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Fraser 03 - Highland Homecoming

Page 23

by B. J. Scott

  Edina glanced up at him, her eyes filled with passion. “I think it a fine idea. That is, if Duncan has a mind tae marry Oceana without her father’s consent.”

  “Do you think your da would approve?” Duncan asked.

  “My father will be verra pleased. I’m certain of it,” Oceana replied. “He dinna want me tae enter the priory and he has always liked you, Duncan. He, too, thought we would marry someday and was disappointed when he learned about the arrangement made between you and Edina.”

  “What about the babe?” Duncan slid his hand over her belly and smiled. “Were your mam and da verra upset when they learned you carried my bairn? I am surprised your father doesna want tae see me drawn and quartered.”

  “He might if he knew. But my parents dinna know I am with child.” Oceana lowered her chin and stared at the ground. “I was ashamed tae tell them I had surrendered my innocence out of wedlock.”

  “Then we must rectify that right away.” Duncan cupped her chin and raised it until their eyes met. “This is my babe, Oceana, and I mean to do right by you and the bairn. We will work things out. Together.” He leaned in and brushed her lips with a kiss. “Will have me as your husband?”

  “Aye, Duncan. I would be proud tae be your wife.” Oceana threw her arms around Duncan’s neck and kissed his cheek.

  “It is settled. Alasdair and Edina will be wed and so will Duncan and Oceana,” Laird Sinclair announced, then turned to Father Cullen. “Will you perform the services?”

  “I am anxious to become your wife, but what about your brothers, Alasdair? Do you not wish them tae be present?” Edina whispered.

  Alasdair brushed her cheek with his fingertips, then kissed the tip of her nose. “My brothers will be verra happy about our union and they promised tae visit us, along with their wives and children afore the snow flies. We can plan a feast when they come, but I dinna want to wait.” He looked to Father Cullen. “I’m told you have a funeral to preside over in the next glen, best you start.”

  Father Cullen nodded and took his place atop the dais. He motioned with a wave of his hand. “Would the couples please stand afore me and pledge their intent?”

  “Aye.” Alasdair ushered Edina to a spot before the priest and Duncan did the same with Oceana.

  “Now if there are no more objections, changes, or interruptions, I will begin,” Father Cullen said as he glanced around the great hall. When no one spoke up, he began to read a scripture from his bible on the sanctity of marriage.

  Alasdair listened intently as the priest prattled on in a mix of Latin and Gaelic, outlined the responsibilities of marriage, and listed the duties of a husband.

  “Do you, Alasdair Fraser, of the Clan Fraser, agree tae take Edina as your wife?” the priest asked.

  “Aye,” Alasdair responded, but his eyes were fixed on Edina’s beautiful face.

  “Will you protect her and provide for her, will you honor and . . .?”

  As Father Cullen continued, Alasdair looked down at their hands, bound together with strips of plaid representing both their clans and smiled.

  As he recited his vows, Alasdair could not believe his good fortune, or how close he’d come to losing the only woman he had ever truly loved. Now that he was here, he couldn’t imagine his life without her by his side and he offered a silent prayer of gratitude to the Almighty for blessing him with Edina. He’d never planned to marry, but he could not think of a more perfect bride.

  Father Cullen turned the page and began to read aloud the duties of a wife. “Do you, Edina Sinclair, of the Clan Sinclair promise tae honor you husband as I have just described?”

  “Aye, I do,” she answered promptly.

  Alasdair found himself lost in her beautiful hazel eyes. He’d never noticed the flecks of green and gold until now, making them look even more magical. When Edina smiled up at him, his heart missed a beat. If she had this kind of power over him while they were standing before a crowd of people, he could not begin to imagine the heat and passion their joining would create. The very thought made him dizzy with desire.

  “You may kiss your bride,” Father Cullen announced and tapped Alasdair on the shoulder, causing him to jump. “Kiss your bride, lad,” he repeated and untied the plaids joining their wrists.

