Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9)

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Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-266-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Chaos Bleeds, 9

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “Why do you look fucking miserable?” Butler asked.

  Sinner dropped into a seat at the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse bar. He wasn’t in the best of moods, and hearing that question from Butler just made him even angrier. He wanted to hit someone or hurt someone, anything to get rid of this frustrated feeling that was consuming him. He fucking hated it, and wanted it gone.

  All of his life he had gone after whatever he wanted, and consequences be damned. Being with Chaos Bleeds had always been his one constant, until Lola came along. She had become part of his world, and now, he was going to lose her, he felt it.

  “Shut the fuck up, and pour me a drink,” he said, looking at the large bottles of beer behind Butler. “Doesn’t this shit hurt you?” He pointed at all the alcohol. Butler had been one of the biggest addicts in the club. He’d been clean and sober for many years now.

  “Nope, not anymore. I can serve drinks, smell the stuff, and it doesn’t cause me a problem at all. I’m happily drinking my very nice, fruity iced tea,” Butler said. To emphasize his point, he grabbed a large tall glass filled with a red flavored tea. “Yum.”

  When they had been back in Fort Wills, Angel had made the concoction one summer. Butler had been complaining about the complete lack of fresh drinks. Within twenty minutes, Angel was there, drink in hand, and Butler was her slave for life.

  Butler handed him a bottle of beer. “Drink up, and tell me your problems.”

  “I don’t have any.”

  “Please. It’s a Friday afternoon, and you’re here like a junkie getting his fix. Something is up, and you can pretend all you want. I’m not buying it, babe.”

  Sinner sighed, running fingers through his hair, which had grown out in the past few months. He pulled out a letter and handed it over to Butler.

  “You’re stealing Lola’s mail now? I think this has stalker written all over it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Read it.”

  Butler sighed, looking uncomfortable. “Reading women’s mail is almost as bad as going through their underwear drawer.”

  “Just read it, please. I want to know that I’m not going out of my mind.”

  “Dude, I could have told you that years ago. You’re out of your mind.” Butler went to hand the letter back.

  “I need help, and you know I hate asking.”

  “You’re right. You hate asking for anything. Fine, fine, fine.” Butler pulled the letter out and began to read.

  Sinner tapped his fingers on the top of the counter, waiting.

  After seconds, maybe even minutes passed, Sinner had enough. “Well, what do you think?”

  Butler folded it back up and placed it inside the envelope. “Lola has been offered an apprenticeship at a technology firm. Why does this come as a shock for you?”

  “She didn’t tell me about it, and there is a date on the calendar today.”

  “Wait, she’s going to go for the job?” Butler asked.

  “I don’t know. Over the past few months, she’s been pulling away from me. I really don’t know her anymore, or any of the shit that is going on inside her head. The nightmares are back as well.”

  Lola had been taken from the street, repeatedly raped and beaten by the enemy of The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds. He’d been known as “Master”, but he had in fact been a brother to Gash, a member of the Skulls. Anyway, they had found her, brought her home, protected her, and he’d fallen in love with her. He’d changed his womanizing ways for her, and she was still pulling away from him. He didn’t like it.

  She was the first woman in the world to make him care. Rubbing at the pain in his chest, he took a long swallow of his beer.

  “Do you even know if she’s gone to this? She’s big friends with Angel and Lacey. Maybe she went to Fort Wills. She is always heading there to see her friends.”

  “Tell me, Butler, a woman like Lola, would she pass this up?” Sinner asked.

  Butler sighed, looking at the piece of paper. “A woman with Lola’s experience, then I say no. A woman that has had her talent used against her, caused her to have those nightmares, then no, she wouldn’t. We make her feel safe. She has a family here because she has denied her other family. I think you need to talk to Lola about this.”

  “What are you losers talking about?” Simon asked, climbing up onto a barstool, and resting his arms. For an eight-year-old kid, he was growing fast. He lifted one finger. “Give me a beer, buddy, if you know what is good for you.”

  Simon was Devil’s first son, and even that came with its own drama. For instance, Lexie wasn’t his mother. Lexie’s dead sister was Simon’s mother. They were all sworn to secrecy about that.

  “Hey, kid. We’re having woman issues,” Sinner said, leaning in. They all loved this little guy. He was quirky and so funny.

  “Problem with the ladies, I get it,” Simon said. “I’m the man.”

  Butler burst out laughing. “Here you go, tough guy.” He placed an orange soda in front of Simon.

  “Cheers. There’s only one girl I love.”

  Butler and Sinner looked at each other, and said the one name they heard all the time.


  Even Simon spoke, and they all laughed. Tabby was Tiny’s little girl, Tiny who had once been Prez of The Skulls.

  Yeah, that was future drama.

  Sinner took a large swig of his beer.

