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One Hundred & Thirty-Six Scars (The Devil's Own #1)

Page 18

by Amo Jones

  I smile at her politely. “Thank you.”

  “So!” Jada pipes in, standing to her feet and downing the rest of her water. “I better head off. I have to pick my son up from school. But I might see you guys later?”

  “You have a son?” I ask, turning in my seat with a smile on my face. I adore kids.

  She throws her jacket on with a smile. “I do. His name’s Garret and he’s a sweet kid,” she answers without skipping a beat.

  “How old is he?” I ask, still interested.

  “He’s six. You’ll meet him tonight maybe. We live on the north side.”

  “You live on the property, too?” I ask, excitement ripping through me. I may have found a friend in Jada.

  She nods her head, pulling her long hair out from behind her jacket. “Yeah, I’ve tried to reason with moving us out, but Hella and Beast have nothing of it. I don’t see an issue with it, this way I know my boy is safe. All the people who care about him, the same as me are in this club. Until everything with The Army and Yakuza are put to rest, we will stay here.”

  I nod my head and smile, Melissa still sitting there quietly.

  “Okay, hang on,” I say, reaching into my bag and pulling out a pen and paper. I scribble down my number before folding it up and handing it to her. “Give me a text when you get home or something. Maybe I could bring some wine over that Bethy has stocked up.”

  She laughs, taking the paper into her hand. “I’d like that. Maybe I can call the old girl up, see if she can join us.”

  “Old girl?” I question, confusion on my face.

  “Yeah, that’s what we call Bethy. Okay, better go. See you later.” She quickly rushes out the doors after waving a quick goodbye to the rest of the boys who are sitting by the pool tables.

  Swinging my attention back to Melissa, I smile. “She’s nice, huh!”

  Melissa nods. “Yeah, she is. Sorry, I wasn’t up for talking. I’m feeling a little down.”

  I take the glass off her and pull out my water bottle from my bag. “Drink H20 instead. Maybe you’ll feel better.” I smile at her when she accepts my offer. Right on cue, a sound of loud bikes rumble down the driveway, the deep sound shaking the barn. Pushing off the table, I walk toward the doors with Melissa following closely behind me. Leaning up against the door, I fold my arms in front of me, looking directly at Beast, who’s getting off his shiny black Harley with his skull bike mask on, white T-shirt under his MC vest and jeans that hang loosely with his combat boots. A smile pulls on the corner of my mouth as he walks directly to me, picking me up and swinging me around. Pushing his mask down, I kiss him hard, running my fingers through the back of his hair.

  “Hey, big guy. How’d you go?”

  Pulling my lip between his teeth, he sets me back down. “Good. We have all the help we will need. We’ll talk about it later. How’d Jada go?” I nod my head, and look over at Melissa, who’s frozen in her steps, eyes locked on something. When I follow her sight, I find myself looking directly at Hella and Jada, who look to be in deep conversation.

  “Yeah, good. She was… we got on well if that’s what you’re asking?” I clarify. Obviously she means a lot to him, so that means I want to make an effort with her. And to be honest, I actually like her. Melissa walks back into the barn with angry steps and I bring my attention back to Hella, who has his eyes fixed on the back of Melissa’s head.

  He words, “Fuck,” before Jada and he hug each other and then she waves to me one last time before getting into her GMC SUV and pulling out.

  I bring my attention back to Beast, who’s already scanning my face nervously. “Ask me,” he states, looking deep into my eyes.

  I laugh awkwardly. “Ask you what?” Running my eyes everywhere except to him.

  “Ask me if Jada’s kid is his.”

  “No,” I answer, wrapping my arms around myself. “I don’t want to know the answer to that because then I’ll have to tell Melissa.”

  “Why?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.

  “Why?” I scoff, narrowing my eyes at him. “Beast, you’re the president of a motorcycle club, and you’re questioning my loyalty? I have none to Hella and a shit load to Melissa… that’s why.”

  He nods his head, a smile pulling on his lips. “All right, baby.” He takes my hand into his. “It’s training time.”

