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Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9)

Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  “You better get used to it. They are going to make us grandparents before you know it.” She pressed her lips against his, silencing any other protest from him.

  Devil was going to make sure that the moment Simon was even close to thinking about sex, he was going to be having that birds and bees talk.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You don’t have to pretend to be someone else,” Lola said. “I’m happy with you going in your jacket.”

  “I’ve nearly done,” Natalie said.

  Sinner glanced over to see Natalie finishing with his patch. She had removed the Nomad Chapter, and was now finishing with the Piston County patch that Devil had everyone include on their jacket.

  “I don’t want to embarrass you,” he said. “This is a big deal.”

  “We’re going to see my parents, who already know that you’re part of a biker club. It’s not a conspiracy,” she said.

  Devil was at the stove, frying up some eggs and bacon while the kids were in front of the television. “Will you two be back for dinner?” he asked.

  “Nope,” Lola said. “I’ve done you guys some chicken salsa. It’s in the fridge, and I’ve given you instructions on how to heat it up. You’ll be fine.”

  “What about the kids?”

  “It’s not spicy, and there is a jar of hot sauce if you need to add a little more kick to it.” Lola finished washing the dishes.

  “Are you staying for dinner?” Devil asked, looking at Natalie.

  “Nope. I’m just here to let Lexie look over some sketches, and I’m also doing this for him.” She pointed at Sinner.

  “You cannot sew?” Devil asked.

  “I can.”

  Natalie snorted.

  “Not very well.”

  “Butler’s arranged for your apartment to be cleaned.” Devil handed him back the keys. “When you’re ready to move in, you can.”

  “What about a nanny?” Lola asked. “We were helping you out.”

  “I’m the new nanny,” Natalie said. “I’m going to be taking your old room. I hope that is okay.”

  “You’re kicking us out?” Sinner asked.

  “I’m politely asking you to leave, and I appreciate all the help. I know Natalie won’t have any funny business going on inside her room, and with Simon, let’s just say I want less influence.”

  “Seriously? You and Lexie were constantly at it.”

  “And this is my house. I know what I want, and the two of you are going to see that I get it.” Devil gave them a wink. “Enjoy your stay with your parents.” He left to deliver Lexie her breakfast.

  “How come you didn’t tell me?” Lola asked, looking at Natalie.

  “I thought you would be thrilled. You don’t have to keep your voice down, and you were saying the other day in the shop how hard it is to not scream and beg for more.”

  Lola’s face went beet red. Sinner chuckled, and Natalie just kept on working.

  “What’s going on with you, Butler, and Slash?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I don’t know why people are so afraid of bikers. You’re all just a bunch of gossipers. It’s not funny at all. You’re always into everyone’s business.”

  “I’m sure you’re charmed by us really,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Totally. There you go, all done.” She held his jacket out to him. “Next time, don’t try and do this yourself. You can ruin the leather if you’re not careful.”

  He took the jacket from her, thanking her.

  Lola grabbed her bag, and together they made their way outside. He went to her shitty ass car, and Lola stood by his bike. She wore a pair of jeans and shirt. To him, she looked sexy as he got to see the full roundness of her juicy ass.

  “We’re not going in your car?” he asked.

  “Nope. I thought we could ride to my parents’ place. It could be fun.” It would explain why her bag was in fact a backpack, which she put on her shoulders, tightening it up.

  She held out his keys for him to take. “Take me for a ride, bad boy.”

  He laughed. Straddling his bike, he waited for her to climb on after him, and then gave her the helmet.

  “No. Come on.”

  “You didn’t want to come on my bike before. I’m a big believer in safety first.”

  “You’re a pain in the ass,” she said, taking the helmet from him, and putting it right on her head. “I hate this.”

  “Safety first.”

  When she had her arms wrapped around him, he pulled away from Devil’s home, and onto the main road. She held him tightly as he maneuvered the roads, and he was so full of fucking pride. Finally, Lola was on the back of his bike, and he was so happy. Nothing would take away from this moment.

  He was nervous about meeting her parents, but he would do anything for his woman.

  The ride took a couple of hours, and even though it was cold, Lola didn’t complain. By the time they pulled up outside of her childhood home, Sinner felt the girl that had been taken by Andrew. Lola had a loving family, and had the parents that loved her, life that meant nothing bad was ever going to happen, and yet, it had. She hadn’t been able to get away from what happened to her.

  Lola climbed off the bike and passed him the helmet. She shook her hair out, groaning. “That thing is like death.” She pressed her hands to her face, and squished. “I feel like my face looks like that.” She moved her lips, looking like a fish, and he laughed.

  “You are a real goofball.”

  He climbed off the bike, and Lola took his hand. They turned toward her house just as the front door opened up.

  A woman that was in her late fifties stood in the doorway. She looked a little like Lola, and behind her was a big man.

  “This is it,” Lola said.

  She held onto his hand, and together they entered her home. He saw her father assessing him, glaring, and looking like he wanted to kill him. Sinner was used to being thought of as the enemy, so he did his best to smile, and do his part.

