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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

Page 20

by Jennifer Snyder

  “I understand.” Sympathy laced my words instead of the resentment from his actions I probably should have felt.

  “I apologize for not staying with you through the night.” The sound of a car starting on his end caught my attention.

  “It’s okay.” It wasn’t, but it was. I was a mess.

  I chewed my bottom lip, thinking of how the last thing I ever wanted to do was make someone else hurt. I added that to the long list of reasons why I needed to get this thing out of me. If Sam was any indication as to what I could do to someone, then I needed it out now, before it forced me to take things too far. “Sage mentioned something to me about your sister when she came over, so I had an idea as to why you left the way you did.” My eyes darted to Sage’s in the mirror. She seemed as worried for Randal as I felt.

  “I’m glad she was there to explain.” Soft jazz music flowed through the speaker. “Where are you now? I would like to see you so we can devise a plan to get rid of the wraith together.”

  A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Randal was willing to help me through this. “I’m actually on my way to a club called Love Potion #9 with Sage and Dex. Have you heard of it?”

  “Everyone’s heard of it, darlin’. You can trust me on that.” Dex chuckled from the passenger seat.

  Of course he had. It was another highly popular supernatural club in the city.

  “I have,” Randal muttered. “May I ask why you are going there?”

  “I was told Luke Bloom, the owner, might know of a way to rid me of the wraith.”

  “I’ve met Luke Bloom once or twice, and I’m not sure he would be able to help you with that,” Randal muttered. His words seemed carefully chosen, as though he didn’t want to upset me. “If I remember correctly, his twin sister might though.”

  “Exactly what everyone keeps telling me.” How the hell did everyone know about everyone? Didn’t anyone in the supernatural world mind their own business?

  “Why don’t I meet you there?”

  “Okay.” A tiny jolt of electricity from the thought of seeing him again shot through me. “See you soon.”

  “Goodbye.” A smile was present in his voice, one that made me wonder if the feeling of excitement spreading through my stomach at the thought of seeing him was something we shared.

  Chapter 7

  Love Potion #9 was a sex club, or at least that was my first thought after walking through the door. My eyes skimmed the place, taking in everything I could in an instant. Pink and red lights seemed to be a theme throughout, which was what I had expected, considering the name. Everything appeared tactful and polished, right down to the waitresses prancing around in sexy cupid costumes complete with white feather angel wings.

  Just like Randal’s club—where there seemed to be a variety of supes on the payroll—I noticed Luke harbored a non-prejudice policy when it came to hiring. Of the four female cupids who had walked in my line of vision, two were witches and two were werewolves.

  I shifted my gaze to the bar to the right of us. It was sleek with a glass top and red glowing lights underneath that pointed toward the tiled floor. Plush leather chairs in a soft hue of pink lined it. Supernaturals of every variety were seated in various degrees of conversation. One thing I could say for sure about the supernatural world: There wasn’t a war waging among the different species like I’d always seen depicted.

  When we made our way farther inside the club, a square stage with matching leather chairs placed around it came into view. A young girl and a guy, both dressed in sexy Greek outfits that didn’t leave much to the imagination, were making out and groping one another while those seated around the stage looked on. My jaw slacked as I watched the guy bite the girl’s nipple through her sheer top before slipping a finger along the fabric of her lace thong. Her head fell back, and she closed her eyes in ecstasy.

  “Welcome to Love Potion #9, huh?” Dex jabbed me in the side with his elbow. “I’m not sure why I’ve stayed away for so long. Damn, this place is amazin’.” His eyes were glued to the girl in front of us.

  “Probably because of that right there.” Sage said. I turned to see what she was pointing at. Two guys, dressed in similar Greek outfits as the other couple, were making out on a smaller stage.

  “Yeah, that would be why.” He quickly averted his gaze. “To each their own, but I can’t watch it.”

  I shifted my gaze to another small stage tucked behind the main one. Two women were enjoying an intimate moment.

  “That’s right.” Sage’s attention seemed to be trained on the guy in front of us. “They have a little something for everyone to enjoy, don’t they?” It was a rhetorical question. At least, I thought it was.

  “I’ll ask the bartender if Luke is here tonight.” Randal slipped from my side and headed toward the guy behind the bar.

  I crossed my arms over my chest, and continued taking the place in. Now that I could see past the various levels of intimacy taking place on the stages, I noticed each couple’s auras. Mild shock glided through me as I realized none of them was succubi as I had expected.

  “I would tell him there’s no need to ask.” Sage motioned toward Randal. “But he’s already over there.”

  “Why? Did you scope Luke out already?” Dex smirked. I got the impression there was history between Sage and Luke from the way he razzed her.

  “Unfortunately, yes.” She pointed toward an even larger stage in the back of the club I hadn’t noticed until now. I craned my neck over the crowd of people to see it better. There was a white claw-foot bathtub in the center, and inside was a woman in her early to mid-twenties bathing. “He’s over there, taking in his new prop.” A disgusted tone leaked through her words, making it apparent how much Sage didn’t approve of this place. Or maybe she just didn’t approve of Luke. It was hard to tell.