  As Alasdair lowered his head and pressed his lips to Edina’s, the room erupted in cheers. “Aye, Sinclair!” those in attendance shouted.

  “Congratulations, brother.” Jayden linked arms with Alasdair, then thumped him on the back. “Take guid care of my sister or you will answer tae me.” He turned and hugged Edina. “I am verra happy for you.”

  Laird Sinclair joined them. “Welcome tae Clan Sinclair, Alasdair. I know you will do your da proud.” He turned and raised his sword. “All present are invited tae join us for a feast and the grandest ceildh this clan has ever seen.”

  After hearing Duncan and Oceana’s vows, the priest turned to Laird Sinclair. “If you have no more need of my services, I will take my leave.”

  “Will you not stay long enough tae toast the bride and groom?” Laird Sinclair asked. “Cook has prepared a feast and there will be music and dancing after the meal.”

  “I thank you for the invitation, but I must be off. I will be back this way in a fortnight on my way tae Inverness. I would welcome a hot meal and soft bed at that time if you are so inclined to offer,” Father Cullen said.

  “You are always welcomed, Father.” Edina took his hand. “Thank you for a lovely ceremony.”

  “You are most welcome, my dear.” The priest patted her hand in return. “I must say it got a wee bit confusing for a while, but the outcome was worth it. God bless you both and may you have many bairns.”

  “The feast grows cold and the musicians anxious. Let’s not keep either waiting any longer.” Laird Sinclair placed one hand on Alasdair’s shoulder and the other on the small of Edina’s back, urging them forward.

  As they approached the dais, Oceana and Duncan crossed the room and joined them.

  “Thank you for everything, Laird Sinclair. Oceana and I will now take our leave.” Duncan bowed and took Edina’s hand and kissed the back of it. “I owe you so much, I dinna know where to begin.”

  “As do I,” Oceana added and hugged Edina. “If not for you, Duncan and I would never be together. Thank you.”

  “I am just glad things worked out the way they did.” Edina snuggled against Alasdair’s side. “Must you leave so soon?”

  “Aye. We have a long journey ahead of us and I dinna want to rush. Oceana needs tae go easy in her delicate condition.” Duncan slid his hand over his wife’s swollen belly. “I dinna want to put off facing Oceana’s parents any longer than necessary.”

  “Godspeed and safe journey.” Alasdair held out his hand and Duncan grasped his wrist. “I wish the two of you much happiness.”

  “I have tae admit that I dinna like you verra much when we first met, Fraser. But I can now see why Edina loves you so. You are a guid man and I know you will make her happy.” Duncan turned to Oceana. “Best we be on our way, wife. Enjoy the ceildh,” he concluded and ushered his bride out of the room.

  Alasdair hugged Edina and kissed her brow. “If you dinna mind, I would like tae make our attendance at the festivities brief as well. I dinna want tae offend your da, but I want tae be alone with you. I canna wait tae—”

  Edina pressed two fingers to his lips, then replaced them with a quick kiss. “I am anxious tae be alone with you as well,” she whispered in his ear then pulled the lobe between her teeth.

  He was shocked at her boldness, but it caused his blood to heat. He snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her soundly. His groin stirred as their bodies molded together like they were made for each other.

  Laird Sinclair coughed to clear his throat. “There will be plenty of time for that after the feast.” He slapped Alasdair on the back. “Come, lad, it is time tae eat. You need to keep up your strength for the night ahead.”

  “I’m not hungry. At least not fo
r food,” he murmured in Edina’s ear, his words causing her to blush.

  She poked him in the side and giggled. “My father is right. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

  They joined Jayden at the dais, and watched as platter after platter of roast meat, fruit, cheese, breads and vegetables were placed on the table before them.

  Jayden tore off a leg of lamb and began to chew on it, juices running down his chin. “Cook has outdone himself. Dig in.” He picked up a tankard of ale and downed the contents.

  Edina nibbled on a bit of fruit and cheese, while Alasdair absently chased some turnip and venison around his trencher with a knife.