  They were invited in, and Sinner stood back as they embraced her.

  “Mom, Dad, I would like you to meet Sinner. He’s my fiancé.”

  “I don’t see a ring on your finger,” her dad said.

  “I know. We haven’t gotten around to getting a ring yet. I don’t mind.”

  Sinner shook her dad’s hand. The old man squeezed, and Sinner didn’t blink an eye, squeezing right back.

  “Why don’t you boys go and talk, and I’ll take Lola to help me get drinks ready?”

  “Sounds fantastic.”

  They entered a sitting room, and Sinner saw there were lots of pictures of Lola growing up. In the corner by the television, he saw one of her next to a computer that had a ribbon wrapped around it.

  “So, are you responsible for keeping Lola away from us?” her dad asked.

  Sinner smirked. “No. We both know that was Lola’s decision, not mine.”

  “You could have encouraged her to come back home.”

  Sinner sat down in the chair opposite her father. “You want to blame me for shit I had no control of, fine. I really don’t care. You don’t like me, again I could care less. I’m here because Lola asked me to be here, no other reason. You got me. I love your daughter, and if you think for a second that you’re going to push me away because you don’t think I’m good enough, you’re wrong.” Sinner wasn’t about to be pushed around.

  “I want my little girl.”

  “And she’s right here. If you must know, you and your wife pushed her away. She couldn’t deal with how you treated her. After everything that happened, she found it impossible to handle you. You always looked at her like a victim, like you had to be scared in case she went off the rails.”

  “You think you did any better?” he asked.

  Sinner shook his head. “Nope. I messed this up as well. We took a break recently. Both of us had some time away. Lola wanted it, I didn’t, but I did it for her. She needed it, and everything that has happened has been because of Lola. Sh
e’s a strong woman, your daughter. She won’t break. You’ve got to give her a chance here.” He would not have her upset.

  “Do you really love my daughter?”

  “More than anything in the world. I would do anything for her, and I have. Do you think it easy for me to let her go? It wasn’t. Every single fucking day it was a fight to not go after her. Letting her go, it was the hardest thing I have ever done, and believe me when I say I have done a lot in my time. Never once have I felt tested the way I did with Lola. I love her more than anything. There is not a man out there who would replace me. I would die for her.” Walking away when he went to see her, going back with the Nomad Chapter, he had done it so that he didn’t go get Lola, and force her back. The temptation had always been there, but he had known deep down into his soul that she had to be away from him. She had to grow, and by letting her go, they had both found their way back together.

  “Are you both still alive in there?” Lola asked.

  “We’re fine, honey. You can come in.”

  Sinner smiled as she entered the room, carrying a tray of drinks. She looked so damn nervous, and he was determined not to spoil this for her. She handed out the drinks, and took a seat on the arm of the chair beside him. When she reached for his hand, he took it, locking their fingers together.

  “Are you two pregnant?” her father asked.


  “Not yet, sir, but one day, I’m hoping we have some good news like that.”


  Later that night, back home at Lexie and Devil’s house, Lola put the last of the boxes on the floor. They only had a few items in the spare bedroom. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear, and glanced around the small room.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Sinner asked, entering the room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. He sat down on the bed, staring at her.

  “I don’t know. I think we’re starting a new chapter of our life together, you know? It’s kind of scary.”

  “You’re afraid?”

  “No. I’m excited. I don’t know what the future holds, but it’s something to look forward to.” She took his hand. “I heard what you said to my dad.”

  “I meant every word.”

  “Did you really want to come and get me?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I did. Every single day I wanted to come to you and drag you back home.”

  “What stopped you?” She stared into his eyes, knowing that if he had come for her, she would have gone willingly. Would she have been where she was now? Probably not. She would have still been trapped in the same nightmare that she wouldn’t have been able to escape from.

  “I realized that if I came and got you, and forced you back, that’s not how I wanted us to be, Lola. I wanted us to be together like Lexie and Devil, Ripper and Judi, even Dick and Martha. I wanted us to be together because it was what we both wanted more than anything. I loved you enough to let you go.” He pressed a kiss to her head, and she smiled.

  “You have always been so good to me. Too good.” She squeezed his hand, not wanting to let him go.

  “We both did what we needed to do.”

  She thought about his Nomad Chapter patch, which then made her think of Lucius. “Have you heard from Lucius?”

  Sinner shook his head. “Rock has tailed him. If he gets into trouble, the club has eyes on him, but right now, he’s working off his pain.”

  “He works off his pain?” she asked.

  “He always has. Aggression, anger, it was what Lucius has always been known for. Makes no sense as to what Roxy saw in him.”

  “What did you think happened that last night?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Roxy was fading fast, and the medicine wasn’t doing anything to help the pain.”

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” She could tell when there was more he wanted to say. Sinner pulled her into his lap.

  “Roxy and Lucius had a strange friendship. They both cared about each other, and loved each other, in their own ways.”

  “We both know this.”

  “Yes. I think Lucius took Roxy’s pain away, which was why he was so angry. He was angry at himself for giving in.”

  “He killed her?”