  Knew she would make a perfect Old Lady. After Meadow checked on Melissa, we made our way to the back barn where our octagon and gym sit. All of us work out here. When we’re not out on missions, some of us are usually in here. Pushing open the door, I point to the little room that sits on the other side. “Go, change.” I hand her one of the bags that I have and she laughs.

  “Did you really stop somewhere and buy me clothes?”

  I nod my head and smile. “Yeah. I made all the boys stop too. Had to call in and pick up some things from a friend to help out anyway, so it was nothing.” It wasn’t nothing. The boys all gave me shit for stopping at the local sports shop because I wanted to run in and grab some workout gear for my girl. They stopped laughing when I pointed out that they’re the ones sitting bitch waiting for me.

  She peeks into the bag and rolls her eyes. “Really?”

  I laugh. “I said I picked. Of course, I was going to pick that.”

  She walks to the little room and closes the door behind her. I drop the bag and unzip it, pulling out the Hoyt Buffalo Bow and Easton X7 Eclipse arrows from the bag before zipping it back up and placing them on the table that sits at the head of the octagon. Meadow walks back out to the gym, shoving her clothes and shoes into the bag.

  “I love the jacket. Thank you!” Her face beams.

  “Yeah? Good,” I wink. I had to buy her, her own leather jacket too if she’s going to be riding with me from now on. My skin heats and a wide grin comes on display across my lips. Licking my lips, I scan her up and down, letting out a wolf whistle. “Damn, baby.” I walk up to her, pulling her in for a kiss and she waves me away.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She laughs, pulling the tight black spandex shorts down lower. I bring my eyes down to her thighs and a splash of guilt washes over me.

  “Fuck!” I yell, fisting my hand into my hair. “I didn’t even think. I’m sorry, baby.”

  She shrugs. “Don’t worry. They hide them… just. And all my scars are faded to a pearly white now, so you can’t really see them.” Her eyes scan the table that the bow and arrows sit on. Her face lights up like the fourth of July. “Can I touch it?”

  I laugh, running my hands over the top of my head. “Yeah, for sure.”

  She walks to the table and lightly runs the top of her fingertips over the black slate. “Hoyt Buffalo. Where’d you get this?” she asks, turning her head to me with shock in her tone.

  “A friend. He knows shit about archery.”

  She turns to the arrows and her face changes. “I love it. All of it. But… if I was to even use one for self-defense, I wouldn’t want to actually kill the person, Beast. No matter how bad the person is.”

  I push my hands into my pockets. “I didn’t think of that. We can train with these. I’ll sort out some sort of alternative for after. Deal?”

  She nods her head, the same smile coming onto her face. “Deal.”

  “Good. I’ll get changed then we’ll warm up,” I say, taking my duffel bag in my hand.

  “Warm up?” she asks, turning herself toward me.

  “Yeah. What? Did you think I was only training you on a bow? I need you well-rounded.”

  “Like The First Commander Nines?” she asks, tilting her head.

  My body stiffens when I turn to her. “Yeah. Like that.”

  “Okay,” she answers, wrapping her long hair into a ponytail, her abdominals tensing at the movement and I fight the urge to growl out loud.

  “Be two secs,” I wink at her.

  Walking back out, I pull on the drawstring knee sweat shorts I threw on and pick up the skipping ropes. She turns her body to me with a water bottle sticking out of
her mouth. When she sees me, she coughs, wiping the water from her mouth.

  I laugh. “You all right?”

  She nods her head silently. “Yep, yep… um. Okay, let’s go.”

  Handing her the skipping rope, we start jumping until we’ve worked up enough sweat, then move to push-ups, suicide jumps, and star jumps.

  “Okay, I’m warm enough,” she moans, wiping the sweat from her forehead. My dick is already straining in my pants. I can’t believe this was my idea. This is fucking torture, that’s what this is.

  “I’m not. Get on top of my back,” I say, getting into plank position.

  “Are you kidding? I’m one hundred and thirty-five pounds, Beast. I’m not exactly a twig.”

  “Baby, I bench four hundred pounds. You’re a twig. Get on.”

