Unreasonable Behavior
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Schramme, Colonel Jean ‘Black Jack’ 81
Scott, Loretta 316, 317
Shand, Mark 293, 296, 319, 327, 328, 329, 349, 359, 360, 364, 366
Shattila (Palestinian camp) 281
Shawcross, William 197, 362
Shirley, John 279
Sigal, Clancy 42
Sihanouk, Prince Norodom 149
Simbas (Jeunesse) 73, 76, 77, 78, 79
Simpson, Colin 99–103
Simpson, John 332, 344
Six Day War, 1967 99–103, 104, 107, 115, 161, 204, 207, 234
Sleeping with Ghosts (McCullin) 321
Smith, Colin 143
Smith, Godfrey 96, 209
Snowdon, Lord see Armstrong-Jones, Anthony
Soames, Sally 204
Somerset: DM’s evacuation to during Second World War 10, 20; DM’s house in 285, 290, 293, 294, 303, 307, 292, 316, 320, 322, 329, 331, 339, 341, 345, 347, 348; DM’s landscape photography and 308, 309, 310, 337; flooding of Somerset Levels, 2014 359
Sony Corporation 357
South Africa 247, 289, 322, 325–6
Southern Frontiers: A Journey Across the Roman Empire (McCullin) 343–7
Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, 1979–89 253–9, 256–7
Sri Lanka 261
Stanleyville, Congo 71, 72, 73–5, 79–80
Stein, Abner 243
Stern gang 237
Stern magazine 205, 207
Stewart, Michael 157
Stroessner, General Alfredo 210
Suez Canal see Canal Zone
Sun, the 89, 260
Sunday Graphic 44
Sunday Telegraph: DM’s projects for 90–2
Sunday Times 90, 92, 324, 325, 341; Andrew Neil’s editorship and DM’s departure 287–91, 292, 311; assignments, DM’s 3, 143–6 (Chad), 92–3, 94, 95 (US), 93, 96–7 (Cuba), 96 (Beatles), 96, 122–37, 133, 136 (Biafra), 104–8 (Six Day War), 104–8 (Montgomery), 109–21, 197–202, 200, 201, 218–19 (Vietnam), 138 (Sardinia), 140, 141–2 (New Guinea), 143 (Eritrea), 149–59, 156, 159, 202–3, 216–19, 217 (Cambodia), 160–5 (Amman, Jordan), 166, 213–14 (Panare Indians in Venezuela), 166–70 (Brazilian tribes), 171 (Guatemala), 173–5 (Pakistan Civil War, 1971), 175–80, 175 (Northern Ireland), 183–94 (Uganda), 195–7 (Lord Thomson in China), 204–7 (Yom Kippur War), 209 (Hadrian’s Wall), 209 (Consett), 209 (Japan), 209, 344 (racist hoodlums in Marseille), 210–13 (Aché Indians disappearance in Paraguay), 220–41, 224, 232–3, 280–6 (Lebanon), 246–52 (Iran), 253–9, 256–7, 260 (Afghanistan), 261 (Rhodesia), 261 (Tamils in Sri Lanka), 261 (Bhagalpur Blindings, India), 261 (Liverpool police stop-and-search), 262 (Paris fashion shows), 264–71, 275–8 (El Salvador), 277–9, 280 (refused permission to cover Falklands War); Biafra, reaction to within 122, 135, 139; closure, 1978 242–3; colour magazine 90, 96; contract with DM 208; ‘Diary of a North Vietnamese Soldier’ 202; DM edits own pictures at 96; DM joins 92; DM’s earnings at 293; DM’s extensive travel during years at 138; Falklands War and 276–9; foreign budget 253; Harry Evans editorship of 95, 123, 204, 207, 208, 218, 260; magazine 92, 104, 123, 135, 137, 168, 173, 197, 208, 209, 241, 261, 262, 276, 273, 287, 291; Murdoch and 260, 287, 288, 311; impact of Nick Tomalin’s death upon 206–7, 208–9; Six Day War and 98, 99, 100, 101; success of DM’s peer group (mainly from Sunday Times) in later life 362–3; Swinging Sixties and 95–6; under Thomson family 195–6, 242, 260; Vietnam War and 113, 204, 205
Sunningdale nudist camp 89–90
Surma tribe 328
Swain, Jon 154, 157, 216
Syria/Syrians 231; Arab Spring/civil war, 2011 350–6, 357, 360–1; and Israel 205–7; in Lebanon 238; Roman influence in 344, 345, 346–7
Tabas, Iran 247, 248
Tabrīz, Iran 248–51
Tal Al Zaater fortress 238
Tamari, Salah 236–8, 245
Tamils 245
Tate gallery 363
Taylor, Elizabeth 339
Tchikaos, the 169
Tehrān 246, 247, 248, 249, 250–1
Tekal, Guatemala 171
Tel Aviv, Israel 99, 103, 207
Teresa, Mother 175
Terry, Antony 135, 239–40
Tet offensive, Vietnam, 1968 109, 109, 111–12, 204
Thieu, President 199
Thomas, Joan 290
Thomson, Kenneth 195, 242, 260
Thomson, Roy, Lord Thomson of Fleet 195–7, 242, 260
Thomson-Reuters 350
Time magazine 201, 271
Time-Life 122
Times, The 120, 172, 195, 243, 260, 278–9, 350–6
Times Newspapers 105, 208
Tiro Loco 215
Today programme 362
Tollington Park Secondary School 18, 21, 24
Tomalin, Nick 204–6, 208–9, 308
Tombalbaye, President 144
Town magazine 45
Trafalgar Square, London 14, 339
Trafalgar Square: Through the Camera (McCullin) 339
Tshombe, President 73, 80–1
Tuareg, the 141
Twin Towers, New York, attack upon, 2001 331
Uganda 183–94, 195, 244, 267, 364
Umuiaghu mission, Biafra 131, 132, 134–5
United Fruit Company 171
United Nations: exhibition of DM’s Aids in Africa photographs in UN building, New York 326–7
United States: DM’s Sunday Times assignment in 92–3, 94, 95; in Cambodia 149, 202; and China 195; in El Salvador 264; and Iran 247, 249; and Israel 204; see also Vietnam War
Upper Volta 139
Usulután, El Salvador 268, 270, 271
Venezuela 166, 213–14, 285
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 243
Viet Cong (VC) 85–6, 87, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 150, 152–4, 160, 162, 198
Vietnam: DM’s holiday with son Claude in 337; War, 1954–75 3, 4, 82–8, 91, 97, 109–17, 110, 118–21, 147, 150, 162, 164, 197–202, 200, 201, 204, 216, 218–19, 261, 269, 278, 285, 293, 311, 331, 335, 336, 337, 351, 355
Vietnamese Ranger troops 85–6
Wadcote Street, London see Bunk, The
war photography see McCullin, Don
West, Richard 135, 149
Westmoreland, General 108
Wharton, Bryan 204
Williams, Archbishop Rowan 340
Wilson, Harold 65–6, 135
Winchester, Simon 261, 287, 288
Wisbech, Cambridgeshire 45, 66
Wise, Donald 53, 183, 186, 193
Woollacott, Martin 218
World Press Photo Award, 1964 82, 357
Wyndham, Francis 96, 123, 135, 288
Xingu, Brazil 169–70
Yates, Ivan 53
Yeomans, Ian 104, 105
Zambia 322, 323, 323, 324–5
Zimbabwe 261
Zion, Mount: Dormition Monastery 100
Zionists 237