  He shook his head. “No. He took her pain away. Think about it, babe. She was hurting.”

  Tears filled Lola’s eyes. She felt such utter sadness for Roxy and for Lucius.

  “He needs to do what he needs to do. He’s a stronger man than I am.”


  “I couldn’t live without you, babe. Wouldn’t want to.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and he moved her to the bed so that she was flat on her back.

  She gasped as he pressed a kiss to her breast. The shirt she wore did nothing to cover the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra. Through the fabric of her shirt, he sucked on her nipple, making her moan and arch up against him.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  Suddenly, he pulled away, and she watched, a little annoyed that he had stopped, when he reached for something. Seconds later, she saw what it was. A gold band. “I did go out and buy you a ring. I didn’t know when the best time would be to give it to you.”

  “And right now when you’re about to fuck me, you thought was the best time?”

  “I really do love your sexy mouth.” He took her bottom lip, biting it. Pulling up, he held her hand, and slid the band onto her finger. It fit perfectly.

  “We’re going to have to start making preparations now,” she said. “Do you think we should wait until after Lexie gives birth? She loves helping with these sorts of things.”

  “I think it’s the least we could do.”

  He bent down, and claimed her lips. Grabbing her hands, he pressed them to the bed. His cock was rock hard, pressing against her stomach.

  Lola opened up to him, and he took, making love to her in every way that he could, and she knew it was going to be a future to remember. This man was indeed her soul mate, the love of her life.


  Butler drank his sweet fruit drink and tried to ignore the man across the room, playing pool. He hadn’t spoken to Slash in weeks, ever since Natalie had pretty much told them no.

  “You’re going to have to talk to him,” Martha said, taking a seat beside him. Dick was beside his woman, giving him the stink eye, and letting him know if he said some nasty shit to her, they would be outside fighting it out.

  “I’m not talking to him.”

  “You’re being a baby,” Martha said.

  “I don’t blame Natalie for turning them both down. They’re being pricks,” Dick said.

  “Fuck you,” Butler said.

  “Then go and talk to Slash, and stop being a fucking girl.”

  Martha slapped Dick’s chest. “Remember, we’re not judging.”

  “I’m not judging them. I’m just stating a fact. They’re being pussies over this woman. No wonder she decided to be Devil’s nanny. She knows you two won’t be following her around.”

  Butler glared at Dick, and grabbed his drink, and made his way toward the pool table.

  “You okay?” he asked, looking at Slash.

  “I am fine, man. You know me. Fine.”

  “You look pissed,” Butler said.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” Slash stopped playing, throwing the pool stick onto the table.

  “To be honest, talking to you was easier than having to be near Dick. He may have a woman, but it takes too much of my fucking energy to be with him.”

  Slash looked over his shoulder.

  “I don’t want us to fight,” Butler said. “We’re club brothers. We need to have each other’s back. It’s how it works.”

  “I’m not giving up,” Slash said. “I want Natalie, and she’s going to be mine. I don’t give a shit how hard I’ve got to work. She’s mine.”

  Butler nodded. “I figured as much. Just so you know, I’m not backing down either. Natalie, she’s a beautiful woman, but
I’m not going to guilt her. We both fight for her, equally.” He held his hand out waiting for Slash to shake on it.

  Slash didn’t shake on it. “I don’t shake with a man that I’m about to do battle with.”

  He smirked.

  No matter what, they would be club brothers.

  “Okay, place your bets now. Who will win between Slash and Butler? Who will Natalie pick?” Dick said, shouting up, and placing bets. He really was a dick.


  One year later

  The Skulls came to Piston County for Christmas, and it was a proper full house affair. Simon got to give Tabitha the journal he had handpicked for her, and Chaos Bleeds were able to spend some time without the threat of violence hanging over their heads.

  Sinner and Lola stayed true to their word. They waited to get married until Lexie had given birth to little Amelia. Martha also gave birth to a healthy son, Noah. Once Lexie was back to full health, Lola really got to know what it was like to be organized. Lexie brought order to Chaos, and she was in the perfect position of being Devil’s old lady.

  There was the wedding dress that Natalie drew, and then of course there were caterers, and she asked Angel to cook for them. Of course, Lola got married in a church, and everything just sort of flew by.

  Staring out across the ocean, Lola took in the setting sun, and the freshness of the ocean.

  Sinner stepped up behind her, wrapping his arms around her slightly swollen stomach.

  “What are you thinking, wife?”

  She giggled. “I’m thinking that I have never been happier.” They were on their honeymoon. Alex from The Skulls owned an island. She didn’t even want to think about who he had to kill to get his own island, but she was staring at it. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “Nothing will ever be as beautiful as you.”

  “You know how to say all the right things.”

  He pressed a kiss to her neck. “I can’t help it. When I’m with you, everything feels so natural.”

  She closed her eyes and basked in his love.

  They had gone through so much together. Their relationship hadn’t been an easy thing. Each obstacle they had fought together and apart had led them to this moment. She was pregnant, expecting their first child. She loved him more than anything in the world. Now, she felt like she could give him everything he deserved.


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