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My Nights With Kate

Page 13

by M T Stone

  “Bankers and medical doctors have a tough decade of adjustment ahead of them,” I advised. “If you’re having doubts, I would like to talk to you about a new business I’m launching. With that MBA and all you’ve learned from your old man, you could do very well, Brandon.”

  “You’re starting a new business? Last time we talked, you were anxious to bail.”

  “I know. Something came up that I couldn’t pass on. Let’s get together in a week or so as I’ll have a more solid handle on everything. I’m flying out to Pennsylvania on Wednesday to visit a struggling garment factory. I’ll give you a call Friday evening at the usual time and let you know what’s up.”

  “I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet, Dad. I’m just a little fried.”

  Whether or not he ever admitted it, Brandon was not cut out to be an investment banker. He was smart enough and had the education and the work ethic, but he was too soft-hearted. The street would eat him alive if he stayed too long. It was only a matter of time before he came to that realization.

  “Get some rest, Brandon, and I’ll talk to you, Friday.”

  “Sounds good, Dad. Have a good trip.”


  After hanging up with Brandon, I couldn’t help overhearing the conversation that was going on between Jackie and Kate. Jackie was giving Kate the third degree about how delusional she was to think there was any type of future with me.

  “Kate, you’re such noob. If he were 20 years younger, you guys might have a chance,” I heard Jackie say.

  Even though there was truth in what she was saying, Jackie had no business delivering the message. I went up to where they were sitting and took Kate by the hand, “Come back and relax with me, honey. We’ll be touching down in New York in 5 hours.”

  “Sure,” Kate replied, happy to leave Jackie alone with her opinions.

  “Don’t worry about the future, Kate. Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.”

  “I know, Jack,” she said, followed by a long pause. “I just wish I could’ve been your Eva.”

  “Thanks, Kate,” was all I could say, as I held her close and closed my eyes.

  Chapter 17 – Back In the NY Groove


  I’ll never get used to flying west across time zones. We literally left Paris at 8 in the evening, flew 7 hours, and landed at La Guardia at 9 P.M. Flying seven hours and gaining six on the clock has a way of messing up the system. It probably wasn’t a good idea to sleep four and a half hours on the plane, but I was too tired to do much else. Upon landing, I informed Tim that I had booked a helicopter flight for Kate and me. His only responsibility was dropping Jackie off at her apartment.

  “Jackie, I want you to call Raphael at this number tomorrow morning, and he’ll get you on the modeling schedule. He’s expecting your call.”

  “Thanks for everything, Jack. It was an unforgettable weekend for sure,” she said, giving me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “You guys apparently had more fun than Captain and I,” Tim said, with a somber look on his face.

  “How much of the money do you have left?” I inquired.

  “About $700 each.”

  “That’s your problem, Tim. It’s impossible to have a great time in Paris on a $300 budget. I gave each of you an extra grand so you could blow it and have some fun!”

  “Captain and I both decided we’d rather pay some bills than party our asses off in Paris. Beer and pizza is more our speed, anyhow.”

  “It’s no wonder you’re still single, Tim!”



  Spending the bulk of the flight with Jack and then leaving Jackie behind as we got into the helicopter made me feel better. She thinks she can take whatever she wants just because of her model good looks. Jack’s actions should’ve made it clear to her that despite her booty call last night, Jack remains loyal to me. It’s been a whirlwind weekend, and it’s going be nice to get back to the St. Regis and relax for a while before going to bed. Looking back, that weekend was a sort of turning-point in our relationship. It wasn’t until the helicopter had touched down and we got in the car for our hotel transfer that Jack finally broke the longest silence we had endured.

  “What are you thinking about, Kate?”

  “It was a fun weekend, but I’m glad to be home.”

  “I’m glad you had a good time.”

  “Yeah, it was fun, but Jackie was getting on my nerves.”