  “I heard Mom talking, and she said that if you squeeze a bar of soap too tightly, it slips out,” Simon said. He showed them what he meant by pressing his hands together, and then imitating the action of the soap spilling out.

  “Okay,” Sinner said.

  “She said that was what you were doing with Lola. That you’re squeezing her so tightly that she can’t breathe.” Simon pretended to choke. “I did that once to Tabitha. She kicked me between the legs. Did Lola kick you?”

  Butler chuckled. “Man, you are a hoot. I can’t wait until you get older. You’re going to drive Devil insane.”

  Speaking of Devil, the man himself turned up with Laurell in his arms. “Simon, why do I feel you’re up to no good?”

  “I’m drinking a beer, and hanging with the guys, Dad. You tell me to do that all the time.”

  “No, I ask you to find some friends for yourself. Your mother is in the kitchen, and she needs you.”

  Simon fist pumped. “She’s going to teach me how to make Tabby’s favorite, chocolate pie.”

  Before Devil could say anything, Simon ran off, and Devil took his seat. “That kid is going to be a nightmare when he’s older.”

  “I think you’ve got to be more worried about him being a chef for his precious girl.”

  Devil rolled his eyes, and Sinner felt better about his own problems. “Just out of curiosity, if Simon and Tabitha get together, would our two clubs merge?” Sinner aske

  “Oh, oh, oh, we could be called Chaos Skulls,” Butler said.

  “Or Skulls Bleeds!”

  They started laughing, and Devil shrugged. “If that’s what needs to happen, then it happens.”

  “You’re not worried?” Sinner asked, wiping away his tears of laughter.


  “What about war between the two clubs?”

  “First, Lash wouldn’t do that. He’ll see the benefit of our two clubs together. Now, Tiny, he’s another problem. He’ll probably hunt down my son and shoot his ass.”

  Sinner stared at his Prez. He had a great respect and love for Devil. The man had seen the entire club through thick and thin. No matter what happened, they could all rely on Devil to see the club right.

  “You’ll let that happen?”

  “Of course, I won’t let that happen. There’s no way I’m letting Tiny hurt my son, but I won’t interfere. Simon’s young. I’ve got plenty of time to teach him how to handle himself.” Devil cooed to his baby girl.

  “You’ve changed your mind,” Butler said.

  “I’d say that Lexie has changed my mind. There’s no point in fighting with my woman. She knows what is best. Simon and Tabitha, they have this thing. Now, it could fizzle out, or it will go stronger. Either way, I’m not going to push my son.”

  Sinner agreed. Kind of like what you’re doing with Lola.

  He was protecting his woman. That was all he was doing. He was protecting his woman, loving her, caring for her, and making sure nothing ever hurt her. She’d been hurt enough, and he was tired of the pain she had been through.

  “So, Granddad Devil, I think it has a nice ring to it,” Butler said.

  “I’m too young to be a granddad.”

  “You do know that Simon will make you one soon, though, right?”

  “Not until he’s thirty,” Devil said.

  Sinner looked at Devil, curiosity getting the better of him. “Okay, I have to ask. How can you guarantee that Simon won’t make you a granddad? If he’s anything like you, I’d expect sooner than later.”

  “Unlike you guys, I’ve got a deal with a doctor. He has promised that when the time is right, he will have a nice long sit down with Simon, about the dangers of not bagging your shit up.”

  There was silence for several seconds, and then Sinner bent down laughing. “You really think scaring him with STDs and STIs will help. This is just too fucking funny.”

  Even Butler was laughing his ass off.

  Devil stood. “We’ll see who is laughing in the end.”

  “Fifty bucks that Simon makes him a granddad at eighteen?” Butler said.

  “No need to make that bet. It’s a guarantee.”


  Lola Sparks sat in the café and was thankful that she had only watched the door for ten of the fifteen minutes that she had been sitting there. Her jeans were digging into her stomach. They were a size sixteen, but she had put weight on in the past few months, and she just knew it would only be a matter of time before she was in a size eighteen. Not that her figure bothered Sinner. No, he seemed to love her curves, when he wasn’t worrying about everything else. She was in Fort Wills, and it was late, but that was fine for her. This was her excuse for leaving without saying a word.

  Her heart was racing as she sat alone. No one approached her, which she was thankful for. She ran her fingers through her black hair that Lacey had dyed for her a couple of weeks ago. She loved coming to this town, even though it did hold a lot of bad memories for her. Shutting down those memories, she lifted her coffee and took a sip.

  The Skulls was like a second home to her, and she found herself here more often than not. She adored Angel, the wife of the club’s Prez, Lash. Of course, Lola loved the outspoken Lacey. Then there was Whizz, the guy who understood what she’d gone through, and didn’t pressure her to change. She enjoyed being around him.

  The café door opened, and she looked up to find Whizz making his way toward her. The scars on his face were fading, but they were there. Just like her own scars. She forced a smile, and went to stand when he shook his head.

