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Special Love: A BWWM Romance (Blazin' Love Book 5)

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by Ja'Nese Dixon

  Now we’re getting somewhere. I fall back against the bed, pulling her with me.

  “What about Hunter?”

  "Hunter bloomed. I think motherhood made her less selfish, more giving, and she's absolutely fearless. She has the twins and Zoe." She smiles up at me, and I see the happiness on her face.

  “What about…who do you have left?”

  "Uh…Taylor is the epitome of love. She and Zach weathered a hard year, last year. But now, they're a tower of strength and wholeness."

  “That doesn’t sound like death to me tesoro mio. It sounds like a new beginning.”

  “It does, doesn’t it.”

  I nod. "My example of marriage is my parents. They're not perfect, but I couldn't imagine one without the other. And I always aspired to have that sort of relationship in my life. What about your parents? How are they?"

  “They’re the same. But…”

  “But what?”

  She flips onto her back with her head against my chest. “I believe my mother lost a piece of herself in marriage. She followed my father’s dreams and passions instead of her own.”

  We’ve hit pay dirt.

  "What do you see for yourself, Parker? What are your dreams and passions?"

  Parker takes a deep breath. I focus on knowing every word at this moment is crucial because it will determine whether I can have Parker for a season or a lifetime.

  “I guess I want what my friends have. Not their relationships but the essence of it.” She plays with the ends of her hair.

  “And what’s that Parker, specifically?”

  "I want my career and a partner who loves me, protects me and gives me enough room to spread my wings."

  Relief passes through my body. I place a finger beneath her chin, turning her face to me.

  “Let me be that for you amore mio.”

  Chapter 7

  Let me be that for you. I sent an SOS text the moment Max jumps in the shower. S&J isn't opened yet, and my house is usually the alternate meeting place.

  I send Ryann a direct text, Can we meet at your place?

  Certainly, send the brunch roll call, she responds.

  Brunch at Ryann’s @ 9. Whatcha bringing? I hit send and hurry to respond. Paper stuff.

  I laugh. None of us are great cooks.

  You’re going to hell. Cheating on a Sunday. I’ll bring the joe. Charlee replies.

  The others fall in line. Bagels, donuts, juice, fruit, and within minutes we have a spread. I throw on my sweats and wait in the living room for Max.

  He comes out in a Platinum Prestige t-shirt and his dress pants. I giggle.

  “Do guys have a walk of shame?”

  "The walk of what?" He shakes his head, kissing me before dropping to the couch beside me.

  “Walk of shame. It’s when you get caught in the clothes you had on last night.”

  “Nah, guys see it as a badge of honor. I put in work to rock your t-shirt this morning. Say I’m lying.”

  “I’m done with this conversation.”

  “I didn’t put in work?”

  “Max, what do you have planned today?”

  "I'm heading to my folks, and I have a day of meetings tomorrow. I recall someone screaming, and I know it wasn't me."

  “Now I know it’s time to go.”

  He laughs, and I throw a pillow at him. "I have no problem with admitting you had me saying your name."

  Then the fool starts singing Destiny Child. “It’s time for you to go.”

  “I’ll leave if you kiss me goodbye.” I lean forward and kiss him. His face is somber. “Are we good?”

  “We are excellent. Want to connect tomorrow?”


  Thirty minutes later I'm at Ryann's with the guys. The food is spread out across the coffee table, and we're scattered around the room, waiting for me.

  I'm low-key freaking out again. Harper reaches for my hand, and I accept her comfort.

  "Eight years ago, Max asked me to marry him, and I told him not yet. He took it as no, and we went our separate ways."

  I stand up and pace the floor.

  "I thought I said no because I wanted to build my career on my own before getting married. But after talking with Max this morning, I realize it's more. In my head, I saw marriage as the death of me." I air-quote death.

  “Why would you think that?” Harper asks.

  “My mother.”

  The exchange glances. I'm thankful I don't see judgment.

  “Your mother is happy. Right?” Payton asks.

  “She is, but she’s basically a female version of my father.”

  Ryann leans forward. “You see this as a negative characteristic of marriage?”

  “Yes, I don’t want to lose my life, my friends, my business because I get married.”

  “And now?” Hunter asks.

  “I have to figure out how to balance the life I lived with my parents against the picture of marriage you all present.”

  “Then you’re cured.” Charlee deducts.

  "It's not that easy. All men are not like your husbands." I glance around the room.

  “Yeah, but Max seems like a cool guy.” Chase adds.

  “What if I get married and I turn into a mini Max?”

  "That's easy. We'd have to get you a good weave and some padding." They laugh, and I want to throttle Charlee. "I'm joking. You are sitting here talking about marrying the man. Have you even gone on a date yet?”

  “No.” Maybe I’m overreacting again.

  “What about if we promise to tell you if we see you changing for the worst?” Harper suggests.

  “But isn’t change inevitable in any relationship?” Alex pulls her legs beneath her on the couch. “We all change a little to make room in our lives for new experiences.”

  I sit back nibbling on a bagel.