  “I agree; a little Jackie goes a long way. That’s why I hooked her up with Andre yesterday. I wanted to enjoy an evening in Paris with just you.”

  “I appreciated that, Jack. I couldn’t imagine a better date.”

  “It was fantastic, wasn’t it?”

  It’s funny; each time we walk into the St Regis, I get a little more comfortable. It’s actually amazing how quickly one can adapt to this type of lifestyle. I’m sure it’s much harder to go back the other way.

  Being back in the Diamond Suite, I had even more appreciation for the beauty of the room. Le Meurice was beautiful, but it had nothing on this room. The view of Central Park and the New York City skyline was pretty tough to beat. Unpacking and putting away my dresses, I realized that it was time for some of them to be cleaned.

  “Just lay out what you need cleaned, and it will be done for you,” Jack instructed.

  Being wealthy really is the only way to go through life.



  As we settled back into our room, Kate was playful and seemed at ease will all that had transpired. Maybe we can enjoy a casual relationship for an extended period of time. That would be cool. I definitely enjoyed her company, and the sex was incredible. Sex with Jackie had been fun, but there was no way I could spend much time with her. She was too much of a drama queen. Kate was easy to hang out with, just like Eva was. Life would be so much simpler if Eva hadn’t been on East 51st St the day that construction crane collapsed. What were the odds that she would be the one innocent bystander killed in a city of over 8 million people? 1 in 8 million, I guess.

  “What are you thinking about, Jack?”

  “It’s my turn, huh? I was just thinking about what you said about being my Eva. I still miss her.”

  “I’m sorry, Jack. I’m sure you always will.”

  “Yeah, there’s just no replacing someone who you’ve spent so much of your life with. We spent 24 years building a business and raising a family together. Then suddenly, she was gone.”

  “I can’t imagine how devastating that would be.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t really let myself think about it. I tried to hold it together and be there for the kids. But now it’s time for me to move on and live what’s left of my life.”

  “Well, I hope to be part of it,” she said, taking my hand.

  “You and I have a great time together, Kate. I also think you have a great shot at being a very successful designer. What started out as a simple arrangement will end up being much more,” I assured her.



  Awaking Monday morning, I realized Jack was already gone. Last night was the first night since meeting that we hadn’t had sex, and then I woke up alone. I knew it was stupid to feel insecure, but, at the same time, it felt like something had changed. Maybe Jackie was right. I’m stupid to think that Jack and I have a future together. In 20 years, I’ll be 42 and he’ll be turning 70. But, again, it would be a fabulous 20 years. If only we could’ve met when I was 2…..

  I ordered a latte and toast to clear my head. I had to get ready for a busy day. It was already after 9:00, and I had a 10:30 meeting with the design team to see if any additional alterations were necessary. Wednesday was the big day, and, as busy as Jack was until then, it was up to me to make sure everything was ready for our meeting with the manufacturer. Jack was really excited by the prospect of saving a couple of hundred manufacturing jobs in that small town. It was admirable, even if he was doing it for some free publicity. Most good deed
s only occurred if the economics made sense, another lesson my dad taught us girls at a young age. I have to call Mom. She left two messages over the weekend; something about my sister’s dance recital. I miss hanging out with them. We always used to spend Sundays together cooking and baking in the winter months.

  At 10:05 sharp, Tim called to say he was waiting to take me to my meeting. It was easy to see why Jack was loyal to his employees; they made his life run pretty smoothly. Between Tim, Kristen and Captain Chuck, he basically didn’t have to worry about planning anything. It was amazing to see how everything had unfolded during the Paris trip. Everywhere we went, all the necessary arrangements had been made, and all we needed to do was show up. It was nothing like my family vacations had been growing up. Back then, it seemed like we spent most of our time waiting in lines or sitting in the car while dad tried to get us into the fancy places. Dad wanted to live in Jack’s world but didn’t have the money to back it up. I wonder where the hell he’s living now?