  “You’re back so soon?” he asked.

  “I had some things to do.” She reached down into her bag and grabbed the envelope, handing it over to Whizz.

  She sipped her coffee, watching as the waiter placed a hot coffee in front of Whizz. Licking her dry lips, she took another drink.

  “This is a fantastic opportunity,” Whizz said, folding up the letter and handing it back.


  “You took the interview?”

  “I was there three hours ago.”

  “How did it go?”

  “They offered me a job. I’m be a tech assistant, helping newbies, but they also showed me the ladder for promotion. They want to see what I’m capable of.”

  “I know you’re damn good,” Whizz said.

  “Not as good as you.”

  “I’m an old guy, sweetie. I was around when computers were first invented.”

  She laughed at his joke. “You weren’t, but I get what you’re saying.”


  “Which is the key to everything, right?”

  “Of course, it is,” he said, drinking from his cup. “The question is, do you want to do this?”

  She shoved the piece of paper back in her bag, and sighed. “I don’t know what I want. It’s hard.”

  “How are things going with you and Sinner?”

  “Good. It’s good.”

  “Only good,” Whizz asked, sitting back, and folding his arms.

  “He doesn’t know about the interview today. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. Do you think that was wrong?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think. You’ve got to think about yourself, Lola.”

  She stared across his shoulder out of the window. Sunlight was streaming in, and she loved summer time more than any other time of the year. She loved the warmth, the glow, the flowers, the love. All of it. There was no darkness in summer, and what was there, disappeared within a few hours. “There are times that I can’t forget. I can’t stop thinking that I’m still locked up waiting to die.” She forced a smile, and hoped the tears that were filling her eyes disappeared.

  “You’re not dreaming, Lola. It has been years, and Andrew is long gone. Everyone associated with that monster is gone.” Whizz reached out, putting a hand over hers.

  “It still feels like it was yesterday.” When a tear fell, she grabbed her tissues from her bag, and dabbed under her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You don’t have to ever worry about being yourself when you’re with me.” He patted her hand. “Have you spoken to Sinner about this?”

  “No. Erm, he’ll just … it’s easier not to talk about it.”

  “Does he hurt you?”

  “What? No, absolutely not. He just…” She didn’t know what else to say. “He does everything for me. He’s perfect in every single way.”

  “Why do I sense it’s not what you want?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what I’m talking about to be honest.” She went to take another sip of her coffee and found that it was in fact empty.

  “This feeling you’re getting, talk to Sinner. Tell him. See what he wants from you, and in return figure out what you want between the two of you.”

  She took a deep breath. “What if I need a break?”

  “A break?”

  “From Chaos Bleeds, from Piston County. From all of it. From MCs, and Sinner, and Andrew. Just to be able to be myself. God, I sound like a horrible person.” She placed her head in her hands. “I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t know anything else. I’m not fixed. I’m not broken. I’m damaged, Whizz. I’m … not good.” She couldn’t find the right words.

  Silence fell between them, and when she had her emotions under control, she finally looked at him.

  “You’re hurting Sinner either way. With him, you’re not whole, and you�
��re not finding peace. Away from him, he’s going to miss you. He loves you more than anything in the world. I can see that.”

  “I don’t want to lose that. I love him, Whizz. I do. I just … ugh!” She growled. This was not helping. “I sound like a bitch, and I even hate that as well.”

  “Let’s go for a walk.” Whizz threw down some notes, and she followed him out of the café. Placing her bag on her shoulder, she folded her arms, and released another breath. The sun was warm and bright. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head up. “Come on.”

  She followed Whizz as they walked away from the café. When she had been recovering, before she went to Piston County, she used to take long walks with Angel, Lacey, and even Paris. They all allowed her time to think. During their visits for special occasions she would go for the same walks even in the snow and ice.

  Walking helped to clear her head and to bring everything back into focus.

  “You know what you want to do.”

  “I don’t want to leave my family behind, Whizz.”

  “I know. You won’t be. Do you want me to talk with Devil for you? Explain it?” he asked.

  “No.” They paused outside of a cemetery. She knew many of The Skulls were laid to rest there.

  “This was where I met Lacey,” Whizz said. “We had a freakish thing going in a graveyard.”


  “Yeah. I was the scarred animal, and she was my princess. My inked princess. I found her, and she found me. Together we were broken, completely shattered apart, and little by little, we’ve been able to bring ourselves together, piece by aching piece.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that Sinner and I will do that for each other?”

  “Sinner can help, but he’s not broken, Lola. In your head, and in your heart, you’re broken. You’re not shattered anymore.”

  “I’m not going to talk to someone. That doesn’t help.”

  “I’m not offering you the chance to talk to someone. I’m just telling you that I get it. You want out. You want to find yourself, and build yourself up.” Whizz patted her arm. “There’s no shame in that.”


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