  A hand pressed against my lower back, and I flinched.

  “Careful,” Randal said. “The bartender said Luke would most likely be over there.” He pointed in the direction Sage just had.

  “We know,” she grumbled. “Let’s get this over with.”

  I opened my mouth to ask why she seemed so agitated by the thought of being in Luke’s presence, when a girl carrying a clear tray with tiny cylinders of a frothy red drink paused in from of me.

  “Care for one?” The girl’s voice was sticky with desire, and her eyes were hooded with lust. I watched as her fingertips grazed over one of the cylinders lovingly. “It will make you feel ten times better. Trust me,” the fairy dressed as cupid added, as if to persuade me.

  My eyes dipped to the contents of the tray. The frothy red liquid nearly bubbled over the rims of the tiny glasses. Wisps of red floated from them and snaked through the air, beckoning me to try them. I reached out for one, eager to taste it.

  “It will open you up to this place in ways you can’t even begin to imagine,” the fairy whispered as she held one out to me. I reached for it, ready to give in and let loose.

  A warm hand slipped over mine and forced it back to my side with gentle ease. “No, thank you.” Randal shook his head. He started forward again, pulling me along with him.

  “I wanted to try that.” Irritation pulsed through me.

  “Trust me. Now is not the time for what she was offering,” Randal whispered against my ear. “It was a Passion Potion.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at her. She was still standing there, her pink lips twisted into a small smile as she stared after me.

  “A Passion Potion?” I’d never heard of it. Glancing around, I could gather an idea of what it did though.

  Randal squeezed us between a group of werewolves gyrating against one another. “Yes, it induces extreme levels of passion for the person who consumes it. Drinks are what Luke Bloom is most known for.”

  A bark of laughter escaped me. “I would have thought he was known best for this place, not the drinks he served.”

  “He’s known for that too.” Randal flashed me a boyish smile. “Trust me. L
ove Potion #9 is a hard club to compete with.”

  My eyes zeroed in on a vampire sitting on one of the many overstuffed loveseats placed sporadically throughout the club. He tipped his head back and downed one of the little cylinders filled with tempting, frothy goodness. His eyes rolled back into his head and a look of pure ecstasy fluttered across his face.

  A thought came to me then. “Are they sort of like drinking a Kiss of Death Bomber?”

  “While I have never had one myself, as they are for succubi only, I can’t say. I can, however, tell you from experience that a Passion Potion is ten times more potent than a Bloody Mary.”


  “The Passion Potion is not targeted to a specific type of supernatural being, but it is rather made for all to enjoy.”

  “Why haven’t I ever heard of it before now, then?” It seemed like a stroke of genius.

  “Because, it is only sold within the walls of Love Potion #9.” Randal wove us between a couple of witches dirty dancing to catch up with Sage and Dex.

  I wondered if Luke was the one who created the Kiss of Death Bomber, and all of the other drinks made specifically for the various types of supernaturals.

  I opened my mouth to ask Randal, but the stage with the tub in the center pulled at my attention. It was in front of me now. A circle of red and pink rose petals had been scattered around the base, and the young woman inside sat ladling water over her bare arms with her hand. Water, flowing from an invisible faucet, splashed over her tanned shoulders every few seconds.

  “Nice, Tasha, now chew on your thumb a little while you gaze around for a few minutes,” a masculine voice called out over the noise of the club. “Work those bedroom eyes and pull in some people.”

  I followed the sound of the voice.

  Luke stood six feet from me, looking even more handsome in person than in his pictures.

  Chapter 8

  I watched as Sage walked up to Luke, running her fingers through her hair and straightening her outfit before she tapped on his shoulder.

  His eyes grew wide when he spun to face her. “Hell has frozen over. Sage Hawthorn is standing in my club.” He lifted his drink to his lips, but I didn’t miss the smirk cutting across his face.

  “Funny.” Sage narrowed her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. I had seen the look many times on her, especially when there was a drunken jerk that wouldn’t leave her alone. I wasn’t sure how Luke could hold a smile with her sending daggers at him, but somehow he managed. “Can we talk for a minute? In private?”

  Luke wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. “Absolutely. I have all the time in the world to talk with you, gorgeous.”

  “Not just me.” Sage motioned to Dex, Randal, and me. “My friends as well.”

  “Sure, okay.” Luke skimmed his gaze over the rest of us, seemingly skeptical about what we could possibly want to talk with him about. “Why does everyone look so serious? You should all have a Passion Potion, on me. Especially you, Sage.” He winked at her while motioning for one of the many female cupids lingering around to come to him.

  Sage rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. No one is here for pleasure, least of all me.”

  “I can see that.” Luke shook his head at the cupid making her way toward him, and then started walking. “Follow me to my office.”

  As we rounded the stage, I happened to get a closer look at the woman bathing in the tub. Rose petals floated around her in the rippling water, accenting the pink of her fairy aura. She chewed along her manicured thumbnail exactly as Luke had asked. I knew this entire display was supposed to turn on customers, but it didn’t have that effect on me. All I could see was a work of art.

  The hypnotic music pulsating through the club switched to something a little more haunting as we continued toward the back of the club.