  Ryann turns in my direction. “I think the real topic here is whether you’re willing to try Parker.”

  The topic of our brunch transitions from my love life to our quest to find an adequate building to purchase.

  I listen as the guys list our requirements. I search the available listings on my computer.

  “What if the current place fell through to keep us mobile?” Hunter asks.

  “I think it’s an accurate assessment. Buying a building will limit us. We’re working to operate virtually. A building will tie us Austin.”

  “I don’t see that as a bad thing.” Harper says.

  “That’s because Liam’s business is here too. I loved being mobile while working from San Francisco.” Charlee adds.

  Taylor nods. “Me too.”

  “What are we saying?” I sit back.

  “I think we need a general meeting space. The caliber of our clients is increasing.” Hunter states.

  "But we can meet at their offices. Which will make us appear more accommodating without the additional overhead." Ryann offers, and the guys nod.

  "Let's run a test. Ninety days of continuing without an office. I'll find a shared space as a backup, and if push comes to shove, we have my conference room and the VIP room at S&J.”

  We agree and shortly after the meeting is closed out and I head to my parents’ house. I've discussed the Max situation with my guys. I'm curious about how my parents will react.

  Chapter 8

  The shift in Austin takes me by surprise. The highway extensions, the construction, the business opportunities. Growing up, it was all tech and politics, but now it’s a melting pot of cultures and commerce. The pace feels much slower than I expected, which makes it a perfect place for my parents, as for me, after a month here, I find myself missing the hustle of NYC.

  I arrive at Parker Belle Realty to snag Parker for lunch. She also has a few more home options for me to review. The other house deal fell through, but my lady is scouting other options. But it seems like buying a spot here will have to wait.

  I’ve been in and out of strategy sessions, and it turns out that talking with Hunter
and Ryann on the tour was helpful. I spent the past few weeks in conference calls and meetings with Stephanie developing an approach for the next legislative session. But want I want most is to nail down Parker and it seems scheduling this house tour is the only way to make that happen.

  The environment shifts from all city to all Parker. The office is open with glass where walls should be. The spots of greenery make the space feel natural and welcoming. Her receptionist nods as I approach but doesn't bother to get up. This is the only way to spend time with Parker during the daylight hours. She works nonstop between showing houses and Platinum Prestige.

  I use a knuckle to knock on her door. She waves me inside, talking into the phone. I remove my jacket tossing it in the seat beside me. She holds up a finger signaling she'll need a minute I respond to text messages and emails until I realize it's been forty-five minutes. She mouths, "Sorry, can I call you?"

  She returns to her conversation, not waiting for my reply. And this is a mirror of our "dating" for the past month. I need to find food. I step outside as my phone rings, and I don't recognize the local number.

  “Are you available for lunch?” It’s Darius Grant, Charlee’s husband, and the man is right on time.

  “I am. What do you have in mind?”

  We talk, and he gives me the address to S&J. I enter the place minutes later. I see a few familiar faces standing with Darius. He quickly runs through the introductions.

  “This place smells amazing.”

  He chuckles, turning me down a walkway. "Wait until you step outside."

  The doors to the courtyard open, and I feel like I'm back in NYC. I scan the open area with a handful of food trucks.

  Darius stands back. "What do you have a taste for? I eat more barbecue than I should, but everything here is delicious."

  “How about Thai?”

  “Thai it is.”

  We grab our food and head back inside. The food is better than expected, and I relax appreciating the music.

  “How’s it going?” Darius asks the moment I push my plate away. The man has an easy-going nature that makes me feel as if I’ve known him forever.

  “Business is good. Adjusting to life back in Austin, not as good as I’d like.”

  “This isn’t New York at all. But it might help to do more than sit in meetings all day.”

  “Yeah, it seems the timing of the legislative session had us scrambling to meet with a few elected officials. Plus trying to keep up with Parker.”

  "Miss Parker …how's that going?"

  I shrug not sure how much I want to reveal. “It’s going. How does Charlee balance her work with Delicious Chocolates and Platinum Prestige?”

  He leans back. "It depends. They seem to have a lot of their operation automated, and once we had DJ, she works primarily from the house. They have meetings when going after large accounts and she travels from time to time. But we manage. Are you feeling the difference between your relationship before and your relationship now?"

  Darius and I didn’t hang out in high school, but I recall he and Charlee dating when Parker and I dated. Then I went off to college, and after Parker and I didn't work out, I moved to New York.

  “Yes, more than I anticipated.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Between us?” I lean forward.

  “No doubt.”

  "I love her, and she loves me. But…"

  Darius is a man of few words. He laughs freely, and his love for his wife and family are crystal clear. "You wonder if you fit."

  "Exactly." I exhale. I struggle for the past week, trying to pinpoint what it is.

  “It’s to be expected. Parker has a full life. She’s running a million-dollar real estate company and an active partner in another. Have you talked to her about it?"

  “I’ve tried.”

  “Try harder. Our relationships are similar. We dated as teens and young adults. But coming back together as adults, you’ll learn our women are fiercely independent and not because they have to, but because they want to.”

