though I would be needing them after tonight, especially if I still planned on having her take me home.

  At the mention of Sage’s name, it was as though Randal seemed to remember she was seated with us, as well as Dex and Cliff. His attention shifted. Normal chitchat dispersed between us all, but it seemed forced and awkward. I got the impression all Randal wanted to do was talk with me.

  When a male waiter made his third pass by our area, I knew too much time had gone by since I’d last checked my cell for the time. Morning had to be close by now. I nudged Sage with my elbow, unsure how she was going to get Dex and me home safely if we stayed out much longer. Sunlight had adverse effects on her skin exactly like in movies and books. Some things about vampires weren’t as farfetched as I’d once thought.

  “I’m exhausted.” I managed a slight yawn, hoping Sage would take the hint.

  “You’re not ready to call it a night, are you?” Ran
dal asked me pointedly.

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s late. I think I am.” I scooted to the edge of my seat. “You’ve got an awesome place here. I hope it does well for you.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.” Randal stood. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Before I could tell him that wouldn’t be necessary, he was at my side with the palm of his hand pressed against my lower back. His scent surrounded me and the warmth of his hand tingled against my bare skin. I couldn’t tell him no then. It was physically impossible; the guy had the touch of a god.

  “Okay, well, since I’m her ride, I guess we’re leaving,” Sage muttered in an ill tone. “It was nice catching up with the two of you. Maybe we can hang out before you leave again.” Her head tipped to the side, and she cast a quick glance at Randal. No love for him reflected in her eyes. She was still pissed. “Before Randal decides to up and leave again at the drop of a damn pin without telling me.”

  “Ouch. Yup, there’s definitely a history there,” Dex whispered in my ear.

  “Sometimes an unannounced move is warranted. You of all people know this about me, Sage.” Randal held her stare. “Were you wanting to stay? I can give Kenna a ride home for you.”

  I blinked. While I was taken by his striking good looks, I’d just met him and wasn’t sure I felt comfortable having him take me home. She had better say no.

  “We all three rode together tonight,” Dex chimed in. “And I actually think I should call it a night as well. I’m still zapped from the other night.”

  Dex was proving to be a better friend than I’d thought he would be. My eyes drifted to Randal, to see if he accepted that as a no thanks, or if he would continue to push the issue. He seemed to be eyeing Sage. I was getting the impression he expected her to give in and say she would take Dex home so he could take me.

  “I think I’m done for the night as well.” Sage’s eyes were hard and cold as she stared him down. “I’ll take Kenna home, but thank you for the offer.” Bitterness reflected in her tone. Something serious must have happened between them at some point.


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