  “Come in.” Luke held open a glass door that led into his office. A shit-eating grin spread across his face as I stepped past him. “I need to check this off my bucket list. I’ve always wanted you in my office, Sage. You have no idea how many fantasies of mine start with you walking through that door.”

  “Spare me the details.” She groaned.

  I didn’t understand why she was so disgusted by him. Luke was hot. The pictures online hadn’t done the guy an ounce of justice. From the looks of his baby blue eyes, blond hair, and toned physique, I would have pegged him for Sage’s type hands down. Maybe she didn’t date witches.

  Luke sauntered over to the massive desk dominating the center of the room, and sat on the corner of it. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this little visit? Someone need a love spell? A sex slave spell maybe?” He smoothed his hand across his jawline and smirked while keeping his eyes trained on Sage. “I’d throw that one in for free for you, but only with the contingency that you use it with me.” He flashed her another knee-weakening smile.

  “Dream on.” Sage glanced at me, as though she was waiting for me to tell Luke the reason we were here.

  I cleared my throat. “I need something from you actually.”

  Luke’s gaze fell to me. His head tipped to the side as he folded his muscular arms over his chest. “And what would you need, little succubus? Everything my clients come to me for, you already possess.”

  I wondered how I should word what I wanted from him. Would it be best to come right out and tell him I needed to find his sister? Or was there something I should say before dropping that bomb that would butter him up?

  “She needs to find Lexy,” Sage blurted before I could answer.

  Luke’s eyes widened at the mention of his sister, before narrowing on me specifically. “What do you want with her?”

  I didn’t detect any anger in his tone, but that didn’t mean the two had parted on good terms. It also didn’t let me know whether he knew where she was. This guy was hard to read.

  I decided to lay it all out and hope for the best. “I’ve been infected with a wraith, and I need to know how to get rid of it.” The words tumbled from my lips with far less feeling attached to them than I thought possible. Luke didn’t even flinch at the mention of the wraith, which judging from everyone else’s reaction seemed a bit surprising. “I was told she might be able to help me.”

  Luke was silent, too silent. I wasn’t sure if he was debating whether to tell me the whereabouts of his sister, or if he was struggling to remember where exactly she was hiding.

  “We all know the powers the two of you harbor. Lexy is the only witch who might be able to remove the wraith,” Randal uttered. I could sense the tension rolling off him.

  “She is,” Luke agreed.

  “Do you know where she is, then?” Dex asked. “It’s sort of a time-sensitive issue we’re dealin’ with.”

  Luke shifted his gaze to each of us. “The information will cost you.”

  “Figures,” Sage scoffed. She shifted on her feet and folded her arms across her chest.

  “Name your price.” Randal surprised me.

  Warmth spread throughout me, causing the wraith to stir in my chest. I reached out and clasp Randal’s hand, thankful he was here with me.

  “Money doesn’t matter much to me.” Luke stroked his chin. “I have more than I could ever need.”

  Dex cleared his throat. Obviously, he was growing tired of Luke’s theatrics. “Then what do you want in return?”

  Luke’s eyes lingered on Sage. His lips curved into a sly smile. “I have everything I could ever want…except for Sage, of course.”

  “Not happening,” she immediately proclaimed.

  Luke held up a hand to silence her, his smile never wavering. “Hear me out.”

  Sage moved to lean against the wall behind her, her arms still crossed over her chest. “I’m not being pimped out for this. I’m sorry.”

  “No one is asking you to be pimped out to me,” Luke insisted with a gruff chuckle. “I forgot how dramatic you can be at times.”

  “Then what exactly are you asking?” Sage demanded flatly.

bsp; “Listen to my offer with an open mind.” Luke licked his lips, his eyes still trained on Sage.

  “She’s listening,” Randal said, his tone sharp and commanding. I flashed him an incredulous look, wondering why he had answered for her, but he seemed to ignore it.

  Sage opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it. Randal had narrowed his eyes at her. They seemed to spark with a dangerous glimmer as he pinned her in place with his stare. He nodded, and I witnessed his influence roll over her like a sedative. Was this some weird sire bond effect?

  Sage’s features seemed to soften. “Okay. I’ll listen, but if I don’t agree with whatever he’s asking, no one in this room is going to make me follow through.” Her words were directed at Randal, even if she wasn’t looking at him.

  “Understood,” I declared, hoping Randal knew how serious I was.

  We were here because of me, and if the only way to get the information I needed was for Sage to do something she didn’t feel comfortable with, then we would have to figure something else out. End of story.

  Luke’s lips curled upward into a smug half-smile. “It’s not like I’m going to ask you to have sex with me, Sage. I’m simply offering up the whereabouts of my sister, if, and only if, you agree…to a date with me.”

  “A date?” Sage muttered flatly. The skepticism in her words led me to believe she didn’t fully trust him or his offer.

  I replayed Luke’s deal in my head, searching for any way it could be twisted into something it wasn’t, but I couldn’t find anything.

  “Yes.” He straightened his legs in front of him and held up one finger. “One date. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  “What are the details?” Sage asked, her skepticism unrelenting.


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