Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9)

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Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She chuckled. “You did say you loved being on the road and how unpredictable it can be.”

  “Yeah, I’m not seeing the appeal right now. It’s good to hear your voice, baby.”

  The way he said “baby” gave her a thrill that she hadn’t experienced in a long time. Closing her eyes, she released a sigh. “You know what to do and say to get me all warm inside.”

  “I wish you were here right now. What are you wearing?” he asked.

  She glanced down at her jeans and shirt. “Nothing.”

  “The things I’d do to you right now would have you screaming my name in seconds.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Lacey, Sally, and Daisy are here. Can we take a rain check for tomorrow? I’ll call you?”

  “You got it, babe.”

  “Will you always get into a motel?”

  “Nope. Sometimes it’ll just be me and the stars.”

  It sounded wonderful.

  “I love you, Sinner.”

  “Thank you for calling me, Lola.”

  They said their good-byes, and she stared down at her cell with a smile. Maybe, just maybe she’d be able to find her way back to him.

  Chapter Five

  Sinner didn’t wait around for long, and the next morning before dawn, he was out of the motel and on the road again. He would need to pick up an odd job in a week as his money had all but dried up. If he became too strapped for cash, he’d call Devil, but part of the thrill of being on the road was living day to day.

  That night he was excited about. Lola had called him, and she had promised to call him again tonight. He wanted to find another motel to be able to take that call, or at least a secluded spot that was peaceful.

  He saw a biker pit stop within thirty minutes, and he pulled up. Filling up his bike, he headed inside the small diner, and burst out laughing.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me,” he said.

  “Sinner, my man. Devil said you were on the road, but I couldn’t believe it.” Lucius got up from his seat, and pulled him in for a hug.

  Lucius wasn’t alone either. Sinner clocked several of the Nomad Chapter in residence. “Is this a party that I wasn’t invited to?”

  “We’re banding together for a couple of weeks. We go up and down the coast, partying, and bringing joy to virgin pussies,” Lucius said. “You’re more than welcome to join. There’s seven of us right now. You know that’s not all of us. I heard that Crow had gone to find his soul or some shit. Redemption he’s after.”

  Crow was a troubled brother. He had a kill list that was bigger than any club’s combined. For the longest time, Crow had been coveted by several MCs, Trojans and Dirty Fuckers MC, included. As it was, Crow had wanted Chaos Bleeds, as they had been the only club who hadn’t wanted him.

  He had been living in Piston County so long that he had lost connection to his other brothers. Not all of the Chaos Bleeds crew settled down in one place.

  Sinner looked at the men, and nodded. “Why not, but I’ve got to take a phone call tonight.”

  “Whatever, dude. We’ve got some bitches along for the ride. They make the journey more than fun.”

  As if on cue, six women came out of the toilet. They were dressed to impress. They didn’t look like club whores, but something more.

  “They travel with us. They have the wanderlust, and have defied the odds,” Lucius said.

  They took a seat a little away from the group that was causing a stir.

  “Devil gave me a bit of the lowdown on your situation. You okay?” Lucius asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. This is not going to be permanent.” Sinner took a cigarette out of the packet, and lit it up. “I’ve got plans, and as much as I’m loving this, I just, I can’t give up the life I’ve made for myself.”

  “I love Devil, man, I really do. He’s the Prez of all Prez’s. I don’t know how you can do it. Sit down, and watch life pass you by. There’s too much pussy available to give it up.” Lucius took a long draw on his cigarette. “I didn’t think this shit in Piston County would last. Just goes to show that a good pussy can keep a man locked up tight.”

  “You’ve not seen Devil and Lexie together.”

  “Don’t need to. I’ve heard enough, and he sends me pictures all the time.” Lucius pulled out his cell phone and brought them up. “I know they’re all cute, but this guy here, he’s going to be trouble.” He pointed at Simon.

  “That kid there is so damn smart,” Sinner said. Seeing some of the pictures reminded him of what he’d left behind. “You really don’t want to settle down? Have a family?”

  Lucius shook his head. “Nope. Not going to happen. I don’t want any brats, any bitches. The open road is all I want. I’ve got one life, and I intend to live it the way I want. By the time I get back to heaven or hell, my body is going to be well used.”

  Sinner laughed.

  Lucius was a hard ass through and through. He had nothing to live for, and nothing to lose, which made him dangerous.

  “What did surprise me was Dick. That man is not friendly, and yet he’s married and having a kid now I hear,” Lucius said.

  “He surprised the whole of the club. Martha’s a good woman. All of the old ladies are good women. They have their moments, but for all intents and purposes they’ve made us better. We’re better for having them in our lives.”

  “You can hear it.”

  Sinner stared down at the table. He ran his fingers down an old knife mark. It had been well worn so that it was no longer rough around the edges.

  “You’re looking a little sad there, Sinner. You ride with us, we have one demand, and that is you’ve got to be happy. You’re not happy and I’m going to have a few issues with that.”

  Sinner laughed. “Don’t worry about me. I won’t be fucking anything, but I know how to party.”

  “You’re pussy-whipped?”