  “Okay.” She climbs her body onto my back before I drop to do four sets of thirty.

  Her hand glides down my arms every time I bring us up. “Meadow? You need to stop that shit right now.”

  “Sorry.” She laughs before getting off.

  “Now, I’m warm.”

  I throw her a set of gloves and point to the octagon. “First things first, I need you to be able to throw a decent punch. Come on.”

  She follows me in, slipping the gloves on her hands. “You have two weeks with me. You think you’ll get enough information stored in my brain for that?”

  “More than enough time,” he answers, intertwining my fingers with his. He pulls me over to the octagon and I step in nervously.

  “Don’t make this awkward. I’m not a sporty person, Beast. Be kind.”

  He chuckles, taking the sparring pads out of his bag. “Have you ever thrown a punch?”

  “What? You mean aside from hitting the club girl? No, I haven’t.”

  His head swings back with a laugh and my arms cross in front of me. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nah, nothing. I just forgot about that,” he answers, walking to me, running the back of his hand across my bare stomach and my muscle’s tense at his touch. “I think there’s a hidden bad girl under all that good.” His smirk deepens.

  My cheeks flush. “No. I don’t think so. I just don’t like people I love getting hurt.”

  He nods his head, stepping back and pulling the sparring pads onto his hands. “Start with your right hook,” he begins, bringing his hands up.

  An hour later, and we’ve covered the basic grounds of MMA. I’m lying spread out on the padded ground of the octagon, trying to catch my breath with sweat trickling down my body and landing in a puddle on the floor when he laughs.

  “Come on, baby. We’ll hydrate, then head outside to get onto those arrows.”

  “I’m tired,” I sulk, pouting.

  He kneels down between my legs and I quickly bring them up only for him to snap them open.

  “Beast!” I scorn. “I feel exposed like this.”

  “I like you exposed.”

  I smile, biting down on my lip. He brings his head down to my knee, running his nose down my leg slowly, trailing little kisses across my sweaty skin. My chest rises and falls, my heart rate picking up again. “Beast?”

  “Shhh...” He props himself up on his fists, kissing down my inner thigh. I prop myself up on my elbows, bringing my eyes down to his. He peers up at me under his eyelashes with a smirk. I tilt my head, running my eyes over him. Shit, he’s sexy. He’s like a God, carved from stone with a boyish smile and chiseled cheekbones. He’s perfect. His shoulders and arms bulge out under the pressure he’s putting them on. His sweat glistening off his tanned, muscled body and my clit pulses, demanding attention.

  I can’t get enough of him.

  It’s a problem.

  Slowly, he brings his face down to my crotch and I close my eyes, masked in the mixed feelings that are pushing through me right now. His hair scratches on my inner thighs, the rough kisses he lands hitting right over my clit. I begin begging for more, wanting skin to skin. My hips slowly rocking into him when a low growl slips out from his mouth. Wrapping his fingers around the waistband of my spandex shorts, he rips them down roughly and I lift my body up higher to give him easier access.

  “Beast, what if—” I throw my head back arching my back into him as his hot mouth covers me, feasting on me like a starved animal. Low grunts escape his mouth and I push myself into his mouth more. Wrapping my thighs around his head, I flip him over—or more, he lets me flip him over—onto his back so I’m straddling his face. His speed picks up and my hips follow his moves, matching his pace. It’s not much longer until my stomach clenches and my orgasm ripples through me, making me weak in my legs. After riding it out, I lift myself slightly up, bringing my body down his rock hard torso and gliding over his equally hard cock. Bringing my hand back, I pull his pants down and guide myself over him, slowly lowering and allowing my body to expand and accommodate his massive size.

  Crossing my eyes, I run them over his body and up to his face. He groans again, tipping his head back and resting his hands on my hips.

  “Baby, I love how you take charge and all, but I’m going to need to deal with you real good right now.”

  I chuckle, running my tongue over my bottom lip before biting down on my lip. Once my body’s let him in, I bring myself up before pulling myself down again. Having sex with Beast is now my top priority.