  “What is wrong with you, brother? You usually have a hardy appetite,” Jayden asked as he pushed a tray of meat in Alasdair’s direction, then helped himself to some bread and honey.

  “I have other things on my mind,” Alasdair replied hoarsely when Edina’s thigh brushed against his. “In fact, if you would excuse us, Edina and I would like tae take our leave.” He stood and held out his hand in her direction. “Will you join me, wife?”

  “Aye, husband,” Edina replied and rose to her feet.

  “Where are you going?” her father asked. “It is still early and the festivities have yet tae start.”

  Edina faced father. “Everything is lovely, Da, but Alasdair and I would like tae—”

  Laird Sinclair lifted his hand and grinned. “Say no more. I was once young and with any luck, you will make me a grandfather afore spring. If you can manage tae produce a lad that would make me verra happy.”

  Alasdair took Edina’s hand and kissed her palm. “Are you ready tae retire?”

  “Aye.” She nodded and her cheeks flushed red when Alasdair scooped her up in his arms and carried her across the great hall.

  She buried her face in his tunic when the guests began to chant and make bawdy comments. “You can put me down,” she said as they exited the room.

  “I dinna wish to set your feet on the floor until we reach our chamber,” he replied on a ragged sigh and kissed her neck.

  He took the stairs leading to the above floor two at a time, then marched with purpose down the hall, pausing only long enough to open the door to her solar.

  Once inside, he set her down beside the hearth, then took her in his arms. “You are so beautiful, Edina. I wish tae truly make you my wife.”

  He’d waited so long to lay with her flesh-to-flesh, to taste her fragrant skin, to feel the rub of her silken thighs, and to hear her sharp intake of breath as he entered her for the first time. Then, he planned to revile in her whimpers of pleasure as he buried himself to the hilt in her hot, moist sheath, bringing her to the height of ecstasy until neither could take any more. Only then would he be truly satisfied.

  Chapter 27

  Caught in the heat of passion, they stood by the hearth entwined in each other’s arms, hearts pounding in unison, and their lips locked together. Bombarded by an array of emotions she’d never before experienced, Edina didn’t want the moment to end.

  “I canna believe you came back for me, and that we are married.” She fisted her hands in his tunic, afraid if she let go, Alasdair would disappear, or that she might be dreaming. If the latter was true, she didn’t ever want to wake up.

  “Believe, mo gaol.” Alasdair kissed her lips, her cheeks, and the tip of her nose as his large hands roamed her body, taking in every dip and curve. “I was a fool for ever leaving you.”

  Alasdair nibbled on her earlobe, sending a shiver of excitement down her spine. Her legs grew weak and she clung to his arms when he trailed his lips along her jaw, down her neck, and came to rest in the hollow at the base of her throat. While she tried to stifle a moan, it escaped as she closed her eyes and dropped her head back. Surely anything that made her feel this amazing must be sinful, but she could not seem to get enough.

  Edina trembled when his fingers fumbled with the laces of her gown. “Are you afraid?” he asked on a ragged breath, his hot, moist lips still pressed against her tingling flesh.

  She raised her heavy eyelids and smiled. “I fear naught. Have I done something tae displease you?”

  “You could never displease me, Edina.” He brushed her mouth with a brief, but passionate, kiss, and then swept a lock of hair from her forehead. “I thought you might be uncertain about our first joining.”

  For a warrior of his size, Alasdair was surprisingly tender. Her heart soared at the thought of spending the rest of her life with a man she truly loved.

  “We can go slowly and take as long as you like, Edina. There is no need tae do anything but hold each other until you are ready for more.”

  “Nay. For a husband and wife tae become one in their marriage bed is what the Lord intended. I can only imagine how wonderful it will be,” she replied on a breathy sigh.

  Alasdair held her at arm’s length and their eyes met. “I have bedded women in the past and have made no secret of that fact. However, you will be my first maiden. I am told there is a moment of discomfort for the lass, but it will pass quickly, replaced by pleasure the likes of which you have never known. I am larger than most men, but give you my word, I will be gentle.”