  “I’m pussy-whipped, and we’re on a much-needed break,” Sinner said. Regardless of what others thought, he wasn’t going to be stepping out on his woman.

  “What happens on the road, stays on the road.”

  “Don’t care. If that’s what you need to get your rocks off, go elsewhere. I’m not interested.” He took another long draw on his smoke, before blowing it out.

  “Dude, I don’t need shit to get my rocks off. All I’m saying is if you need a little light relief, let me know. None of the boys would say anything. A break is a break.”

  He nodded.

  “Hey, Lucius, introduce me to your son,” one of the women with long green hair said, taking a seat by Lucius.

  “Sinner, this is Roxy. She’s one of the best fucks you can imagine.”

  Roxy rolled her eyes. “Hey, sunshine. I have wanderlust every summer and fall. I call Lucius here, meet up with him, and we have a good couple of months together before I go back home.”

  “I thought you were on the road all the time.”

  Roxy shook her head. “A girl can live on the road without the simple pleasures for a short time, but I like what I like.”

  “She misses my dick,” Lucius said.

  Sinner saw the two were just good friends. Relaxing back, Sinner simply basked in the enjoyment of having no worries, no stress, and just fun.

  They stayed at the little pit stop for two hours. During that time, he was introduced to some of his fellow buddies. They mocked his leather jacket and the stitching of his patch.

  Ignoring them, he took it all in good fun. By the time he was ready to get on the road, he was itching to have the machine beneath him.

  There was something about working his way around the roads that thrilled him to the core.

  Time passed, and he watched as a couple of the guys goofed around, overtaking each other on the roads. By nightfall, there was no motel in sight, so they set up a small camp off the main road. The women gathered up bits of wood while the men set about building a fire, and putting down some blankets that they kept.

  “It’s all about being prepared,” Luci
us said. “I reckon two hours riding tomorrow, we’ll find a diner. There’s always one around.”

  Sinner glanced past Lucius’s shoulder, and saw Roxy sitting on the ground. She had a bottle of water, and was downing some pills.

  “What’s the deal with Roxy?” Sinner asked.

  “I thought you didn’t want to fuck around?”

  “I don’t. She’s … different.”

  Lucius sighed and glanced over at Roxy, who was leaning against a large boulder. She looked tired. “She may be dying.”

  “What?” Sinner asked.

  “She has the shittiest kind of luck in the world. When she was a kid, she got cancer, and she beat it. Every year without fail she goes home, takes her tests, lives her little life. Her childhood was spent in sterile rooms, and being looked at, poked every which way they could to fight it. When she was free, she broke free.”

  “She’s got cancer again?” Sinner asked.

  “That may be the case. They found a lump in her breast. She is waiting to hear about the results, and while she waits, she is going to spend the time partying it up.”

  “You care about her?”

  “Of course, I do. She’s my best friend. The only friend I’ve really got. The real kind of friend.” He shook his head, and Sinner saw the emotion in the guy’s face. “There’s a reason I don’t settle down, Sinner. Once you settle down, you allow yourself to feel, and some of us, we’ve had enough agony to last me a lifetime.” Lucius looked back at Roxy. “She could be sick, and this could be her last year riding. I’m not going to force her to go home and rest. I’m going to give her what she wants.”

  “You don’t know if that’s what she is fighting?”

  Lucius shrugged. “Live in the moment, Sinner. You never know when it may be your last.”

  Later that night, Sinner sat a few feet away from the rest of the crew. He had a beer in one hand. One of the guys had actually thought to bring the alcohol. It didn’t matter to him. It was warm, but it was wet. Staring up at the stars, Sinner wondered if Lola had forgotten about him. He smiled, recalling how distracted she used to get.

  He was about to give up when his cell phone lit up with her name.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Sinner, I am so sorry. Lacey and her girls didn’t leave until late. I am so sorry.”

  “You don’t have to worry. Did you have a good day?”

  “Yeah, I did. Lacey wanted to dye my hair again, but I’ve said I’m going to let the color grow out, and you know, just be me once again.”

  He remembered her golden brown locks.

  “Sounds good to me. I met up with a few friends, and they’re partying.”

  “Did you find yourself a motel?”

  “Nope. It’s just me, you, and the stars.”

  “And your friends in the distance? Should I be worried about your safety?”

  “They’re allies, babe. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “I thought I may have to call someone to come and find you,” she said.

  “I can take care of myself. So, what are you wearing?” He heard some rustling.

  “Nothing now, and I’m in bed.”

  “You’re all alone.”

  “Of course. Lacey’s headed back home, and it’s just me alone in my apartment, and now I’m talking with you.”

  His cock thickened. Maybe it was in his head, but he was sure he heard a sultry moan from her.

  “Completely naked?” he asked. “No panties, no pajamas?” She used to love teasing him with all the different negligees she used to wear.

  “Completely naked. No clothes on at all, Oh, I lie, the blanket is over me.”

  He let out a groan. “Tell me if you want this to stop?” he asked.

  “Oh, why, Sinner? What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to touch your pussy for me.”