  Rolling off him, I huff out before giggling out loud. “Okay, I think I can’t feel my legs.”

  Bringing himself up, he pulls his shorts up, tying the drawstring up before taking my hand and hauling me to my feet. Wrapping his tight arm around my waist, he pulls me into him, dropping his face and running his nose along mine. “Tell me you’re mine,” he whispers, searching my eyes nervously.

  “I already told you I was,” I answer, wrapping my hands around his arms that are so huge, my tiny hands look like miniature kitten claws against a lion.

  He shakes his head, squeezing me again. “Be my Old Lady,” he answers, his voice hoarse and his breath fogging against my now cooled down skin. A shiver slices through my body as goose bumps break out across my skin.

  “I don’t know if I’m Old Lady material, Beast,” I begin, his eyebrows draw together as his stare deepens, his dark eyes seeping into my blue.

  “I just want you to try. Give us a shot… a proper shot.”

  Licking my lips, I pull the side of it into my mouth and nod my head. “Okay. I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be good at it.”

  A wide white-toothed smile comes on full display across his beautiful face, making one come onto mine to match his. He picks me up with the one arm that is wrapped around my waist. Bringing his other hand up to behind my neck, he pulls my face down to his, kissing me softly before bringing his face back to search my eyes once again. “You just made me the happiest man in the world.”

  I laugh, wrapping my legs around his waist. I take hold of his face between my hands and lay two little quick kisses on his lips. “You have no idea, how happy you make me, Beast. No idea,” I answer, smiling back at him.

  “Come on,” he says, biting playfully on my lip. “We’ll take a shower then come back out tonight to shot some arrows.”

  I nod my head, excitement thrashing through me. “In the dark?”

  He nods, placing me back down to my feet. “In the dark.”

  Lacing my fingers with his, I point to the room. “Should we put some clothes on before stepping out?”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “Nah babe, no-one will fuck with you. Trust me. They won’t even bat an eye in your direction.”

  “Okay, good.” I guess I don’t have to worry about him, there’s no woman here to perve at him. He looks so damn edible. Wearing nothing but low Nike sweat pant drawstring shorts and high-top shoes, a light moan slips from my mouth and his body stiffens. “Did you just eye fuck me?”

  I nod my head. “I did.”

  Shaking his head, he pulls me under his arm and kisses my head. “Let’s make this quick, I need you naked playing bad bit
ch on my dick again.”

  “Only bad for you,” I answer with a smirk and he growls into my hair. “Damn straight only for me.”

  Walking out of the gym, we make our way to the clubhouse, the cold air whipping my skin like a bucket of ice being thrown over me. I wrap my arms around myself, attempting to cover my skin. The little sports bra and black spandex shorts don’t seem like a good idea now.

  “Bet you wish you never bought these now?” I ask, my teeth jittering under the temperature drop, or maybe it’s because my body keeps changing from hot to cold.

  He pulls me in close. “Sorry, baby.”

  Once we hit his bike that’s parked in a line with all the rest of them, a tall, brunette woman saunters out of the clubhouse and stops in her tracks when she sees us. Beast clenches his jaw together tightly and points to his bike. “Wait here.” I nod my head, leaning against his bike as he marches up to the beautiful woman that’s standing in front of him. I watch her closely when suddenly her eyes rake his body up and down with a smile on her mouth and my hackles stand up straight, my shoulders square before I tilt my head at her, watching her movements. My palms sweat and my body shivers. Her face drops and she looks to me, her eyes narrowing, eying me up and down and I cringe inwardly. I hate confrontation, but if someone hit me or came at me, I wouldn’t back down. I will never let someone walk all over me ever again.

  Beast turns in his steps and the woman retreats into the clubhouse in a huff. He reaches me and his face changes, a smile pulling at his mouth. “Come on. Back to that shower.”

  “Who was that?” I ask, not letting it go.

  “Shelby,” he answers, handing me the helmet.

  “And she is…?” I take the helmet from him and pull it over my head.

  “Not important,” he answers in a clipped tone.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Beast. You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I have fucked her… a few times… but not for a while. Happy?”


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