  Edina found his concern and consideration touching. “I trust you, Alasdair, and believe you will do everything in your power to make our first time, every time, experiences we will never forget.” She pressed her palm to his chest and glanced at the floor. “But while I may be a woman grown, with a woman’s heart, and needs, I have no experience in such things. I hope I dinna disappoint you. Will you teach me how tae please you?”

  Alasdair nuzzled his nose against the curve of her neck. “We will learn together, mo gaol,” he whispered in her ear. “But we are both wearing far too many clothes,” he said as he unlaced her gown, then lay it open, exposing the swell of her breasts.

  He’d called her his love. Words Edina had longed to hear. She was truly blessed and at this moment, the happiest woman in the world, of that she was certain.

  “You are exquisite, mo gaol, he said as he slid her gown over her shoulders and let it drop to the floor in a pool of fabric at her feet.

  Her kirtle followed next and she stood in the glow of the firelight naked before her husband. She’d never considered her slight body and lack of womanly curves, full bosoms, and a plump round bottom to be one a man would desire. Yet, Alasdair gazed at her with such appreciation, as if he could devour her. He made her feel beautiful and desirable.

  Dark eyes filled with passion moved over her body from top to bottom, causing her skin to tingle, her breasts to grow heavy, and her nipples to stand erect. Suddenly feeling ill at ease, Edina tried covering herself with her arms, but Alasdair insisted she drop them to her sides.

  “Why do you hide yourself from me, Edina?”

  “I fear I am not as shapely as the tavern wenches you are accustomed to bedding,” she said and lowered her eyes.

  “Nonsense. You are by far the most beautiful, alluring woman I have ever seen.” He cupped her chin and raised it. “I’ve thought so since the day I found you on the beach and couldna purge your image from my mind. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to stay my lust and desire to bed you?”

  She could never forget their time in the hunting croft, or that he’d seen her naked on more than one occasion while tending to her injuries.

  “I think I do know how you felt. I wanted you, too, Alasdair, but dinna think you found me appealing. I also couldna offer myself tae you, tae anyone, when I dinna know who I was or where I belonged. When I remembered my name, you were so angry. I—”

  He silenced her with a kiss. “I was a fool and should have asked for your hand the day we returned to Sinclair Castle. I will never tire of looking at you, or touching you.” Alasdair tightened his embrace. “Nor will I tire of the way you smell, like a field of heather after a spring rain, or the way you taste.” He swept her hair aside and nipped at her shoulder.

  Edina’s head began to swim, her pulse raced, and her u
ncertainty faded. He caressed her breasts and teased the sensitive tips with his fingers, rolled them and squeezed, the sinful mix of pain and pleasure causing her to grind her hips against his. He groaned aloud and she felt the proof of his arousal pressing against her belly.

  “Keep doing that and I willna be able tae resist the need tae make you mine.” He lifted her, carried her to the pallet, and laid her onto the overstuffed mattress.

  “I thought you said we were wearing too many clothes.” She smiled and reached for the ties of his trews. “I no longer have on a stitch. Mayhap you would care tae join me?”

  Alasdair yanked the tunic over his head and tossed it into the corner. His boots and trews followed. He stood beside the bed, his finely honed, muscular body like that of a Norse god.

  “Oh my.” She gasped when she beheld his manhood for the first time, marveling not only at the size, but at the combination of rigidity and smoothness.” How she would accommodate his length and girth was suddenly a concern. “Does it hurt?”

  He nodded, took her hand, and laid it on his shaft, encouraging her to wrap her fingers around it. “It aches for you, m’lady.”

  “Then join with me and make me your wife.” She reclined on the pallet, a combination of excitement and anticipation laced with fear washing over her.

  He lay beside her. “There are many ways a man can pleasure a woman. Would you like me tae show you?”

  “Aye.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him toward her. “Show me. I want tae learn.”

  When he positioned her on her back, then knelt between her knees, Edina was uncertain what to expect. He nudged her thighs apart, her stomach flipped and her heart began to race.


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