  “Yeah, but is that what I want?”

  “Only you can decide and be honest. I hate the years I spent apart from Charlee. The distance in space and time meant we had to decide how we wanted to build a life together.”

  “Do you regret moving your business to Austin?”

  “Not at all. We spent several years commuting between here and San Francisco. My parents are here, her parents are here, her business is here, plus her guys are here.” He looks me dead in my eyes. “And listen, they are a package deal. Charlee and Taylor moved to California for a while but flew back often.”

  “And how is that?”

  He shrugs. “It’s Charlee. I appreciate the guys having my lady’s back. So, know, when you enter a relationship with her, it’s more than the teenage love we once knew.”

  I stare at the grooves in the table. His words hit home as the tension between Parker and me grows. Her life is filled with family, friends, and her business. It makes me wonder whether she has room for me too.

  “Is it worth it?” I ask.

  “Yes…a million times over.”

  The conversation moves on until we stand to leave. He gives me a brotherly hug, and we plan to hang out again with the rest of the fellas, as he calls them.

  I leave S&J with more questions than answers. I love Parker, but can I trust that our past won't repeat itself.

  I pull out my phone to call her.

  "Hey, you." I hear the smile in her voice.

  “Hey, I’m outside S&J and thought I’d swing back by your office.”

  “I have a closing tonight. But if you can hang tight, I’ll head over when I’m done.”

  “Then we can head to my place?” I offer wanting her all to myself.

  “I cleared my weekend. I’ll be all yours.”

  "That's what I like to hear. Handle your business, and I'll be here waiting."

  “Would you like a refill?”

  I glance up at the bartender, shaking my head. It's after eight, and my text messages and calls to Parker remain unanswered. I stand laying cash on the bar for my tab and his tip.

  “Calling it a night so early?”

  I glance over my shoulder and see Stephanie. “I am. How about you?”

  “I’m here for the live music. Care to join me?”

  I check the time, and it's been hours. I consider Parker for a moment. Last time she saw Stephanie, it wasn't pleasant. She's been cool with me consulting with her for business, but I’d hate for her to get the wrong impression.

  “Thanks for the offer but I have plans.”

  “Suit yourself.” She heads off towards the courtyard.

  I send another text to Parker, I’m heading out.

  I’ll be there in fifteen, she responds.

  I find an empty table in the lounge. Live music and a night out with my lady seems like the perfect way to end the week. The band starts their first set, and I sit back appreciating the vibe of this place.

  “Got a few minutes?”

  “A few, Parker is headed over.”

  Stephanie sits across from me with her food, and we discuss the progress of the project.

  “I doubt we get much done until the session starts in January.”

  “What do you suggest?” I struggle to hide my frustration.

  “I suggest loading our gun with the right ammo and people. I can get on the calendars of as many representatives and congressmen as possible. Then we can gauge their interest and create a plan to support the other initiatives that favor getting Wine & Dine Delivery here.”

  “I hate the thought of putting it off for another six months.” I sit back.

  "Consistency is crucial with any expansion, especially one that may require lobbying for legislative change."

  We seem to make progress then it's slammed to a screeching halt. But Stephanie has proved herself in the short while we've worked together. She's the official liaison for this rollout, and I have to trus
t her judgment, it's why I pay her.

  "What's the estimated timeline?"

  “Under perfect conditions, this time next year. Will you hang around in this area?”

  “Am I needed here?”

  “Not really with video conferencing and my team locally. I’d guess you’ll need to return here and there. But I don’t expect much activity until February or March.”

  “I’ll weigh my options and keep you posted.”

  We talk, and I notice once again Parker is a no show. The band takes the stage and let the soul music mask my disappointment. I glance at my phone, hoping to see a text message. She hasn't reached out, and I'm not about to either. She'll call when she's ready.

  I glance across the table at Stephanie. “What made you decide to shift from practicing law to starting a consulting firm?”

  Chapter 9

  I stare at my phone, blinking to bring the picture into focus. The benefit and disadvantage living life in a tight circle of friends and family is your business is never truly your business.

  A stare at Max and Stephanie having dinner, and I have to decide on my next move. I expand the picture brushing my fingers across the screen of my phone. Yes, that's him and her. I swipe through the others. Them leaning close together. Him laughing. Her smiling up at him, and I recognize the look in her eyes.

  I rub my eyes glancing at the time before dialing his number, not sure what I’ll say.

  "Hello." The sound of sleep lingers in his voice, and for a moment, I wish I was there instead of here, still working.


  “Nah, what time is it?” I hear him move around.

  “Ten after midnight… Are you alone?” I place the call on speaker to look at the pictures again.

  “What?” His voice cuts through the silence in my office.

  “You heard me, are you alone?”

  "Are you fucking serious right now, Parker?" His laughter is gruff and lacks any resemblance of humor.

  “As a heart attack.” I stand picking up my phone from the desk. “I’m on my way.”

  “Don’t do me any favors.” His voice is cold and exact. “You call five hours late trying to check my whereabouts.”


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