  First thing Monday morning, Jayne met me at the door. "Okay… What the hell’s going on, Dad

  “Good morning, Jayne. Nice to see you, too. Something wrong?”

  “You take off to Paris at the last minute, and, first thing this morning, there’s a model here looking for you. The way she was talking, it sounded like you two were an item or something.”

  “Was her name Jackie?”

  “Jaclyn Conrad,” Kristen interjected. “She’s quite a piece of work, Jack. Where did you find that one?”

  “It’s a long story, but, rest assured, she’s nothing more than an acquaintance. She was supposed to meet with Raphael this morning to get on the shooting schedule.”

  “So, you’re doing the model recruiting now?” Jayne persisted.

  “She’s a friend of Kate’s. I simply did her a favor.”

  Judging by Jayne’s expression, she wasn’t buying what I was selling. However, I had a full morning of meetings booked, so there was little time for pursuing talk of my personal life.

  “Is there anything either of you need before my meetings? I’ve got about 10 minutes.”

  “No, but I’m still curious what’s going on,” Jayne said, giving me her trademark smirk.

  Kristen, on the other hand, had a handful of papers for me to sign and went over my entire schedule for the next 36 hours. Things were going to be crazy until the end of the day Tuesday. To top it off, our largest shareholder Rich Taylor was in from Connecticut and wanted to have dinner with me. My gut feeling told me that he was aware of our near-miss on the bottom line and wanted assurances that everything was moving forward with the merger. He knew damn well I couldn’t tell him anything, but he had great poker instincts. He would be reading my body language, so I’d have to show him that my confidence was unshaken. We were reporting earnings after the close on Tuesday, and I didn’t need him creating panic by dumping shares ahead of the numbers.

  What the fuck was Jackie doing at my office? Knowing her, she was probably intent on having sex with me on my desk or some bullshit. And she thinks Kate’s the delusional one! I’m going to have to make it clear that it was strictly a weekend of fun and nothing more. Good Lord, Jayne would die if she knew what really went on this weekend.

  I sent Raphael a text, “Second thought, Jaclyn would be a much better fit for the L.A. Agency.”

  The L.A. office was the location for all the swimwear and lingerie shoots. People liked to see sunny California girls in those pictures instead of pasty New Yorkers. My initial impression of Jackie’s body was that she would be a great swimsuit model, and the fact that she showed up at my office solidified the thought in my mind. With a single text message, Jackie will be out of our lives. Whether or not Kate realizes it, I’m doing her a huge favor. Otherwise, Jackie will continue to be a thorn in her side, and Kate’s too nice to ditch her.

  “Jack, it’s time,” reminded Kristen.

  With that, I was into a myriad of business meetings that covered everything from my conference call talking points to the logistics involved in the buyout. The reason I had really lost interest in the business was because of all the damn meetings. The more successful our company became, the more meetings I was forced to attend. The past few years had been almost nothing but one meeting after another. That’s why I found the new venture with Kate so refreshing. Some people might have thought sitting in meetings all day sounded easy, but, for me, it was pure torture. I would much rather have been doing something more active than sitting around a conference table talking all day.



  Looking over the final prototypes, I was so emotional that I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. It’s hard to believe that a month ago all these designs were a figment of my imagination. Now they’re all very real and hanging in front of me. I took several pictures and sent them to my mother as it would give us something to talk about later. She will take me more seriously when she sees that my line is actually coming to life. I want to repay her for all she’s done for me once this becomes a success. I would love to buy her a place on the Upper East Side again. She was happiest there.

  Jack sent me a text that he wasn’t going to be home until late, so I decided to invite my mom and sister to join me for dinner at the Silk Road Tavern. My sister replied that she wouldn’t be able to make it. Fortunately, Mom was still downtown, so it was just a short cab ride. I ordered us a couple of appetizers to start and was initially impressed by Mom’s demeanor.

  “Your prototypes look impressive, Kate.”