  His cock was pressing against his zipper. Putting his beer on the ground beside him, he down eased the zipper of his jeans and took his cock out. The tip was already coated in pre-cum.

  She gasped, and he groaned. Closing his eyes, he could see her as clear as if he was there, the way she would be spread out before him.

  “I’m wet for you, Sinner. So wet for you.”

  “Is your pussy nice and swollen for me, wanting my cock?”

  “Yes. I want you, Sinner.”

  “Put a finger inside you. Press it in deep.” The moment she did, the moan across the line got a little deeper. Her pussy was always so tight. She fit his cock like a vise, and right now, he wanted to do nothing more than sink inside her.

  Instead, he wrapped his fingers around his length, and started to work up and down the tip.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’ve got my cock in my hand. The tip is already wet for you.”

  “I love your cock. It’s always so big.”

  It had taken him months to get her to say the word “cock”. Hearing it from her voice right now was a victory.

  This time apart is working.

  She’s finding herself.

  From the moment he had met Lola, after everything the Master had done to her, she’d been withdrawn, and she had always just done what was asked of her. She never did what she wanted. It was one of the reasons he’d found it hard not to let her go when she wanted to. This was something she wanted to do. The apartment, her job, her friends, this was all something she had been able to do without asking him. For that, he was so damn happy.

  Joy filled him.

  “If you were here right now with me, what would you do?” he asked. “My big cock is waiting for you.”

  “I’d sink to my knees, Sinner. I’d want to taste your cock. Is it as nice as I remember?”

  “Nothing has changed about me, baby. Believe me. I’d give you my cock, let it hit the back of that pretty throat.”

  She whimpered.

  “You’d love that, wouldn’t you, baby? You’d love to have my cock filling your mouth, and then have me bending you over the bed, and filling your sweet cunt.”

  “Oh, Sinner. I want you. I want your tongue, your fingers.”

  “Come for me, Lola. Scream my name.”

  “Sinner!” She yelled his name, and he groaned, calling out hers as he spilled his seed onto his naked stomach. He was pleased that he’d had the foresight to remove his shirt.

  They were both gasping for breath, and panting.

  “I love you, Sinner.”

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  He rested against the boulder, closing his eyes, as she enjoyed the post-bliss of his orgasm.

  “I can’t move,” she said, giggling.

  “Neither can I. I don’t want to move.”

  Silence fell between them, but for the first time it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was something else.

  “I want to do this with you, Sinner.”

  “Phone sex?”

  “I want us to talk, to share messages, and pictures. I want to see your life, and I want to share mine with you.”

  “Long-distance relationship?”

  “Lacey told me that she can see a difference in me. Can you? I don’t want to give up on us.”

  “I don’t want to give up on us either. My love for you has always been there, babe. I get it now. Being on the road, I get what you want, and what you need. I’m with you every step of the way.”

  “So, sharing stuff with each other? You’re open to that?”

  “Yeah, I am. More than you can know. So, I’ve got a little task for you,” he said.

  “I’m all ears.”

  He chuckled. “I want you to go into a sex shop, and purchase a dildo of your choice.”


  “I want you to do that by tomorrow.”

  “It’s Sunday tomorrow.”

  “Some places are open. I’d like to see how far we can do this.”

  “Sinner, you’re a wicked man,” she said.

  “Don’t you forget it either.”

  He heard her sigh.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby. I’m going to let you go. Do your research, and let me know when you find it.” He hung up the phone, grabbed his beer, and took a long swallow.

  “You really do love her, don’t you?” Roxy asked.

  He opened his eyes, and saw Roxy leaning on the boulder staring down at him. “You may want to clean that up as well. Dried cum is the worst.”

  He laughed, and cleaned away his orgasm with a shirt he was going to have to toss out. “I need to stop for clothes.”

  “I’ll let Lucius know.”

  “How long were you sitting there?” he asked.

  “I was leaning over the rock for the past couple of minutes. It sounded important, and I think the best thing is not come between a man and his orgasm.”

  He put his cock away and finished his beer. Roxy took a seat beside him.

  “This is not creepy at all,” he said.

  “Ha-ha.” Roxy handed him another beer. “The guys are good for something, and making sure they have beer is one of them.” She clinked her bottle to his. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Yeah, I love her. She’s my soul.”

  “That’s very romantic.”

  “Should you be drinking?” he asked. “I saw you taking some pills earlier.”

  “Don’t be a party pooper. There’s a lot of things I shouldn’t have done. I’m still doing them.” She rested her head back against the boulder. “I’m dying.”

  He paused, and looked at her.


  “Does that surprise you?” she asked.

  He stared down at his beer.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-five years old, and according to the doctors, I won’t see my next birthday.”

  He didn’t know what to say.

  “I’ve surprised you, haven’t I?”

  “Just a bit.”

  “God, I always wanted so much. I’ve not told Lucius, not yet. He doesn’t need to know.”


  “Don’t say anything to him yet. I can’t bring myself to tell him. Cancer is a son of a bitch, isn’t it?”

  He saw there were tears in her eyes.

  “I wanted so much. Kids, a family, a life. Some of us really do get the shitty stuff in life, don’t we?”


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