  “Thanks, Mom. It’s hard to believe how quickly things have come together.”

  “Well, it helps to have Jack Ryker in your back pocket.”

  “Yes, I’m very lucky; because, without Jack, I never would’ve had this chance.”

  “How was it that you two met anyway?”

  “Uumm… it was through his daughter.”

  “Really? You and Jayne are friends? I just talked to her at a luncheon a few weeks ago. I had no idea you two knew each other. She must not have made the connection.”

  Oh shit! I should’ve known better. That’s the thing with my mother. She always makes a point of meeting anyone who’s anyone in the fashion industry. Now she’s going to mention the fact that I’m her daughter, and Jayne is going to really wonder what the hell’s going on.

  “Ok, that wasn’t true. I just didn’t want you to know I’ve been dating his son Brandon.”

  “Really? Oh, he’s cute! Why didn’t you just tell me, Kate? I have been wondering what’s up with you. You normally aren’t this secretive. What’s the big deal? Brandon’s a young, good-looking, single guy.”

  “I know. I just didn’t want you all to make a big deal out of it. It’s not all that serious at this point.”

  “You have no idea how relieved I am, Kate. That day when Rita mentioned that $35,000 credit, I didn’t know what to think.”

  “I know, Mom. The look on your face was priceless.”

  “You little shit! Dating Brandon Ryker. Good for you, honey! I’ll bet Jackie is jealous, huh?”

  “Yeah, that’s an understatement. She’s been kind of a pain in the ass actually. Brandon talked to Jack about getting her a modeling gig.”

  “Oh, her mom won’t hear of it. You know that, Kate.”

  “She’s 22, Mom. It’s her best shot, and you know it.”

  “I know. She better wait until she’s successful before she tells her.”

  “That’s the plan, so please don’t say anything.”

  “Of course, dear.”

  Yeah, right. My mother not saying anything is about as unlikely as a January heat wave in NYC. Now I’m going to have to talk to Jack about my mother thinking I’m dating Brandon. Shit, and then there’s Jayne.

  “One more thing, Mom. Please don’t mention to Jayne that Brandon and I are dating.”

  “Okay. But, why not?”

  “I’m not sure, but for some reason Brandon doesn�
�t want her to know yet. I think it has something to do with the fact that Jack and I are starting this business together. You know how family dynamics are, Mom.”

  “Yes. Alright, I won’t say a word.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  For the rest of the meal, Mom was on cloud nine. She had obviously been worried that there was something going on between Jack and me, which, of course, created quite a dilemma since that was the truth of the matter. The phrase “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to device” kept playing over and over again in my head. I was relieved to see my mother so happy since I had been avoiding her like the plague the past ten days. At least now we could have a civil conversation.

  “Oh, Kate, I almost forgot. You and Brandon need to come to Belinda’s recital a week from Friday.”

  “Uhh, I have a couple of crazy weeks coming up. Hopefully, I can make it.”

  “She’s been working on this for months, Kate. She’ll be crushed if you’re not there.”

  “I’ll try my best, Mom, but I don’t know about Brandon. He puts in really long weeks at the investment bank.”

  “Well, do your best. I would love to meet him in person.”

  “Remember, Mom, we’re not that serious. It’s not like we’re engaged or anything.”

  “I know. I’m just excited for you, sweetie. He’s such a good-looking boy. He looks a lot like his father did back when we first met.”

  “So, you actually know Jack?”

  “Oh, God. Yes, Jack and I go way back. We first met when we were freshmen at the U. Also, I was one of his first wholesale buyers when they started that program.”

  “Really? I had no idea, Mom,” I replied, wanting to hear more of where this was going.

  “Well, let’s put it this way. Your father wasn’t a fan of Jack because he always thought I still had a thing for him. So, we didn’t talk for years other than business functions. The last time I talked to him was a few months after Eva’s funeral. He seemed very distant and emotionally shut down at the time.”


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